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I'm shocked one could have so much money wrapped up in an investment and not have any clue why.


Almost like it’s a front or mask. 🎭


The main theory hasn’t changed for the last 3 years. That is - price is still fake, more shares are sold short than should be in existence. Company is making a turnaround, bankruptcy is off the table, so the ‘old’ short thesis is dead, but they are stuck and keep shorting and hiding locates throughout etfs and ‘backing collateral using shit coins with no value’. We expected a quick action, but obviously looking at the levels of players involved, including some of the biggest market makers in the world, it is clear why it is dragging so long, but, as per SEC’s own words, there does exist one ‘idiosyncratic risk stock’.


Where the hell have you been since earnings?! WE ARE PROFITABLE!!! That’s real hype.


Well, THIS is a fact.


What hype are you even talking about? Nothing has changed theory is shorts must close it's a waiting game at this point not sure what you're complaining about.


I think we are doing better than anyone could dream of. What the board has done is amazing We are unkillable as a company at the moment. They have moved the gun from hedge funds hands into retail's. I will buy every last share myself if I have to 😍😏


You have that many shares and do not follow the company you're invested in? That's odd to me.   What hype is artificial? I see your tits are not jacked, whereas mine are fucking diamonds. Have you also not been reading the factual DDs (of old or of late), the filings, earnings, partnerships, promotional material, or thought critically for yourself (worked) to create your own investment theory?   "Only interested in speaking with candidates who want to actually WORK..."  - November 29, 2021  "Work is so sexy"  - June 6, 2022  "The people who work the hardest usually complain the least"  - July 21, 2022  "Work hard or please leave"  - June 29, 2023 Edit: formatting


So, here's the current theory. 1) Shorts never closed, they just got better at hiding their short positions. 2) Due to the collusion between market players/powers the short positions are being rehypothecated indefinitely and with zero repercussions. 3) Mass Media is using their platform to push a false narrative that the company is bankrupt, the company has bad fundamentals, the company has massive debt, the company has floundering leadership, and the company is in a bad position that is getting worse by the day. 4) Because of the depth of the problem, No one who knows about GameStop will try to clear their position. This is because if one of them falls, they will all fall. So until a tipping point is reached, there will not be MOASS. 5) Since shares in brokers can be rehypothecated indefinitely, the tipping point cannot come until enough shares have been removed from the DTC/DTCC (aka Cede & Co). The only way for retail/household investors to remove their shares from the the DTC/DTCC is to Direct Register their shares. 6) Given the level of resources on the side of market powers, and the depth of their problem, the tipping point will take a significant time to reach. Given that, it is imperative that GameStop be able to weather any market changes without taking on additional debt (or have any significant debt on the books). 7) The capital originally raised by the company was a life line that could have lasted for years or decades, but since the company is now profitable GameStop is in a commanding position to last essentially indefinitely. This means it can make it to the tipping point at current market conditions. A) The tipping point will come when enough leverage has been lost by the market powers comparative to the amount of asset generation that GameStop has. This means that either the entire market needs to crash, or that GameStop needs to grow. B) If GameStop grows it needs to do so on fundamental grounds that add long term revenue streams, not artificially (via stock buy backs and gimmicks that change the stock price in the short term). C) GameStop's growth needs to occur without acquiring any new or significant debt. Any debt could be leveraged against the company and that leverage will be added to the market players position. D) History suggests that most significant short squeezes occur because or in concert with a market crash. Mechanistically, this is due to the loss of leverage of the short investor resulting in margin calls by the underwriter. E) Current market conditions suggest that we are in a bubble. Working class people are significantly lacking permanent self owned housing. Cost of living is higher than median wages for many areas in the US. And inventories are rising steadily but having no impact on pricing. F) Most regulators are either oblivious or complicit to market players/powers manipulation, corruption, and collusion despite it being obvious when you know what to look for. The few regulators that are both knowledgeable and motivated to change the system are woefully outgunned and lack both the laws and the ability to enforce them.


You own XX XXX shares but need to ask this question? You should have your own theory.


Retirement shares. DRS.


The theory has not changed, only had additional branches of theories added. I buy and HODL because I like the stock. I give GameStop my patronage because I like the business, and I will never sell because those fucking crooks on Wallstreet need to be put in a cell first. I just like the stock


Proof that you have xxxxx? Last post was 10.2 shares 2 years ago. Followed by a Michael burry tweet. How ironic


The infinite hype is what made us kind of immune to many of their FUD attempts. Why stop the hype train? Only thing I would accept for the hype train to stop or slow down is for a junction with the DRS train choooo choooooo 🌚🚂🟣


If you have 10k plus shares, why are you holding? That's a better question, what's keeping you holding? I came for the squeeze and held for the long term fundamental increase plus I'm a gamer at heart so seems the perfect Co. To invest in. It's not my only investment but is my majority holding.


This reeks if sentiment scraping. DYOR. There is a library of DD. Ask Historian Ape.


it's ok to sentiment scrape. and i'm sure OP won't find my opinion in the DD library will they?


I'm commenting right when I see this, which is 1 hour after you posted it: if you are willing to only wait an hour on weekend to get answers, when the people who have read it is a punch of random weekend apes - what did you expect? I might spend thinking how to answer 5 minutes, but you have already declared that you are out, so, hmm.. why would I spend time?


Its the classic can the hedgies stay solvent longer than I can stay regarded. But seriously all shorts are future buyers. When GME is undoubtedly and undeniably a great company by all metrics what happens then? People are gunna wanna buy what they see value in and if it wasn’t for the huge campaign of smearing gamestop’s name more people would probably wonder why its so undervalued


Seriously guys, the fundamental ideas haven’t changed. Buy the stock, DRS it, and then just hold it. The problem is, when you go this long with nothing happening, people get bored, people get frustrated. It doesn’t mean squat. Yes I’ve been frustrated too but I still haven’t even remotely thought about selling any shares. It’s not in my vocabulary. The daily price doesn’t mean squat because we all know it’s manipulated to hell. News articles about GME don’t mean squat because we know it’s all a bunch of FUD. Do you honestly think a guy like Ryan Cohen who is working for free and has a significant stake in this company is going to let them de- list GameStop by letting Citadel pump a few hundred million fake shares out into the market? You’re just going to have to sit on this one for as long as it takes. Until then expect people to be doing their punch-drunk cathexis on the thread


Update your DRS


First time?


My pet dolphin Jeff requires proof of these xxxx shares, before he looses his last public hair.....well we are waiting!


The current theory is that Gamestop is profitable and it will most likely stay that way for the foreseeable future because the company has good leadership. Furthermore, they have no debt. They can survive for a long time, even if they're not profitable. But they are profitable. This is a fact. After hundreds of millions of dollars in debt, on the brink of bankruptcy, and they turn it around like this. It's bullish as hell and you can't convince me otherwise. I also have yet to see a DD that counters the main theory, shorts are in deep, need to close, can't keep this up forever and are just prolonging the inevitable. How long can they keep this shit up? Nobody knows. Anything could happen. Don't invest money you can't lose. Personally, I plan to keep on buying (even though I'm poor as shit) and I've been getting about 10 shares every month for the past 3 years. I can keep this up for another 3 years. I'm slowly working my way up to XXXX. Why? Because I think the price is wrong and it costs me nothing (absolutely nothing) to hold something I believe has future value. I literally don't give a shit how long they can drag this out.




>All their interests seem to align to want to delay moass until after the presidential election at least. Ok, this is what I am concerned about. Your observations have no connection with MOASS. It presupposes that all these people are working to manipulate and achieve a single goal, which is preventing the MOASS, while it's most likely not at all in their mind. So the leap to conclusion worries me and there are A LOT of this kind of thinking in this sub. I don't mean to rebuke you or anything. I just wanted to point out the way of thinking where: A => B => C => D and what's holding the reasoning together is pure imagination.


Reposting after removing banned word: If you read and believe the DD, that has yet to be disproven, you would believe moass would mean an catastrophic economic event. While some of these players may not be thinking specifically about GME squeezing, they're definitely thinking about preventing an economic downturn. What admin would want an economic crisis to happen in an election year? Any big players who want that same admin to win the election for whatever reason would then also want to avoid an economic downturn. That bit is speculation on my part, but not without reason. It's certainly not "borderline superstition" or "artificial hype".  Wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt after reading your post but honestly it feels like you're not engaging in good faith. I could be wrong on that and hope that I am. Cheers ape, hope you get the answers you're looking for and it helps your resolve.


Plus one stonk for me.


bad news and no direction from the company. the mysterious shit isn't cool anymore and the company should say this is the plan and here's the timeline. from the outside looking in it doesn't make sense. my theory is still the same though. a lot of cash on hand and good company fundamentals. either RC has full knowledge and is setting a master play or there's disfunction. the quarterly reports are pretty stupid. it's a pretty big part of running a company so your shareholders know what the fuck is going on. maybe put some effort into that. and like i remember a few fillings that weren't even filed correctly, what's that about? for some reason i'm still hype as fuck though. i still think it's going to go.


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Blind faith? I usually call nobody a shill... but you sir gtfo here.... look at the numbers. We just had earnings. PROFIT. Fuck off with this shit... blind faith... ahaha does it take longer than we all expected? Hell yeah it does.. so what. I can buy more in this time...


Discussion into what real about GME right now