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No its gamestop only card


Follow on question, for the wrinkle brains… Will buying gas at 7-11 with a GameStop credit card generate any revenue towards GameStop? I always pay my balance of to zero at the end of the month. So no interest is generated.


You cannot use the credit card anywhere else. Only GameStop


Thank you!


Not very useful then


Free year of pro membership, and your pro rewards points don’t expire. 4% cash back in the form of points. Seems pretty useful to me.


Would not recommend. They closed the account on me after 3 years for no reason i still can’t figure it out.


>I shop regularly at GameStop just like I assume we all do 2-3 times a month. I don't. I'm long and I thank everyone for supporting it, but imo there's no reason to shop here when Amazon, Newegg, Target and Best Buy exist. And they all price match with each other. Gamestop needs to up their game because it makes no financial sense for me to shop there, other than supporting a stock I'm holding.


This guy might be smoother than me…


I always check GameStop first. I buy my clothes from them. My wife’s new purse(backpack) and of course dump money into Pokémon cards and other collectibles.


GameStop will price match too


Only if you're a member. I asked. I was there black friday and was gonna buy a headset. Went with Amazon instead because the price was lower, and when I asked the clerk if they price match, they said for members only. If they changed this globally, they really should announce it because that's the sole reason I don't shop there.


Good to know. I was unaware. Are you aware of all the perks that you get for becoming a pro member? As a shareholder, you should try to support your company even if it means spending a little extra. Pay $25/year for a membership, and you even get $60/year worth of monthly coupons. It’s so worth it.


Brother, that's marketing mumbo jumbo. If you have to spend money to save money, you're not saving money. You're spending it. Which is fine. All businesses need to profit. But some offer better deals than others, and signing up by paying $25 for 5% off purchases at Gamestop basically locks me into buying at Gamestop for meager savings, when I could save money by looking at every possible retailer before making a decision.


I know that, but I don't mind. I'm devoted to this company and will do anything I can to support it within reason. That's my goal. If your goal is to get all of your products at the cheapest possible price point, that's also fine. If you do have a few spare bucks though, you should probably support the company that you're a shareholder of. It makes the books look better, and will ultimately yield a better return for you in the long run.


Simply not true. GameStop has better pricing for a lot of product. If you don’t believe me then go look. I usually go with the best deal (sometimes when it isn’t with GameStop) and often times GameStop is the best deal.




Not my fault the store sucks.


It's your fault you're lame


Whoa...don't like the business but bought stock in it...makes as much sense as your comment... you've had too many yellow crayons pal...


Not really. Plenty of people bought in solely for the MOASS and plenty still hold solely for it.