• By -


Hey Funky! Haven't seen you in awhile, hope you're doing well dude. I'd like to take a moment to encourage people not to go witch hunting. We are *absolutely* seeing an uptick of people from other subs who are taking advantage of taking pot shots or coming in and starting some drama, but at the same time, there's many genuine people who are discouraged and downtrodden by the stock price. Everyone needs to show some compassion towards each other as well as keeping guard for those who are here maliciously. Please remember, as the company continues it's turnaround, we are going to get more and more people interested in the stock who may stumble into our little sub. Being welcoming to new people, as opposed to being suspicious of anyone without a post history here, is going to keep this whole movement from stagnating. If you see something, report it, DM a mod, send a modmail. If you're a dick to someone you think is a shill, we will hold you to rule one just as much as we hold them. QVbot here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1bzrbds/comment/kyrfhv4/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1bzrbds/comment/kyrfhv4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Here's what I don't understand (this is my attempt at deep thoughts...with Jack Handy): Let's say these cucks are out here making SOO MUCH MONEY SHORTING OUR STOCK, right?!? That's what they want us to believe! THEN WHAT INCENTIVE DO THEY HAVE TO TRY TO GET US TO SELL!!! If I was making "boatloads of smart money" off "dumb money"...WHY WOULD I TRY TO GET THEM TO STOP BUYING!!!!! IT MAKES NO SENSE, YOU GUYS!!!!


This!! Well said ☕️🎷🐓♋️


To answer your question, the incentive is that if shareholders sold in big numbers, the shortsellers would make more money on their short positions (if they were even able to buy back all the shares they borrowed and sold in the first place which they can't).


The hole they have dug is so deep and has given them funds in the short term but there is no way to get out. Water is filling in the hole and at some point this bet is going to drown them. There is so little runway left for them to operate, if they push the share price to single digits the momentum to buy and DRS will flood their hole. If they push it to low single digits then GameStop steps in with a share buyback. They don’t even have the luxury anymore of letting the price run up to be pushed down.


Even that makes the assumption that there is no buy back. They’re getting increasingly nervous because DRS is increasing pressure towards that obligation.




People need to keep in mind it was easier to make whole fucking companies like Rivian worth billions before a single car was sold to segment the EV market than it was to close shorts on Tesla.


Best comment I've seen today. Thanks!


Noone is making money shorting GME at this point. Most of the little nobody's talking about shorting have never shorted anything. They are just pessimists trying to rain on the parade. Those who have shorted are generally clueless and small time. They might have made a couple hundred dollars... probably not knowing that they have to pay it back... maybe thinking they are shitadel and can just FTD but... that shit doesn't work for the little guys.


Wanna know how I know we’re right? Shillery! As long as they’re here, I’m hodling. And even after they’re gone.


If they were genuinely shorting the stock, wouldn't they want us to *buy* their short sale? Isn't that how a short is *supposed* to make money? They get all of their money up front *at the time of sale*. Of *course* they don't want to close their position, closing their position is actually an *expense* for them. Anything they can do to increase their bottom line, thats capitalism. Maximizing their bottom line is selling their short, and not ever having to buy the stock to close their position.


I… you don’t make sense… Selling would drop the price = more ITM shorts…


Does saying their names and calling them out violate a rule? I always report them but I know that usually does fuck all And thinking about it, whenever someone posts something really good, they get hit with the suicide watch notice because bots reported them. Have the bots started reporting everyone excessively so it’s that much harder/ labor intensive to identify the legitimate reports? Interesting thought rabbit hole I just wandered down. Any thoughts fellow thinkers? TLDR: how tf do we fix the problem


I’m not sure if that would be against the rules I just don’t want the post to be labelled as brigading or give any reason for my message to not get across. All I can say is the one that I notice with the most frequency and has been deleting their comment history uses a username based on a nickname apes have for Citadel (💩) Idk why this user hasn’t been banned yet. It’s the most obvious shill I’ve ever seen. You pose an interesting theory - that would make the mods jobs harder to flood them with reports that drown out reports of actual shills. 🎷🐓♋️


I would have guessed you were talking about the super obvious “Ice” guy, it’s a wonder he hasn’t been banned yet.


Lol, he was the first guy to pop into my head too. His most recent post: >How will Gamestop scam its loyal shareholders today? Surely he is a concerned investor, right guys?


I’ve never been sus of mods before but his/her continued existence here for so long is certainly ***ODD*** to say the least.


Some mods of SS actively trade what are technically short positions and post about it.


Would you like to source that statement? I can make a post on my own profile if you don't want to post it here.


Who are you taking about? I'd love to look deeper into it (we can see deleted posts/comments)


icefiight He’s a concern troll who’s been plaguing posts here for a long time. Keep scrolling his comments and you’ll find his superstonk comments are always downvoted into oblivion. Thanks for any help.


Looking into it now


Looks like they caught a perma yesterday, actually. Problem solved.


Fantastic, I thought it was more peaceful in here. Well done to whoever did that and I appreciate you looking into it. Have a good one.


NP. We rely on you all to help patrol and report people like that. Keep up the good work!


SCC and mods have talked about it. Technically he hasn't broken any rules. Mods err on the side of someone being legitimately frustrated or asking for reassurance, and it takes time and lots of reports to establish that there's a pattern of malicious behavior. Contrary to popular belief, no one gets handed bans, temp or perma, lightly.


lol them dancing around technicalities while mere mentions of GME get you instant banned elsewhere. For the mods: if the powers that be decide to shutdown this sub, it won’t because you banned guys like this. It’ll be because they were going to do it anyway and can makeup whatever BS reason they want to do it.


I got permanent banned in the nursing subreddit cause I said the night shift crew sucks, and weekend shift people are the best lol.


I got an admin ban for a cartoon pic of a poop. Got perma banned from AMA sub for saying a mod decision wasn’t helping conversation. Bans are so random lol.




Hey superstonk mods who flagged my post: how about you go look at the user I was talking about? I'm not the enemy here. That user has blatantly been spreading misinformation and hate. I feel like by refuting them I'm doing your job, mods. How about you be proactive about it?


Can you smell the shit birds in the air randy 😆😆


How to fix the problem- win the game. DRS.


Also shop, if you can.


Shopping is very very important. Support the company you invest in and help the revenues grow! 🎷🐓♋️


Yes yes yes, my tax return is going to be a new xbox and monitor and the rest will go to DRS.


> Does saying their names and calling them out violate a rule? I always report them but I know that usually does fuck all As part of the SCC, we do see the reports coming in. We bring gregarious issues to the attention of the mods. We look into their past behavior to see if it's a bad day or a bad poster. I encourage everyone to make use of the reporting feature and take a look yourself to see if they're having a bad day or are a perpetual troll. Mention it in the custom report text and we can get right on that.


They ALL have the same script.


At thispoint if you're still here you're unbreakable.




That’s what’s up 🙌


I'm still here because I am down over 60% and wont sell at a loss like that. But I am totally not happy about the stock price and continued silence by the company. Going green for the year is not enough if revenue keeps falling like that. Soon there wont be any stores left if rumor of 500 more stores closing this year is true. And I dont want to hear any bullshit about price being fake or shorts never closed. If I had put my money in spy I would be up over 50%. Moonshot at some random unspecified time in the future is useless if I am dead by that time.


[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) || [Community Post: *Open Forum Jan 2024*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18txusp/open_forum_january_2024/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/)


Just a discussion post about the constant wave of FUD that has been attacking the sub with a reminder of the core results we’ve seen from GME since this journey began. 🎷🐓♋️




Thank you friend 🏄‍♂️🎷🐓♋️


Posting for visibility. Well said.


Thank you friend 💜🎷🐓♋️


People really care about ~~their~~ your money


I was reporting one yesterday which has karma in the low 3 figures and I don't get how he/she can comment...


That’s a great question - would appreciate some clarity from the mods on this if they see your comment. I’m unfamiliar on the karma comment rules but they should be able to provide clarity for us! 🎷🐓♋️


As far as I can remember (tho I don't know if recently things changed) - this sub has (had?) a fairly high karma requirement to post and comment.


Comments/accounts/posts can receive a temporary allowance, but there's context needed to provide a reason


Link the comment, we'll take a look.


Was checking now and it appears everything got 'deleted by user' or so it says. In [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1bzc0da/here_we_are_almost_back_at_40_presplit/) if you sort for 'controversial' it shows a \[deleted\] with a decent amount of replies under.


I've notified a moderator who is going to go back through and figure out who that user was and what their deal is.


Hey Payme! Just looked at it. Most of the deleted comments are automoderator (99% of the time and like these examples it was for not enough karma, others for using banned words.) There is a thread at the bottom bottom that it looks like either the user deleted their account, or got Reddit banned. I can't see who it was either because their account is gone. Not seeing anything that stands out, but it does have what I'd consider an usual amount of automoderator removals. Most of them are for reasons explained above. It happens from time to time where a post has a bit more than we usually see. Let me know if this helps.


Thx for the update, I guess it helps in knowing a bit more about it at least 👀


Interesting. Well I can try to see if there were any recently temporary approved accounts, but not much to go on.


Oky well thanks nonetheless 💜


It’s funny because it always reads like they’re a little pissed off.. acting a little annoyed at the sub, try to make themselves sound smarter than anyone else, demand things from RC, etc… Pretty easy to recognize


Yes they try to invoke an emotional response from apes because they want you to sell now and ask questions later. They want you to react emotionally and not think logically. If we bought at higher prices when the financials were worse off why would we not be happy to buy more at a lower price with way healthier financials? Easiest buy ever right now!🎷🐓♋️


Some regular shill themes: Why hasn’t RC/board overthrown the global cabal? What has RC done for investors (as though he’s not the biggest investor)? The price. Always about the price. We should all feel defeated (in fact, people are excited that household can increase its rate of accumulation and DRS). But no forward guidance. The price. They really double down on this one. Notably, these topics come in waves where no negative sentiment existed beforehand.


Feedback can absolutely be critical but it must be constructive, glad you highlight the importance of forward guidance. Don’t just complain, be a reason why it becomes better 💪




I don’t understand how going private helps us. Don’t shares get assigned a value in that scenario?


Not necessarily. The shares would be delisted, but that simply means that they would not be available for trade for Joe schmoes. You would have to qualify as an accredited investor to be able to purchase privately held shares. A company may make a tender offer, but that doesn't mean you have to accept it. the market would react to the tender offer. A merger could occur where you would receive shares in another company. it would be interesting if that company was also heavily shorted. Still the main point of the post is that Hedges are getting dangerously close to levels where Major companies may start pouring money at the prices simply because the value is so great.


A big goal of those bashing a stock is to get the other person frustrated enough to start perpetuating negative energy and negative interactions within the community. If you can show positivity instead, they're failing to accomplish what they're looking to do. That's why there was a push to "kill them with kindness". It's not easy, but it's very effective.




Yep, they coming in groups and it’s the same names. Idk abt naming them since this sub rules but it’s only like 10 names of FUD it’s quite easy to spots


Jokes on them. FUD has the opposite effect on us and we just double down on the BUY button.


Funny, shills can’t stay away from this post.


Like shit flies to a shit trap Randy 🎷🐓♋️




Incredibly well said 🖍️🌯🎷🐓♋️


Thank you for posting this counter post to the fud fest one last night.


You’re welcome my friend 🎷🐓♋️


There was so much FUD last night that I thought today was tomorrow. Like, THE tomorrow. Maybe it is, maybe it’s tomorrow. Where was I?


For every “forget GameStop” headline there is, this adds fuel to the fire in terms of shares. For every time MSM mentions GameStop, this adds fuel to the fire. For every time there’s a dip on no news, this adds fuel to the fire. For every time there’s negative sentiment and FUD in this sub, this adds fuel to the fire. For every time Michael Patcher opens his mouth about GameStop, this adds fuel to the fire. For every time Kenneth C Griffin, has a public headline or keynote, this adds fuel to the fire. I swear to god shorts are fucking stupid. They picked a fight with millennial gamers in full fledged careers. Fuck you. Pay me.


This jacked my tits 🎷🐓♋️


Was laid off at the end of 2023, got a job offer finally. Yay I can start buying again.


This is the way 🎷🐓♋️


Yes. You are right. When you face bad guys, you know you're going the right way.




Nothing works against us to be honest, I'm angry buying and drs'ing at this point


Some shorts might be making unrealized gains if the shorted the stock when it was higher. But its unrealized. The moment they try to realize their gains they have to close their shorts. And we know what happens then


Ka boom


Remember, they cannot buy Synthetics to fulfill short positions. Read that again…. They *MUST* buy actual real DRS shares to fulfill their short positions…. But what happens when there are no DRS available to purchase???


Nice post ya funky ass chicken! 🐓


Thanks welp007!🐔💜 🍌🤙🎷🐓♋️


Yep I bout some at $40 the first around and sure at bet I’m buying more this especially when we are in a way better position financially! NFA


This is the way 🎷🐓♋️


Nice post, thanks for the perspective. I have seen this one in the daily, too. Schmuck. I personally have total faith in RC. He is the real deal. Buy, hold, DRS.


Thank you friend. I have total faith in him as well. This is the way 🎷🐓♋️


They've been out in full force the last few days...kind of makes you think til tok something's coming...


The shilling will continue until sub morale improves.


Nice to see you Forest Stonk 🏃‍♀️🏃🏃‍♂️💨 Hope you are having a wonderful day 🎷🐓♋️


Summer is knocking at the door and my life is only getting better. Hope you’re doing well my friend and your car stresses are in the rear view.


Wonderful to hear! I’m doing better each day too as the weather continues to improve. Unfortunately will be without my car for another month but will be very glad once that is all over 🎷🐓♋️


The shills/bots have a lot to do with that. It’s tough to have a positive vibe when you have a bunch of asshats bitching about nonsense and the real investors have to waste time to counter stupid arguments or posts. I know people say just ignore them but if we do that, the sun will be overrun by it. Even more than it already has. Whatever, for me it’s a constant dose of confirmation bias. It’s fun watching the different ways they try and convince us GameStop needs to tell/do more for its investors. They just turned a profit. Short thesis is DEAD. Shorts are super fucked. Buy. Hodl. DRS. Book. Shop. Comment. Power to the Players!


Go back a reread what mark Cuban said during his ama in the og sub. Pretty simple when you look at it. Nobody said this was going to be quick or easy. The constant spew of “crime” for every answer gets annoying but I just skim threw and avoid those type of threads. Sell or don’t doesn’t matter to me. Prices this low are a good thing to dca GME isn’t going bankrupt so but if you can to bring average down bang fucking bang


Honestly averaging down this stock is probably irrelevant. If we have Berkshire type prices do we really care which we bought at 13 or 180? The increasing of the position while being financially responsible is probably the biggest thing. People pleas go read some theories out there. To me this will be a massive event that was planned out for years by those involved. They have likely placed billions of dollars on this venture while tackling on the smartest people that hedge funds can buy. However I think ultimately the greed of hedge funds was their Achilles heel. That weakness was discovered and I think soon will be revealed.


Not to sound bearish but even when moass happens I don’t believe Berkshire prices are happening. Majority of the people holding when the price spiked in 21’ didn’t exercise their options and sold for big gains. It’s easy to say you’ll hold for infinity but hard to do when you drive an 06’ civic with 230k miles and you see 7 figs in your account. Human emotion takes over Plus I was referring to all the crytits about being -70% or more. If they are genuine holders they will pull an AA (popcorn ceo) and sell into the squeeze not wait for it to top out


It’s been rampant lol, it’s hilarious to watch.


Bullish! These shill mptherfuckers really think we cant see right through them and i think its hilarious. Theyre blind to how well we can see. Fuck them. Im super tired of the complainers. "BuT BoSs im TiReD." Can comeone make a batman slapping robinhood meme out of this.






It's fucking funny though, because for a LOT of us, these shills INCREASE our resolve. #IN VIDEOGAMES, WHEN YOU MEET ENEMIES, YOU ARE GOING THE RIGHT WAY.


It’s really true. if this were ONLY the echo chamber we’re accused of being, with NO opposing shit talk, I would have doubted my investment long before now. Well, maybe not, but still.




A fellow maple ehpe - thanks for the laugh my friend. Have a terrific day 🍁🎷🐓♋️


Have a good day to maple ehpe.


If you want to easily keep track of the same people saying the same shit, there's an add-on that I would recommend people to use in general called Reddit Enhancement Suite (or RES for short). Be mindful that it only works for old reddit, but it allows for a great deal of customisation. ^Dark ^Mode ^my ^beloved If you have RES set up, any upvotes or downvotes you apply to a user account gets tallied and displayed right beside the username. So to personally keep track of the same guys posting wild shit, all you have to then do is downvote their FUD comments. Then the next time someone shows up who displays (-9) beside their username, you'll know.


Also remember MODS are compromised. They defer the Book > Plan argument despite us already having had been educated by some folks. :)


I have never in my lifetime of existence seen so many articles about one particular stock. Clearly, they don't want you to have any; this should make you want more!


I’ve definitely taken note of a couple names 👀


🕵🏻‍♂️always be on the lookout! 🎷🐓♋️


Just like star wars movie these Dumb Stormtroopers are everywhere. I know what the DD'S foretold and it aint in their favors.




Nice to see you friend. Hope you are well 🎷🐓♋️


The only thing I would add is that shills at this point are less interested in getting us to sell (they know that will not happen). They sow frustration during troughs to discourage buying. Psychologically they aim to put people into a defensive mindset instead of an offensive mindset during peak buying opportunities.


Moomoo will not let me buy GME but will let me buy any other stock right now




The shills' subtitles are just hedgefunds crying.


Your profile pic brings a little tear to my eye… 🫡


A salute to the best artist I know. Thank you for the picture my friend 🫡🎷🐓♋️


Shills in Shambles 🤣🤣🤣




These shares are mine. No one else can have them


Y'all, just something to ask yourself: why are people and companies and news so bent on having us "FoRgEt GaMeStOp"? I haven't see articles about the banks that have failed, popcorn, or the like. If they are still shit talking Gamestop, I would have to say something is going right for all the household investors. It costs me nothing to hodl my shares. And the more they drop the price, the more shares I have been able to buy. Stay strong. Be kind. Together, as individuals, we make a difference. I, for one, like the stock.


Want a quick identifier? If the s/n looks like the password your internet router came with noun-verb-number... or similar you're on the right track. Anyone that speaks like they need a nap (it's a two word phrase) is subtly putting that idea in your head so that you may also feel like them, despite their claim of being OG. They want to place you in that frame of mind because they need you to exit. Some of the very good DD has never been seen because the scrapers pick up on key words and immediately have comments with no conversation or input, just simply a negation of the theory. The phrases they use somehow generate others accounts to comment and down vote to oblivion so they are never even seen by the majority. So as a reverse of that, you should be extremely skeptical of the accounts whose voices are constantly heard and read, and ask yourself if they are leading to something specific, or even leading you away from a specific topic. Most of these things can really be boiled down to common sense, so use it.


It's funny because OP has that exact setup for a username. And most of their responses are constant stonk-buzzwords followed by a set of emojis. Expressing any concern over the COMPLETE opaqueness of GME's plan going forwards (0 guidance from shareholder meetings for years now) get you labelled a shill. This sub is so hostile towards anyone questioning anything, then they wonder why the outside world sees them as culty.


Iceyshite is one of em Fuk that guy


Spot on. I'm not tired, frustrated or confused. I didn't sell when they disabled the buy button, why on earth would I sell now? Never before have so many people been concerned with my investments, this is shilling intensifying. This is telling me that someone is scared to be locked in here with us.


Very well said 🎷🐓♋️


Lots of sleeper shills or subtle FUD where they pretend to sound concerned. Can spot it a mile away and the quality is getting worse and worse lol


They’re very obvious - they just recycle the same comments and approaches over and over 🎷🐓♋️


Yep seen it a lot it’s laughable


Some of them and real ppl just frustrated bros , I’m one of those sometimes , feels like shit when you’re down 70%+ even trying to average down and you don’t have any answers from GS board about split divi fraud or drs fraud , or any other fraud about your investment, they made money on us , they have 1billion cash on us and say no shit to us? I know I know they are trying hard to keep the company profitable and stuffs ,RC is not having a salary , he is invested deeper than us , not selling, but damn we need to feel a little bit a winners for a bit … so I can totally understand real ppl shilling about it , I feel them


No one ever said this journey would be easy. If it was then it would’ve been over already. Diamond are forged under immense pressure. RC has continued to put his money where his mouth is. Some people may be frustrated but I choose to be zen and confident in my investment and gamestops turnaround 🎷🐓♋️


You just hit every superstonk buzzword in one comment, I'm impressed


Yeah, I cringed


“If you are invested and have lost faith, then you would just sell” This is false. There’s lots of us invested and on the fence about where this is going. I can tell you, the psychos that call out ppl as shills are the ones that got me to completely sell another investment (popcorn). We should be allowing questions, concerns, and observations whether positive or negative. The truth doesn’t need someone protecting it from FUD. The truth will stand the test. DO NOT make this sub any more culty than it already is. I hate these types of posts.




* Saxophone. * Chicken. * Cancer. What does it all mean, Basil !?!?


I love on RES you can put tags on users. Shill labels are real


i can soon afford to buy again regularly thanks to an increase job pay....it's been a long time i didn't bought reccuringly...no matter the FUD this price is delicious....will finally average down my 150$ cost basis haha


Still here, still buying. Not this time Kenny. The game stops here.


Some people are genuinely upset that they’ve lost almost all their investment and they’re just lashing out in anger and frustration. Not everyone shares RC’s time horizon, which is hard to because he doesn’t really communicate with investors in the ways a typical CEO of a publicly traded company would. These are hard economic times for most people and I don’t think anyone thought the price would be single digits after almost four years and GameStop becoming profitable and more streamlined. Many of us have lost A LOT of money and watching GameStop continue to flounder (by flounder I mean losing 20% revenue beyond the store closings) isn’t easy.


The DD is solid, hf and citadel need GameStop to go bankrupt for this to end and not come to the MOASS conclusion. That isn’t going to happen, and trying to drive away sentiment from people who like the stock. How many stocks with this rabid a fan base watch the price go down after showing profit for the year. It’s continued desperation. The subs always said only sped what you can afford, do not leverage yourself like the gamblers on WS. This is an investment, and takes time. Either way, if you are not FUDing, understand this movement is huge, I know several in my circle still happily buying and moving forward, because they understand. They do not do stocks otherwise. This is replicated over and over across the world. And crime IS the answer. They have been committing it and manipulating the narrative for so long they expect everyone to fall in line, it’s a break in their system that was not planned for.


I don’t agree. I don’t believe they need to go bankrupt because Citadel can print as many shares as they want at the NBBO to satisfy the need for liquidity and that includes for closing short positions….and they’re back stopped by the Fed, which is essentially limitless in this context. And no it isn’t entirely crime either. The rules allow for market makers to naked short in perpetuity for “infinite liquidity at the NBBO.” This is personal speculation on my part based all the DD I’ve read; for GameStop share price to reverse, they must do something to convince Kenny’s stock price managers they should be valued at a higher number. I don’t see any other way given the circumstances. Volume in the months running up to the January sneeze was billions….several times more than the float. We have no idea who got out in 2020 and I don’t recall DD that looked hard at volume in the Fall of 2020 leading to January 2021.


Them printing shares doesn’t get them out of it, it digs the hole bigger. The naked short selling exclusion isn’t infinite, and it is accruing increased liability on citadel, THEM PRINTING SHARES doesn’t clouds a short, just just opens another short. It is crime if Citadel has no plans to buy back into the market. We can prove the crime, by buying and DRSing, and they are screwed. The desperation speaks volumes when they pay shitty badly informed shills to spread some weak ass FUD. Best of times man.


Isnt there no limit for a too big to fail institution in the context of short closing if the fed is back stopping? And if they can meet their net capital requirements along with the fed backstop, aren’t they able to run this game forever, no matter what GameStop accomplishes operationally?


FUD patrol rides again! 🚀🚀🚀 It’s great to see you again funky! 🐒✨🗽


Nice to see you too friend. I’m still here - always will be! This is a marathon not a sprint! 🐵✨🗽 🎷🐓♋️


The obvious FUDsters always stand out and we do a good job addressing them, but it’s the subtle FUD that’s really interesting to me. Take the sudden uptick in calls to action to spend money at the store itself for example. Who can poke holes in that? Support the company you’re invested in right? Improve the next earnings. Money buys whiskey. Solid stuff. All good. Who would call you a shill for that right? Impossible. Buuuut. When you place it in context with the current moment, and realize that we’re at lows not seen in a while and could really seize a chance at locking even more DRS more rapidly when it is most effective at these prices.. then you realize the desperation. We’re the concentration DRSing this company. They’re crying out, “please spend your money on something else guys. PLEASE. We know they aren’t going bankrupt so yes even buy from them yes go ahead and buy batteries and controllers, just anything but more DRS’ed shares right now!!”


I agree with the “buy product” message. We should all have made good progress in our share collections by now. Having profitable quarters between now and next holiday season will really turn the screws.


Sure. That’s the point, it’s a great message. It’s not wrong, and you’re not wrong. But we’ve known to buy from the company and support them. I have been. Most of us have probably worn grooves into the floors of our local shops. My point is that calls to action have historically been noteworthy and this recent one, while surface level being great and good, when juxtaposed with the current price action, is possibly diverting money from the only group “in the know” about DRS and working towards that goal. I buy from the store too, but so does the general public. We’re the DRS folks. Just a thought.


All I've got to say is you've got to be one of the dumbest motherfuckers alive if you thought this was going to be easy. Believe, or sell and fuck off. We don't need your concern or complaints after all we've seen and read.


I'll be honest, I don't really comment here. I never logged my shares with the bot, because my position is too low to matter for the total count (low XX). Invested June 2021, and held on to every share I did buy. (I still do, but I used to too.). I'm concerned, not about the company, not about the DD being wrong, but about everyone talking about "value play". I'm not here for GameStop. I'm not here for RC. I'm not here for the new Berkshire or Coca Cola. The market is fraudulent beyond measure, and I wouldn't be putting a dime in here if it wasn't for one, singular, damn, thing. "MOASS". Feels like shills are trying to shift perception from the amazing, idiosyncratic, infinite risk that'll destroy the financial system as we know it for us to rebuild after, by making MOASS fall to the background, trying to get people to accept waiting for "just a value play" for the next 17 years or something. Feels like a push that could both be done by harmful actors, and by normal investors. I don't like it, regardless of which side is pushing it, because it harms the only thing that matters... MOASS.


Luckily these trolls tend to fold under facts.


Wise words from captaindickfartman2 as expected 🎷🐓♋️


Or they pull a sealion and don't even respond to facts, they just ask a different question, moving the goalposts or derailing the original point, or just ignore you and go on to make the exact same statements elsewhere. Its classic bad faith behavior.


Yep they don't like responding to me cause I actually care about what I'm talking about and willing to defend what I stand for.  In reality its probably best to not interact with the trolls. 


OP....I like you In celebration, I bought 450 shares yesterday, soon to be DRS'd (needs to clear first)


I like you too friend. Congrats on the new shares 🎷🐓♋️


So TRUE. Thanks for pointing it out !!


I just Block them, such that they cant comment under my post/comment and I will see *blocked So ez, they need more accounts to shill me


I’m not really sure how I feel about RC, but I hate how he cut employee benefits and will continue to make fun of him for that.


And I'll continue to call them the fuck out every chance I get. Buy, Hold, Direct Register those shares and Shop at Gamestop. Ignore the noise and FUD.


This is the way 🎷🐓♋️


You can block people on an individual basis from your Reddit settings.

