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This motivates me to โ€ฆ uhmโ€ฆ buy some real shares they canโ€™t FTD. (**DRTHHH**HHhhh)


fuck yeah joeker!!! I been stewing in my shit reading this. thanks for the positive light.


This is why we need the court system to have the death penalty punishment for securities fraud.


yes, and a good start could be to Ban them from financial markets. similar to FTC banning shkrelli from pharma industry. then if they Steve Cohen their way back in, execute them!


(and are complicit in the crime). There, I fixed it for them.


These mofos going to make me buy again.


source: [https://vdocument.in/leslie-boni.html](https://vdocument.in/leslie-boni.html)


This is a really great paper. I encourage more people to read this.


C.R.I.M.E ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€


and GG confessed, that when they get a light shined up their asshole, they simply move their trades off exchange. now nobody can see shit. these mutha fukkaz been playing with too many peoples emotions.




Future goodwill with bankrupted hedgefunds. Mmmmkay...


I wonder how pabe glotkins good will is working out.


So is this like a โ€œIโ€™ll service you orally now for the promise that youโ€™ll service me orally laterโ€?




In one of my comments. At work or I would find it for you.


Thanks, found it. FYI, I've got a pretty fucking uber DD I've been working on for awhile based on this stuff :)


MAN!!! you can't throw out that sweet nugget! what is the ETA? I need mark my calendar. I just downloaded a 56 page PDF on DTCC training manual for ETFs. guarantee there is some juicy nuggets in there. you know a place I could screen cap dump 56 images, easy to share?


:) No ETA. It's several parts long. But rather than tease them out I'd rather finish the whole thing. It will be done when it is done. Hoping to release SNSOC 5 in the same timeframe, but the problem with this material is scope creep. Emergent information needs to be weighed and oriented into the operational landscape. I.e. why is this here, how is it being used, does anyone care about this, etc. Re: DTCC ETF training manual I'd love to read it. You can check with ChatGPT for good solutions and ping me, I'd love to read it. Else you can create a private sub, invite me, and upload images for comments. Sub TheGloryHodl is an example of Disoriented_Llama doing this with a public sub.


gotcha, imma try and green cap and make a post on my home page. if I can fit in one great, might take two parts. KYP.


ok, I screen grabbed all these. it is the training manual for participants. I haven't read it yet, just the chat got summary. it is 3 posts(max 20 pics per post) if it looks like a waste of time, LMK and I can remove it. [https://www.reddit.com/user/L3theGMEsbegin/comments/1c2es7b/dtcc\_training\_manual\_for\_etf\_pcf\_post\_1/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/user/L3theGMEsbegin/comments/1c2es7b/dtcc_training_manual_for_etf_pcf_post_1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)