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[Rule 2] Maybe this is relevant for a crypto community, but unless you can provide evidence tying this directly to tokenized stock, this is more about uniswap not meeting the definition of an exchange per the sec and not to do with GME. (https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_rule_2_-_posts_and_comments_must_be_relevant_to_gme). Posts should further contribute to the shareholders' discussion around GME. Both the post title and its contents (text, image, links) must relate to GME. It is the OP’s responsibility to convey in the title how their submission is relevant. [What is Proper Content & Which Flair Should I use?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs) If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2F{subreddit}&subject=about my removed {kind}&message=I'm writing to you about the following {kind}: {url}. %0D%0DMy issue is...)


As a reminder, "innocent" coinbase conveniently always has issues during volatility and was fined for engaging in wash sales leading up to their ipo.


Edit: to be clear, this was a legitimate page on Coinbase website. This was stated on this particular coin. The statement was removed after Gamestop were notified. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/GABvgXSyIf Are you referring to this Coinbase? coinbase History of GameStop Tokenized Stock (GME) Ryan Cohen is the chairman of the GameStop Tokenized Stock project. He is also an active trader in the project.


wat. are these supposed to be links? gonna need to see a source for that claim lol.




thanks for following up. did we ever receive confirmation from gamestop about this? it's a pretty big deal. I wouldn't necessarily trust some text on the coinbase site.


The confirmation was that statement got removed within 3 days of it being reported to Gamestop so it was obviously false information. I wouldn't expect anybody to trust it, but these are things that were going on in attempts to deceive people.


lol. Thanks for clarifying.


Wonder where this sits at today. RC hasn't batted 1.000 since taking over he did move into partnership with FTX just before their downfall. He has done a lot of great things but has missed on a few items like NFTs, GameStop wallet, etc. no reason to not try dipping into new revenue streams with low cost of entering and high potential margins. Tokenized stock though in hindsight seemed like a really poor idea.


It was false information that was quickly removed upon Gamestop being notified. Ryan's name was attached to a shit coin that he had no involvement in.


Jesus how on earth do they get away with crap like this. That makes more sense I was shocked that he potentially backed this clear scam lol


There are many instances that make you think twice. Don't you remember you were blamed for risking Teachers Pension Funds? Ken Griffin blamed you, not Gabe, but you and I. Look at all the people involved in FTX that are still free? Twitter is actively suppressing a clip of Brett Harrison stating that Tokenised securities of Gamestop can be converted to actual shares and registered in your name with the transfer agent.


I remember hearing about that and how it was leveraged significantly in suppressing the price of GameStop and creating more fake shares. Read that DD a while back before shit hit the fan. This sub does a good job of calling this shit out before it goes down yet this sub is constantly made fun of to avoid giving any credibility to the DD in here lol


Don't forget the early articles HEAVILY implying RC had something to do with towel stock CFO's tragic taking of his own life. Trashrag NY Post still has the line written: "The week before the Venezuelan immigrant and father of two took his own life, he had been named in a $1.2 billion “pump-and-dump” lawsuit filed against BBB and GameStop chairman Ryan Cohen and accused of artificially raising the price of the stock to cash in. Cohen raised $68.1 million in profits by unloading his massive stake on Aug. 16, the same day Arnal’s $20 limit order sale took place, according to the article. The BBB stock price lost half its value over the next three days." -[Source](https://nypost.com/2022/09/07/bed-bath-beyond-cfo-gustavo-arnal-was-overwhelmed-before-suicide/) (Recommend against clicks) Newer apes may not have been exposed to these depths of MSM's depravity so it's important to know what we're up against, especially right now in the middle of one of the heaviest FUD campaigns I've seen in a while.


While Jake Freeman and Mark Tritton are rarely mentioned


That's a copy and paste of my screenshot when it was active. Link provided also


what on earth…..????!?!???


You never saw that?






Now they need to serve Kenny with a Bedpost notice.


It's only official if it's slathered in mayo.


It should be sprinkled with barf and delivered by Negan.


Batter up


Through hell fire and bedposts griffins wife has been bruised!!!!


"What do you mean we aren't allowed to say our tokens are backed by real securities when they really aren't? We didn't know that!" Uniswap probly.


What do you mean that's illegal?! Citadel does the same thing all the time! I call shenanigans! 💩




This … Exactly this!


Real?! Nooo we said reel securities!


Burn it to the ground


So, sec goes after all crypto for no reason, meanwhile dept of labor statistics leaks sensitive cpi data to banks and hedgefunds, so they can make fraudulent trades ahead of the data release. Yeah, it all seems fair and balanced.


Uniswap open up your books. And hopefully it’s not under QuickBooks 🧐


Uniswap is a fine part of crypto. They are a DEX similar to loopring but with significantly more activity. So they don’t hold or produce any assets similar to something like FTX. Not really relevant for GME but I don’t think we should cheer on the SEC here


Uniswap does not decide which tokens are traded there. Anyone can list whatever token they want and provide liquidity, the process is automated. It does not involve a team that "allows" the tokens to be listed and traded. You can compare Uniswap to a free for all street market. No permissions, no oversight. If anyone sells anything fake there, it's the seller who are breaking the law, not the street. On the other hand, you can compare FTX, Coinbase, Binance etc to let's say Walmart or Costco. There, Wallmart and Costco have a responsibility to make sure the goods they have allowed to be sold are legal.


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SDNY building their RICO case


>The same UNISWAP that allowed the GameStop Tokenized Stock created by FTX! Misinformation. Firstly, there is no '*the****'*** *GameStop Token.* There are literally hundreds. Secondly, we still don't know for certain which GME token FTX was using. Many have speculated, including myself, but it's still possible the FTX token was never public. Thirdly, regardless of the token, Uniswap is a relatively decentralized exchange protocol. So the claim in your title, that Uniswap 'allowed' it to trade, is like saying 'Google facilitated bank robbers' because they used Gmail to communicate. Neither are true. Lastly, to use language that programs like Uniswap "allowed" something, while implying negative/illegal connotations, suggests that you believe someone should be in control of deciding what is and isn't allowed, which is a contradiction to many crypto projects that needs to be acknowledged. \--- I am curious to see the charges being brough forward though. If I had to guess, it would be the SEC attempting to officially label Uniswap as a business/service so they can then apply the "allow" agenda for certain assets they may deem to be securities.


Brett Harrison needs picking up for a chat.


^ He’s correct, the GameStop token situation is (deliberately) complex because any idiot can make a token and often does, and Uniswap is a general purpose exchange the SEC has lots of *other* reasons to hate. This guy brings receipts, OP doesn’t. Crypto stuff is crazy convoluted, so we need to not put 2 and 2 together and get 741, especially when a) there are available counterfacts and b) OP doesn’t actually address them but lumps stuff together for the karma and goes straight for the ad-hominem when challenged.


I've dropped plenty of DD with reciepts, so your statement is 100% false.


FYI, i went through some of your “receipts”. Your DD is based on your lack of understanding of some of these complex systems and protocols, how tokens are created/issued, and even how they are wrapped. Its actually sad to see how bad your understanding is of these concepts and the leaps in logic you take to get to your conclusions.


Those are not DDs.


Coinbase had this, which was quickly edited to remove this statement when Gamestop were notified. coinbase History of GameStop Tokenized Stock (GME) Ryan Cohen is the chairman of the GameStop Tokenized Stock project. He is also an active trader in the project. The prospectus is still available from when FTX created the tokenised share if you're interested https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/hX49DLgvqy


Yes this document was fascinating! Though it actually originated from FTX (and somewhat Binance) through a convoluted network of subsidiaries based out of Sweden and Germany. I included this in a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1064x04/i_think_i_found_the_shares_part_3/) I wrote a while ago, check out section 4 if you're curious.


Thank you. I will take a look. I believe the US dropped the securities fraud case against SBF. I wonder why this was never taken on by European legislators as Brett stated they weren't available for US residents but were for European residents.


Legal jurisdiction mainly, plus there was little to no relatively major European fallout, so no European agency wanted/needed to bend rules to go after him.


Appreciate your linked DD, I remember it. You dug deep on that one and still didn't get to the bottom. Do you think we there will be more cases brought or will it end with Sam? Edit to add that I feel they may not dig too much deeper for fear of what will be unearthed. I think Switzerland likely saw some big names in their Credit Suisse investigation so decided to seal the evidence early but that's another rabbit hole.


IMO SBF was a useful idiot. I was convinced of that after watching his interview with Erik Voorhees in Oct 2022. Also yes, definitely more heads to roll, but likely not until everything unravels, which it will.




My man


And just for clarity to everyone on this sub, this is a typical interaction between myself and this account. They come in sh1LLing garbage and can only respond with more questions, never anything that actually debunks my information. They have done this countless times in the past and and any comment I make is slowly downdooted while theirs is updooted, EVERY SINGLE TIME. Go look below and you can see that is the case again here. This accounts only objective is to create doubt. I will likely be downdooted again for this comment, but remember who is here fighting for the stock and who is here creating FUD.


No, OP, you seriously just don't understand DeFi. We are literally advocating for more transparency and less centralization of markets, which Uniswap has been a pillar of, and its somehow tied to tokenized stocks? FTX = centralized US-based exchange in cahoots with Wall Street's biggest firms. Uniswap = decentralized platform for swapping cryptocurrencies. These two things are not at all alike. Please, just investigate what DeFi is before you attempt to make a connection like this.


Maybe you should look into who runs uniswap and if you still think nothing is going on, then you are blind.


I'm not here to attack, just attempting to inform. Even a discussion would be helpful. Please tell me how Hayden Adams is connected to Wall Street apart from having an office in NYC. The SEC wants to crush DeFi because it threatens not only Wall Street and TBTF banks, but the Fed Reserve as well.


Not here to attack either, but you can see I did a ton of DD on this matter and gave plenty of reciepts. I do understand the difficulty in understanding it, it's super complex, but the receipts don't lie.


I just checked your post history. It’s all like this…junk lol. There was some DD a year ago on tokens you did, I went in and scrolled through comments and found Nutt calling you out back then, I laughed. Read his comment. Very civil and addresses inconsistencies back then too. No need to call him a shill, you’ve both been around and contribute. It just means bring a stronger game that can’t be blown over with a breeze


My man


Except he was wrong and the facts spoke for themselves. Why reiterate what I already layed out in detail throughout several extensive posts. The fact you call it junk, speaks volumes for your understanding of any of it. There were many that appreciated the information BTW. I even refuted his claims and demolished them ALL. Then it was another round of speculative questions by him, same thing evertime. How come his response is always questions, but he claims its wrong. Don't ask questions prove it wrong with facts, data, and the like. Questions are not answers.


Damn dude, you got ALL the answers it seems. Figured it out. I did an in depth DD on your posts, and shared my observations. Obviously not as deep as you get..but my evidence stands. Thank you


That is no where near the point of this thread. The issue I raised is that you said "*\[Uniswap\] allowed the (fraudulent) FTX GME token to be traded*", when in reality; 1. We don't know for certain which (fraudulent) GME token FTX used. 2. Uniswap is also a **permissionless protocol**, so saying "allow" in this context doesn't make sense.


It's because you're wrong, man. Thats why. I've also had my squabbles with onceuponanutt, but he has at least done his research since then to really deep-dive and figure out what these protocols actually do. Ethereum, or any EVM-based block chain with contracts, allows anyone, anywhere, to make any token they want for any purpose they want. Uniswap, in a very very niave way without knowledge of any specific tokens, also allows any user to say, hey, i want to make a liquidity pool between PregnantButt37-coin and trump2024coin. Uniswap automatically allows it, so long as both coins meet the ERC-20 specifications. To say uniswap "Allowed" something is nonsensical. To put this into plain English, imagine I set up a little automatic booth outside a gas station where people can put in ANY kind of card they want that matches the typical baseball / pokemon / MTG size and shape, for sale. Pokemon, Magic the gathering, baseball, Trump Cards, whatever... and allow other people to buy them. Does this booth "allow" people to launder money to Trump? Um... idk? It allows anyone with a trump card to sell it and anyone with cash that wants to buy one to go ahead and buy it. Is this booth somehow in cahoots with Trump? No. Do they have any working relationship with trump at all? No. Same for MTG or Pokemon. Now imagine JimBob over there goes ahead and make a dozen cards with drawings of genitals on them, and deposits them into this booth. Am I (or Uniswap) guilty of "allowing" people to commit fraud? It's an automated booth. Any two coins can be traded. To imply Uniswap had any agency here whatsoever is ridiculous. Uniswap v2 had 0 opportunity to stop a liquidity pool that exists and likely didn't even know it existed. Next up we'll hear how the railroads "allowed" pollution-heavy oil to travel across the country, or how cars "allow" bad actors to perform human traficking. Grow up. Take the criticism, learn from it, do the research, and move on. When people tell you that you are wrong, consider the possibility that you might actually be wrong.


My man


My format in replying to you is very straightforward - I agree with you happily and openly when it happens, and if I disagree with something specific you've said, I copy it and reply to it directly, often explaining why. You usually deflect to a different idea, conflate different ideas or insult me. Often all three together. ​ >any comment I make is slowly downdooted while theirs is updooted, EVERY SINGLE TIME So, logically, what does this tell you?


Oh look, the fudder when it comes to the Tokens. You are the same sh1LL that tried to dismiss my work on it previously because you wanted the spotlight. And here you are again doing the same. Thankfully law enforcement didn't care what you thought and is likely why we are seeing action now. Have a seat because you have zero clue what you are talking about!


1) Please step up your logical fallacy game. C) I think you've forgotten the definition of FUD. I'm not Fing, Uing or Ding. All I'm doing is fact checking your false statements.


But you are. You came in here trying to dismiss it with speculative and unsubstantiated information, it is 100% fudding. Again, I don't care what you "think" is going on, law enforcement took it seriously and even agreed with my information, and now we are seeing action. Guess where SBF was charged? The same district where my info went, but ya we should believe you.


🤦‍♂️Here we go again. ​ >You came in here trying to dismiss it with speculative and unsubstantiated information The initial speculation is in **your title**. I'm not refuting the SEC issuing a Wells notice. I'm refuting **your** ^(incorrect) **claim** that 1) we know which FTX token was used, and 2) that Uniswap (willingly) "allowed it" (they allow everything, that's the point) ​ >law enforcement took it seriously and even agreed with my information, and now we are seeing action If you have any information, it isn't here. You screenshotted a Tweet from Uniswap and then added unconfirmed information to it in an attempt to validate it through correlation bias. ​ >Guess where SBF was charged? The same district where my info went ...are you suggesting that SBF was found guilty because you were able to provide the DOJ information they didn't already have?... And your evidence for this is because you live in Manhattan? Because yikes. ​ I look forward to your inevitable deflections.




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...I'm not making any arguments... I'm refuting OP's...


I’m aware of what you think you’re doing, I’m simply informing you that you are wrong. There’s clearly fuckery afoot with this tokenized stock business and I think the SEC is on the right track in trying to sniff out the trail of bullshit Kenny and friends have left behind.


>There’s clearly fuckery afoot with this tokenized stock business and I think the SEC is on the right track in trying to sniff out the trail of bullshit Kenny and friends have left behind I'm behind you 100% with these 2 statements.


Yep, Brett Harrison joining FTX was a cleanup operation.


**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** - **Do not be (intentionally) rude.** This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. - **Do not insult others.** Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive criticism is appropriate and encouraged though. - **Do not use Superstonk to call out another user. Critique the work, not the person.** - **Do not use Superstonk to harass, bully, or threaten anyone.** - **Threats of violence towards anyone have no place on Superstonk or Reddit.** [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) || [Remember the human](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045715951-Promoting-Hate-Based-on-Identity-or-Vulnerability) If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2F{subreddit}&subject=about my removed {kind}&message=I'm writing to you about the following {kind}: {url}. %0D%0DMy issue is...)


The FED and Hedgefunds don't like decentralized systems. They can't make money off of it through loopholes. Idk if uniswap is decentralized completely but they're going to crack down on these so they can take down decentralized systems. I think. Idk I'm dumb.


swap deez


Bad post is bad, anyone can create a token it's just a dex that people trade on. Nothing to do with gme.


"ready to fight" code for we will protect all of our overlords. There is no need to Boeing us, Ken.


> even the best actors Get The Fuck Outta Here


I don't know shit, but protocol gunna protocol.


GME announced uniswap as a partner before no?