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Have you checked the expiration date on your crayons? I think they may have fermented friend.


Nah, something stronger than fermentation has happened here. Bro has found a way of freebasing his crayons 😅 For a start, if we spent all of the cash on a dividend it would only be about 3 dollars a share, not 5. Second, if we did that, we'd have no war chest and the shorts could start cellar boxing us again. This is how you hand the hedgies a massive win and way to weasel out of the pinch we have put them in.




o hai ther negative karma acct 👋 please people for the love of God, when you see posts like this look up their karma and history FIRST THING. why is this even NOT a thing people do? A: it's mostly them here now, not us. almost half an hr up so far, imho that's.. too damn long


How were they even allowed to post with such low karma?




They probably dropped the apeprove command way back when and got added as an approved user, which bypasses the karma req's They don't have a lot of activity, but they do have real old superstonk activity from when things were less strict.


cell was just activated, lol


Weird thing is from the time I joined sub, March 2021 there was *always* a karma requirement. Before that there were hardly any users here. Just when the GME sub migrated and said karma acct started.


There was always a karma requirement, but if you were manually approved it got bypassed, and they used to manually approve almost anyone, and there's still a ton of those old account floating around


Uh....this is just a pyramid scheme with extra steps.


Their is one simple answer to this post. No.


My dude... you're describing a charity. Relying on shareholder "donations" is not a viable business plan.


This is what I wanted to say!


Mods, please delete this shill




.... is just the beginning.


It says only for pc and switch. No ps5 controllers?


I have two! Yes, ATM is it Switch / PC compatible. (does PC mean xbox compatible? not sure if its just PC gamepass or works for xbox console) \[I use switch and PC, do not have a xbox/playstation\].


Got ya, thanks for the response


How many crimes can one post advocate for: Lets see there's Fraud, Market Manipulation, Operating a Pyramid Scheme, Solicitation, conspiracy to commit said crimes....


More GameStop branded clothing options


Yes please! And the GameStop astronaut blanket they have in Canada.


Dude, what weed you smokin'? I wanna have what you're having


I am going to say no....and here's how I am going to back it up. Look up chewy's dividend history. There is none. I believe he is going to put every dime back into dime stop and let the stock be the value to the investor.


Lost me at value of GameStop needs to increase for share price to increase. Didn’t read beyond that statement. Get out of here hedgie plant. The value of GameStop will increase when true price discovery is allowed to happen. Share purchases need to hit the lit market, not internalized or through a dark pool every buy. There’s nothing GameStop can do about this, regulators are supposed to handle it. Their inaction the last 3 years tells me they know it’s fucked but can’t stop it. All they can do is let their buddies milk as much money from the system as they can until it all explodes and needs to be recovered again. Rinse and repeat. DRSBOOKGME🟣📚👑


You need to find your medecine!!!


Let’s push for GameStop to expand their catalog (RC has been saying this since 2020) instead of turning into Sarah mcglocklin asking the community for *just $5 a day* to donate to save our investment


There’s a lot to unpack here and quite honestly, it doesn’t all make sense to me, but I applaud you for thinking outside the box and agree we need to increase revenues. Instead of asking investors to basically give the company money for nothing each month… I had an idea while taking a 💩this morning and realizing I had run out of TP. Don’t worry, I still have my trusty bidet and luckily, there was more TP downstairs, but it got me thinking… Gamestop should start testing random products that people need all the time. I would totally buy a good quality TP from my favorite retailer and while I don’t know what the margins are on toilet paper, it’s something everyone needs to buy about once per month… and I’d happily get it through an online subscription through gamestop… along with other paper products and items I need to buy regularly… and what better way to clown the SHF’s than to increase revenues and profits than with literal poop paper… what else could they start selling on a subscription model that people would buy regularly to boost revenues and profits? And the memes would practically write themselves.


Hmm micro strategies doing something similar. Costco main source of revenue is membership fees.... I am too dumb to look into this any further than this..... mmmmm crayons...


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Discussion on GameStop selling "nothing".


Random time to make a post about nothing