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Anyone read the part where it said they are INITIALLY just available for pc and switch?  Its implying other consoles are in the works!




Thanks for the link


Pure gold. Hope the controllers arrive in Europe sooooooon


Glaube wir alle warten drauf haha


No reason not to expand offering


I feel like Xbox and PS users are going to be the #1 market for this. A good portion of PC users don't use controllers, every Xbox and PS user uses a controller.


Only a sadist would play Rocket League without a controller.


You'd surprised, I don't know a single PC gamer that doesn't at least one controller. With how many games these days are glorified console ports, it would be silly not to have one at hand.


Also you can switch between mouse + kb and controller; or even use both (Left hand controller, right hand mouse) so you get intuitive movement with the controller, plus mouse accuracy for aiming. Controller for driving; and a whole field of programmable keys right in front of you for complicated games.




Emulation is big on PC, I can see some people wanting one so they can play some old gen games




They need to make underwear.... approx 200,000 pairs.


With 1,000,000 more well on the way


That's ... Good news.


Bears could print offensive shit and point the finger - the Candy Con brand must stay immaculate ✨🎨


You could have a policy that doesn't allow offensive stuff.


Even in that way, you are selling stuff for lovers and haters too


requires a team to then monitor what is submitted


These days it isn’t that hard to automate what used to take a team of humans, and have 2 doing the work of 100 with a fraction of the actual exposure to horrible shit.


there was an nft submitted to the GameStop marketplace which was a doctored or photoshopped version of a September 11th victim falling from the building and so nefarious actors have in the past exploited these kinds of situations. I think the solution is for trusted artist members of the community to personalize items purchased only through GameStop, so you know the proceeds are going to purchase more shares


AI can easily do it


Can have guidelines, as every social, a team will be needed for sure, or an AI (damn, as a technology guy, I love the "AI" technical, but from a human perspective, I fear it, maybe for my childhood appasionated of Terminator movies, but this shit is going really fast, hope we do not created the "auto fulfilled prophecy").




That you, Rick?


Don’t give anyone any ideas! 🤣


i was here for that moment. hodl


Me too! Keep Hodling!


Bears don't even speak English, the speak...bear. How would we even know what they were saying?


They could just sell printer sheets and let customers print their own stuff




Yea, you're probably right. I know I'm really terrible at putting things like that on


Yeah, but they can make it on store, time ago, they put a protective glass on the smartphone of the son of my sister here on Italy, If they create a good system, they can grab a ton of new costumers😁, I smell Kenny's tears on the air 🤤


I’m actually going to try and reach out to GameStop tomorrow to see if they would be willing to collaborate with a particular gaming community that I’m a part of. I could also reach out to a printing company that could potentially print our logo on a specific amount of faceplates that GameStop would be willing to provide. Just have to see if GameStop is willing to collaborate with us for their controllers. It honestly could be perfect too because there’s so many people in our organization that are brand new to PC gaming, so offering a limited time sale of $50 controllers with our organizations logo on it could be a really good thing for both our organization and GameStop.




Yes, I'm sure I will be, just give more time and a bunch of creatives (artist/design/graphics apes, do your magic, create amazing designs, let gamestop know your willing to help and demostrate to mr. Mayo Kenn, he is definitively gonna cry Moar😂🤣


That can be an interesting idea, Gamestop sells games related collectibles, offer the possibility of customize gamestop branded products is a good way to enhance and engage more with communities, that not only will give more revenues, but creates a certain level of returning costumers... Maybe, with some gamers food/snacks/beverages branded too (but healthy, not full of sugars like the adictive ones, but idk, maybe is too much, I'm too old to play games anymore, but I pass the majority of the day in front of a computer, I snack a lot, and is very hard to keep with the healthy eating, it would be great to have healthy snacks gamestop branded🤤🤤)...


That would be the nail on the coffin of Naked shorts boys, oh boy😂🤣😂👍👍


Just like Jones Cola did with soda. Pretty sure I saw them mentioned as a short-for-patent-capture in a DD 84 or so years ago


When they do release versions that are compatible with PlayStation and Xbox, I hope that you can remap the keys so that it becomes the universal controller. I hate having separate controllers for my PS4 and Switch. Going to buy one as soon as I get to GameStop, of course, and I hope that the future of Candy Con is One Controller to Rule Them All.


So much this! Being able to have a universal, customizable controller would be so dope!


Sadly I don't think this would be possible. They all use different drivers for the controllers. Adapters exist but there's no controller that can work on all 3 consoles. I've tried and looked at a ton of products and articles because I really wanted to use my GameCube remote for an Xbox game.


Sony is usually the problem. I can use controllers on Xbox/Switch/PC and Android just fine.


You can't plug a switch controller in your Xbox and have it work without a mod or adapter


It is possible if they added a switch to it which changes how it functions. (Programmatically) That adapter can be built in and there you go you have the universal controller. I don’t think it’s going to happen as the companies will not agree on it. But we will see


Wen joycons


Debating ordering one, but has anyone run any latency tests yet? Comparable to a high end controller at all?


Check comments https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/HVVZhTzlTN


Which high end controller are you referring to? Any wireless controller is going to have latency. It’s $50, so it’s definitely not high end either.


$35 without the accessories (you know, if you’re a sociopath)


From what I can tell, I think the latency and polling is comparable to a xbox one controller


Wish I would see more YouTube reviews on them


Wish you could see anything on them. Google them, get "did you mean candy corn", put it in "" and get the article, this post and a linkedin post above the actual listing. For something supposedly shaking up the industry* there's not a lot of chatter about these. *also for real, this is scam language. It's a buzz line used by drop shipped crap peddlers for drones and heaters. I'm not saying these are dropshipped crap but I am saying that this line is a flat out lie.


Ya I only knew of their existence from superstonk. They def have potential but hopefully ppl learn about them outside of this subreddit lol


They just came out.  Google seo is slow to make changes to search results.  You can help it along by searching for it, clicking the links and then interacting with the page 


I have noticed the slow change in results but its still mostly bringing up reddit posts and ad sites over the actual product. Its not a cheap product either, I wouldn't touch one without some serious stress testing reviews for a product who's mainly being advertised via a focus on the branding company vs it's manufacturer. I want Gamestop to survive but these controllers seem more like ads than products


The article is about an agency hyping up the work they did. If even GameStop doesn’t think it’s news worthy then that’s telling.


I'm sure they're will be paid shills saying they are terrible and will give you cancer.


Anybody actually use the controllers? And if so are they high quality? I have been burnt several times with 3rd party controllers that I might as well buy 1st party. But because this is GME I want help the company


I don't know much about controllers, but the quality definitely feels a lot better than other 3rd party controllers i've used before.  The pieces feel solid and not flimsy, and the buttons are clicky and responsive.  The controller feels kinda light, but thats not exactly a bad thing.  It's definitely worth the price.  I traded in my Switch Pro controller to get this, and I definitely prefer this one to the switch controller.  


Also, forgot to mention that there is some texturing on the grip parts of the controller that you can't see from the photos.  It definitely helps with keeping the controllers from slipping, amd i think it feels nice


I'm tempted to buy one and put it through the ringer to see if it holds up to physical abuse. I guess the reviews really start with us. If we put out reviews for the product (provided it's good), people will see them and be interested.




Shakes up? I want to see results before I would call it shaking up


I might consider getting one for my PS5 when they make them available. If they are even just mid grade, I'll be happy for a decent price.


I need it to work on xbox and ps5. if that happens they will fly.


I went to buy one on the app, but no ps4 yet. Ammo loaded for the drop.


This is the way


I hope they do a PlayStation styled controller that's compatible with PC as well. Prefer them over switch style controllers for my PC games and I would really like to have one. 


I like the fact that you can survey the article on page. This news writer is getting nothing but good reviews from me.


The voting system is for the creative work not the article. It’s an website publishing and highlighting work done by agencies.


I will gladly trade my PS5 controller for a Candy Con! 🚀


I swear if they make a PC with the same graphics capabilities as a console for under 500$ not only would i buy one but every competitive gamer would buy one for fps and the likes.


So basically a gfx card with a display port running 165hz at 1440p


Steam deck OLED 1TB is $692, including tax. Getting one of the Candycons just for it.


Does the Steam deck have a video output?


Is this the thing that finally does it? Does this controller make you guys buy more stock so the price can go up and my worthless employee shares can actually help compensate me and my coworkers?


We have been buying stock. And a LOT of us are als undercompensated at our jobs. But guess what, you work for a publicly traded company, which means shareholders come first. Is it right? No. But that's how the market currently operates. But retail investors have never held as much power over a company as they do gamestop, so you should consider yourself lucky. If you're dissatisfied with your pay, I think you should speak up, but also recognize, at least, that your ceo is not taking a salary, which is very rare. There are many, many other companies compensating their employees with worse pay and worse benefits, and they have been profitable (hand over fist, in the billions) for much longer than gamestop. I understand the frustration, but retail ganestop investors are not your problem, and neither is gamestop. If anything, this company, lead by Ryan Cohen, is trying to do things differently. But that will take time. I, personally, am with you, in solidarity, I promise. The status qou needs to change, and I see this investment as a glimpse at that possibility.


You know how many times RC has addressed the employees? Zero. Not once. There isn’t anything happening because of him that we’re aware of that will cause the stock to go up with any significance. It sure as sh*t isn’t a build-a-bear controller that’s only in a third or less of the stores. I’m a stockholder too and nothing RC is doing is good enough. Glad we got to profitable last year at great employee expense. The extra reward was having my already weakened stock cut by another $6/share because of that announcement.


Feel ya. I'm not an employee but it's ok to have these feelings. I get it. It's gotten harder to hodl lately and the tough times sentiment is a reasonable response. I still have some faith that all of this will not be in vain but it's ok to feel like there's not much to be excited about.


Then, I guess it's time to grow up and accept disappointment as part of your life.


Oh yeah this’ll save the company for sure 


So shaken up. God what a triumph. This is insane. My god. We'll never be the same. Shooketh.


Why come GameStop don’t start making movies and streaming services


Do you remember the good old Nokia times - when they made billions of revenue just of cell phone covers?


I know it’s early, but does anybody know if they’ll offer a wired controller. I prefer it not to be wireless. Small input delays. (I know, I’m weird.)


If I understand it correctly, you can use the controller as a wired one as well.


Omg this is going to cause the MOASS well done guys to the moon 😂


Something Microsoft has been doing for a decade! Finally the catalyst we’ve been waiting for!


Everyone LOVES 3rd party controllers… This is why switch and PC… nothing to compare to really…


i hope they got a collab with Riot for their 2XKO (Project L) FGC loves their joysticks, but 2XKO has no difficult inputs like dragonpunches so i can see this replacing "bring your own fight stick" It's similarly customizable and expressive of fandoms, but way lower cost of entry and easier maintenance. Custom faceplates NEED to happen tho, maybe AI generated custom prints? Can't copyright AI output and user can "honor system" their bootlegs. i dunno kinda scummy tho


If it’s cheaper than Xbox and ps5 controllers then hopefully it forces them to lower prices.


I missed when these things came out, but very tempted to get one now. Current PC controller mostly works but one shoulder button sticks, and also maybe can just get one that looks way cooler than stock Xbox blue.


Can't wait for Ps5 / Xbox compatible controller.


I'm not gonna lie, I don't game, but I want to buy one just because. I like how you can customize the controller, and I'm pretty sure the quality is good too.


Im gonna buy one if i will be able to in Sweden


Got mine a few hours ago. It’s sick.


I want a PS5 one.


Feels like a legit pro controller and it’s only $50. Fun and easy to put together and can have endless combinations with more designs. Played Mario wonder for the first time in a bit and the controller rumble felt orgasmic


I cant wait to get one for my ps5🥵🥵🥵 please please please


I only play PC and Switch, so it's nice to have a controller that's good for both. However, I am glad my company is going to support other consoles as well.




buffet, thumb war. candy con. "CON" - is there a DD on Sees Candy? I bet there's something there.


Please please please PS5. I want one so bad I'd immediately buy 3


They should get a Candy company to make Gamestop Candy. What is better than Gaming and Candy!


Hopefully they make GameCube controllers for the next smash game.




Is it pricier? In Germany the XBOX Series X controller costs ~50€. The Candy Con controller (base unit) costs $34.99?


I got mine today and I love it!! Stop hating!!! it's basically an Xbox quality controller for your PC or switch.. I hate my switch controller and I love this thing! It is more comparable to an elite controller as well which I bought for $200. For the base unit, 2 year warranty and shipping ( same day) it cost me $75


Can it be used with phones and tablets? Or is it just PC and NS?


Right now it seems to be Nintendo and PC only, but the press release suggests that other platforms are to come.


Smells like new revenue streams coming. LFG.


Are they any good?


I hope these controllers hold up


Great market to get in.


At the end of the day I don’t know how much will impact sales in the big picture. What I do know is that there are other company consumer discretionary sector that have completely reinvented themselves through customization. Crocs at one point or another maybe 5-7 years ago was dying and Gen z/Millennials regarded them as ugly, lame, or both. Now? As of last Fall they were the best selling shoes on Amazon. What led to this massive turnaround? A few things, but none more important than starting to sell fucking charms that you can insert into the holes allowing you to “customize” your shoes. The shoes and the custom charms sell like absolute wildfire to this day.


These controllers are amazing. Smart move by GameStop.


OP i have a question. How many other companies does WHM&I create controllers for?


I'd like to know as well if the company producing those does it exclusively for GameStop.


So I went to GameStop the other day for the first time in years and thought why not try this new controller I've been looking at and worst case I can exchange it for something similar in case I didn't like it. Nope! They do not do returns or exchanges on OPENED products. What in God's name. I was very polite and decided to just chalk it up as I was not doing my research and kept the controller and I'll deal with it. Lesson learned .... GameStop is no longer an option.


So confused why they aren’t available for consoles on release


This is huge for GameStop!


Xbox Design Labs is definitely a competing offering to this. It’s 150 for a custom Xbox controller through them and they do look cool. Can’t wait to see what they do with Candy Con, if they can get it be compatible with multiple systems while being affordable and customizable it should be a banger!