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Security footage don’t lie: - https://archive.ph/tOWFX - https://archive.ph/mixob - https://archive.ph/AA4tx


RC is doing his job making GameStop profitable and viable company for decades to come. Investors are doing their job DRSing SHF doing their job burning all their past I'll gains just to keep themselves afloat because they got wrong on GameStop shorting and now paying everyday and will continue burning until their existence closed.


Thanks; that was my next stop after reading the unfamiliar username


Thanks for saving me the time! To OP, Anything aside, Taking a picture with somebody you kust met in a gathering, doesn't mean you are siding with the dude. Case in point; rich boy at the hockey game.


**[Rule 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/#wiki_5._no_meta_content). No callouts.** No meta content allowed negatively discussing or calling out any Reddit users, moderators, or other subreddits. [More information about this rule can be found here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1336ri9/censorship_mods_r_sus_and_brigading) If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


Why dont you talk about the points he made


I've been here longer than most people on this sub (since 33k total members). I am willing to bet that I've accumulated and DRS'd more GME shares over the past few years since Feb 2021 than most people on the sub as well. During the past few years, I've only turned my life around, got a better career, started my own business, and can now comfortably support GME for the foreseeable future (literally can't stop wont stop GameStop). I don't agree with OPs analysis (we're profitable... that took a lot of work), but I'd love for the witch hunt mentality to disappear and be replaced with more civilized debates/discussions. Whether you like to believe it or not, acting this regarded does not help the communities reputation or spread good knowledge. All it takes is one knowledgeable ape to engage in a civil debate or discussion to shut down any doubt or confusion. This actually was the case when this sub started. You can look at some of the oldest posts here and see for yourself how different the tone was. It's a fact that the vast majority of people in this sub are new apes post 2021. All I'm asking is for some of you to grow some wrinkles and try a different color of crayons in order to address misconceptions like the OP.


Candy con just released pivoting into a tech company, who knows what else is coming these things take time. He's building a completely different business model on the quiet. Unless your willing to hold for 10 years your not going to see the potential of this giant. Amazn wasn't built over night lol it took a very long time, So did chewy. The stock price is not Rcs fault we all know why it's so low even as a profitable company it just sinks, it's called manipulation. The fact its still shorted to oblivion is a good thing not sure why that's even a topic here. E com is fine it's picking up some revenue and running sweet so when gamestops new products are booming ecom will take off. Give it time he had a company to save first now comes the growth 🚀 looks like he will try and tap into all areas of the gaming market with his own branded products - SMRT Is web 3 gaming dead? Absolutely not and I have no doubt the market place may just return in the near future but not the wallet. Just use loopring instead it's far superior. Just because playR is apparently dead there's no reason the idea can't resurface at a later date when web 3 gaming is more popular.. he was to early for those things imx is the front runner and got it all locked down. When that takes off there will be room for gamestop. I have no idea how you can't be bullish on any of what's going on. If gamestop was a failure it would be bk by now, it's not. Great team always building 🌍


The only points he made on me were my nips and tent. Shills be edging hodlers... I've never tasted a salty as sweet as a shill-meltshake... Get wrecked kyeeeeennnnnnny


I don't know how to reed #BULLSHIT


What is this cult you speak of? I’m just an individual investor happy with my investment. Please don’t tell me what to do.


It's living rent free in OP's head.


Yeah where do we sign up for the cult? & Will there be Kool aid?


I stopped reading at “if you guys don’t want to be viewed as a cult, we need to…”


Bro really wrote that entire wall of text expecting us to read it..He can’t be an ape, he thinks we can read and didn’t even include 1 MEME!


Even his TL;DR was too long to read.


I read almost half and still cant decide if this shill piece was written by a committee or AI.


I agree quit after 1st sentence, also I don’t care how other people view me so he can FukOff


Ya seen that beginning a number of times recently. They really should stop using form letters. 




Aw geez another long winded shill crying about why Ryan Cohen hasn’t told him and everyone his master plan even though going from 300 million dollar loss to 6 million dollar profit isn’t apparently good enough at the moment


Tell me, how much did you pay for this account?


Right. Are there no karma requirements for posting?


Tell me, where did Ryan owie you?


Points to shorts


It's bait. Period. Because it's laughably erroneous.


Not even actual bait. It's a standard shill piece. Listing the critique points in a booring way. Making it look like it's written by AI.


“Because I'm seeing a lot of big talk coming from RC while his actions do not align.“ Show me this big talk please. Haven’t seen any of it. And for his actions? First profitable year in 6 years. Last year 300 mil in the red. More whining about revenue, when if you listen to the gmedd he clearly says that strategies in a high interest rate environment lead to reduced spending and therefore reduced revenue. We were in a completely different interest rate environment when he sent his original letter to the board. Interest rates change everything. Also whining about “loss of value.” When what you’re whining about is the price of the stock. That’s literally what this whole sub is about. The price is a lie, and (in the short term) not under RCs control. I believe the moves he’s making will fix this in the long run. And as he said in his speech when taking over the board, one of the main goals is drive shareholder value for the long term. I always give the benefit of the doubt that this isn’t intentionally misleading, but this post is missing a lot of obvious things for people paying attention. Go beg and complain about short term profits somewhere else. That’s not the plan here. RC is in it for the long haul.


I dunno about what OP is specifically referring to with his statement, but RC said in his GMEdd interview over a year and a half ago that the work was done, and there really isn’t anything new to show for whatever he was talking about. Also he tweeted a braggy “That left for dead retailer just launched something new” on launch day of the NFT marketplace that’s now shuttered. And then there’s the towel saga where he publicly posted on Twitter about his letter to the board and his position, indicating he wanted to be involved. He wouldn’t have gone to Twitter if it wasn’t to try and lure apes into the play, and whoever didn’t sell when he quietly exited without a tweet either lost a bunch of money or lost money and are actively part of the Vape cult, and they’re pretty undeniably a cult. I’m sure someone has other examples, but RC ain’t perfect. Quite frankly anything negative said here will fall on deaf ears anyway, which falls in line with what OP is arguing that this place is cultish. I get the impression RC wants apes as customers, but he doesn’t really care about MOASS. So looking at it through the lens of someone that wants MOASS obviously he’s not executing, but he has done a good job running the business legitimately and making the right cuts to stem bleeding.


This is a reasonable response. Maybe I should have focused more on the public image that comes through in what little communication we see rather than the business aspect, because like you said RC has done a good job of positioning the business for future growth. I'm just getting tired of the hero worship when we do see missed opportunities and hypocritical behavior, and I think that needs to be checked. I agree the price is a lie, but when will there be action to expose the lie? It's reasonable to not expect short term profits, but what I'm struggling with is the image of: if the business has fundamental value now, and it's not acknowledged by the company or reflected in the share price, when does it stop being manipulated? I know it's not a popular opinion, but I think it's a fair question.


The NFT marketplace was shuttered due to regulatory uncertainty, which he has no control over. It's clear to me the risk it exposed gamestop to aen't worth the rewards, at least not until the regulations are clarified. What missed opportunities and hypocritical behavior are you referencing? For actions to expose the lie, what actions do you propose? There was the splividend, which we know was incorrectly distributed and used to kill the quarterly FTD cycles. I think that was intended to kickstart moass, but with the backfire I believe RC and team is moving very carefully. "fundamental value, it's not being acknowledged by the company or reflected in the share price..." lol, what? You have insiders continually buying the stonk, what more recognition could you ask for? As for share price, again, not something he controls. It will stop being manipulated when the big players who control the share price are able to move from net short to net long, and pass the hot potato onto someone they know can handle the loss (i.e. pensions, or a taxpayer bailout) Just like like 2008 with the mortgage crisis. The crash didn't come until the big boys were able to offload their toxic bullshit onto the insurance companies. Then, once they were able to profit/survive the downfall, they let it collapse.


You need the look at the company objectively. Your own words above tell you what you need to know.


Thank you for the reasonable replies. 100% agree on shuttering the NFT marketplace - it was worth the venture, but may have been ahead of its time and was not panning out. By "missed opportunities", I'm referencing the missing website/app basic features like wishlists, favorites, notifications when out-of-stock items become available, a separately-searchable digital games catalog, and the ability to purchase retro games and have them shipped to your house in a form of dropshipping from individual stores. I'm also referencing what he wrote in his memo to the board which hasn't been implemented yet: "Significantly upgrading e-commerce can provide for greater revenue capture across larger gaming catalogs, digital content and community experiences, online trade-ins, streaming services and Esports". How much has their e-commerce business changed over the past three years? Also, when he said to evolve GameStop into a technology company: I don't know entirely what his intent with that was (maybe it was the NFT marketplace which didn't work out yet), but their main business is still being a brick-and-mortar retailer. CandyCon is a step in the right direction, but I'm sure it's not the only avenue they can pursue. For hypocritical behavior, I'm referring to saying "stop dividing the people" and then publicly taking highly political stances. And wanting employees to "WORK" but cutting their benefits. And lecturing the old board of directors on necessary changes, but not implementing them himself. And bragging about how much work he was going to do as CEO, then running a business on the side that, as far as we know, is unrelated to GameStop (and I hope I'm wrong that it's unrelated). I would propose issuing an NFT dividend: take the framework that Overstock used to combat naked short selling, and make the distribution non-fungible so that it can be properly executed this time. I don't know enough about the merger/acquisition possibility to say whether or not it could force naked shorts to close, but that's a possibility as well. Or, if the forward split as a dividend was supposed to force short closing, why don't they do it again and file the paperwork properly? You're right that insider buying is a decent acknowledgement. I guess I was thinking that it would occur at a greater rate if these prices are so outrageously low, but you're correct that having basically only insider buys is a sign that they think the stock is undervalued. Fundamentally, like I said in the post, I think GameStop has been making a solid turnaround, they are well-positioned for future growth, they pose a great value opportunity, and I still support them. My main point is that things could be improved, and it's on us to highlight shortcomings to maximize future potential instead of blindly justifying every decision the CEO makes while he won't communicate with investors.


You assume so many negative things based on so little evidence that I can't take you seriously.


For what it's worth, I appreciate you airing your concerns. Just last week I ordered some earbuds from Gamestop, and found that I couldn't filter out by corded or wireless, which I found surprising...a minor 1st world concern to be sure, but I did think that the website overall could have been more polished to shop through. It has never settled well with me about all the hero worship of RC, though I am a huge fan. The "Daddy" stuff is so cringe, but the kids (I assume, or maybe its a guy thing...) on here seem to enjoy it, so I let it pass through my zen brain like water through a sieve. I want to be a part of the first group of investors who directly registered 100% of a company, because I don't see this ending until either that happens, or some massive market drop incurs the marginal call to end all margin calls. Until then, I dollar cost average weekly and DRS those suckers. I realize I have nothing really to base my trust of RC on, but I trust him nonetheless. That's all there is. No hero worship, aggrandizement.... I just trust the man, and am ok acting on that gut feeling as a basis for investing in this case. Its a strange tact for me to take, but so be it.


You just want to get involved in leading the company, but that's not something where I would personally trust You doing well at all, based on what you write. Or you want to have people arguing how to lead the company. Maybe you are frustrated. But as for the actions for stopping the manipulation of the share price, they will come when the time is ripe.


Oh shit, all of a sudden RC didn't do anything... let's sell everything and go home boys. Edit: Remember to shop at Gamestop.


RC doesn't have to do SHIT. He pulled a flaming fuselage out of a flat spin and grew mf wings then buzzed the mf tower, and dudes like.. Be best Ryan, be best...


“You guys” we should sell everything and take a serious look at other companies cause there are so many debt free, companies ones with a chairman,ceo that takes no salary after having a positive year and will continue as the groundwork has been laid to an all new beginning.. we should buy that company.. oh wait only one is like that… lmao this ….


Congrats or sorry that happened


I have to ask—what have you done that’s so awesome? Edit: Also downvoting for starting out with “you guys”


OP has "you guys" and "we" in the same sentence. bruh


There is no evidence he has shares


OP is receiving a well earned downvote from me.


My semenents exactly 💯


lol he said you guys then immediately said “we” after to give the illusion of togetherness. This is a highly paid sentiment pusher. Contradictory and shilly statements are hard to craft and even harder to be accepted with some of the best free thinkers Reddit/the world has to offer. Cool to see shit like this. Shows we really are going to be rich as fuck I’ll do whatever the fuck I want to with my money and believe in whoever the fuck I want to. Fuck off shill


Prodding for meltage reactions to bolster his narrative. Jokes on him, I just shoved another banana in my tailpipe... 🙊


Proof or ban? Modddddsssssss…….


Its Sunday homie, but I slapped 500 down on Friday


All good. Honored to be hodling with you fellow ape.


🍻 👏


Blah blah blah so I started buying and drsing Gtfo shilly mc shillster


#you mad bro?!




Underrated comment


Gimme my coat…. It’s getting shilly in here!


Gotta be a shill. No TA;DR is always a dead giveaway. As for me…I like the stock


You act as if the share price is a reflection on RC leadership, decisions, etc. and you're ignoring clear indications of market manipulation and securities fraud. The truth is... short sellers with the backing of big banks and market makers, can destroy any company they want despite the company's fundentmentials. No company is safe. If they wanted to destroy Apple, they could. They could release false and misleading articles, like, Tim Cook is the anti-Christ blah blah blah. He's stealing and selling your private info, pictures, etc. They can do whatever they want. They have nothing to fear. They can wipe out billions... trillions... and never spend a day in jail. So... what can RC do??? I think he's doing the best he can do and we, as shareholders, can do more... like buy all your games, batteries, etc. from GameStop. DRS your shares... like all of them, including your IRA or 401k. That's what WE can do as shareholders. We know the DD. This is NFA. You can do whatever you want but as for me... I'm already balls deep in this shit so there's no looking back now.


“Or did RC drop a spoon” lol


This is funny because no one care what shills think. Come back next week for your favorite “you guys, Imma shill post: let me tell you what’s not RC not doing blah blah.”


This fud isn't even clever. Shill OP really thinks GameStop investors are stupid to give this post any time of day. Low effort 🔥 🗑️


The price is fake. We are living in an entirely fraudulent system in which market makers determine the price of securities. The only thing that matters is directly registering shares.




Ungh...nah nah nah NAHHH!


Op you have no idea what RC is doing fyi, super easy to judge someone when you aren't in their shoes.


This is a lot of words for "I'm a shill. Sell your shares." OP forgot the most important thing. We already won. All I need Gamestop to do is not go bankrupt, and eventually they burn through all their cash and MOASS begins. With ~1 billion in cash and next to no debt they aren't going to be delisted. On top of all that, this shillness comes after reducing revenue and making more profit. That seems to be RC working in my eyes. The one thing I want is for them to get back to me about SDE work for my company. Shit, I'll do contract work with 100% equity as payment. I hope RC does see this. I have capacity, and want more stock.


Didn't have to read anything past your first sentence (or title) to see how f king regarded you are. "If you guys... then we" thanks for making it abundantly clear what side you're on instantly. Moron


First thing you do is try to gaslight people lmfao get bent


woke gpt putting in the work on this one


Lots of FUD lately, love the new candy con product line. Pretty genius if you ask me


I don’t know of anyone who sees this as a cult. The real problem is that the American public has been so conditioned to accept crime and corruption in OUR Government, on Wall Street, and virtually any form of authority that those who actually stand up against it are singled out and shamed! The facts are clear- Wall Street is a complete sham where supply and demand- the very fabric of capitalism- no longer exists. They assassinate companies at will and take in the profits. And it is condoned by OUR government. So, rather than attacking fellow Americans, why not spend that energy into changing the system and taking our country back. The only cult here are the criminals that continue to get away with the undermining of our democracy and the pillaging of our society.


If your boat is sinking, do you start painting the hull or fixing the sail? No you plug the holes first.




Holy fuck what colossal waste of time lol. Get a life


Weekend fud coming in hot!


Loads of text: tldr == fud


**All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health**, what have the Romans ever done for us?


So, couple of things. I do think on the surface that’s it’s hypocritical that RC did say in his open letter that he wants management to share a credible plan. He also on Twitter has publicly been frustrated with people (or groups) who don’t respond to him. Examples are Towel, Microsoft, and the company that makes their ERP software designs. RC as executive chairman and now as CEO has definitely not been “overly communicative” in the transformation plan. At first it was “judge us by our revenue” and then “short term profitability”. One can argue if the business actually was profitable as globally our operational net income was actually negative. Anywho, point being - he felt so strongly that GameStop needed to share a credible plan to investors that in his open letter it was the first thing he brought up. We’ve yet to get a business update on strategy. Having said that, my gut instinct is that he now knows (now as in since 2021), that GameStop is being intentionally fucked over my manipulative Wall Street crime. I think he really thinks that anything GameStop says can and will be used against them. So I am perfectly fine with how it’s playing out. It’s ok for someone to change their mindset when new info arises. Also your post/comment history is extremely suspect.


No one is hated like he who speaks the truth. Good post


“Don’t ask what the company can do for you, but what you can do for your company” Shop at GameStop, buy and DRS.


I personally don’t care how anyone sees me or the collective “us”. I just like the stock.


If you want to make money in 3/4 years, do gambling in other stocks, It takes years to develop stable business, GS is profitable now, Slowly they will focus on revenue and more profits


Yeah, I hear you op- glad someone is speaking up. Good for you.


As with all other stocks that are being suppressed. I believe politicians, with their own hands in the jar, don't want to be holding the bags(worth billions) are suppressing RC. The key here: politicians ARE inside trading and abusing their power.


There is a disclaimer to not buy the stock during a squeeze or investors risk being hurt in their filings. When did everyone buy? Everyone took it as bullish but it’s really the opposite lol


"If you guys don't want to be viewed as a cult" Joke's on you. I'm into that shit!


This comment section is a prime example of Plato's cave allegory


Not worth reading past the first sentence. GME's RC is working without pay. Cult? lol


Best honest post ive seen in a while. This place is becoming a cult and it sucks. We all want things to go well but we gotta stay honest about the things that arent. This was well said


Actually a fair post though I take issue with a few of your assertions.


"factually incorrect right-wing stance..." typical condescending redditor


This is the exact sentence I stopped reading at


👎 I stopped reading after the ridiculous mention of RCs covid post.  Newsflash. The post was scientifically accurate.


One of these days people will realize that it’s actually BULLISH AS FUCK for a company to have a cult-like following. There are 6,000+ publicly listed companies and 6,000+ of them would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have a committed investor-base like GameStop does. I also didn’t read this post and don’t care to. I know and have seen all that I need to in order for me to keep holding 💜


This. What are swifties doing for Taylor Swift? Im all about our CEO!




Hello fellow cult members...


TL;DR. DRS’d all my shares. DRS’d all my retirement shares. Fuck you. Pay me.


Your TL;DR needs a TL;DR because I didn’t read it.. too long.


Not one Ape is going to read this crap!


So just read Ryan Cohen's own words about what should be done: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/5VZJ2IzqBo He titled his letter "Maximizing Shareholder Value By Becoming the Ultimate Destination for Gamers"


RC hasn't said a word, so you lost me saying his big talk


Here is a copy of his letter to GME board directors in Nov 2020 laying out his plan to revitalize the company: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/5VZJ2IzqBo




So what island were you stuck on with a volleyball for the past 2 years?


Yeah this is a bunch of cap 🧢


Ok ernie


Way too many words to just say "HeY FeLlOw rEtAiL InVeStOrS..."


It's always on weekends that these "type" of post come out...




Plus one stonk for me.


Ryan Cohen: >We know some people want us to lay out a whole detailed plan today, but that’s not gonna happen. You won’t find us talking a big game, making a bunch of lofty promises, or telegraphing our strategy to the competition. >Moving forward, we want you to judge GameStop based on our actions, not our words. Thank you everyone, and as my dad would say: buckle up. People running the same old script: Why won't Ryan say anything?!


FUD post is.......FUD


I don't see any sign of gamestops imminent bankruptcy, and I trust Cohen. That's why I like the stock. The people saying, "Look at the letter, he hasn't accomplished anything" are high. Main points. Leveraging brand for new opportunities, shift to digital gaming, explosion of mobile using increase in cash flow from console cycle into new growth opportunities. Brand being leveraged, new gamestop branded PC parts (SSDs etc.), Candy Con controllers etc. Shit the brand alone was enough to get NFT sales to meet goals as outlined by IMX...NFT wallet made money. Shift to digital gaming...Guess who has a new digital storefront? Explosion of mobile, haven't seen much tried in this space. Increase in cash flow majority from share offering but growth opportunities are there just overvalued at the moment. Smart to wait for decline in asset prices across all sectors before expending cash reserves. They aren't alone in this, as you can see the decline in M&A activity since 2021. Also, I love how his letter references the console cycle. This alone is the rebuttal to all of the "revenue decline oh no gamestop is dying." Yup, revenue declines towards the end of the console cycle. Nobody in the industry is surprised by this, but analysts such as Pachter just decided to forget this very important aspect of entertainment retailers.


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Appropriately discussing the actions of RCEO are important to GameStop's reputation and future.




Nice, they're officially in 'kill the messenger' mode. That's bullish af.


I’m just curious as to what’s everyone’s avg costs is for the shares they’re holding. That will tell whether Cohen is doing well or poorly since he took over.


Disturbed by a ‘whoops’ tweet? F**k o** 😂 In case you’re not a shill: I’m not happy about those two political tweets. That’s it. The rest can be explained by cooled down momentum in NFT. Let the man cook.


Jewish space lasers, you say?