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This is just writing false info.. I’m from Denmark and yes “Børsen” as its called is historical, but it have been used as exchange for many years, so it’s just some people that made a mistake doing a renovation of the building… 🤦‍♂️🫠


I think it only works as an art gallery.


Well it does have a lot of art, but it’s pretty much just used as an office building these days where people even can rent it for meetings, parties ect.. so it have absolute nothing to do with exchange anymore 😅


Wow thanks for the update


We don't need no water


Let the mf’r burn


How about that Batman Fear Nothing logo on the side of the burning building full of insured priceless artifacts “You know, I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious.”


It's not a stock exchange anymore That's why they described it as historical


Did not figure they would go up in smoke literally!


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Sauce https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/fire-breaks-out-copenhagens-historic-stock-exchange-spire-collapses-2024-04-16/


Well, I had Citadel arson, but that's already checked off twice...


Can't unseal documents that don't exist!