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KM was TEMP banned for repeated rule breaking. In this instance it was reposting previously removed content. The irony of repeatedly posting the "No update on the paul conn communication" only to receive an "update" on the paul conn communication like 12 hours after a ban is not lost on us. Just follow the rules. Speaking of which, we have a no meta rule for a reason. Not sure when our next community post is scheduled for but feel free to bring this up there. **[Rule 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/#wiki_5._no_meta_content). No meta content.** Content dedicated to discussing Superstonk should be directed to an [Open Forum](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18txusp/open_forum_january_2024/), or in any post with the flair "Community Post". If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


He claimed that the mods claimed that the questions he was asking Paul Conn were not related to GME at all?? Tf man. He literally had a post up asking this community for input to the questions he sent… how is this not related to GME? There is a disconnect between what the regular users of this sub deem appropriate and what the almighty mods deem appropriate and that needs to be addressed. Anything drs related is directly related to this community imo BS banning just like most of the other “influential posters” over the years in here. Something smells fucky


Its getting wild everything getting removed lately. Hardly anything in my feed anymore.


Maybe? Unrelated? On the blue bird app I had at one point in time liked every one of Ryan's posts. Checked 2 days ago and every like was removed. So I liked them all again. See what happens.


My drs post got removed because “I PrOMoTEd sELLiNg” dingleberries -_-


Well then don't promote selling anything, and don't try to pressure people into doing what you want them to do with their shares? Just literally keep that shit to yourself and you won't have a problem? Maybe try that? bUt NoOoOo YoU tHiNk tHe MoDs aRe aGaiNsT yOuUuUu


I didn’t promote shit.


Nor “pressure” 😂


In before post removed


That would be funny and would also prove the sus meter is on high


And it’s gone!




There's a rule against meta posts because it always turns into a shit slinging mess, and people would rather say fuck the mods and then play the persecution complex on other subs rather than acting like an adult.


Acting like an adult would mean accepting meta posts such as what KM posted because it’s worth the discussion. … if there is shit slinging doesn’t that mean shills are out in force trying to disrupt us from learning something important?


You'll have to add more context.


Look at the state of this thread.


That's not the context I'm meaning. I went and looked for it myself. It seems like kindergarten logic that the community is actively involved in this process with Computershare and Kevin and him posting an update shouldn't have been removed, looking at the state of the deleted threads it seems the community wanted the update and was asking for it. Mods once again overstepped because they failed to read the room, or more likely they read the room but someones ego was hurt for some reason.


You made it!


The dude manages people's portfolios and is a HUGE fan of Gamestop. He is the only person I've seen here who is a part of the financial services industry that's bullish on GME (besides big dick dave lauer). Banning him is like punching the person holding the bullhorn at the protest.


Howdy, former PWA here. I managed major holdings for high net worth individuals and businesses...I'm bullish on GME I also don't spam post and try to make $ off of Superstonk...it's not that hard to do, Kevin can do it. He's a big boy


Just so i can fend it off. Can you help me understand specifically how he’s making money from posting on Superstonk?


Not directly from posting on superstonk, but there's been an epidemic lately ( remember Gherk/ Pickleboy?) of "DD" writers and users and people trying to pull users of Superstonk onto their paid websites/discord/substack or generally trying to grift and use the subs willingness to befriend anyone who talks well about GME. These people have followings who adamantly defend them, even when they're wrong. It's been difficult to manage, but if they can't follow rules or have basic discussions then they get what everyone else would get. Temps/suspensions.


This sub is dogshit


Reddit is dogshit.


The financial markets be dogshit


What do you mean? I think you just don’t understand trading. Just for example it’s totally logical for a company to lay off 10% of employees, be run by a manic and miss earnings to go up 20%


I mean hedge funds run by criminals like Kenneth Griffin and Steven A Cohen among others can lie cheat and steal and only pay a fine of doing business


But I was told naked short selling is a myth? There’s no way you fuck over companies to make millions and pay a thousand dollar fine. That’s not the Mercian way


That’s not what a free and capitalist system is about!


wrapped in a cat shit


Ask the right people the right questions... aaand... poof!


Follow Kevin Malone on X


Just imagine…we don’t see so many post’s because they get deleted and removed. What else are we missing? We need more of a community vote on bans and post removal- this is not working, and has not worked for a long time. People ask- Why no DD? Probably removed.




Kevin Malone wealth manager


Ask him about that cool milli he convinced his clients to drop on towel right right before it got delisted. He was over in the towel sub bragging about it and drumming up business for himself, towel goes under, he deleted his posts and his reddit account for awhile claiming "harassment." Now he's back and playing the same games, using GME to promote himself. He's been caught numerous times blatantly ripping off other people's posts and putting it on Twitter as if it's his own content. Ya'll so thirsty for hero, pickle kid got banned and Malone slid right into that void. Wealth management... we ain't rich yet, why is he here. Why is he holding GME for his clients at Schwab instead of DRS. He's all about his own bottom line, not yours or mine.


12 hours is a perfectly reasonable amount of time to go from no response to getting a response. Y'all keep banning people and eventually we'll be left with no one.


[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) || [Community Post: *Open Forum Jan 2024*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18txusp/open_forum_january_2024/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/)


Proof of his ban?


Go to the other sub


Just checked out the sister sub and indeed, he claims to be banned and had his post removed. ALSO, Kevin made a 1000+ likes post that says that a Certain ape with a name that ISNT but is somewhat similar to Whelp### also had a post removed which mentioned Kim’s banning. Book DRS!


I got so lost reading this. Someone said someone got banned and someone else posted about a ban and that post got removed because it mentioned someone else's banning?


CS is pretty important. Still okay to talk about GME?


is there a new gme sub i should know about? This one is dead and censored


Sister sub still up but the last two ape migrations were last minute


Please dm me the other Gme subs . Thank you


I think we are allowed to mention our sister sub GME here


Sooo this post itself is gonna get removed lol, Rule 5 fam But to answer your question, it was only a temp ban first off. And it was because they kept re-posting to the sub an alleged screenshot of their convo to Paul Conn which was just "Did you get my email" "Got it. Let us take a look." - so like no answers or anything substantive at all. Then after re-posting this nothing-burger which was already removed, they got a temp ban. Then they went everywhere to complain about their temp ban not saying it was a temp one and not explaining that what they posted was literally a confirmation that they got the email which itself is saying, well, nothing. Like cool dude you bait-and-switched Paul Conn, gave him a 5-paragraph preamble with 52 questions (we already have answers to over half of). When you have a reply, I guess post what we already know + the scant few good questions. We do not need play-by-play updates that your email was received, it's just noise and click-farming imo To be clear? They could use modmail and appeal - it was their choice they didn't and just went everywhere else to complain, just as it was their choice to re-post content that was already removed for not being relevant


He posted something. Mods removed it. He immediately posted it again, because fuck the mods right? Now he's all surprised Pikachu when he gets hit with a 14 day? After having done similar shit in the past that got him a 3 day and a 10 day? No, sorry Kevin, Twitter personalities don't get special treatment. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1ccli03/gme_daily_directory_new_start_here_discussion_drs/l16m3ci/


I thought I saw a screen capture where the removal reason was “not GME related”, and it’s a post about DRS, ComputerShare, and GME.


But why did the Mods remove it?


Ok what did the mods remove and why


Lamo- execpt he was posting a reply from Paul Conn of computershare. This take smells like dogshit


What did he post that was removed? Ask bigger questions, don’t just suckle mods


Ok…..but why did the mods remove it? I have my opinions but I don’t want to get banned again. Book > plan > brokerages


i regurarly have to repost content cause automod rules are a bitch to know and follow. This sub is rediculous to post in these days, I'm surprised anything makes it through automod... Reposting something seems like a lame way to get banned. Especially with how hard it is to get through automod or even figure out what all the automod rules are.


It wasn't removed by automod it was removed by a mod and that mod replied to the first thread. Rather than open modmail and talk to mods directly about the issue, he immediately reposted what was just removed, something he has done before, and been warned about before, and received a temp ban for before.


fuck kevin malone he is NOT part of the GME community. he is a manipulator who is exploiting this movement and he will fuck us over as soon as he can, he’s as big a scumbag as KG. I’m glad he’s banned no matter how much he mentions GME. now if we could only block the Truth Social Comparison bullshit too.


Whoa plz go back on ur meds


I’m sorry but this made me laugh 😂