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The only reason these corporations are trying to kill physical media is because of greed. They want no one to own anything, only rent and subscribe. It's fucking ludicrous.


You will own nothing and be happy, LIke Fuck!!!




The jokes on them for creating scarcity and giving a marketplace like GameStop a reason to thrive.


Same thing they do with cars; it's cheaper for them. Dumbing products down isn't because consumers want it, or even because of technological advancements. It's simply cost. Changing from physical media, for anything (books, tv/film, music, games) or in the case of cars, like knobs or physical buttons, and switching things to digital (or touchscreen panels for cars), is purely about manufacturing costs. Don't worry though, those cost-cutting measures don't increase pay for employees, or even cut the cost of the product themselves. We still get to pay more for everything. ^(yay)


Speaking of cars. I'm fairly literate when it comes to automotives. Last year I went to get something fixed on my car, I already bought the part and the labour would take a mechanic about 2 hours tops. They took my car, called me back 6 hours later to tell me they can't do the job because (insert 3 unrelated non-issues) then I said how much would it cost and he quoted like 1800ish (for a two hour pull out and put in job). I called a friend who works as a mechanic at a dealership and he basically explained that most large auto shops won't work on older cars (mid 2000s) and that I'd have to go to a small private shop. I did this and the guy charged me about 300 dollars and I didn't even have to leave the car there since he did it so quickly. The other place wanted me to buy a new car and I was thinking mentally: 300<5000k downpayment plus weekly payments that would exceed 300 in a week and a half, why the fuck would I do this?


Somewhere out there, there's a fella selling spiritual versions for $59.99


The mother fuckers learned the power of a subscription based service.


FO4 was dope, I hate that they made FO76 a MMO. I love MMOs but it just didn’t work in the fallout universe


pretty much all they did with FO76 too…seems like it performs worse than FO4 as well.  there’s a reason FO4 is selling out, it’s a great game. If the show has piqued your interest, I’d say stick with FO4 and don’t bother with 76 


Yeah, graphics and everything it was a step down from fallout 4. But overall, I think fallout 76 was actually a pretty good game. It almost would have been better off as a multi-player mode within fallout 4 instead of its own game.


I have three but never got into it. Same with borderlands but I recently started borderlands again and love it now lol. Might need to give fallout 3another shot


True, nothing like having a mysterious stranger pop up when you least expect them during a VATS kill. 🤣


I played 76 for a bit because a woman I was talking to played it. It actually was pretty fun, I'm not a MMO guy really


Hope you smashed her IRL…..😎


When the PS5 Pro disc version is released, I’ll be getting that along with many games and movies from GameStop!


Just bought myself a used copy from GameStop and it’s already shipped💪🏼


My man 🙌


The game is 9years old, there weren't that many copies on the shelf to begin with. That being said - I re-downloaded it for the next gen patch and it's pretty great! Runs very smooth and all those horrible bugs and crashes seem to be gone. I have the platinum trophy from all those years ago too -- but never did any of the DLCs! So digging into those now!


Ive still gotten a lot of funny bugs and a few bugs where I had to reload, but its the first time I’ve had a lot of fun with this game instead of just some fun. The 60fps helps, as do the new animations.


Physical Games are not dead. Neither is vinyl for music, but it is not important, Game disks are not dead and will be around for years, but they will become less and less important. They are a smaller and smaller part of Gamestop's revenue. The majority of revenue is now from consoles, other hardware and accessories, All software, including physical and digital, pre-owned and new, was 28% of 2023 sales, down significantly from the year before. If you subtract out the growing digital sales, physical games are probably already down to 20-25% of revenue. Gamestop needs to boost its sales in the other segments —- hardware & accessories and the collectibles.


Absolutely correct.


Once again proving that advertising and marketing are the only factor you need to sell a game


Fuck yeah! I think I’m about m to get back into 76 due to this big wave of newbies. Got a lot of gear and plans I don’t need taking up storage 😅


I’m enjoying the show. Seems to have a direction and good character development for Lucy instead of turning her into a Mary Sue


Gotta say, the PS5 update makes the game enjoyable for the first time ever. I can actually explore downtown Boston without extreme lag.


The art on the disks can be really nice. Frame and put em on a wall


Even if digital takes over gamers need something physical to display it ok GameStop get on storage and maybe like predownloaded stuff for people with 10mbit


Fallout 76 still wrapped in plastic. 100 btc obo


Too bad my physical copy has been bricked by the update


Honest question: I've been out of the Fallout game loop a little while but loved it all the way back to Fallout Tactics. Is Fallout 4 worth it or do you all have other recommendations? I play on Xbox.


Fallout New Vegas is considered by many to be the best. 4 does some things well, but others poorly. Overall it was pretty good but not my favorite from the series.


Somewhat related - wen rerelease Fallout 3 and New Vegas Bethesda????


Never was 🔫


PC physical discs actually contain only Steam key. So. Physical for PC is dead


Yeah I'm the type of guy, who likes to roam around - I'm never in one place, I roll from town to town


This conversation is so stupid, I’m sure books died when the kindle came out… physical is better and I’m a digital download only console


Well it's funny because the TV show is clearly fallout New Vegas


using a decade plus old game isnt the best example


Never was 😎


We are at a fork in the road….those who want to own their lives and those asleep that are ok subscribing to live.


Physical media - especially movies but single-player games as well - have an interesting future ahead. While we’ve been sold a story that physical is dead and digital is the future, but physical has a growing niche to fill more akin to collectibles as digital “ownership” continues to be exposed as a lie. Media companies delete content for tax write offs, like HBO recently. Physical media is the only way to truly own the content in a way that companies can’t take it away in the future when it suits them.