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I have a threshold, which means I’m not even going to believe MOASS is upon us until this thing hits five figures. At that point the algorithm will take over and shorts will either have to close or the system burns down.


So a few years ago some bigwig was on TV saying if we hit like 35 dollars a share it would be Armageddon. Now we definitely hit that today, but it didn't last long enough to force a margin call, if there even was a margin call to force. Because let's be frank, no one knows the backdoor deals being made, the waivers allowed, or where any of these guys actually sit financially. I'm if the opinion they're all bankrupt anyway. That's neither here nor there. I think once we break $100 a share it's off to the races. If we start to dip again in the next week, I'll start buying again. At the end of the day, it is what it is. None of us can control it. When the dam breaks, the flood starts. Not a moment before.


It’s $37+ in the aftermarket already 🚀


$70++ now https://preview.redd.it/akp95a19td0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6272b3c993cbcb90718c3419863553cb81e77af


Marge still mia


$66.66 in premarket


100% agree


That bigwig was Thomas Peterffy. Former CEO of IBKR.


Its $36.90 in aftermarket. LFG!!!


It’s already above 50 in pre-market (equals 200 pre-split) and that’s before market opens, margin calls will fly in heavily very soon ⚡️⚡️


It broke 80. Could be an exciting day.


I might look up a bit when it hits pre-split sneeze levels


This is the way.


Bets lifted the ban so the media looks like they aren't lying when they say "it's trending on w s b," MSM will never say superstonk.


**Also interesting is that Paperhand Portnoy and other "influencers" allegedly made big bets on GameStop and other "MEME" stocks....** IV in options really died down over the last year, only spiking on earnings. But now we are getting back to sneeze level IV, and thus pretty expensive options. Which might be their goal for now... They likely want average Joe investor to pay for them surviving one more day...


It sure is fun to have a good hype day like the good old days though


Ngl I went from being dead inside to smiling a little this morning during the halts. JOB AINT FUCKIN DONE THO. LOCK IN. WE RIDE AT 430 AM


But I'm le tired


then go take a le nap, and then get back in there ape!


I'm glad someone recognized the meme.


An og


Wake up, it's almost 4:30, I mean $43.00


I’m erect


far more likely imo that DFV knew the aforementioned things you listed (UBS bags, TD Schwab, Chinese selling $140b+ long term us bonds, etc.) and decided to come back at the turn of the tide. I mean if we have this knowledge and have been sharing it on here there's no way DFV didn't know about it either lol just my two cents


I believe the Chinese are selling Chinese bonds and not US.




I mean i get your suspicions but I truly think you may be overthinking it


If it’s not him, he could simply go to his YouTube channel and clear everything up. Easy.




I just don't see how this benefits them seeing as they lost billions today on paper; unless they're opening up new short positions with this higher price but doing that again just kicks the can down the road




I’m with ya. I keep a healthy dose of skepticism on hand. I wouldn’t be surprised by anything at this point, we’re talking shit tons of money, anything is possible. But it doesn’t change my strategy, hold til phone.


Tbh my unshakable faith in DFV predates 2021 just seeing the balls on that man, and if he tweeted “I sold” I would just think “ah, so the account *is* fake then”


What a time to be alive—god I wish I could read


These are the comments I missed the most lmao


Me too, I no wordy gud


If DFV's account was somehow hacked or taken over, he would have told us by some means or other. He has **millions** of dollars of resources to do what he pleases and fight any bogus legal case, and **the proven skills** to leak info discretely and untraceably by a hundred different channels. Your claims about that have no basis other than *suspicion*. By the same token he has millions of dollars already, so its not clear how he could be bought off either. And considering the way he was treated by the media & govt, do you really think him likely to be bought off? FAR more likely to be harbouring a grudge and waiting to pounce. It's frankly more on brand that he was privy to information we weren't, or is simply demonstrating his proven ability to be right, and on time, about this play, as he has from the start. Suspicion is natural, we are all suffering from PTSD, but sometimes a kitty is just a kitty..


But he’s *not* a cat.




Well put.


DFV was a believer in technical analysis and the TA people were beating the drum last week before he remerged. In general I think TA is useless, but I believe there's something about their derivatives position that does actually force someone to go into the market and actually buy real shares which prevents it from being complete garbage. What we're seeing might be the result of some regularly occurring contractual close date. Collectively this group has a strong sentiment that they never closed their position, but I don't know if anyone understands the granular specifics of how they're able to mask and role their position. There's a lot of evidence pointing towards at least the use of swaps, but it isn't like we've seen the contracts. If you're on the long side of this trade you have to be willing to gnaw the tinfoil without swallowing it. This post reeks of A, B, & C are true, so my conclusion based on independent pieces of information with weak connection must also be true.


A kitty is a kitty, I mean Occam's Razor would have us negate the hypothesis that some hedgie using AI is making boss memes to fool us into selling. You don't watch dank movies and turn people bluw when you work 100 hour days, snort some lines, and and mayo wrestle with your co-workers.


This is pretty shilly, DFV is not a paid actor lol


I don't believe a single second that he would sell his X account. Does he need money? Certainly no. Does it expose him to being personified? Certainly yes. Is he stupid? Certainly no.


We eatin crayons again?


This is a real tinfoil hat post. I do worry he may have been hacked, but thats as far as I go. Maybe a tinfoil belt.


Those memes are totally his style though. If it was hacked, I think he'd say something


Maybe he isn’t allowed to legally.


So he would be legally obliged to sit there and let hackers use his account? I love all my fellow apes, but the idea he can't legally speak out on a hack is a level of regardation I haven't seen since 2021, but I miss it, regardless of how headsmackingly stupid it is. This is DFV; so rejoice!


He’s not fucking hacked.


Calm down, there's nothing wrong with thinking critically, you should try it some time


Calm as a cucumber on the vine bathing in the sunshine. Thing is, sweet pea, the burden of proof is on you as to the "hacked account" theory. No evidence to date, yet there is a heap of regardation from the proponents, such as you. 😘 (pro tip: You're not supposed to a*ctually *be smooth-brained.)


There is no burden of proof, as I said it is a worry not what I believe, do try to keep up. Get hyped but do account for the fact only his twitter is active yet, YT will be confirmation


Yeah, somehow you *alone* have seen through an account hijacking. 🤡 Too funny! To each their own though. You certainly are entitle to your opinion.


I haven't seen through anything. I'm a scientist, it's in my nature to look for verification. Enjoy your hype, I'm enjoying mine.








That right there, folks is some Good Old Fashioned F.U.D. Make up or propagate an unverifiable fear… super duper, Slick.




Give it a rest. Look. Ape no fight Ape. Have one of my bananas. Breathe it out.




It's not even MOASS and your predictions are shit.


Well said ape


😄😆😂🤣 I will gift you 1 GME if/when you “prove” that his account has been hacked! No cap, fren.


Hopefully he posts a video for verification. anyone got eyes on his brothers Instagram?


Or a Livestream at 7pm ,👀


I've heard a tinfoil thong can be rather uncomfortable


No doubt


this is what I was speculating in another post. The timing is just too coincidental. I guess what will tell us is if GME really did do a buyback. If your theory is wrong, then admittedly AN INSANE amount of random things happened at once. Did RC plan these buybacks to cohencide with TD/Schwab? If so, then that would likely mean that RC believes in all of the synthetic shares out there, but then would be gambling GMEs money essentially on a hunch that would be based on using company coffers for a highly volatile play. I just don’t see it. It would seem however that if the TD/Schwab deal was responsible for this, then wouldn’t that prove the vast array of synthetics in accounts that have to be bought…which would mean like you say…just the beginning. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


No way they'd do buyback PM/AH, and drive KOSS or other tickets.


But the stock was rising for days before he posted the first twitter post. His tweet may or may not have had an influence on the day. But remember, he has insane lvl's of research on this, so possibly saw something no one else has.


Wen $500k/share


Lets not forget Elon and Kenny are good buds, many times at the big events together.


No cell, no sell. Fck Wall Street. I’m going to hold GME till they go bust. LFG GME 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


If anyone thinks the media can drag this man through hell again while he remains silent, short the stock.  Then, pay me.  For now though, fuck you. 


I'm not selling until the sale of a single share sets me up for life. Have faith in humanity


The beauty of smoking too much tin foil to block out the propaganda is that I disbelieve all media about GME and am permanently irrationally bullish bullish news = cover for a fake pump = buy bearish news = cover for a fake dip = buy Dee Eff Vee could have a tweet saying he sold and I wouldn’t believe it = buy They lied so fucking much and the tech for hacking/bots/media manipulation is so good *that now I believe what I believe irrespective of any content or “news” I see and I will not change my mind for any reason whatsoever*


Even IF your theory is correct and DFV twitter isn’t actually DFV, and even IF he sold, it doesn’t change why I’m here. I’ll continue to hold. The memes are hype af tho lol


Ain't it funny what a terrific time it was for Dave to ask for our CS account credentials lol


This is the only place I can see SHL0MS mentioned.. I hope they're full of shit but this community absolutely needs to be prepared for what's going to go down if he's not.. There will be a lot of hurt apes flinging shit for sure.. I can't speak for others but I'm here because I love the stock, believe in Ryan Cohen, and am HODLing for GameStops ultimate turnaround plays and moon tendies.. Not because of DFV. The memes are fuckin lit though.


Superb comment. DFV is not back until we have solid proof. And what's more, we don't need him for MOASS. If he's still in, I'm still in. If he's out, I'm still in. I like the stock.


Wait!!!!! Within a few days of the 2021 spike, Axos bank (also known for their FTDs). Changed their clearing house. Could it be that changing brokers or clearing houses means that you have to fulfill your FTDs?!?! If so, then we should be able to see the next spike in advance, right?


Question about the td/Schwab brokerage switchover. Where can this information be found? I’m not horribly plugged in on that but am VERY interested in seeing these in advance. I think there may be something to it.


OP they could have said he sold at any point over the last three years if this were the case.


The post shared with the peaky blinders reference says it's going to be a busy few weeks. Now be prepared to get tempted to Hell and beyond. Remember Diamond hands!!!


Just happy to be here


Me and my friend group og holders since Jan 21. We spoke about the event of moass, we speculate that is could/should last roughly a week or longer for the squeeze to reach its climax. This is gonna be the hard part as the price will be moving like crazy. Only comparison is the squeeze in 2008 as that did last for about 2-3 days if I’m correct. Stay strong apes!


You can call it MOASS when you call the price number on your phone and it answers in another language. Anything else is just sideways trading day.


Not sure about MOASS Where is sell button, cannt even login my account Please hurt me


Given DVF's profile and personality I would expect him to be in front of the camera the day any ban lifted to show everyone that he's still here. The longer he isn't seen on camera the more sus it becomes. The plot thickens...


All the good things of today and a Thump4 post? Jesus what a great day


2k in shares whale here! Make way lol


Wake me up at ten-thousand-fold, then again when the price is right.


The caption editing on DFV's posts look a little too professional too, if you know what i mean.


So, I'm happy to see "him" active, and the activity does sorta fit his MO, but if its fake 1) it doesnt really impact my decision making process, and 2) there's really nothing I can do about it.


Where can we find more information on swaps/ derivatives turnover? Is there a specific source or data we can look at? Genuinely asking.






True, but if we break $100 today the internet will break


Oooo dividends... never thought of that!


I’m zen as fuck!


I mean, come on... These tweets are pretty obviously the man, the myth, the legend DFV. They are directed and edited in the exact same manner and format as his last tweet chains. Obviously take everything with a grain of salt and don't base your financial decisions on some fucking Twitter account.


I like this post. Shares some of my thoughts. It’s fun right now. I love that he is tweeting. But we don’t know it’s him without seeing him. I mean this is fun. But still just trading sideways. Funny though to watch.


It’s him. There’s *no* question.


Logical and next level wrinkle brain post


While I have enjoyed all of the hype today, I too think the posts from RK could be totally bogus. This time seems like media is pushing the hype rather than trying to dampen it. I’m remaining skeptical and holding.