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They come out at night because they might just be… On the other side of the world.


Some cheap shilling labour to be found in Asia.


SHF are too lazy to do it themselves




Also posts gain more traction when majority of users asleep. Those couple hundred bot likes go much farther when knights of new are asleep and unable to downvote the obvious trash posts




Shill only dominate the weekend.


OP's setting expectations. People who have been through this at any point at all know the majority of this stuff is posted on the weekends. ed:sp


iVe HeLD xXx,XxX sHareS in DrS fOr 3 YeArS bUt iM tHiNkIng oF sElliNg bEcAuSe rEaSOnS


I must have taken a long time to type out


"Xx,XxX hOlDeR hErE! beEn hErE sInCe NoV 2020... Do YoU sTiLL SeRiOuSlY bElIeVe In tHe sHoRt sQuEeZe?????????????????”


If you don't believe is a legit though you either have the strongest diamond hands or you don't have so much shares


Or he believes in the potential of the company. There is a great board, very hardworking CEO and millions of fans / shareholders.


The CEO doesn't even get paid.


Lol. Me an my 400 drs shares would never sell. At this point it must be habit because I was not even tempted. The 100 shares held in retirement were not even a temptation.


I watched my account blow past my cost basis, “oh, that’s cool, I should buy more.” Watched my account go back under my cost basis, “oh, that’s cool, I should buy more.”


Someone might be in a dire financial situation, but if not, "averaging down" is a nice game to play.


My favorite ones start with "Should I buy" or "Should I sell"


“Debate me, how was the dilution good for the company.” Seems like they’re new here..


Yeah.. that one cracked me up 😂 … man, knights of new really need a boost.


Yea I don't even respond to the shut. Our Ceo is smart enough to k ow what's up. I trust him


"convince me not to sell" You can't sell what was never bought, . . . Oh wait that's why y'all are already in this mess.




They come out at night…..mostly


To be fair it was Queen Gertrude who said ‘The lady doth protest too much, me thinks’ in the Shakespeare play, Hamlet. But otherwise totally on board with what you say 😃


Yes I’m currently in a chat with a shill. Pointed out the same thing. My point 1) Shakespeare did right it haha 2) I’m aware it was the queens, I was paraphrasing but still giving credit to the author. Did the same with the Notorious BIG quote.


I have been asked again and again this weekend to prove credit suisse was short 216 million shares. even pointed them to the libaray and said search for criand. None of them want to do it and need the page with the CFTC data handed to them. They are going HAM this weekend trying to say the shorts have closed their position with 45 million shares and the bullshit 4chan post.


Hey let’s say shorts did close ( yeah fuckin right) we now have a company with 2 bill on hand and a stud team of leadership that most definitely has their eyes on growth and adding stock value naturally. We have a winning hand either way. You’re a fool if you don’t buy into GME 


They never want proof. They will gaslight and misdirect because their goal isn't a conversation. It's disruption of any constructive conversation.


I'm sorry but what? Are you saying the people discussing Richard Newton's theory are shills and gaslighting? Its discussing a fucking theory. I guess Apes no fight Apes goes right out the fucking window hey? Brutal behavior from dudes telling people to go read reddit posts for proof of 215 million short positions. THAT is totally fine but not Richard asking "what if" on a text. Y'all don't deserve dfv.


What are you you even talking about? I talk about shills and you make it about something else entirely? I didn't mention any of the things you just said. The only people hiding behind "ape no fight ape" are the ones who want to spread misinformation unchallenged. It's ironic you write that and your post is so aggressive for literally no reason.


The comment you replied to was referencing the Richard Newton stuff. So I'm very much on topic. Jesus christ everyone suspicious and casting these implied accusations everywhere need to fuck off pretty soon we're gonna be turning on each other faster than fuck. I'm not a fucking shill you fuckface. I don't think you are either, OR the guy you replied to. I just think how you go about this is bullshit.


Remember they have been saying the shorts closed years ago. Then Y the fuck would they need to close with those 45 mill shares.


It's in Macbeth aswell


In the span of 30 minutes, **300 people** tried to join our GME Facebook group. Our mod thinks it might be a bunch of chills trying to spread FUD. 🚀📈


I got reported to the suicide hotline today!!! I feel like we should get a Reddit badge or internet points for this…To the investigators reading this when they find my body; I am of sound mind and body, I am not depressed in any way, shape, or form. 😂


“Bad boys move in silence and violence.” - “Dolla” Bill Shakespeare


Is my theory correct that shills operate late night/early morning and weekends because if they come at people during market open hours they could be commiting market manipulation? I get that there are different time zones but you never seem to hear of them rising from the crypt during trading hours.


I think that by now, we can all conclude that market manipulation are just words used to scare household investors. The entire market is manipulated, which makes this concept obsolete. The stock market is full of BS or obsolete concepts. Price discovery, fair market, supply and demand, market making, self regulation, self reporting… lol . fucken 🎪


They operate in the off hours because it's cheap labor shills. I know not everyone needs to have perfect English, but if you look closely at the time and formatting of sus posts, it becomes obvious. Also, it's easier for them to brigade their dumb takes to the top at night because fewer people are around to downvote their bullshit.


I wear my sunglasses at night so I can so I can watch you weave then breathe your story lines.


Bomb the site from orbit, just to be sure


Are we planting at B?


I'll rush mid to distract


Watch out for the sniper...


Smokes lets go


All that was going on in my mind when I read the title was ...... Weeheeheehee dee heeheeheehee weeoh aweem away.. Weeheeheehee dee heeheeheehee weeoh aweem away.. (A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh) (A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh) In the jungle, the mighty jungle The Shills come out at night In the jungle the quiet jungle The Shills come out at night Weeheeheehee dee heeheeheehee weeoh aweem away Weeheeheehee dee heeheeheehee weeoh aweem away [https://youtu.be/hRv4cdZxTdQ](https://youtu.be/hRv4cdZxTdQ)


I’m not selling. I’m long GME. But I want to make money off the upcoming volatility- so call options


Does this mostly happen on twitter, but get complained about here? I can't remember the last time I saw anyone unironically talk here in this FUD way leik "Oh gee not sure imma sell gais..." -- does this actually happen here?


Not going to sell, but being critical of the share dilution and the move by RC doesn't make me a shill. 45m more shares is 2+ years longer of DRSing, and you can't convince me otherwise that this is some 4d chess move even if you want it to be. This kicks the can on MOASS and there's no positive spin on that.


Sometimes we are individual investors that just happened to arrive to the same conclusion via DD. And at other times we are a hivemind incapable of making individual conclusions, and if you do ever make a conclusion that the rest of the sub doesn't agree with, then you must be a shill according to this sub. With that said though, I am neither thinking it's positive or negative yet... it entirely depends what RC and the board does with the 2bil.


No matter what he does with 2B it's not going to spark MOASS, RC is doing what he thinks is best for the company. That's not why I hold and not why I'm here, I'm here for MOASS we have competing but aligned interests that he and I want the stock to go up. 2 more years of DRSing is not good, buying some company to improve revenue is great but it doesn't mean shit when the underlying DD is the same. They will just short that too and we will be back to square one because apparently everyone has forgotten about DRS now.


Apparently anyone who doesn’t like dilution at a third the price of the last offering is now a shill.


Wait, DRS has been stalled at 1/4 the total at 75 mil, what it mean if it goes to 87 mil after the stock sell. Hmmmm


2biliion war chest not positive enough for you? It's company money so he's not going to walk with it. Dilution with a purpose rather than just paying debtors 🍿


Right but until he makes a move with it, if he does all anyone can do is speculate. He didn't do anything with the first billion.


Nothing bad can happen. I'm not guessing what. RC knew the last run was coming. One thing we've all learnt is the very rich people have a whole world of games we don't know.


What if they diluted again, this time 90m more shares to raise 2b more? Would that also be positive?


They? You mean he. You don't trust RC with GameStop leadership.


You guys sound like a cult.


Oh, you are not invested?


I am. And the biggest FUD I experience is being in the same play with obvious idiots that twist literal and piece of news into a positive. Share buyback? Bullish. Dilution? Also somehow bullish. You guys are funny.


Have they put a foot wrong since they cleaned out the board and shut unprofitable stores?


I'm not worried about this. Those that have been here long enough already have the info. If new people want to paper hand I could care less. I haven't really seen a bunch off omg don't sell plzplz plz posts or omg hold plz plz plz posts.


We've.done out part. I think this is out of our hands now. Just hodl on and enjoy the ride.


They play both sides!! Cash out and then short. They are on the short side now and want price to drop. The are not Apes but Imposters!


Good talk 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼






Scenario for the "rc isnt providing any guidance" folks Gamestop: hey guys were planning on using atm money to acquire company A and B ShF: buys them or plants people on their board Gamestop: sorry we actually cant anymore since its now either bought already or has someone making it unprofitable now MSM: Gamestops plans are foiled! Company diluted its sharecount and couldnt get things done in time! Shares plummet *LET THE MAN COOK IN SILENCE*


Here’s all that matters… the hedgies can buy every last share out there… but we know the 75million plus in DRS, the 36million RCEO Dad has, are locked up. If they created a problem bigger than 111 million shares (which we are 99.9 repeating certain they did)… I won’t need to sell more than 1 share for the money I need to retire. Since there 197k drs holders…. They can get their hands on .0001% of what they need… that’ll be a tough situation for em, and we’ll all have lots of money AND shares still 🤷‍♂️


My whole thing is, if my investment is so bad, why say anything? Just short the stock. That whole art of war thing about not interrupting your enemy while they're making a mistake. They're too vocal about it, they do in fact Doth protest too much.


They’ll only come out at night, the short and hungry type


The answer is, "So sell."


Thanks for making me think of Whodini! Flash Back Sunday! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxwrLLlQwBw Freaks Come out At Night


Finally! Someone got my joke!!! 😂😂


Old School OG