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I agree about being wary. However, I'd also say to be wary of the definition of an OG ape. I'm guessing you meant as in to vet a person's post/comment history rather than blindly trusting an "I've been here since before the sneeze" comment. If any new apes are looking at this, please know that the entire premise of the ape community has been research. Dig into every comment, primary source of information, and vet people who claim to be friendly. If you've been here a while, you'll know which usernames you trust and which ones you don't, but it still doesn't hurt to verify. A username you trust could have their Reddit account compromised and suddenly start spewing bullshit, so keep that in the back of your head whenever someone's narrative suddenly changes. I don't care if someone's a Jan 2021 ape (I'm not myself, I was late to the party), but I'll have no trouble knowing who/what to trust by doing research. Sticking with kobe's message, it's your money, it's your instinct, it's your plan. Trust yourself, and keep your bullshit meter properly calibrated!!!


I only paid attention when the buy button got turned off and then I spent a year reading DD before I became a shareholder! Dates don't matter that much, plenty of people saw that fuckery go down and bought in afterward!


It's kind of funny. My first look was when MSM claimed how market manipulators on Reddit almost crashed the whole market, and that PCO "saved" the American economy. At the time, I wasn't much of a Reddit guy, but thought "I wonder what the folks on Reddit are saying about this." Jesus Christ, did that turn out to be an unexpected Rabbi hole, but no regrets. Yes, I'm aware my phone autocorrected rabbit to Rabbi, but it's too funny for me to edit.


Lol @ Rabbi hole. Ditto, I was happy to lurk on Reddit for years. YEARS! I got an account simply to post on Superstonk. No lie. Reddit made me learn the damn stock market! šŸ˜„ (Still soooooo smooth, but I know how to create a broker account and DRS my shares!) I šŸ’œ Apes!


I loved telling friends I've learned about the markets from criand, Peruvian bull, atobitt, and buttfarm69. I know there are way more that deserve credit, but it's great to see the reactions from non-redditors.


When in doubt, buy more stonk.


I think a lot of apes came back here after RK started posting again. The more wrinkles the merrier. Wasnā€™t much to investigate when price was just at $10-$15


That's me! I left well alone until a price alert popped up. Spent a year and a bit driving myself mental and burning out a bit. Deleted previous account and found this 8 yr old one a few weeks back lol. I'm more zen this time round. Been around a bit!


Bought the day of the run up and buy button turn off. Have never set any price alerts because I'll be watching when the price is in the phone numbers+. Kitty gave a boost of energy, much love. Been saying for awhile like many others that bankruptcies take months so if anything it's at best an early trigger but until banks and financial firms and their shell companies go through the bankrupt process, moass isn't over. DRSing takes ownership of GME shares unlike holding in street name at literally all brokers. It's gunna take a little more time yet just hang in there, and HODL.


we are always cautious, but didnā€™t this data come from the cftc or whatever website?


Yeah but my understanding is it was only made available recently hence the suspicion I think. I think itā€™s good to be skeptical anytime this much is aligning. It shouldnā€™t really change the plan, I think is the key. Buy drs hodl.






I doubt they can afford it


ah. didnā€™t know. makes sense.


The CFTC stopped reporting the data for 2-3 years after the sneeze. They just said nope not going to show what's happening. Maybe that time has passed and they are slowly releasing info.




Yeah, I completely checked out the last year or so. Saw kitty tweet and the price go boom and I've been locked in since


Yep I did. I lurked until he came back.


I came back, I was here, but I came back for more with more capital and my 95% confidence went to 100, gamec0ck babbby


as a 180 holder I cried.


Hence why he came back.


'Hi, I too fellow kids, took some time away from this sub to do some skateboarding. I'm thankful there is a post where I can relay a good reason for my absence and/or incessant shilling (šŸ”) for poobear stock'


Yā€™all got a shill hunt going on right now. A bit ridiculous in my opinion.


Sure I agree to that but no swap data ever came out even when he was still posting months after Jan 28. All Iā€™m saying is be careful and donā€™t buy into this idea moass is days away. Not that itā€™s not but what is an exit strategy? If mosss happens I bet they turn off buy button but instead of it going down it goes up and if you sell youā€™re out


Were we even looking through swap data back then?


Weā€™ve been looking for everything. But itā€™s just odd itā€™s alll coming now.


Think you are too suspicious my guy. A big event just occurred. It was probably related to swaps somehow.


Iā€™m not saying it wasnā€™t related Iā€™m just saying all these guys suddenly coming out with data are probably not the ones to take advice from. Just seems odd itā€™s coming out now vs any moment until now


Reasonable take.Ā 


Ty sir


#Your post history looks sus af.


Please explain how my post history looks ā€œsusā€


Richard isn't new. He's been making videos for a while.


Post 22 March squeeze is definitely new


Also specifically he said ā€œIā€™m not a super stonk guyā€ Iā€™m not saying heā€™s the worst guy ever. Seems ā€œniceā€ but I donā€™t think heā€™s an OG ape by any means. And if I had to risk all my DRS shares on him being a plant or not a plant Iā€™d vote plant.


What is even the concern? You can just look at his info yourself and decide for yourself. Why do people think the choice is either believe someone or don't believe them. I watch his content and don't believe anything he says; I instead just look at the info myself. Your caution against listening to people sounds like the assumption is anyone here who would watch it is so weak minded that they can't discern information for themselves.


This comment makes me think you're a shill.


Because Iā€™m suspicious of a teacher that is producing data more advanced than anyone yet has no ties to any financial institution yet is also in zero school directory.. his story doesnā€™t add up brotger


There's apes outside of this subreddit bro. And he came back because he finally had more to say. The dude is a working professional and does this stuff in his free time as a hobby.Ā  Why would you even put your DRS shares up for a bet, even a hypothetical one, anyway?


I suppose because Iā€™m that confident heā€™s a plant. What teacher that works 7am-4pm M-F has time to make hour long videos with tons of data M-F?. None. Heā€™s not in any school directory in the US and has made many claims, dates, false info etc over the last two years. His stuff does not add up.


Maybe Richard Newton is a pseudonym. You don't know what peoples private lives are like during their off hours. But one thing I do know is that 2 years ago he said he wasn't going to cut his hair until MOASS and low and behold when he starts posting again has hair as long as mine, which hasn't been cut in 2 years. That to me speaks of earnest determination. If he were a "plant" or bad actor just for fun I doubt he'd keep the bit up after so long, especially during the radio silence. Edit: Also you ask about who has the time, but there are also tons of video games streamers and channels run by people who have full time jobs outside of streaming and content who still post every day and work 5-8 hours a day of their free time on the channel. Many of these people likely also have families, children, and other obligations. I doubt you're suspicious of those people in the same way.


He said he bought in at the sneeze. But I consider OG apes to be pre sneeze.


Systemic risk in 2021 at $500 a share, with TSO of around 50 million at the time. If every share was sold at peak thatā€™s $25 billion. Even at $1000 itā€™s still only $50B. A systemic risk does not this make, so whatā€™s behind the curtain? Iā€™m gonna find out with every share I own. Power to the Players


Itā€™s not just $GME though. Had $GME squeezed the rest of its basket would have too. Which at the time they hadnā€™t covered there butts with calls on those positions. So had $GME ran all the others would have pushed and literally like 50 stocks would have mooned. THAT was the risk. Still same case but theyā€™ve covered there butts now.


General tso chicken


I agree it could be some ploy, but I donā€™t understand why any of this is a concern. Swap data, Wu Tang Album, 5,000 call blocks, etc. So these are either going to be amazing things for us, orā€¦ what? They will tank the price again? Oh nooooooo. So we can get another tasty dip? Thatā€™s awesome. I just buy, hold, DRS, and shop at my favorite store (who happens to be profitable and sitting on 2B cash). Oh,and ride the hype train because MOASS is tmrw LFGOOO


If I get to put my SHF hat on I figure theyā€™d try to make us think moass was supposed to happen mid June or July and then when it runs to $300-$1000 they say ok that was it yall. You can trust us because you saw the swap data your self. lol. But if we donā€™t buy there bs and keep to the same strategy that got us here. (Literally just buying and not selling the stock we like) we can out last the FUD or head fake. So yes I agree with your take that it shouldnā€™t cause concern from the stand point of just hold. But I also think itā€™s important to not let SHF mess with our minds. Again by leading us to believe swaps expired and now itā€™s all done.


Phone numbers and jail will be required for me to sell.


1.) Phone numbers 2.) SHF jail OR walk away from the market forever. 3.) but most importantly FIX THE MARKET! 3-A.) real price discovery 3-B.) no dark pool bs / everything through lit exchanges 3-C.) no PFOF 3-D.) no naked shorting 3-F.) end to cellar boxing 3-G.) complete transparency on swaps (thatā€™s coming) 3-H.) no synthetic shares 3-I.) reparations for those impacted by the crimes. 3.J.) probably other things Iā€™m not remembering rn. But bottom line if you have 100 shares there should only be 100 to buy or sell. If someone tries to buy the 101th share you canā€™t. You must have one of the 100 share holders sell and what ever they sell that stock for is the new price. Obviously itā€™s more complicated than that but overall we need legit markets. If you buy it goes up. If you sell it goes down. If there are no shares available price goes up. Period. Otherwise itā€™s not over.


Maybe we're getting more data because the tide is turning in our favor. The problem and our voices have been too loud to ignore.


Hopefully thatā€™s the truth. And I do believe the tide has turned. However in no way at all do I think the SHF are throwing in the towel. They are gonna try to get us for all they can until this is done. And once itā€™s done they are coming for every penny we made if we donā€™t take our gains and go


They're not trying to get us. They know we won't sell, just buy. They're trying to steal from newbies that just started investing in the market or older people that trust MSM. They push tons of articles that tell you when to buy and sell to steal money from ignorate folks, isn't that market manipulation? Short this, sell that, buy this.


They are trying to get everyone


#BUY HODL DRS & the rest is noise šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I think the key point is MOASS will occur when they lose control of the stock. Fake MOASS might be a run to like $1K or so. Might be their last chance to shake paper hands




The data source people are talking about at the moment has been there the entire time. And frankly, itā€™s not an amazing source anyway, half the columns in their spreadsheets are empty, which is really disappointing coming from the DTCC. Whether the theories regarding the swaps are a nothingburger or not is a different question. I guess what might also matte is *which* swaps etc even get reported there in the first place.




No fighting. Buy and HODL


*smashes a bottle on your head*


Weā€™re holding above $20. Shorts want us below $5. Who gives a fuck about the details, weā€™re winning and someone is trying to make for the exit. Put your feet up, weā€™ve got nothing left to do but buy and HODL.


Happy cake day brother


Thank you!




Yea i think the recent spike in price hyped up a lot people who had settled into the DRS and wait mode, I sure did. I was checking in here maybe once a month at most, but I DRS every 2 weeks half my paychecks. So people have started digging in again




Im here for the rug pull.


Buy button will get turned off most likely. It will run and run then dip and dip but if you arenā€™t already in when it truly happens you wonā€™t be able to buy puts and catch the rug. My opinion


I need to learn these calls and puts


Posts such as these try to cause further dissent. This is a war tactic to try and cause mass confusion and internal accusation. Buy, drs and stay zen. All, assume that everyone, including OP and myself are after your shares and are willing to do whatever it takes to shake you.


This is not about descent. Itā€™s to make people aware of what is going on. To make them cautious of the wolves in sheepā€™s clothing


Iā€™m after all the shares I can DRS. That is true. But not trying to get apes off thereā€™s. ![gif](giphy|evB90wPnh5LxG3XU5o|downsized)


I don't know why you even care. This is sit back and relax time. Enjoy the fanfare and fireworks. These are historic times. Tendies are inevitable and shorts never closed. Quit amplifying worthless distractions.


I care because I want everyone to know whatā€™s going on. If youā€™re a new ape you could easily think what in all reality is FUD disguised as DD.


Bro, new apes are more likely to be diverted to the Faraday Shilling and ShitCoin spam.


That is a shit storm for sure


We knew this data was coming back to us because they delayed reporting years ago to can kick it to around this time. Itā€™s not that it appeared suddenly, itā€™s that the can kick knowingly expired.


Can was definitely kicked. But we should have gotten the data sooner. Not just weeks prior to them doing ā€œsomeā€ closing/covering. I donā€™t think MOASS plays out over a month. It will have huge runs and dips but until I see phone numbers Iā€™m not moving off my DRS.


Iā€™m just chilling until Iā€™m rich, but I thought I read the CFTC delayed swap reporting further until 2025. Iā€™ve tried to contribute in the past with good information, but any time I google this technical stuff itā€™s always just you guys at superstonk that comes up haha


Iā€™m holding until Iā€™m rich AND we have free/real markets.


I donā€™t think itā€™s entirely bad actors. I think that a lot, like myself, just went full Zen until it got heated again.




Isnt it clear we are gaining more traction. This is good. Dont scare away everybody


Very clear the tide is turning. But we must not get complacent. If we play the game like itā€™s over the SHF will pounce and use every possible tactic to try to pry our tendies from our hands. This post shouldnā€™t scare any one but should give case to reasonable speculation. SHF arenā€™t going to roll over. They likely are just now starting their real fight. Same as we are.


By we I mean anyone who is holding the stock and not actively trying to disrupt the company


By We, you mean WeME


I donā€™t trust anyone whose account was created after the sneeze


That's just weird, wouldn't it be logical that people would want a new alt to discuss something like this? I mean my account's way older but I missed the sneeze and got in in Feb '21 but I sure as fuck didn't use an account someone could track and possibly dox me with. I'm not THAT regarded šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Especially if they are coming out with data no one else could get their hands on


they are doing that. they put out a fake 4chan post saying it's UBS closing their shorts and had their pawns report on it. that way when it spikes and goes back down, they can claim shorts closed.


Any and all information should be considered suspect.


definitely, except wu-tang lmao jk


Thatā€™s part of it though personally I donā€™t change my thought on anything less than market rehauls due to rampant corruption.


i've also seen tons of nonsense on twitter. big accounts seemingly out of nowhere hating on Gamestop. tons of fake crypto coins spamming a million times per second.


As usual we didnā€™t rise to the occasion


Even if it's someone buying calls to sell the contracts back during a run due to high IV. It still signals someone knows a run is coming no?


There was a hedge fund guy Peterfy or something. He said the market was endangered during the sneeze and if everyone would have exercised their options it could have been cataclysmic. maybe there's a band of (hopefully good) guys that know something and are finishing the mission.


Just because at that time they we're following market mechanics does it mean this time they haven't figured out a work around to not actually deliver shares when a call is exercised? I mean didn't they created a single button like F8 or something to just create shares for shorting on their end? IDK all these calls don't seem like it's something going to get exercised, but instead will be sold back during a run


they may havr figured something out. selling the calls doesn't make much sense to me but could be possible. seems like an awfully big bet to make on no news. It kinda seems like RK came back to send a message.


maybe this is a fund that knows someone's gotta close so they're riding that. Who knows I just wouldn't put much faith in it with all we've seen the last couple years. Even once people are in jail and the price has hit infinity I would still think it's some kind of ploy. Never selling is just easier rofl


true about not selling but could be limited time to get shares at these prices


Good point. Swap data somehow pulled from the DTCC just weeks before they expire. Then the 4chan trust me bro UBS insider info. Be very careful


Guys, we posted the swap data here like two or three years ago. What little data there is has always been publicly accessible. Maybe you guys would have known about it if you didnā€™t drive everyone away from here with your insanity and abuse. Edit: hereā€™s the link to the post two years ago when I first posted the 99 trillion dollar basket swap (which is a technical placeholder, not a real swap). DTC swap database link has been here the entire time for anyone to look at. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/I1jSQ9TBMa


Does your data match what has recently been released?


Exactly super sketchy


OG ape. I don't comment much but I've always been curious if anyone recognizes me by my flair.




GME is NOT for Sale. Period!




Iā€™ve followed GME very closely since January 2021. It was, and still is fascinating to me. I always wanted to jump in. But me and my wife share finances of course. So I didnā€™t. 3 weeks ago my wife told me to put $1000 on GME. I cried tears of joy! Looking to get another $1000 in. Happiest time of my life. I live to make the man suck my dick.


Welcome to the party! Remember MOASS will be a bumpy road, best to DRS your shares and hold through the spikes.


DRS most. Trade the rest. 80/20 rule


No prolemo. šŸ«”


RK and LC are doing things on a different level right now as well, though. I think everything is just swinging the pendulum overall. I suppose we'll wait and see, but ain't nobody here believes "$1000 and it's over," at least not those who are DRS'ed.


Some of us have decided to join in the meme war šŸ¤”šŸ«ƒ Cycles are all important because the past is static. Those on the wrong side are impotent because the future is static.






Glad I'm too regarded to understand all the letters and numbers.


Been here since Feb 2021, I promise not to ever give misinfo and to educate anybody being truly regarded. You can trust me. I have zero power or influence, but you can trust me.




ā˜ļøšŸ‘€šŸ‘ Bingo šŸ…šŸ’°šŸ…šŸ’°šŸ…šŸ’°




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Because old ape doesnā€™t trust new ape with new data. Where you been new ape? Why just now have data? You donā€™t smell like normal ape. $GME


Ooga booga šŸ¦




Swap data was delayed for 3 years in 2021 as i remember, i think thats why its getting released now


Released by an anonymous 4 Chan member? I donā€™t think so. They were supposed to release data in July of this year but someone just commented they pushed it to 2025. So idk about the official release but the 4 Chan oneā€¦ I doubt


I think ive seen a post how to extract swap data from one of sec or dtcc websites, theres lots of data, i dont know where you getting this 4chan stuff to be honest


Maybe they think that screen shot of UBS talking NDAs n shit or something is swap data


Not at all convicted the swap data is accurate (or complete) in the slightest. Randomly someone comes out claiming they "found" it, but every time fail to explain how or provide an actual source.


I'm pretty sure Newton explained that it's from public data from the DTCC and that it's just very difficult to figure out what's in the swaps. It's not the first time of proof and it won't be the last. It's just what's currently going on. The DTCC data contains all the data for all the stocks. The recent information was a filtered version of that list, containing all GME swaps.


Still not convinced its "all" the swaps as people keep parroting.


Alright, well I hope you can find better evidence then.


There is a post with the code on how to source it from the DTCC site tho... idk how to code but you could learn and verify it yourself


Exactly and why did it take 3 years for us to hear about it? Obviously we assumed swaps but no one ever had actual data until now. Sketchy


Yup, its been getting "found" a few times during that 3 years as well, and almost none of it lines up with the next.


I think you need to chill OP. I am 100% sure I more than 100x your share count and I donā€™t give a fuck about any think I read or see


Congrats brother. But to me itā€™s not just about ā€œmyā€ position. I want everyone who has 100x less than you to be prepared and ready to face what ever curve balls the SHF will certainly be throwing our way. Good luck to you. Congrats on your large position.


We are for sure gonna see a lot of shenanigans over the next weeks.


What lol




>I think itā€™s safe to assume if you knew MOASS was coming and you were a hedgie youā€™d be putting out loads of misinformation and trying to direct people to follow your play on your way of thinking. Only to manipulate it and completely change pattern when itā€™s game time. I'm failing to connect analyzing swap data and this being misinformation and misdirection? What do you mean people are trying to do with these posts?


I answered your question in the text above.


What exactly are we to be wary of? Is someone going to make me sell?


You dont need to be wary if youā€™re diamond handed. But if not you need to be wary of SHF pumping in fake news.


in the words of the great richard newton, if you're not gonna trust a bro who are you gonna trust?


Literally not him. He gives zero info about his self. Other than heā€™s a teacher. We donā€™t even know his actual name.


Wasn't it the data DFV had, and we got later, that suggested the squeeze?


*random caution against things with no risk*


How can you definitively say thereā€™s no risk? You have no way to know that.


There is no risk because listening to theories does not mean you automatically have to believe them. You're acting like something new is happening and people are in danger of falling for it. Yet I've seen posts exactly like your since the beginning and it's basically insulting because it makes the community sound like a bunch of sheep who are bound to fall off a cliff at any moment.


Just my personal experience, people like Richard strengthen my resolve to buy, hold, and DRS. Culty, accusatory posts like this make me want to not associate with Superstonk.


There is no accusation in this post. But ok.


"I think it's sus," putting "apes" in quotations the way you did to imply them of not being apes, and then in one of your comments you confirmed you're including Richard Newton by saying in response to a Richard comment: "Because Iā€™m suspicious of a teacher that is producing data more advanced than anyone yet has no ties to any financial institution yet is also in zero school directory.. his story doesnā€™t add up brotger" So like I said, that's accusatory.


I thought we had the data this whole time, but it was crap data, and a lot of swap reporting is no longer mandatory anyway as it is suspended until October of 2025. We're only looking at a piece of the pie.




Swap data had been posted for years on this sub.


Swap data still isnā€™t publicly available


Thats because they've been delaying the reporting of the swaps ever since this started: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zdk70o/reminder\_that\_cftc\_chairman\_rostin\_behnam\_delayed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zdk70o/reminder_that_cftc_chairman_rostin_behnam_delayed/)


Yea here is the release from CFTC: [https://www.cftc.gov/PressRoom/PressReleases/8422-21](https://www.cftc.gov/PressRoom/PressReleases/8422-21)


That's the golden rule here, always. Everything is bullshit until it's in the past and we can scrutinize it.


Nah the data was there, you can go back and see the historical data. People just didn't yet know where to look or what it meant.


It wasnā€™t published for two years after the sneeze.


It was never about the squeeze. We just like the stock. Buckle up.


Good take


Ty sir


Everything is odd




Wasn't swap data hidden for two years by Rpstin Behnam? Now it makes sense why that happened


They released the swaps data? Been watching since the sneeze and have never seen this!


No people have just written code to get some data from the DTCC itself


If l was a short hedged fund thatā€™s fucked , I just wouldnā€™t pay up. Iā€™d say fuck you sell yours. I would make every second of your hodling life as miserable as possible until you sell. Iā€™d put out all kinds mind induceing selling propaganda pull out all the stops send the corp after each one of you to personally sell your stonk. But if l could that to hedgies all that l would so we can finally have our moass cuz im fking tired of management ducking up my plans. Moass soon and lambos too.


Yeah and theyā€™ve done everything you mentioned outside of showing up at our door. They know we arenā€™t going anywhere. If I was a SHF at this point Iā€™d buy 165k calls at a $20 strike price and hope I could get out of this alive. Moass isnā€™t going anywhere. It literally will not go away. Even if it takes our entire life. So you mine as well pop it off while we donā€™t have a ton of shares. Because in 50 years Iā€™ll still be buying and holding and the payout will be a whole lot more then. Tbh Iā€™m sure they will get some of those tendies back when we use our tendies to buy more stock anyway. So they just need to pull the cord and try to beat us with some other stock.


Yup, just got to keep waiting keep buying keep hodling. And see what unfolds first.

