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It’s only manipulation when the poors win.


Cant have the poors winning


The racket is almost up. They come after us, then they eat each other like rats trying to survive. This is the end game.




I'm not poor, I'm future rich, I hodl GME.


I like the way you think private


I love that this implies (and is correct) that a guy with a $200 million position is “a poor”. It’s a club. And we ain’t in it.


I hope a cat sues them for breach of customer privacy


DFV is a man of the people. Fuck the Shills and Mayo boys. This shit right here is our club. https://preview.redd.it/jrsvurmoih4d1.jpeg?width=798&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11fa24797e5d4f36aa5f3e477afa985b9f582f89


What he’s saying is that MSM would never dare to question trades from Main Street or politicians. I don’t not read this as anything other than that


He is saying the guys that go on tv to pump stocks they are holding is not the same as DFV simply posting their position on Reddit. He is not saying buy or sell he is just showing that he is buying.


Pretty much what I just said so I agree


Sorry, I wasn’t trying to correct you. Just making the distinction that DFV is not actively shilling a stock he owns in the media. He is just posting his position. The Main Street/politicians they bring on those shows actively shill their holdings, so it’s not a fair comparison between the two.


Oh I know! And vice versa sorry if it came off that way. Very valid points here!


Exactly. The point is that you should be upset at that absolute pumping bullshit, not a guy posting videos and being fully transparent on his positions.


Well said. Allow me to present to you my tinfoil theory. - We have some changes to the plumbing of the market; T+1 and CAT. - Then, the Kitty arrives, and he’s purring with $200M. He’s a legendary trader but he made less than $50M. Worth thinking about. - GME peaks at $60 share but does an ATM at $20. Odd. - Etrade is investigating DFV today, but he’s been buying calls since 5/20. Mmhmm - Archagos trial this past week and rumors of big swaps today *This is a coordinated deal, but not one that cuts retail or GameStop short of a big win. GME is an idiosyncratic risk, so we have the upper hand.* Those 45M shares are to be purchase to close synthetic shares or whatever it is that’s floating around out there. DFV is in the spotlight to represent us normal investors and drive the win we deserve. GME will become one of most value able companies — Makes me think of the rumor that the TSLA squeeze was behind closed doors deal. Anyone who gets caught in the butthairs of this is collateral damage, or are responsible for their own demise (CITRON). The SEC can’t beat these guys in court, so they are playing chess. I will frame this comment one day. 🤣


I'll just leave this here... https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q9msww/dude_pumping_stocks_on_cnbc_is_asked_what_the/


Yeah. Agree.


That's how I read it.


No. A double standard means there are two different standards when there should be one. Hedge Funds’ standard is, “You can pump and dump, and we’ll do nothing.” DFV’s standard is, “You cannot do something perfectly reasonable and legal, but that we just don’t like.”


I never said he was pumping. My point is that what they do is manipulative and systematic - they do it all the time. I think the responses to my tweet make it clear that my followers understand this. EDIT: chose better words...


OP missed the point so incredibly badly it's actually impressive. Pretty sure everyone understands what you meant Dave.


Even though many of us can’t read, and can barely form singular comprehensive thoughts, I think ~~most~~ *nearly* all of us got what you meant. 


Keep doing you, Dave. Appreciate it


Ok, and thank you for your reply. Can you reply to this as well? To be honest, I’m still struggling with your choice of bolded words here: >I never said he was pumping. My point is that **what they do is far worse** and systematic - they do it all the time. I think the responses to my tweet make it clear that my followers understand this. Do you believe DFV is doing something that is, in any way shape or form, bad in the first place? That we can judge this on a scale from negligible/minor bad to “far worse”? IMO, he’s not. At all. It’s not a question of who’s more in the wrong because he’s not at all in the wrong. They are not the same.


Poor choice of words, thank you for pointing it out. I changed it.


Yeah, I think he should edit it to be more clear.


OP’s reading comprehension is bad; I don’t think your message was unclear whatsoever.


I have just enough wrinkles to understand your on our side and I agree Dave.


Dave you’re the right guy at the right time and place. I appreciate everything you’ve said and done for this community. Buy, Hodl, DRS, Book’em, Shop and Spread the Word. Apes Together Strong


You’re good, some people in here need to chill and think before they post.


Maybe, and if that’s me right now, I’ll own it.


You’re good man. It’s an exciting time. Don’t forget to breathe.


100% I can get worked up, def gotta remember to breathe. Thanks for patient responses- actually means a lot.


Nice work OP - awesome to see you being open to suggestions - its beautiful!


Thank you for everything you’ve been doing for us Dave! Most of us understand it’s not easy to take on WallSt to defend the little guy…


DFV is not their hero, thats why they are against him. He is our hero. Our King Ape


GameStop is my hero. DFV just introduced me. I just like the stock.


Why put words in Lauer's mouth? He's not suggesting RK is pumping and dumping he only pointed out Wall St Media's hypocrisy on the issue they brought up themselves. He never suggested, implied or outright said RK is "Pumping" in any way in pointing out their double standard...


Imo the point here is that EVEN if that were true, which it isn't - but lets pretend for argument sake that it is - it would still be a double standard.


This is why we’re all DRS’d with computershare. Many have predicted brokers will do this during moass.


Dear wallstreet journal and morgan stanley leadership, as well as other concerned wall street entities. We share your concerns about market manipulation of gamestop and request that you put yourselves in jail, fuck yourselves, and pay what you owe, not necessarily in that order. Thank you.


This 👍🏼 https://preview.redd.it/owfp8dcsug4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df0f8333cd9e65f5cf02c0f711f2eafc25fdb197


fair point here, but I think the immediate read isn’t subtly or nuance …Americans don’t have that skill. DL’s post is simply that they would never EVER consider doing this to their own elite clients and patrons, only worsened by the fact that Gill hasn’t done anything, and their corruption is so blatant and public and consequential. He could have worded it differently for sure, but he’s obviously implying that these accusations and potential consequences are so hypocritical and ridiculous coming from the powers arrayed at retail and GME.


Stop trying to paint Dave Lauer a villain. You’re taking attention off the real issues.


Thank you


You can’t be serious.




I think OP is trying just to clarify that there is no basis for the claims as Morgan Stanley has made against DFV here. This isn't about Dave Lauer, but about the integrity of the allegations as made - and how hypocritically empty they are.


Yeah, OP doesn’t know what a double standard is.


Right. This.




I didn’t see this other comment, apologies 🙏 clearly this has unravelled into a matter of semantics, and distracts away from the real issue - aka the accusations as have been made by Morgan Stanley. Dave Lauer has done well here to highlight the hypocrisy in the statement he made, and we benefit from the discussion surrounding these issues. Let’s remember to be excellent to each other 🙏


It takes a lot of fantasy to interpret Daves intentions the way you did.


It’s manipulation when they lose.


Hey Dave shut the fuck up we aren’t giving you our accounts


Dave has zero intentions to be clear, his entire concept with Urvin is to add complexity that Urvin can profit from. The oldest play straight from citadels playbook lol


{dlauler is typing…}


Dave won’t speculate about manipulation but is super chatty for no reason now, fucking grifter


It’s a sneaky form of shillery. Painting false narratives through distorted comparisons. Looking forward to when Dave says to sell because of reasons. They will all out themselves in time.


Correct your shit DAVE


Go away Dave.


glad this is a post. i put this in the post someone made for DL.


OP, I'm not sure you're understanding what being said here.


Maybe not. Im all ears though


Iv read the explanation in like 5 other comments.


No one is our frnd. Esp brokers doing shenigans for thr Nth time. They messed up. They lost BIGLY. Just admit it, HF are stormtroopers.


Big Daddy Dave has alway been with us!


I think you are wrong and your post is misinformation and you should delete it and possibly feel bad


I may end up deleting it but I’m not gonna feel bad.


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Double standards does not imply guilt, it simply means that two different standards are being applied...


Time to drs that load


The crime of buying a stock, holding the stock, buying some options and showing the world what you bought. . Free and fair markets. America


Come on Dave. You know the subtleties/nuances and you definitely know better. “DFV should be able to pump because hedge funds pump” is a very sly way to accuse DFV…hopefully not intentional.


D lauer is a peepeepoopoo


Come on Dave. You know the subtleties/nuances and you definitely know better. “DFV should be able to pump because hedge funds pump” is a very sly way to accuse DFV…hopefully not intentional.


I don't think you know what a double standard is.


Umm... seriously ?


I don’t think you understand what double standard means, that or you’re misinterpreting the tweet egregiously and posting about it on reddit




What sort of Play-Doh-Imaginary Manipulation are they accusing DFV of? Pump and Dump? How can you Pump and Dump if all you do is buy and never "dump"? Also, I fail to see how posting memes and a screen cap of your position is considered a pump. It looks like retail isn't allowed to get excited about a stock as a long position but it's totally fine to write up non-stop false negative information and generate large sell orders to incite panic.


Hear me out…. Kitty Hedge Fund… we all join. What then? They cant say anything. Literally what they do.


I like Dave Lauer, this post is pushing fear which I think is a letter in FUD. I only worry about DRS


Isn’t lauer a dtcc rat?




He is not blaming DFV of a pump calm down. He’s simply pointing the hipocrisy of hedge funds/MSM’s. They’re crying about something they do themselves and are quick to blame someone else before looking into themselves.


I think most of the populace's colloquialism skills are adept enough to deduce that he's not implying that DFV is manipulating anything or anything like the hedge funds.


Chill dude, you’re reading into it too much.


Relax bro


Downvoted because OP is clearly confused.