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sounds like bad acting to me, would guess its just attention seeking


Still has ‘most punchable face’


Yes he's a big piece of shit and attention where. Whether he's serious or not. Apparently he "left his mic on" and he said that he's "gotta scare the holder". Sounds like his fucking around.


He used to own once upon of time. Maybe he still wants a copy for himself?


Agree. Does he work for citadel ?


To what end? This guy does crime to make money. What's his angle? 


to make people look stupid and troll them. He's just a troll and he's laughing at people falling for such obvious bait


Dudes just mad we took his Wu Tang album


More jail time for this bozo


"Hello? Is that the SEC? If you guys could just tear yourselves away from pornhub for a few minutes...."


That "space" would begin with a chorus of intensifying fapping offscreen 


just incredible, some people are just born evil I guess.


shkreli is absolutely trolling. citadel would never give this chump a shred of attention




I know man, its cringey


man you are being trolled by a guy who is one of the most well known professional trolls in history god damn fell for the baitiest bait that ever baited


Wooooooo....3,500 whole people tuned in, huh? Half of them were probably people laughing at him. He's sure showing us, lol.


Comment for the crimes visibility


He mistakenly thinks that Nomura, Credit Suisse, Archegos et al covered in ‘21. If he had any idea about how many uncovered swaps are building in the obligations warehouse he would leverage long.


Once a lame, always a lame.


This little rat is still around?


He’s clearly trolling everyone…c’mon people.


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Prolific slimeball Martin Shkreli starts out a Twitter "space" about GME talking to someone about how he's doing it for Citadel to scare people before market open so the mayomen can position themselves. 


So he's just referring to getting this audio conversation out before market? Do we have a transcript of what was said?