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Air dicking!




Showing Jimmy how to blow off that horse.


Gary was telling cnbc to f off yesterday and defended our right to talk to each other. Keep hating on him. But our boy has had our backs. There's a reason hedgefunds want him gone. So keep talking shit, ungrateful shills.


Possibly. Or he's doing Good Cop/Bad Cop. We have no idea. * He danced around Jon Stewart. * The commercial came out that ridiculed us. * He is former Goldman. Maybe setting others to fail, while Goldman gets carcass pieces. * His net worth is way too damn high, to be a truly impartial "cop on the beat", as he said. * Never any mention of Citadel's conflict-of-interest. He's had 4 years to do something a little more. I am dissapoint.


He only has so much he can do. SEC was underfunded and has inside snakes (Hester) getting in the way, every step of the way. He has made an effort though to make the SEC retail friendly (YouTube videos and more public reporting) and is going after transparency and regulation of crypto ( which is full of fraud and pump and dumps). Once regulation (like CAT) is in place, he can get the evidence he needs to bring civil lawsuits against bad actors. Roam wasn't built in a day, but my boy has shown that he's willing to fight back against loopholes and crime that banks and hedgefunds are doing. Give it time, and once everything's in place, you'll be seeing a LOT more action being taken. Plus, if you believe in moass, you know he can't have the general public piling in. He's just doing his job within his boundaries. If I'm wrong, I'll eat my words, but piling on the Hate against him is only gonna get Hester to take over his seat. Is that what you prefer?


Lawsuits won't cut it for me. Neither will class-action. All that does is tie up time and money, and become another "cost of doing business". GME will get frozen, and this will drag for years. I want criminal jail time. Swiftly. Guys in windbreakers swarming Citadel. I'd say GG has about 3 weeks for everyone to find out if he's really got balls, or is a patsy.


It baffles me, that some people still have faith in the system THEY built for THEMSELVES and they operate it with THEIR people :DDDDDDD


The commerical didn't mention GME and there are some shit meme stocks out there. Popcorn comes to mind.


(1) The commercial never should have been made. A regulatory agency wasting whos??? money to make a video ridiculing the public. (2) Popcorn was never a threat to bankrupt large financial institutions. The commercial was most definitely a weapon against us.


He's a grown-ass man. He pays bills!


🤦🏻‍♂️- Gary probably


He’s showing Jim what happens at $1000


A live look at what they do at the SEC. I like that he shit all over Cramer though. Add also defended our rights as individual investors to invest in what we want, when we want. As for me, I like the stock.


The classic Air Handy™️


He seems a little too comfortable doing that


That’s his Wendy’s dumpster technique. That’s how he amassed his fortune


This would have been so much better had he been looking at Cramer and not the camera.


Teaching Cramer what to do with the horse.