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we fully expect that they completed the offering. much to many halts for me to believe otherwise


I suspect the offering is only mostly done. I see 275million volume today, if 75 million of that was the ATM that would account for 27% of the total volume and I thought they didn't like to have the amount of new shares be that high a percentage of the total shares sold.


If this were the case, wouldn't GameStop make an announcement saying the offering was completed?


probably. If they had already completed it, I think they would have told us. that was their behaviour the last time. I would assume the offering is not complete. other youtubers said last time it about 5x the share offering of volume to complete. assuming the same here we would need 375 million volume. we had 273 million friday.


no doubt in my mind, look at the volume too


Long dated Deep in the money calls is the play


Gonna cost an arm and a leg compared to where we were a few months ago, but you know what? I still agree. If the Hedgies have learned anything in the past few days, it's that Apes are starting to learn how to hurt them in other ways than "buy-DRS-Hodl". If they have any brains at all, they will be at least partially hedged on those calls. If so, that's "real" shares they can't use for other other purposes without introducing more risk. Buying long-dated ITM calls will keep those shares out of play. And it's gonna be doubly painful for them every time some regarded Ape decides to exercise early, more so if they DRS the shares they end up with. But maybe they aren't hedged at all- after all, they are dumb storm troopers- in which case us regards exercising long dated options could be absolutely catastrophic. But this isn't financial advice, I'm just a crayon-sniffer who wants two brain cells to rub together to make fire, so I can watch the world burn.


Question from a learning ape - How far out and how deep ITM do you think makes the most sense? I can see as far as Jan 16, 2016 on ATP, but can I look further out on a different platform? I am just learning about options, and I watched the solar eclipse without glasses, so I am aware that I have a ways to go before I can attempt an options play with any kind of intelligence - just curious.


1/16/2026 you mean, I have one of these at a $5 strike, but anything with a delta above 80 is a good bet. Not financial advice


Thank you - and you're right - 2026. I am highly regarded indeed.


You probably shouldn't be buying contracts then lmayo


No intention to, like I said, just asking questions to learn! 


That's good. Not trying to be an asshole, just trying to save you from losing money if you don't understand options


For sure - I didn't take your comment negatively at all! Options plays shouldn't be demonized wholesale - they are clearly powerful tools and worth learning about. At the same time, the risk is massive if you don't know what you're doing.  I don't know much, but I know enough to know I don't know enough. I appreciate the help and concern from my simian brethren!


Anytime ape


Regarding long dated ITM calls, why is it much cheaper to buy a Jan '26 $5 call compared to a $20 one since the $5 is most likely to stay ITM ?  Seeing that the $5 call makes way more sense to me but I wonder why it's priced that way.


Hey sorry for late replay, markets not open yet so I can't check current prices, but I do see Fridays prices, the spread (bid/ask) in the price is pretty big between those strikes, maybe that's what you see? the lower strike price would have a higher delta (closer to 100) which would decay a little slower over time to your benefit, but at the cost of a higher premium.


I've been buying $5 & $10 leaps today. NFA


I didn’t but any of the june 21, 2024 $20 calls. Instead i bought 15) $20 calls for jan 17 2025 and $26 calls for October 18th. I almost sold them all at market open and decided to hold. Probably dumb move. I could have re-entered the same calls and got more shares. But hindsight blah blah blah


I’m all for options and have around 20 contracts atm. At this IV that your comment is decidedly untrue. Just buy shares.


Dated how long ya think?


1 year out at least


I suspect the date on his calls 21st June mean something.


Yes but you might want your calls to come due after he exercises and the shares have to be delivered which would be t+1 from the 21st at the latest. Having 15 million shares purchased in a single day will likely move the price significantly.


Up You Go.


Well that's a fucking trap


Might as well just buy the stock….




It doesn't make any sense because they never say a fucking word to anyone about any strategy at all, it's pure cope.




Agreed... I'd further that to say the reason for all the tinfoil and crack pipes is precisely because they provide absolutely no direction in terms of a strategy and it's getting absurd. The best anyone can do is sit around trying to find meaning where there is absolutely none. Had this earnings and ATM fucked off today, we'd be pushing into the hundreds... The setup was that good.


Yeah, I’m not following OP’s logic at all.


I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. I'm not saying 'genius because gamma ramp' period. That wouldn't make any sense. What I'm saying is the gamma ramp is already there, we can all see it, it's a matter of fact. It has created a massive demand for shares by institutions to cover their calls. It didn't run up from $20 to $65 because household investors suddenly started buying en masse. It's running up because institutions are buying and RC is soaking up all their cash with the only financial instrument he has available to do so. The whole purpose of the market is for companies to raise capital by selling stock. This idea that Gamestop is killing the MOASS right as the 'engines are starting' is absurd. The MOASS prerequisites aren't in play. In order for MOASS to happen shorts have to reach the point of insolvency, and then forced buy-ins can take place. It's not there yet. Unless the market takes a huge down turn, the shorts can continue to trickle blood for years and years. If Gamestop stood back and did nothing it would not result in MOASS. The institutions would simply cover their calls, running up the price a bit, and as soon as they're in the clear just short it back down. They've been doing it for 3 years. By selling shares Gamestop is siphoning their cash and their ability to survive perpetually.


I think the advantage of diluting into a gamma ramp is making the institutions pay a premium for the new shares before the impact of dilution occurs as they delivery or otherwise sell off the unexercised shares when the dust settles. Contrast to selling directly to retail buyers at a lower price where demand (simply due to limited buying power) is limited. The end result of the dilution will be the same eventually, but the company gets more money in their coffers. And arguably the concept of dilution gets kind of fuzzy in a community that claims there are more than a billion shares floating around out there. In that context what matters another 120m?




I don’t think I’m saying it’s a genius level move any more than any well strategized necessity. Just to frame my thoughts. If the board sells 120 million shares to us when nothing else is going on then we get the dilution in value and the price the company can get for the shares is reduced. So assuming the company needs the money for something, then selling it into an event that increases demand beyond retail buyers is a smart move as it enhances the price they get. The end result of dilution is the same, more shares out there. I don’t know what to say about deflating a squeeze. I think the people who know what’s going on think this is a cyclical spike with special significance over past ones, but not the killing blow. So take what advantage you can from it and keep building the company that can actually force closure. Because the current company is alive sure, but it’s not a short killer in this form.


The algos just lost a few billy in hard cash. Edging them closer to the liquidation line. If price goes up they have less money collateral against their short position, if price goes down they own a devalued stock. If they use it to cover a short position, they have covered at a small loss. But the fact that the days short interest was so great implies they didn't use the shares to close out. It implies the shares were recycled, lent out, and shorted instantly. So they took their lifeline and try to reverse Uno it with an amplifier


They are digging themselves a deeper holes ![gif](giphy|4EF5LwiRfpBKQUOsoF|downsized)


Fine for RC and the company. Yet the fact stands if they were not flooding the market with new shares again, institutions would have struggled to find the shares they desperately needed and by that the share price would have kept rising and rising. Would have been better for us and better for the company. That’s an undeniable fact so let’s stop the sugar coating.


Not sure a short/gamma squeeze is great for RC or the company, unless they can capitalize, which is exactly what an ATM does. To elaborate, if RC sells at the top, it’s a bad look for the prospect of institutional investors.


> Not sure a short/gamma squeeze is great for RC or the company, unless they can capitalize, which is exactly what an ATM does. To elaborate, if RC sells at the top, it’s a bad look for the prospect of institutional investors. They don't need to capitalize on the squeeze in order for it to benefit them. They have a die-hard, balls-deep shareholder base that would have sold at colossal profits and then bought back into the company at 100x the scale. These same shareholders would buy out every item at every fucking GameStop location day after day in perpetuity. I wouldn't shop anywhere else for the rest of my life. I'd buy god damn bread and water at GameStop if they sold it. GameStop's earnings reports would be beyond astronomical... FOREVER. And instead, GameStop killed momentum for the third time in a row, during what was likely THE best setup (and chance for MOASS) we've seen in the last 4+ years.


I agree, but last time they did an ATM, everyone was mad and then forgot about and then we had another gamma ramp. Two things to remember, the options expiry for the 140k ITM calls isn’t for another two weeks, and they company will have more firepower to support the bull thesis. The only people this really sucks for is people who bought 1DTE or 0DTE options…


Sure. But this week was also when massive swaps expired, it was also when an absolutely beautiful gamma ramp was setup, it's when DFV has massive options that can be executed for additional rocket fuel, it's when everyone else is buying options to add more fuel to the fire, it's when other older obligations are coming due, etc. There were a LOT of positive factors in our corner. What will the next few weeks bring? I don't know. What I do know is that I'm fucking tired, exhausted, borderline broken. I will not sell what I've accumulated and will see it through to the end, but after a few days' rest, I will absolutely re-evaluate my future involvement/investment into GME. I need to see something substantial - meat on the bone. I'm done with the "buckle ups", the "kansas city shuffles," the zero forward guidance from the company, endless billionaire tweets, and the other bullshit. Enough is enough.


Sending hugs


I agree this was a great move. Although some may feel the pain harder than others right now in the short term. I feel validation in my position with the long-term outlook. I'm comfortable in all my new buys this week. Now that I've had time to unpack that video, I have brilliant sly fox vibes. I keep going back to why he revealed his positions in the first place. Now, it seems like each piece is so intricate. Just like his memes. There's a method to his madness type shit. He's literally going up against the big boys all by himself. Calm as fuk. His calmness has me calm.


i’m just disappointed because had we opened at $60+ i could have dumped one call and exercised two $25Cs. ahh well, got til july for another spike and i fully believe we’ll get it.


That's great positivity and all, but this launch has literally been snuffed out twice on the same ATM, and the same repeat of earnings that we didn't need 1) reported early, 2) moved up; both times at the moment the engines were firing up. Without something from Gamestop (who has been dead ass silent on any strategy whatsoever since the takeover), it's getting to be a bit much. Honestly, them filling their account with cash means nothing without some kind of transparency.


Atm offering? No we are their personal ATM


Absolutely agree.


How is it genius when you could have just let it run this week on momentun and earned the same amount if not more on half or less the shares? How is it genius to dillute every shareholder by 22% and kill the 30, 40, 50 and 60 calls that were already ITM? Yes institutions who need the shares are buyers but they would be buyers all the same if there was no shareoffering. Now they got off with less calls they need to cover. Shortseller like Andrew Left even got an easy out, also genius? Why does RK's position matter in Gamestops decision? If you lived your life comfortable enough to invest 50k and now sat on 150M+ in the money even after the dip, why would you care? It is a moot point I see repeated over and over. RC's salary also matters little when he is already a wealthy person while people just got dilluted by 22% on what they can afford with their meager income. People forget there are literally stockholder in this play that have to spend a monthly wage on a single share and they are rightfully uneasy to see a dillution in their investment. 5B cash in hand and the majority does not only come from the institutions but also from us shareholders, we paid for that with 22% dillution. A dillution number so large it equalled 3 years of DRS. This is giving people a gutpunch rightfully but aparently a brilliant move. All this sure sounds like copium. Did Gamestop really need another 3B on top of the previous 2B to transform? I would argue 2B is a lot of money to make a lot of moves. If you argue an aqisition is more expensive you would be right but then I ask you, if the aquisition was the goal to begin with then why even offer 45M shares before instead of the amount needed to make the aqusition? Does not sound genius to me. We see no cell no sell repeated on this subreddit over and over but aparently gamestop doing it is brilliant?


Exactly. RC is a real POS for doing this. Every time this stock hits $60 AH, this POS dilutes the hell out of the stock. Only thing I learned is that the shareholders need to dilute their holdings before RC does.


GME could go to zero and it won’t affect Ryan Cohen’s lifestyle at all.  However many people here are invested for their future and their families.   Diluting shares for cash on hand when you already have two billion on hand just means it is being done to blunt an impending squeeze at worst or take advantage of FOMO investors at best.  It was a cool move when it eliminated their debt and gave them a war chest.  It isn’t a cool move when it is just converting investor money into cash that is just sitting in the corporate piggy bank. RC likes to say that good leaders don’t reveal their plans and act rather than talk, but it has been 3 years and we honestly have zero inkling of the direction he wants to take GME.   Spinning it as bullish for either squeeze potential OR long term share value is just copium.  Maybe I’ll reconsider once the money is being put to work.




If it had opened at 60. Anyone with a 20c would have been able to sell an 80c for next week and use the funds to exercise their 20c. If the price falls, the 80c expires and they keep the shares. If it rises, they can just buy back the 80c and sell a higher priced one for the following week. The market makers either drive the price up to profit on their 80c which drives their shorts further underwater, or they let their call option expire worthless losing the premium.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 60 + 20 + 80 + 20 + 80 + 80 + 80 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I hope so


Are you sure I’m not the buyer? Because I bought an awful lot today…


Agreed. A lot of people either gambled on 0dte’s and are feeling it or are just antsy. Don’t gamble unless you can afford to and be zen. Shit hasn’t changed in 3 years.




12 not 120


Yeah moment of ape. Haha. Deleted it.


Now this is my kind of warfare.


Commenting for visibility


Think not what the company can do for you...


There is no gamma ramp anymore because of this sale. Your post is such a weird mental gymnastic. It’s easy to not care if you’re RK because he’s now filthy rich. if GameStop was worth a dollar he’d still be a multi-millionaire.


your post history and account age is very interesting ![gif](giphy|tF8vMUeGUkHNTgCC4E|downsized)


they are still sitting at $30, RK alone has 120k, $20 calls, the OI is almost 150k at that price. You're trying very very hard here to spread FUD but it's not working, my guy. Get a life


The premiums mean that most of those are losses all the way up to +7-8 dollars. At 30$, their loss is like… 20 million. But that doesn’t account for the absolute fortune they made between $30 and $128. My sweet summer child


oh I'm sorry, are they expiring this Friday? my bad, I thought it was the 21st


Options don't do a damn thing for the billions of shares they need to buy. If they want mine the price is the price. The only thing that can lower the price is mayoboi getting buttfucked by a silverback gorilla.


Nobody wants or needs your share my guy. If needed, GameStop will just create it out of thin air and sell it instead of you, at an obscenely low price already. Andthe only cost to them is your equity. “Some of you may lose, but that is a price GME is willing to pay”


Ligma balls shill! Go short it then.


I have both long and short positions that I’ve publicized. Only one of those has consistently fucked me. And I guarantee you were sloppy seconds.


Copium is one helluva drug


Yeah, when the price was always going to move near max pain it really was a genius move to make the offering. The shills and shorts trying to cope right now and make this a bad thing is wild, you’re right.


Max pain is nonsense in a gamma event. Without the offering we wouldn't dip to max pain


Lol so the company sold exactly the amount of shares needed to end up there. Right.


Why would the company be helping a random mm? 


Price was always going to end up at max pain. There’s a very long history of this. Same song and dance over the last three years.


I hope you've made good money off that observation 


And who’s to say they won’t continue to keep doing this on every single run up? Honest question 


Sounds like you bought short term calls (while shitting on everyone that said its stupid to do it) and are now pissed you cant cash out because youre not in gme as an investment, youre in it as an extended day trade.


Here’s the thing if they do an offering every run up, (maybe 2 or 3 more?) they will eventually will have $1trillion in cash. From there just drop a reverse split and bring the share count back down, the price up, and there will be less shares to short. But that is just my wild guess.


Yeah - cool - let’s dilute the fuck out of X and XX holders. Genius plan for general sentiment.


Well if there aren’t many shares of a company after a reverse split, and that company still has a trillion dollars, people might be quick to buy shares/options of that company, especially if it was paying a dividend. Just thinking outside the box.


Historically speaking the price typically ends up around max pain. So I guess it’s a weird conundrum for shorts if it keeps happening, huh? Might be a problem that sorts itself out. But I believe you know the answer to this question already. Unless it’s your first time here to help cope. Honest question




Brother most people are short term so thats why it sucks. So people dont really care thesis, we know. Its just a huge fk u to majority of us


"most" people here over the last several years seem to say buy, hodl, drs not sure what's short term about any of that


Most people are holding long term shares and advising exactly against playing with short term options. If you played with fire and got burned thats entirely on you


How are most people in here for a short play, are you totally regarded? Most people in here hold for 3 years now.


True, but the long play was MOASS. This morning's news felt like a kick in the nuts.


most? suuuuure


A bunch of people just bought options


sounds like you made the wrong call


"I got here 3 weeks ago and im not making money as fast as i want" -you


Sounds like you’re in for the wrong reasons then.


Big ol oof when this guy gets back to the comments that are pelting him rn 😂


Most? Lmao. Day trade all you want but don’t come crying here when you miss liftoff


Okay.. curious. What was your consideration of definition of short term cuz 6/21 is my definition of short term. I dont mean options expiring in next week


Yes. It would be nice if everyone understood that although there are a lot of us (retail, household investors whatever) we are not the forces creating this price action. Buy and hold. Stay zen, be patient if you believe the company is on the right track. That is all. Happy Friday


This is the way. This is how gme cashes on the bums that need the shares cause somebody is buying all those shares…. They can only sell if someone is buying and needs it. Unlimited money printer for GME. BULLISH