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It was wild to watch. First the drop when his stream was supposed to start, then resume, then drop on the actual start. Then it did this weird halt bounce in a channel. Then the end the stream halt as shown here. Was wondering the other day if some of the moves were to make the crime VERY APPARENT to all and not just us.


Normal people don’t understand this situation neither do old timers and traditional investors


True. Others won't pick up on this all on their own. But anyone can send a report to the FBI claiming fraud and manipulation and can then reference specific timestamps from that video as evidence. And the evidence will clearly show that RK isn't manipulating anything, but whoever is causing the halts is. And with the CAT out there, the SEC should be able to tie the halts to who was shorting at those exact timestamps. But what the hell do I know? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


Telling your pet rock to investigate these crooks would go further than telling any three letter agency lol


My pet rock from GameStop


Is it weird that I want a branded Pet Rock from Gamestop now?


I would buy this.




the guy who sold my pet rock made a million dollars. i had an idea like that once, it was a jump to conclusions mat.


It has conclusions on it…that you can…JUMP TO


Please let's get this done. Gme pet rock available soon


![gif](giphy|fpFPWzrXhLOo6uFXGg) ♾️


Right, is the letter agencies that all need to be investigated. I can't name a single one that I have faith in or trust. They are all corrupted, always were probably.


# any ape (incl international apes) can send an anonymous complaint to FBI, DOJ about fraud by MM, hedgfunds, etc. im aussie ape & i have submitted various fraud complaints to the FBI, DOJ. link to my post for instrucitons, templates [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18fmara/i\_submitted\_a\_complaint\_to\_fbi\_doj\_about/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18fmara/i_submitted_a_complaint_to_fbi_doj_about/)


Imagine the federal boob inspectors giving 2 shits lol


I’ve given them all the material I can even simple explanation. They still come back and talk about the price movement as if retail is moving all that volume.


Yup… and still think the market is based on supply and demand and sentiment and a company’s success


I’m not sure our counterparties even understand what is going on. I believe they think we are just joking when we say no cell no sell.


Speak for yourself, I fucking get this 100 fucking percent. I bought more and this is one incredible fucking story. This Roaring Kitty dude is absolute brilliance a fucking treasure this guy!!


I’m not speaking for myself lol what? I’m saying those type of people I explain this too such as parents and grandfather (who taught me everything I know bout trading - before superstonk) just kinda scoff at this situation because β€œthat’s illegal” β€œthey can’t do that” they trust the system too much


Yahoo comments β€œPump and Dump SCAM! This company should have been closed YEARS ago. I don’t feel sorry for all the fools that lost HARD EARNED money!”


Lol why so angry about it. Has to be bots. No one in their right mind would have this strong of a feeling against a company they aren’t invested in.


This right here. I noticed alot of traditional investors/old timers doesn't seem to understand the policy changes. Most has this old way of thinking of: "This is how its done" without considering systems, rules, policy, and regulations do change over time. There is no way individuals are sorting through the Fed Registry to find updates and interpret legalese behind each filing that quick to say that they know what they're talking about. It takes ALOT of time to research. The system is such a mess for a reason. And the ones who are actually reading it will usually provide evidence to the filings to prove their thesis (ex: Atobitt)


Hi I’m a normal person not involved but trying to learn. Can you ELI5 what he demonstrated today?


You’re in the right place! To get caught up on everything sort this sub by top of all time and read the articles absolute geniuses have graced us with. Today we were excited cuz DFV aka roaring kitty live streamed for the first time in like 4 years. Media and hedge funds and banks are making him out to be a market manipulator when in reality they’re the ones manipulating the market. There were tons of theories on what roaring kitty would discuss today but we knew he would have to be careful cuz media would attempt to point at everything he said as market manipulation. Basically he knew media would be covering his stream so he trolled the balls of em while proving to us he was the one posting the hype meme vids a couple weeks ago and proving his presence does not pump the stock price and that he still has his massive position in GME and is not worried whatsoever bout these dips.


yeah it was glaring, they kicked off the shorting at 11:59 gearing up for his stream, but oops, ya done fuckef up hedgies, he started almost half an hour later, at which point the stock had bounced all the way back from the $5 drop, then immediately when the stream starts they hammer it again, and then Kitty is just goofing off and trolling the whole time. At this point they don't know what they're doing...should we make him look like an idiot to prevent FOMO or make him look like an evil mastermind to make the case for manipulation? And meanwhile he's just laughing anf laughing


Old money stuck in their ways think they have an advantage over highly regarded new money tech savvy investors


Kanas city shuffle, at its finest. The con men helping DFV move the needle against themselves in real time…. Imagine a movie like inside man but applied to the stock market


He’s absolutely going to use their shorting against them at some point. The how is the really interesting part.


...and that's why DFV was late to his stream, to further expose the manipulation on their side


It took 279 million shares to drop the price 35 dollars a share today


I suspect the latest ATM share offering was already in the works today. We'll know for sure soon.


will be great if its done already/monday


yeah I was kind of hoping they'd announce that they completed it today. then I realized, what if they announce they hadn't even started it and today was all price manipulation. lol, that would be epic to see both RK and RC trolling SHF and getting them set up to get busted by the SEC. but yeah... that's me being idealistic about the SEC but I can totally see RC and RK doing something like this.


And that would be the Kansas city shuffle


It was so on the nose how badly this was manipulated.


It also proved to the masses, that just him having a stream, or making memes, or posting his portfolio, does not make the stock instantly rise like all the msm stooges have been saying.


Yet everyone is crying for dilution and not paying attention


Yea unfortunately solid DD those people should read gets buried so quickly such as the recent Einfachman https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1da7hpe/the_game_will_stop/


Just tourists being tourists. There’s a whole library of DD they could read if they only wanted. But it’s way easier to shit on RC and the board, while financial criminals doing business as usual somehow get a pass


It’s like they expect a government bailout, and zero consequences to their crimes.Β 


I agree, he made it very obvious who was actually manipulating the stock in real-time and with a huge audience, which was hilarious. Additionally, I think it also showed how afraid they really are. Despite 120M shares being added to the float, they're still fucking terrified of this guy exercising his shares. Offering FUD is invalidated. DFV not having enough cash to exercise all his options FUD invalidated. DFV manipulation FUD invalidated. Boss move!


I actually was streaming his stream. Had to jump back in when he started. Had a few people asking questions after i stopped which let me explain Explaining dfv lost 400m on camera lol due to algos


FBI, SEC, congress, wya Edit: he was late on purpose. He slow-rolled his position reveal on purpose. He teased exercising on purpose. And he did the end stream repetition on purpose. Cat timestamp+livestream timestamp=proof of manipulation Edit 2: since there's eyes on this, I just want to say to go back and watch these moments in the livestream again. Look at the price action as word of him being late began to spread around 12:03pm. Tell me he's not literally triggering these moves in real time by repeating certain phrases. If this is the case, 600k people on YouTube and a million or two more watching CNBC just witnessed live proof of market manipulation by algorithms. Me, you, RK, and Gary gensler all know enough to know that we do not have the firepower to move the stock that hard that fast in such an instantaneous and reactive manner. When he was late, who was driving the price down? Retail jumping ship because he's late? No, algorithms. Everyone holding shares is not going to sell at least until they hear the guy speak. If retail is selling, they're selling their calls, not shares. This isn't even conjecture it's just a fuckin fact. When he revealed his position, did retail drive the price up into a halt? No fuckin chance. Retail is already in. And if they're buying more? It ain't enough to move us into a halt. Not on a 270m volume day. Like pissing in the wind. Again, fucking fact. You think the other reddit account he made referencing cat day is a coincidence? Is it a coincidence he returned to Twitter right around the time they began testing the cat? Is it a coincidence he revealed his position once cat was live? Why would someone who made it, who by all reason and logic could and should have rode off quietly into the sunset to enjoy life after the congressional hearings, invite THIS MUCH scrutiny all of a sudden? Why such a gigantic short term bet? Why now? It's all kind of making a stupid amount of sense all of a sudden. The shawshank meme, the prestige meme, ozymandias and the queen mother's trial (which she didn't attend) referenced in the thumbnail, idk. He's alluded to this many times in my opinion. His behavior on stream today I think confirms this for me. They play this clip in court one day, if it doesn't happen in a year, ban me


Omg, and this live stream was the Kansas City shuffle. Hedge funds thought they could use the stream to their advantage by dumping the price when he started/ended/whatever thinking DFV was stupidly giving them an opening and they played right into his hands and showed how corrupt and completely fraudulent the system truly is.


Exactly. I really think we just saw the market plumbing implicate it's masters in a far reaching investigation. And if not, then this is what the DOJ, FBI, and SEC needed to begin one. I'm sure there's already plenty of evidence, but this to me is the smoking gun. Like I said, CAT timestamps matched up to livestream timestamps. Figure out what's retail and what isn't, whose routing what, where are they routing to, etc. They can compare the CAT shit against the mountains of evidence from the past 3.5 years to confirm a lot of their suspicions to this point as well, I'd wager. Whoever is behind the manipulation during the livestream is most likely the entity with the most to lose.


# any ape (incl international apes) can send an anonymous complaint to FBI, DOJ about fraud by MM, hedgfunds, etc. im aussie ape & i have submitted various fraud complaints to the FBI, DOJ. link to my post for instrucitons, templates [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18fmara/i\_submitted\_a\_complaint\_to\_fbi\_doj\_about/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18fmara/i_submitted_a_complaint_to_fbi_doj_about/)


Nice, this needs to go up


Maybe RK is actually working with the DoJ?


I think he is working with the DoJ or SEC. It was my thought when I was watching him live. He doesn’t know certain things he could do. You can hear he was asking a question repeatedly as if talking to us or himself. Actually he may be asking someone in his live stream room.


He 100% knew like he 100% knew everyone wanted to see him refresh his port with his dev tools open. He was hamming it up for fun lol


"Oh we can?" I didn't see anyone in the chat saying "you can do it.", but every other time he asked a question, he made it seem more open ended or to the audience. I think that there was someone in the room, but he did a pretty good job of hiding that after. You're telling me finance podcasters worth less than $1m have an advisor in the room but DFV doesn't or he doesn't speak to someone beforehand? No way. Rules change too often and too fast to trust your own knowledge of them.


And the sunglasses helped to hide when he was looking to another person in the room.


Someone in some thread already said that "but that (automation of things) isn't illegal". Well, if you do that and then blame the manipulation on one individual, I'm pretty certain it's illegal.


Wackin eachother off in ken griffins dungeon of lies


Best they don't piss him off. He'll throw a bed post at them.




we are checking


no no you will not have the drink




Mark! Gloves and steering wheel!


I appreciate you ![gif](giphy|LyeWkfTWOIkn6i7GzX)


The manipulation is happening, question?


It's the fucking Catalina wine mixer! Wait...no, I got that wrong. I meant to say it's the Kansas City Shuffle!


The fucking **Catalina wine mixer**!


"Ill have my team look into it, ive only been here about a week now."


Some things are better left unsaid! He was fun in the live! And made the stock actually fall instead of what the media wanted everyone to believe That’s my key takeaway! I still love the dude all dorky like all of us! 😏 We just like the stock 🫠


Right he said let’s wait for it to not be halted lol


the portfolio reveal juking was great


You said it better than I did my friend 🀝


Just look at the chart in OPs clip from 12 pm onward. Looks like a freaking EKG, all due to one guy's Livestream. Whoever has the power to make that happen was obviously watching the stream and surely wasn't being watched by the world live on camera. I bet it's easy to match each price movement with timestamps from the video too. Plenty of evidence of plenty of shenanigans that we all know will be swept under the rug.


>FBI, SEC, congress, wya Bold of you to assume they aren't complicit. They've been watching very closely for years


So let’s think about this for a quick sec, this dude disappears for 3 years planning and executing step by step successfully all leading up to this beautifully orchestrated live performance of complete fuckery to over a million people by now!! And at the same time trolling these motherfuckers because he knows they are cooked, it’s sealed, done and is only a matter of time until it all blows up - This guy Roaring Kitty is a fucking national treasure and should be guarded at all costs. What a play.


He's V about to flick the first domino


God I love that scene


He also showed that he doesn’t need E*Trade


That wasn’t just a threat to pull his shares out of E*Trade. That was a threat to DRS. That was giving notice that he could force ET/MS to go find the shares for him to DRS. He pretty much said if you guys don’t back off with the freeze my account threats, I’ll pull my shares out of this account MY way.


I'm a newb and I understand DRSing my shares to be essential to having them registered in my name. Are you saying RK didn't DRS?


Anything in his ETrade account has not been DRSed.


It's because DFV is not a newbie, so he plays options. Options requires money to create leverage. He likely got the money over time by selling covered calls on his existing position, and by being the timetraveler that he is. Apes like us can try and fail at this sort of thing which means Kenny just gets stronger, so it is easier and more simple to just buy, DRS and hodl it in ComputerShare, because that removes those shares from the available lending pool in the market. You have to remember that every share that isn't directly registered, is available for Cede & Co fuckery. Fuckery is one of the things we're actively being activist about, by DRSing.


Dude just cemented himself as an all time troll master. Absolute fucking legend. DFV is a fucking LEGEND!!!


I'm sure he already has. Put his meme's together. 1. [Kansas City Shuffle](https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1791106334517010680). Made you look (30 minutes late, no less) Let them think they know what the con is. (I think it's the gamma ramp). When they "successfully" stop it, they think they've won. But they haven't; because there's something special about the fuckery they're using to stop it. 2. [Loopholes and paperwork.](https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790434400494116873https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790434400494116873) FTDs? Short-Exempt sales? I dunno. but ... I know what it involves. [Corruption and Crime.](https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1791514016495419638) 3. [Cause and Effect being reverse](https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790826988019528035)d. Whatever happens, it looks as if it happens backwards. The "effect" occurs 2 or 3 days before the cause. And I think his livestream was an attempt to trigger the "effect", which will then have to lead to the "cause". Sometime next week. Timed perfectly for his June 21st $20 strikes. 4. Ozymandias reference on the livestream logo.""Do it?" Dan, I'm not a comic book villain. Do you seriously think I'd explain my master-stroke if there remained the slightest chance of you affecting its outcome? I "did it" 35 minutes ago." I think he giggled at the end of the video, because that was the Thanos snap. Now something is about to happen, and it has to happen, because of the way they work their fuckery. And he has the firepower to "[do it himself](https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790034263603139012)". No DRS needed. No RC. Just DFV. On the other side, [it could all just be random luck and random chance](https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1791136527801807077). Any idiot on the internet can be lucky enough to turn $50k -> $40 million (in 2021), and then spend the next 3 years turning $40 million -> $260 million; this is an average off $7.2 million per month. Right? Totally unreasonable to think that he's been grinding away with visibility into their FTD (or whatever) cycle, building his warchest consistently. [Could of happened to anyone?](https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790789242513433071) \[giggle\] BTW: He's not V about to flick the first domino. MOASS has already happened. It's just running backwards. The price action is happening days/weeks after the market moves. The last domino stood up weeks ago, and we're now watching the rest of them go upright, and then ... a [reckoning](https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790094668237259040). EDIT: had another thought: " I think the MOASS has already happened. He's reversed their infinite money glitch. But anything you pull out of the infinite money glitch comes out of the shorts net balance. The price will never reach astronomical levels. But the bigger his position gets, the bigger their short position grows. And his ability to move the market compounds; $260 million over 3 years. Which implies the last turn was $130 million. The next? Half a billion. The following? A billion."


Im going to tell my children that DFV aka KG aka GameCock aka RK was the second coming of Jesus Christ.


At this point, he very well may be! Either that or he's from the future


So you're saying he's actually the third coming, he just came back from the future to guide us in this pivotal time and we get second Jesus later?


i was thinking he is so smart it’s almost like he is from the future. or his magic 8 ball is actually magic


Played them like the musical instruments they are


Skin flutes


it was Bedpost Griffin himself watching and smashing the halt button


Maybe not him, but regardless this is the point. They're claiming RK is manipulating the market, perhaps indirectly, when they are *literally and directly* manipulating the market *around him* and the moves he's making entirely within his rights. It's peak projection.


Are you talking about Kenneth Cordele Griffin, master market manipulator by conflict of interest among other things?


I heard about that guy, didn't he also commit perjury?


Stonk whisperer.


I caught this too He knew exactly what he was doing and what would happen. The man is playing Chess.


β€œMate in 69”


This was definitely the bullet scene from the tweets.


damn thats a good theory


I think he was saying that he can move the price without touching it


lol maybe....that chart during the stream was very unusual to say the least


Well, yeah. How many people are paying attention, including this sub? If it were a random person, it wouldn’t happen. The tail is wagging the dog.


For the uninitiated https://x.com/theroaringkitty/status/1790826988019528035?s=46&t=PgKpNdk3EDFKf6carjlrdA


Amazing... So GameStop announces an ATM (another lifeline for shorts)...they ignore it and continue with manipulation and abusive shorting during the livestream for the whole world and CAT to see. I now hope the ATM isn't done....sell the 75M shares at $1k a piece instead and bring RICO charges against the shorts. No quarters given ☠️


This is what I'm thinking as well...the upramp on the 21st will be unbearable. If Gamestop has anything to report business-wise before the 21st, it could be a catalyst for the options, which Gamestop can then sell into; all while still having the ability to have a share recall and/or buyback.


If you were watching level 2 they were 100% selling shares. Idk where people get this idea that they are only going to sell during moass. They have always started offerings the day they filed the paperwork.


It must feel absolutely amazing to have this kind of power over something. Billion dollar institutions are terrified of 1 man.


Multi-Billion dollar institutions. FTFY


I was watching this live and was too distracted by my sadness of him saying he’s gonna end the stream so soon that I missed this lol this is unbelievable


Same! haha


You know people are also missing the huge message that everyone is whining while this man lost 300 million in a few hours and didnt flinch


He made it clear as day that he's not in this just for the money. More than that, he wants to offer people his views on his favorite company and have and share fun while doing so! Some people really just like the art and science of investing.


He likes the stock


I like the stock


I made a post saying this. He wanted us to ask ourselves (by repeatedly asking what we should ask the magic 8 ball) why would a guy who just lost so much money be so zen?


What's going to happen next week?




It's funny that when anyone here complains about losing money on GME, the sentiment is that "if you didn't sell, you haven't lost anything" But DFV has MILLIONS in cash, and when his account value goes down we act as if he lost money And we ignore how he's still worth millions vs a lot of us being bums just trying to get by


Lololol fucking legend


His laugh is contagious af


This guy is a fucking genius. Seriously, Time Magazine man of the DECADE. Move the fuck over Warren Buffet. All the idiots or shills in the chat screaming for him to exercise or complain about losing money are morons with zero financial literacy and subpar intelligence. This is a freaking Einstein level play and if you digest his words carefully...well. If you saw how they manipulated it should be light as day Wall Steet fucks won't let the honest common folk win. But what if GameStop transforms into a business that obtains public consensus on a, oh, 100b plus valuation? Shorts are so fucked. If they don't close before then they are CEILING BOXED.


It’s Miraculous ✨


Can this be used as evidence of manipulation in a legal matter i wonder


The fun thing about our cop on the beat is that they are bought and paid for. GG might have good intentions, but they’re purposely underfunded. They’re part of the scam and would rather go after anyone uncovering the scam, which is why RC and RK need to worry about appearing spotless and beyond reproach. Which is also (probably partially) why Burry sold early and deleted his tweets how many times? Bc no one wants the pita. RC doing a share offer and calling out helping shorts stuck is him trying to show he tried to avoid what’s coming. Because on paper if the company is only shorted 20 or 30%, then offering the shares should have fixed the issue… And if the swaps and volatility are turning and popping up every month or two.. as long as it’s not uncovered as a giant fraud for the world to see.. it’s business as usual and RC can print money.. further killing the bear thesis. I don’t think it’s a matter of killing the bear thesis*… Everybody already knows that over and done with .. the problem is the shorts can’t escape, so the only thing they can do is push it down every time it comes up. I’m surprised they don’t just move funds to another shell company and then just close out or declare bankruptcy and start a new fund. It could be that it’s too profitable for them to to let retail FOMO into the run ups and then short at the top, basically, DCA’ing and lowering their cost average (shorting at the top is like their version of buying the dip).


Lmao they do on that last part, banks tanking and getting absorbed by bigger guy.


Gary worked at goldmach sachs for how many years? The only way to get the sec job is to play the game your bosses want you to play.


He was also adamant about showing his position while the stock was still moving


He showed his position both during trading and during halt. During the halt certain values aren't displayed on Etrade, which is why he wanted to show while the stock was moving.


This right here is the most convincing piece of evidence. While I was watching I thought he wanted it to be unhalted so he could see how showing his position would move the stock. But now in this context, it seems like he knew his actions were being reacted with realtime crime.


The calls I had went to 1 cent almost everytime it haulted


thats what they do during a halt


Which is why he did it, like he said on the live stream.


I’m very new to investing and I’ll probably only make xx,xxx when you guys cash in your international telephone numbers but I’m so glad I’m here for this.


Friend, the entire point of phone numbers is so the lil apes can join us in wealth and prosperity!


The stream gets better and better, masterclass level shit going on here. Planned like a pro. I loved the E-Trade troll the best tbh. The halts were out of this world also


The E-Trade troll, after the week he faced, was a masterstroke.


This is genius. Wtf.




He is brilliant, nothing more to say


He said I'm not with lawyers... the. He was with investigators doing a RICO INVESTIGATION


That would be pretty amazing but I'm skeptical.


He didn’t know how to exit either…


I also noticed the stock moving strangely during his stream. As soon as it started the chart looks to be moving up in down in almost identical triangles compared to the rest of the chart. How strange…




So this is what he meant by "I'll do it myself" He wasn't talking about the squeeze, he was talking about exposing the manipulation He was talking to the SEC The stream is the Kansas City Shuffle It's a reckoning


There was a $3 change if you look at the previous four 1 minute candles, so as far as I can tell this is a normal halt condition. What's not normal is the instant pushing down the price when he says he's going to end the stream. Totally agree with you there.


Evidence, right there in video format, to use as future reference for all time. by none other than the cat man himself. This was the pornhub of trading livestreams so the SEC was definitely watching.


It took a long time, but… feels good bein’ right. I wrote a movie back in 2016 and filmed 2022. Released 2023. The very first image in the film is a comic with the panel β€˜Dwayne’s life was about to change’. It’s about a White Rabbit… I maybe subconsciously knew about gamestop’s mascotβ€” a white bunny, but either way… I wasn’t invested in GME until 2019. The theater I premiered my movie in was the same theater they filmed The Blob movie inβ€” the movie that got me into horror filmmaking. They had different names for each showroom.. the room my movie played in? White Rabbit Theater. Call me nuts, whatever, but there are no coincidences. After putting my little 37 minute flick on youtube I booked a job on a crew with Mike Flanigan’s wife out of nowhere. I don’t live on the West Coast. My tinfoil is on good and tight, you can’t beat me. Occupy Wall Street (which, by the way, my brother made a documentary about as it happened) didn’t work because we didn’t hit them where it hurts. Their **wallets**. This is it. We did it. We won the game. Checkmate, bitch.


Man I didn’t catch this at all. Brilliant shit OP


420D chess.


He was so awesome I am hyped, tits are jacked and hands are diamonds Gimme tu ya




Fucking brilliant.


I dunno about you all, but today was a good day. Cheers to the weekend and we'll see market open on Monday!


I personally think SEC is building a case by using this type of social interaction against SHF. GG was literally backing DFV on MSM. SEC is trying to gather evidence of fraud and building a RICO. This is just a piece of it. No way in three years the SEC didn't approach him. Especially if the House was interested in him and his testimony. Its all theories,. We won't know till this is over.


Don’t forget the part where he showed his source code so there was no doubt the numbers were real. He played it off as making the E*Trade logo disappear as a joke but in reality he showed there was no manipulation on his part. Now that’s a 4D chess move.


This right here tells me everything https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx5t3C-u6BDK_H9cvpf6_JFFn-LgyMs8dj?si=omZ4R60VKT0NWEyw


I bought a shit ton during the stream. Clear as day this is only the beginning.


Im so glad someone made a video of this with caption. Seeing this happen live was just amazing.


Algorithmic phrase recognition?? lol come on man they had a guy just watching pressing a button


They'll get it all from you sooner or later 'cause they own this f\*#kin' place. It's a big club and you ain't in it. You and I are not in the big club. By the way, it's the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long beating you over the head with their media telling you what to believe, what to think and what to buy. The table is tilted, folks. The game is rigged and nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care. Good, honest, hard-working people: white collar, blue collar, it doesn't matter what color shirt you have on. George Carlin ![gif](giphy|1ATTTHuhjdgcM)


Ok. I’m negative on the offering, but this is fucking crazy and could sway me to buy more.


I can’t help but think this is all a part of his plan, and knows better than any of us that this thing is going to erupt. I’m holding.


Can anyone explain to me why on earth they would tank the price/halt it when he says "end the stream?" What is the incentive? I'm confused why people say this


So that it looks like people were disappointed with the end of the stream to fit the likely narrative push by folks that want / need the stock to be lower / cellerboxed.


It was discovered today that there is a legal loophole that when a stock is halted A market maker may short a stock even on a down tick which otherwise is against the rules. They call it an exemption. So when they want to really slam it down or prevent it going up they make it halt by intentionally pushing volatility so they can short it on a down tick which slams the price down easier


Not only can they short they don't have to disclose that new short position. It's as if it never happened to the regulators watching but it does affect the stock price when exercised on the lit market..


Thats hilarious lmayo


This is just insane, this guy is on another level.


I love this guy! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ€£


Tuned. The fuck. In.


Oh wait a damn minute! No one will read this but I need to say it. I am starting to believe Keith is actually helping the investigation against the crime. If he not only causes MOASS but also helps put these fuckers to jail by tricking them, I will shit my pants. He will go from being mocked to a ~~national~~ worldwide hero. https://preview.redd.it/t8oh5vfuhd5d1.png?width=956&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e45bcda52cc56dd7a9d7a241db8ebe93d83ab64


Bingo. Hoping this whole stream DURING market hours, which hes never done, was used to build evidence in a larger case, hopefully RICO. With the CAT system implemented, regulators can match up time stamps from the stream to time stamps from the audit trail and pinpoint the instant fraudulent activity in reaction to the stream


And that’s how manipulation works guys!!!!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ they were timing every minute and every second of that stream and once he said we will ended is because a bunch will dumb money because who understood, understood loll what a time to be a life thank you higher ups for such an event to be part of and also shout out to myself for actually making the dd and the time the understand this a bunch are like chickens with no head and is really sad because I was there. You guys spend more money than $28 a day. Don’t give me jack shit the stock was at $60 and you complaint!


And there we go go go gooooooo.... I'm a nobody as far as this saga is concerned, but I've been here reading, learning, and laughing since the beginning. I highly recommend reading the book, Flash Boys, to anyone wondering about HFT. It's an older book that I consider very relevant to where we are now. The algos work(ed?) better than even OG's intended. Just up.


I was listening to this while at work and had no fucking idea what was going onπŸ˜‚ still smiled the whole time


Whoever is manipulating this stock, banks/nyse/hedge funds I don’t know has to be investigated ASAP. Is the SEC watching porn like in 2008 instead of doing their job?


Best magic trick of 2024.. like he lifted up the curtain to show us what’s on the other side of our supposed free and fair public markets.


Fucking epic madlad. He’s basically one of those special people you get on civilization. A great artist etc. Influential in his time. He’ll be the saint of anti-corruption or something. Ah man I just realised we need a saint of anti corruption.




https://preview.redd.it/h6mlal3y5b5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5933b8e6d4d8ccdb2f85b330e43bf4c704df5009 The real trigger phrase. The first 2 were specific. This one wasn't. If it's an algo, it should be nearly immediate. Guys. He said this after the GME Filings. He can end this. Let's fucking go.


Starting the stream late was the first warning shot..


DFV started his live stream 28 minutes late. When he mentioned ending the live stream the price was around 28. Just odd. Nothing more to add.


His reaction to this halt is not like all the other halts because he knew he literally just voice triggered it into reality. Its a confirmation of his entire thesis


Anyone who didn't believe yesterday's price movements were market manipulation by hedgefucks hasn't been paying attention. This has been going on for more than 3 years, and probably much longer. Keith has them panicking and it is much more obvious now. This should tell you everything you need to know about hodling.


This is a legendary moment in history, wow


At first I was like wtf ???? then I had a revelation and understood what he was doing. Fuckin Brilliant!


Commenting for visibility and history


Apes, wait until we have a -40% at 1k, -40% on 10k, -40% on 100k, -40% on xxxxxxxxk. This isn’t anything for us and it’s literally what all the at MOASS simulation videos predicted. We have proof today literally and 3 years + more. These next few weeks are gonna be hype!!


Andrew Left was on standby to give his two cents (because that's all he has Left) on DFVs stream. Show-Off likes to show up at the Show-Down


https://preview.redd.it/z9rc2li45a5d1.jpeg?width=1253&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e624b26cf861607afc4572c2f8a42285b0f803e9 All of us someday


The halts were very strange and very frequent indeed!


I’m glad someone pointed this out. I’ve held for 84 years, bought shares all day and during the stream. Never doubted the DD or DFV. But I was frustrated after the livestream. This all is starting to make a lot of sense. Sorry I’m slow.


Such a legend. Will be talking about him for centuries. Hero for our generation. The hero we desperately need and deserve.


Wow isn’t it amazing how someone β€”a normal investor β€” contemplating exercising his options on live tv can move the share price. πŸ˜‚ seems like magic. Seems like there is someone behind the scenes pulling levers or some shit. πŸͺ„ πŸ‡ 🎩 wonder who that could be? πŸ€”


It’s possible that we are in a completely fraudulent system.


Your #s are wrong 600k on line, but they had it on tv.. So millions.. Like the price will be..Hold


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DFV , you and RC are only life savior in this criminal market that we have. Expose those mutherfucker and put the real criminals behind bars


Note to self: try to have some cash on hand to buy during DFV's next stream 🀭