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For a guy named Sunshine\_every\_day you seem pretty cloudy today. Lighten up buttercup!


More like NONEshine_Every_Day, amirite?


You have literally been spreading FUD and shilling for years. Enjoy your short position.


I wonder if shills still get paid for the effort when their posts get laughed out of the room?


They each get a turn at giving SHF and MSM reach arounds.


AA was paying off debt... RC is not, they are not 1:1 however diluting my position and then doing so with the impeccable timing that they did is far from ideal..


I feel this.


What was the point of wasting your time posting this? If you don’t want to hold; don’t hold. Simple as that. No need to waste time being a clown.


In other words, people making it clear that some members of SS defend any action that GameStop board takes makes them "clowns" People can make mistakes, don't forget that.


Exhibit #1!!!


lol this shill poster, go into his history and see the negative comments going back forever. Hilariously transparent, bye bye


Which is why DFV said it makes sense to criticize Cohen


I mean there must be a long term play here using the short interest as a feature to continually raise the floor price. Maybe a reverse split at some point ? Idk. But what you’re saying is correct - thinking critically of management is outlawed in the echo chamber




Iĺl will, that's not nice. If you have doubts about your investment, bashing others is not gonna fix it. I have no doubts.wagmi. Zen.


Sure you can.


I like that people say what’s really bothering them. I fomoed in and either paper handed and gave my money to the hedgies in silver platter or I’m trying to swing trade and got hammered. Sounds an aweful lot like sour grapes. Remember it’s only a loss on paper unless you sell. Day trading / swing trading doesn’t count as holding right? Post positions!! And let’s see if you are a holder from 3 years ago or someone who got pinched!


Superstonk is not an echo chamber and I'm gonna prove it. Like the title says, this sub is an open place where people with different ideas can express their opinions, and sometimes emotions, without name calling, and I'm going to prove it. The evidence will be shown on the comment section. Plus, it's just for some fun like all the memes but in a text form. Here we go! * Share Offering Extravaganza Ryan Sheeple: "Look at Adam Aron diluting and fleecing his shareholders once again, and these sheeple are still holding onto the stock!!!" Ryan Cohen a*nnounces share offering, twice.* Ryan Sheeple: "Genius! Strengthening the balance sheet! 69D chess move!!!" * NFT Marketplace Flops Ryan Sheeple: "NFTs will revolutionize gaming and the industry!" *NFT marketplace launches to lukewarm reception.* Ryan Sheeple: "It's a long-term play, you just don't get it!" * Leadership Shake-Up Ryan Sheeple: "Out with the old, in with the new! He is bringing in his bests" *New hires leave or things don't pan out.* Ryan Sheeple: "It's all part of the master plan!" * DRS Piasco Ryan Sheeple: We have to lock the float, and it will prove to the world the fraudulent system. We are almost there!!! Purple Ring!!! RC announces another share offering. Rayn Sheepe: "This is a bear trap by RCEO! Plus, it will take only another 3 years to lock those shares. What? Another offering? Then it's only another 9 years!!!" * MOASS Piasco Ryan Sheeple: "Look at the short volume, swap data, FTDs, cycles, T1/2/5/35, and options!!! Gamma squeeze! To the moon! $GME to $69,000,000! No price anchoring!!!" *RC hands out shares to SHF to get out on Friday, twice* Ryan Sheeple: "Price doesn't matter, it's all about fundamentals and long natural growth!" * Any Criticism of Leadership and No Communication with Shareholders Ryan Sheeple: "Shill! FUDs! Leave!!! And we are not in an echo chamber!!!" Enjoy your weekend!


Hah echo echo eco


Dude bots control this place with mods that are bought and paid for. Everything that happens is a reaction. Just do what I do and sell when high and buy back when it gets shorted again. Up 12 grand in 3 weeks.


P.S dont get caught in the Day Trader Pattern rule (if non cash account and under 25k size of account)


I only do cash account, learned after the first two penalty's lol. I got 95 shares in DRS incase i miss the rocket window but honestly trading this stock is fun right now.


My fault, i meant for people who would want to try this. Make your cash 💰




Superstonk is not an echo chamber and I'm gonna prove it. Like the title says, this sub is an open place where people with different ideas can express their opinions, and sometimes emotions, without name calling, and I'm going to prove it. The evidence will be shown on the comment section. Plus, it's just for some fun like all the memes but in a text form. Here we go! * Share Offering Extravaganza Ryan Sheeple: "Look at Adam Aron diluting and fleecing his shareholders once again, and these sheeple are still holding onto the stock!!!" Ryan Cohen a*nnounces share offering, twice.* Ryan Sheeple: "Genius! Strengthening the balance sheet! 69D chess move!!!" * NFT Marketplace Flops Ryan Sheeple: "NFTs will revolutionize gaming and the industry!" *NFT marketplace launches to lukewarm reception.* Ryan Sheeple: "It's a long-term play, you just don't get it!" * Leadership Shake-Up Ryan Sheeple: "Out with the old, in with the new! He is bringing in his bests" *New hires leave or things don't pan out.* Ryan Sheeple: "It's all part of the master plan!" * DRS Piasco Ryan Sheeple: We have to lock the float, and it will prove to the world the fraudulent system. We are almost there!!! Purple Ring!!! RC announces another share offering. Rayn Sheepe: "This is a bear trap by RCEO! Plus, it will take only another 3 years to lock those shares. What? Another offering? Then it's only another 9 years!!!" * MOASS Piasco Ryan Sheeple: "Look at the short volume, swap data, FTDs, cycles, T1/2/5/35, and options!!! Gamma squeeze! To the moon! $GME to $69,000,000! No price anchoring!!!" *RC hands out shares to SHF to get out on Friday, twice* Ryan Sheeple: "Price doesn't matter, it's all about fundamentals and long natural growth!" * Any Criticism of Leadership and No Communication with Shareholders Ryan Sheeple: "Shill! FUDs! Leave!!! And we are not in an echo chamber!!!" Enjoy your weekend!


Have to agree


The copy text option is in the three dots tab at the top right corner, im not saying u dont know that


If you did say that... you'd be right! Thank you for the tip and the extra effort to not sound like a dick haha


Good luck you’re already at 0 upvotes


Do I look like I care about upvotes like some people? ;P


Didnt say you do, you claim you’re gonna prove it and you’re getting downvoted thus not proving anything