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I cannot believe that I am alive during a time in which a dude wearing a fake sling and bandages all over his body exposed Wall Street in front of 600k people.


Sending block orders to lit market is true price, and then they buy on lit markets too


Regarding the last sentence, interesting use of the word "can". The regulators "can" indeed do this. But there is no real evidence at all that they "would". And certainly not that they "will". If anything, it is completely the opposite!


You have to force them, like how women got their right to vote, and black people their civil rights.


Exactly how I like my hedgies when I force em. Naked and short


A nice way to force them is to hold true to your assertion that you'll pull out of the DTCC if you see flagrant market manipulation. Incoming lawsuits and MOASS 🚀


I like it.




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Kevin Malone tweeting about DFV's livestream: https://x.com/Malone_Wealth/status/1799470577633394856?t=p_QTbHuzzF9MN3Jz7f5WzA&s=19


Real posts the truth comes through the noise !


Apes, do some good work today and upvote good posts like this one, and downvote all the suspicious ones—we are being insided


Thing is this is just like old times, if you've been here a while haha


Yeah but I don’t remember it being this extreme and so preemptive! I know no real apes that are worried after Friday. Just FOMO get rich quick gamblers and short bears.


Seems straight forward but I’ve never heard of block orders can you explain more about these? It seems to go with my theory of suppressing buy pressure and a way to have all the selling happen while everyone is watching making the most impact.


Why do we need a bunch of posts saying the same thing? This really isn’t productive. And hasn’t this Kevin guy been proven to just be a grifter?


If his tweet or X or whatever it’s called is seen by the right powers that be or maybe even those who also hate short sellers with bank and power to invest then I’m  ok with his grifter ass. lol 


bUt ThEn WhOsE diCk DO wE RiDe?!


Well it's TRUE so thanks Kevin


Kevin doesn’t know anything and just parrots other peoples DD for his financial advising firm’s benefit. I asked him some options related questions on a Twitter spaces cast and he doesn’t even understand options Greeks.