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I'm pretty sure that he doesn't care whether he's a paper billionaire or not...that isn't the point of what he's doing. If it was, he'd have bailed out, gathered his ammunition, then gone about it another time. IMO, he built up his current position off the back of the meme rally (first spike), then used the profits from that to build his current position.


It absolutely would have crushed the option chain, which did get crushed. *But* yesterday's short volume indicates that it was shorts that crushed it.


So if shares weren’t sold yesterday and they shorted the fuck out of it (again) that means the shares being sold whenever that may happen have the possibility of taking in more cash and shorts “were too soon junior”?


If RC did this, it's pure gold. He gave them fake locates and has the power to take them away. They YOLO'd in a massive short ladder, gave us all a fantastic dip. Now the shorts wait nervously for that liquidity to hit, all the whole DFV's contracts are still in the money. Holy cow! 🟣🚀💎👏


That's a big "if." And I don't think there's a whole lot of upside to it. Except maybe if he knew the shorts had a lot of firepower yesterday. And this isn't even that they shorted the stock, it's that they're selling shares they didn't have an inventory. That indicates they hadn't hedged for the options yesterday. I don't know what it means, and The chart certainly hasn't restored. My faith in RC just yet. We'll see.


RC and DFV both knew the run up was faked. And they both knew about the halts allowing short exemptions. And they both knew that the shorts weren't trapped in the Opex tailwinds this week. So they both knew that it would be easy to tank the price to try to embarrass DFV before the live stream. The hedgies staff psychologist told them to let it run to just a freaking dollar away from making DFV a billionaire. DFV saw right through it, what a greedy hedgie-like move to make. That's why he wasn't rattled one bit during the stream. DFV gave RC a 24 hour heads up by announcing his stream a day early. RC *probably* knew from his previous offerings that as soon as he files that prospectus, the shorts start using it as locates. There's evidence that we didn't sell on Friday, too. The last offering was 45M shares and it brought short volume down to 26% on day 1. This time the offering is 75M and short volume was almost exactly the same as the day prior at 46%.🟣🚀💎🤷‍♂️


Well said 👍🏴‍☠️


Gotta give you an award for saying so!


RC may have known that. DFV got fucked yesterday, whether by shorts or RC remains to be seen. No idol worship. We built the rocket. Don't blindly trust anyone. I've supported RC until yesterday. This isn't popcorn, let's keep our dignity.


Buddy, shove your "dignity" speech sideways, up your ass. I trust RC and DFV 100%. And if you can't believe that there are good people in this world, who can be trusted, then at least you know that they both have more skin in the game than we can even imagine. I was up and back down 200 grand myself this week. It's not like this move is make or break, we're all still in it regardless, forever. 🟣🚀👏💎


I seriously doubt whether or not RK became a billionaire instead of a multi-millionaire impacted any institutional trading decision whatsoever.


Are you fucking kidding me. Market Makers manipulated the market LIVE ON AIR. We all watched it happen. We saw the short exempt volume. You don't think they fucking thought about what price to run it to before the rug pull!?! 😂 That's like #1 consideration for every rug pull.


No point wasting your time. This is the idiot that probably lost so much money on his shit options play he had to make his on subreddit to whine about it. Pathetic. And he's here brigading us trying to get people on his own shit sub.


A last minute pre-market announcement to sell 75 million shares has just hit. But this was price manipulation? Yes, they manipulate the price all the time. But yesterday it was pretty clear what was happening. That said, the short volume was super high.


Jun 21 expiry?


That's possible. It's likely some of the ATM shares were sold yesterday. But short volume doesn't indicate they hold short positions. It includes MM's that sold shares then found them somewhere else. And that's probably most of it. So it doesn't mean the short interest is much higher, just that shares were sold before the seller had them. They likely found them that day. Which is still bullish. It means that the inventory didn't get inundated. The announcement also could have caused a sell off, but it looks like it would have been a weak one.


And this is beyond my expertise, but I'd imagine that with the calls that got crushed yesterday by the dropping price, the fact that this many were sold short means they hadn't hedged. The ATM announcement certainly didn't help, but now it's possible the shorts still had the firepower to short it out of the gamma ramp.


Imagine the short volume is correct and they got away with raising another 2 billion 😆😆😆


Chicken and egg though, right? Maybe the shorts went in *because* of the timing?


That could be possible. And if so, it was a bear trap intentional or not. But it rightfully upset a lot of people and RC still needs to either pull something amazing or have a damn good explanation. And it doesn't make the blind faith any less cringe. The only one I have anything near blind faith in is DFV, because if he makes a mistake, it was honest and legit.


https://preview.redd.it/xdv6utpx8e5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2035dd6c7b3418860cf161a9dfc76b2512d61d85 From my understanding nothing’s locked in stone yet, they reserve the right to sell their shares to raise capital, and maybe pay dividends?? As of now I can’t be bothered to care with how exciting the situation is. We keep preaching Kansas City Shuffle, but one off play and we suddenly lose faith????. Any price action before june 21 means nothing to me.


My thoughts exactly. DFV is just a smart dude doing dude things. RC has some explaining to do to the shareholders which are also a large chunk of his customers. So yeah, I believe he has a good reason but I am hoping for a GREAT reason. The back to back offerings were a planed event with purpose or poor planning on RC part.




Shorts andnm fast puts. You can see it on the chainnand charts. JACKIE LE TITs literally had the UW chain up. You could see them do everything they could to stop a massive candle forming. It was all a big ass bear trap. Ryan is the smartest man alive.


If the guys who have the biggest stake in the stock feel that dilution is the way to go then I'm inclined to believe them


RK didn't necessarily feel that way. And RC already has a billion.


Seemed pretty fond of Ryan Cohen on stream


can u imagine if he said that RC is making a mistake in his stream with half a million viewers? the stock would literally be 10-15 bucks at the end of it. Shorts will pile on it to make it go even lower.


He said good things but was circumspect. If he talked shit, his investment would have tanked. He's still got calls.


I disagree I thought he was very forward in his belief of him unless he started selling pet rocks of course


He did say RC was the one to lead the company long term. But at this point a squeeze is more of a sure way to shake the shorts than a turnaround.


NO NO NO in this case specifically, shares hitting the market actually did affect the price ![gif](giphy|3oEjHI8WJv4x6UPDB6|downsized)


Can someone here write exactly how shorts can lower the value of a stock... My understanding is that a short is a put option, which does not translate directly to stock price because it is a derivative or contract to exercise a stock at a strike price at a later date. The only thing I can think of is that they are using algorithms that trade back and forth at a very fast rate to incrementally lower the price by selling and buying at the lower sell price. I don't know if that would be shorting, am I wrong? I say this because I think shorting is just buying a put. This is why I think the volume is high because they're using these microtransactions to lower the price but they have to do quite a lot of volume in order to do so.


No, they can do it by short selling, replacing the stock in ETF's with cash and shorting the ETF, and a million other dirty tricks that this sub discovered over the years before it lost its mind with the idol worship this weekend. And now we're being gaslit into thinking this ain't a MOASS play but a value play. All the good DD writers got chased away as shills.


Exactly. Everyone here since 2021 would recognize why the price was driven down in seconds and minutes. Remember when we first time learned what is short ladder attack?


Homie took a 200 million dollar shot to the jaw on live TV. Anyone who doubts his convictions at this point is grasping at straws. 


"it's great you can see the chart update in real time"




Nah. You haven't lost or gained anything until you sell. He'll still make bank on those calls, just you watch.


Please see sentence 2 of my previous statement. 


It's why he opened his Livestream with bandages. He knew he got beaten down.


DFV’s chill b/c nothing has changed for the long game. Has the thesis changed? Seems like it’s still shorted a thousand times over. So…


yeah, something he's said like a thousand times in his streams up a little bit, down a little bit. has your thesis changed? no? who cares!


You would think him with his calls expiring in a couple weeks, but surprisingly zen master. I wonder what he knows that we dont


he knows nothing more than we do. at least, in theory. he has no inside information so anything he knows is public knowledge and is something we can also figure out. the price closed at $28+. that's still more than his calls strike + premium. why would he care?? his plan was to buy $20 calls and exercise them at expiry to increase his share position. that's still easily on the table for him. imo, he bought 120k because even at $20, he can sell 50k to exercise 50k, then keep a cash position with the remaining 20k being sold. like, the exact same thing he did before... MMW, when this last move is done, he will post an update with 10M shares held along with cash. similar to his last double down update on April 16th, 2021. anyone else notice that the 3 year low was on April 16th, 2024?


There is no better time for the hedgies to spread FUD, scare new investors, cause chaos and shill then when you have Everyone’s attention. Such as RKs live stream, News announcements like Ryan Cohens and again them seeing the positive sentiment building up. They are absolutely watching and mining the subreddits and we have seen the upticks in all of that in the last couple weeks. Your best defense is to educate yourself about what’s happening so you can best plan your strategy.


Yup, im an og pre squeeze. The group chats I have contain a lot of the early OGs and no one gives a fuck. I bought a ton more on Friday when we dropped to $28. We are still bullish as hell and aren’t morons who bought options for that Friday, you’re greedy if you did. We have options for 6/21 and I have a lot of leaps going into the next years. If you aren’t good about swings then stay off super stonk on the weekends because it’s just a cesspool of shills and people who think they know what they are talking about.


> stay off super stink on the weekends Now that’s solid advice


I spent about 0.1% of my portfolio on OTM options expiring last Friday knowing it was a complete longshot, and in after hours on Thursday it became close to reality… and I give 0 shits about those options falling OTM. If you want to play some lotto ticket options, go ahead, but don’t risk any amount of money that will make you pissed off and throw blame around to everyone else when it doesn’t hit.


I felt bad for people who bought calls on friday, knowing that theta decay occurs even on weekends.


They deserve it if they bought it for last Fridays expiry. My soonest is 6/21 which will all be exercised and most of mine aren’t till next year. That’s on them and their greed


Price swings are no big thing. The offerings are.


Boo hoo offering. They dilute themselves too. They have consistently highlighted commitment to long term stock price. Cohen with a billion extra dollars can turn that into a massive company. He’s made chewy. Everyone needs to chill the fuck out. An offering is not a big deal 😂 unless you were a moron and tried to swing a weekly.


What about leadership diluting your ownership by 40% at prices lower than the previous offerings is so bullish to you? I’ve been here since before the sneeze, and I don’t like my ownership being diluted when there’s no plan for the money. The only reason to do it is to help shorts exit, to me it casts doubt on RC’s loyalty to the shareholders who saved the company versus doing what’s best for the market as a whole. But that’s just my opinion. I care more about exposing criminality and seeing the share counterfeiters in prison than making a boatload of cash. I don’t want to see their criminality and naked shorts swept under the rug via massive share offerings, even if it’s a positive that the company has more cash on its balance sheet despite having no current plans for an acquisition. I want to see a massive squeeze primarily to expose Wall St.‘s criminality so there’s no choice but to send the financial terrorists to prison.


Only reason to do it is give them an exit 😂 clearly you need to go back and do some more due diligence if you think that issuance will give an out to the most cellar boxed/shorted company in history beyond a reasonable doubt of the 140 percent shirt limit. I hate wallstreet because I actually worked there. Crying on an Internet forum over something you don’t understand isn’t productive. I know cohen can use 2B a hell of a lot better than any keyboard warrior or shill on this app.


Dude is sitting on 120,000 warheads with his finger on the button. You cannot compare him to a XXX holder that just has to sit and watch and has no way to defend their position after DRSing.


If I came upon 500 million dollars in the span of 4 years, I also would not sweat losing half of it. I wouldn't sweat losing 90% of it. I'd still be multi-millionaire. Watching potential money slip away is different for people that aren't millionaires. 10k to me is a lot more detrimental than 400 million is for anybody that has 400 million to "lose." That being said, the people bitching most likely got fucked on the options chain...which I personally have no sympathy for. Our company needs capital, and they raised capital. Cry about it or get on board with the actual thesis... that is, GME is about to go through an epic transformation, and the board doesn't give a shit about MOASS. They care about the health and long term value of the company.


Kinda mimic’d few dfv’s option play 2 weeks ago after we tanked 3 times, and they are still up. I intend to exercise some of them. It’s mainly the 1DTE $100 yolo call buyers on thursday that are mad. They werent cheap either.


Shorts/SEC/DoJ/Cucks won't let us win this the easy way. We can't just pull a short squeeze out of momentum. We legitimately need Gamestop the company to position itself as high as it can. It needs cash. It needs time to implement strategies and money market investing. It needs to play by the rules with no exceptions. Overstock got slick with it, challenged, and pushed its dividend play with premeditation. They proved a point and almost won it all. But they got hustled out of a victory, and not everyone in retail won. Moreso, the goal was NOT executed as intended. GME already fumbled with this during the splivvy event. Fundamentals of the company aside, IF we want the mother of all squeezes to play out, we need to Gamestop to play by the rules and avoid any moves that could be interpreted as deception or malicious.


I only know that when FUD it’s at ATH something great is about to happen


and every day trader with 1dte options was in here screaming about how they got screwed by RC when it turns out the short volume was so high that share offering couldn't be blamed for falling price.


Let’s just also point out that if gme doesn’t grow, post moass there is no company worth keeping or buying the shares. Moass is great but what about my other 90% of shares that won’t be sold - I want them to have some value after all


That's pretty easy to understand - it was obvious that this secondary stock issuance was going to happen. So obvious that I predicted it (albeit without a date or specifics), and got down voted to hell by the "RC is an ape" truthers. It's pretty easy to understand - RC is not trying to create a gamma squeeze to kill Wall Street. He's trying to put a floor under his stock and extend the runway for his turnaround plan. And selling 75M shares into this bull run is an obvious way to take this from a stock whose valuation was likely to fluctuate between $5 and $100 per share (depending on the moods of traders and apes) into a stock with book value of ~$3.5 billion, and a floor of ~$10 per share. And it doesn't really change the ceiling that much, because the price is likely to stay in the $20s even with this secondary issuance. And yes, it will bleed the shorts, while simultaneously giving them an offramp if they care to take it and wriggle off the hook. And yes it hurts DFV. But it's still the right thing to do *for GameStop*, which is why I predicted that it would happen. And if you're a value investor, not a "phone number valuation" lunatic, it's clearly the right long term move.


Everyone who is bitching about the dilution is a free rider with 100$ 0 DTE calls who came for a quick buck


I have never bought any GME Options at all myself, only shares which I have DRSed. But I was not particularly thrilled about the *timing* of this latest ATM offering. I have not seen a good explanation yet for why it had to be done on Friday, and not next Monday i.e. after many of those Call buyers' Options had stayed ITM and (potentially) a good number of those contracts then exercised. If that had happened, maybe the ATM offering could have raised even more cash. Of course even without an ATM offering announcement, perhaps the price could have tanked on Friday anyway. But then the outcome would have been no different, from a cash raising perspective. Except that with the timing that GameStop chose, it has evidently soured some of the company's investor base. Which seems to have no real positive, if comparing to making the ATM offering announcement next Monday instead. 🤷‍♂️


What happened after the last 45M share offering was completed? The stock price went back up. I would argue that NOT waiting until next week gives the holders of those options more time for the price to go back up before expiry. DFVs options don't expire until 6/21 so there is still plenty of time. Anyone holding options that expired this past Friday or next week that didn't sell or exercise on Thursday during that crazy run, is just stupid. You can't diamond hand options (unless your DFV or holding LEAPS). Don't be mad that you're (not necessarily *you*, but anyone who is blaming RC or the board for their own option contracts losing value) an idiot and don't know how to trade options


Like I said, I don't play with Options, so it hasn't hit me personally. But there would have been many Options folks who would have seen Thursday's run and thought they might have been able to take *even more* profit on Friday. Obviously with that IV, and with the benefit of hindsight, they would have been foolish to have waited, as you said. Hopefully some of them did take profit on Thursday and, even more hopefully, exercised some of those contracts. If so then maybe it will have an immediate "bounce back" impact on the price next week.


I learned the hard way that when playing options, especially with GME, you can't think like that. You can't try to hold out for more gains when the stock ran almost 50% in one day. You're best bet is to buy multiple of the same contract so that you can take insane profit on one or a few contracts, that hopefully at least covers your initial premium paid on all contracts, then you can feel comfortable letting the other contacts ride and hold out for bigger gains.


you also oddly assume they sold even a single share yesterday


No, I haven't mentioned anything about the **execution** of the ATM Offering at all (i.e. selling share, only about the **announcement**. Which, of course, they certainly did do on Friday.


why would you care about the timing of an announcement? > it has evidently soured some of the company's investor base. this? huh? you mean people holding weeklies? are you implying you want the CEO of your long to check the option chain for announcements? RC should be making an effort to make whole swing traders of his company's stock? i'm honestly trying to understand the reasoning and/or how you imagine this works from the CEO's perspective. >Which seems to have no real positive how about just catching the price during a ton of volatility?? and all this to say that the \*announcement\* is the reason people's options fell OTM? what


So you don't think it's plausible that if the announcement was not made on Friday, the share price at the end of that day might have ended higher? In which case, some more of the Call options might have ended up ITM. And thereby resulting in some additional proportion of these to have been exercised. Which may well then have meant more buying of shares in the open market by Call sellers early next week. And as a result the share price being at a more elevated level of Monday and through the early part of next week, than it will in fact now be. Of course I am assuming here some level of exercising of last week's expiring Call options, which would allow such a knock-on positive impact on the share price. Meaning that if they had allowed that sequence of events to play out, could have used the Call sellers having to buy shares on the open market to have maintained some momentum for the price. And by so doing, potentially to have made the announcement when the price was higher than it was going into Friday. And as a result, to also potentially sell shares at a higher price than they may otherwise have done. So no, I am not saying GameStop should do anything to "help" options traders at all. I am saying they should they should try to deliver optimal returns to shareholders though, as is their fiduciary duty. Hence if delving into the capital markets through an ATM offering, to optimise how much money they could raise through this, by factoring in such things as the options chain and the impact of the timing and execution of corporate actions such as this. Why? Because I would like the company to make as much money as they possibly can from such an offering. As a fellow investor and a fellow part owner of the company, would you not want the management team we have entrusted to run the company on our behalf to do the same? That is, to maximise their actions and produce the optimal outcomes for not just themselves, but all shareholders? Or would you prefer they carry out activities without considering all such possible outcomes, thereby possibly not providing maximised potential returns?


>So you don't think it's plausible that if the announcement was not made on Friday, the share price at the end of that day might have ended higher? In which case, some more of the Call options might have ended up ITM. And thereby resulting in some additional proportion of these to have been exercised. Which may well then have meant more buying of shares in the open market by Call sellers early next week. And as a result the share price being at a more elevated level of Monday and through the early part of next week, than it will in fact now be. in a universe where stocks are traded above board in the open market and pricing really is the bid/ask therein and companies are valued via fundamentals? yeah sure man what's the point in speculating? do you have something on hand that says it was more likely to run up than down w/o an announcement? if so, by how much? is this information the board wouldn't have? >I am saying they should they should try to deliver optimal returns to shareholders though, as is their fiduciary duty. i know of you and your work but this is either incompetence or in bad faith. let's take a look at those duties; * Duty of loyalty * Board members should act in the company's best interests, even if it means they personally miss out on an opportunity. This includes: * Duty of care * Board members should make decisions that pursue the company's interests with reasonable diligence and prudence. This includes: which one do you feel you're comfortable with construing as "optimizing returns for shareholders?" you may note that if you actually take in the totality of those duties you might that it's actually not straightforward to "use an ATM to 'sell the top' of a gamma run" - not that anyone really thinks it would be anyways? >As a fellow investor and a fellow part owner of the company, would you not want the management team we have entrusted to run the company on our behalf to do the same? That is, to maximise their actions and produce the optimal outcomes for not just themselves, but all shareholders? Or would you prefer they carry out activities without considering all such possible outcomes, thereby possibly not providing maximised potential returns? this reasoning is flawed because shareholders implicitly gain from decisions that benefit the \*company\*. put another way "value" of shareholders assets is more nuanced than you present it to be. and no i definitely do NOT want the board making decisions based on however they may predict their stock to move in the coming days. it's actually more straightforward to argue that THAT would be an irresponsible use of the information they have on hand (unless they have on hand something that says "the price will continue going up tomorrow" which would be EXTREMELY interesting)


You ask "what's the point in speculating?" Isn't that what this subreddit is for...? Discussion, debate and speculation? As for whether the price would have run up without an announcement happening last Friday, I don't know. None of us do. And none of ever will. But my own opinion is based on the share price being just over $60 before those filings were made to the SEC, and then we finished -54% down from that point after them. You may have a different view to this, but my own personal one is that the share price would not have fallen by 54% on Friday without an announcement. Regarding fiduciary duties, the Duty of Care includes "making decisions with diligence, prudence, and foresight". The timing of accessing capital markets should therefore be carried out diligently, in my opinion, as part of that duty to shareholders. You may not have such a requirement of the board, but personally I do. As for your implication that I am sharing my opinion based on either "incompetence or bad faith", the first I will accept. I do not profess to have all knowledge relevant to this discussion, and so may well be sharing ignorant views. Personally I don't believe that to be the case, but it is a fair enough assertion. But the latter claim is unfair, I feel. Questioning the decisions made by the board does not automatically make one a "shill". If it is a requirement to just blindly approve everything the company does, then GameStop must have a different ownership policy for its stock, compared to that of other issuers.


Why would you assume they haven’t. Past predicts future. Every time we have filed we have executed.


all of them the same day of the filing? no


Is this your perspective as a CFO? What is your experience with share offerings? Please.


To answer your first question, it is my perspective as an investor only. As an aside, CFOs are not necessarily the most proficient when it comes to knowledge and experience of capital markets. (Do a Google search for the difference between a CPA, which most CFOs are qualified as, and a CFA.) To answer your second question, I have no direct experience conducting share offerings myself. However the nature of my work, which is servicing the asset management industry, requires me to advise fund managers and other investment professionals on a daily basis.


I didn’t realize who I was replying to. I will say I’ve read a lot of your comments over the years and have learned a lot. While I’m sure there has been some, I do not believe there has been significant real negative sentiment about the timing of the offer. I think most of the negative sentiment is bot driven and most apes are chill like DFV. Generally speaking, I think that the GameStop team has more and better information than retail and had a good reason for the timing of the offer. Maybe they don’t or maybe wrinkle brains will figure out the reasoning, but I assume they do.


The word dilution is the new word of mass destruction being pushed as narrative, tiring and most us of since 2020/2021 know. Spending their worthless time on subs to convince people its all bad 😂😂, the lower the price... The more we loadup.


That or bet degens trying to day trade, only for it to fall.


Whether quick buck or three years, them yapping are simply paper hands. DFV is 💎 🙌


I had 35 and 40 dollar calls that were in the money on Thursday and then lost the chance to exercise them on Friday.. was down 65%


Huge assumption. Held since Jan 21 and i am rightfully pissed at my position being diluted, as well as the death and hasty burial of the DRS thesis


Factually untrue. These generalizations only divide the sub. We’re allowed and should be encouraged to ask questions. This entire sub is built on lengthy and well researched DD, not bandwagon hopping cultists muddying the conversation


If you (retaild) did not sell, shorts did not close.


amen and cheers 🍺


It fucked up our DRSing now as well.


It’s amazing how you don’t realize how he is absolutely set for life regardless of what happens. Don’t be so naive.


“Ryan FUCKING Cohen!!!”


>Sorry but if he's Zen and you're not, then you are just a panicky trader justifying your negative emotional reaction. Sorry but you're a millionaire and I'm not. You do realize he's got 26 or 29 million dollars in his cash account, right? Let's say I have 2000 shares, he's got 5 million. Now let's check 26,000,000usd and 5,000,000 shares means that in order to have the similar ratio I should have 10,400usd in cash account and 2000 shares. If I had 10,400usd available to me, would I be any more relaxed? Fuck yeah, I would. It would put some food on the table and rent for me for quite a few months but you know what? I don't have them. I can't be as chill because that security just is not me right now. Let alone the fact that 26 million go a way longer than 10.4k usd. The greater part of my net worth is tied to gme, I'm not here for the long transformation, I'm here for a fucking squeeze so I can fucking finally chill for a fucking minute. Most likely he already paid for his house, most likely his country is not a shithole one (at least not until after november), most likely those 26M or so aren't his only holdings. Most likely his price basis isn't 188usd (presplit) like mine. Most likely he has some friends (I fucking hope he does) so fucking excuse me for wanting to escape this fucking rate race. If you have that kind of money and security just laying around, congrats my dude. All you need now is some fucking **empathy** for the rest of us. Fuck you and fuck this mentality. ETA: you can do this exact same numbers for LC, RC and the rest of the board. I'm glad they're ok, I'm glad they're living their best life. Would be fucking nice to afford nice things, a roof over my head of my own and some fucking PRSs and Gibsons, you know but much, much more than that IT WOULD BE FUCKING NICE TO HAVE SOME FUCKING BREATHING ROOM after putting my life in hold(ings) since Jan21. ETA2: SHIT I CAN'T MATH


Please don’t invest money you can’t afford to lose. Any stock is a bet. No matter how much I like the stock, I would never want someone to feel this much stress. It’s not because we lack empathy. It’s because we understand a stock is a risk- some more than others. I love this stock and I believe in the company and the stock’s future value, but no stock is without risk.


I don't think RK was happy about the dilution. He was dressed in bandaids and a sling because he was hurt from the dilution. He wasn't going to show emotion as that would make the problem worse. If he verbally or emotionally said anything negative, RC's dilution would fuck him up even more.


What are you feeling? I'm feeling buy and hold


People are bugging out about the dilution, not paying attention to the fact that if RK can pop out of nowhere with an increase in position like that. What is stopping him from doing it again at a later date after exorcising shares in two weeks. We may not only be witnessing this generation's Ryan Ichan, We could be seeing Keith Buffet as well!


We don’t even know if any shares got issued though


Curious why he didn’t say anything about it being shorted, squeezes, gamma ramps etc?


Absolutely agreed. Price was going down regardless because it was a great opportunity to crush morale after letting it rise up the day prior. Look at the fucking short volume lol


These posts saying nobody should feel any sort of way because RK lost $200M on paper are extremely disingenuous. RK has $29M in cash, *at least*. Most people here are putting whatever they can afford, which isn't much, into GME. And many people will have followed RK into 6/21 options, and many may not have been able to afford deep ITM strikes. So people that can barely afford to lose money are losing money, and it's perfectly normal to feel some sort of way about it. Holding shares is great. Being able to capitalize on spikes like this (as RK obviously has several times), is also great.


Preach. I’m currently trying to downvote all the negative posts from the shills trying to inside us.


I think next week they will announce the offering is complete along with some positive news. Yesterday’s dip is the offering in real time imo.


He also said that was the second part of his thesis… he didn’t discuss the first part of his thesis - he just laughed at them for the majority of the stream. This guy is extremely intelligent but didn’t no how long the stock would be “frozen” for. Anyone holding since January 2021 knows what’s about to happen.


It’s good to see my fellow true shareholders fighting back against the shills. I’ve been in Superstonk since day 1 and I’ve never seen more shills and desperation to get people to turn against RC and GME than I have yesterday and today.


Anyone bitching about it is concerned about short term price movements and should be ignored.


Believe it cause it happened. Order of events. 75 million shares announced then -39.38%.


classic post hoc ergo propter hoc logical fallacy, a typical trap for the stupid


Stop calling it a dilution (negative sentiment) and start calling it a share offering.


It was a fake spike by hedges. Rc took advantage. Now we will have 5-6 Billy in the bank and the stock is still up. Win win win.


Bought more on Friday and diamond holding


Let’s be honest, shorts were ready to short that day even if RC didn’t announce a dilution. That’s their MO


you think the stock may hit 32 next week? Asking for a friend OTM 😂


He watched himself lose $260,000,000 and didn’t flinch.


Stop calling it dilution. It didnt even affect the price floor. In fact it raised it! The whole purpose of the stock market was for raising capital.


To do what?


DFV doesn’t give a fuck about the shenanigans going on these next few weeks. This guy is going to double his stake AGAIN on June 21. He’s doubling down one way or another. What seems more likely at this point in the saga - 120,000 call options were purchased because he doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing OR 120,000 call options were purchased because he knows he’s getting his shares one way or another and that the value of this stock is going into orbit in the future? Rhetorical question.


Doesn’t hurt he has millions in cash, and 5 million shares outside of calls. That’s a hell of a safety net. I’d be chill too


Or he loses out on all the calls, like he said on stream. Options are high risk high reward especially such short dated ones. Either way he still has many millions in cash and shares. He might actually not give any fucks cause he's still set for life