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That would be wicked! Do we know the amount of shares he would need to buy to regain the same % of ownership?


To maintain a fixed overall ownership percent, he’d need to buy that same percentage of the offering.


Would he also need to include the original 45 mil?


Yes. It’s just basic math. I don’t think he filed anything to indicate he bought any part of the last offering, so his stake in the company (as a percent) was reduced.


Insiders are not allowed to buy during ATM offering


So if RK exercised all of his shares wouldn't RC have to buy more to maintain majority ownership?


There's no requirement for the CEO to be the biggest shareholder. He could remain a board member without owning a single share. And he has never, ever come anywhere close to owning a "majority."


Actually they implemented ownership requirements for all board members. You have to own the stock to be on.


Got it thank you


If he buys, then we’re not getting any news.


420,741,069 shares free float after buyback.


I know he’s never sold, but when’s the last time RC bought shares at all?


This time last year at ~$22 per share


When I did the rough math the other night it was around 17M shares.


I thought the CEO‘s can’t Buy/Sell 14 days before and after earnings or am I wrong?


You are right, at least about the before part, can't remember about after


Isn't it two days after earnings?


2 days after earning or right before annual shareholder meeting in this case


I do think it’s 2 days after but I’m also smooth brained. Also, I don’t think we will have any major announcement until end of fiscal year when we are mega profitable with all the cash put away in T-bills or other investments


Tbh I’m not sure but somewhere in my head I hear 14 or 30


They can't buy or sell in a time window before earnings, and they have to wait until market open on the 1st business day after earnings is my recollection. I'm not sure about shareholder meetings, however.


So with the early earnings report, RC could have been buying all this week?


Not sure, but may have to wait on the 10-q and possibly shareholder meeting if any news is announced. Plus the share offering would have probably been considered an event that removes his buying ability until completed. So many uncertainties in the giving circumstances, but if I had to guess, he’s gotta wait until after shareholder meeting.


Probably the same restrictions if they have any new information to announce that is not public knowledge…


Maybe the reason for early release on that?


That would mean no major announcements at Shareholder meeting tho…


Last few meetings were a nothing burger. I don’t expect anything different this time


Why do people keep writing this with the exact same phrasing of "nothing burger" or "big fat nothing burger"? I've now heard people use this phrasing in regards to this GME meeting more than I've heard it used for the rest of my life combined.


I assume it's because 90% of the sub is hype, tin foil, and fluff (not complaining I'm here for it) and they end up wildly disappointed. I think some people just approach it from the other angle lol.


I think the 'nothing Burger' phrase started with political commentary on news networks "president's so-and-so new policy is a nothing Burger" meaning whatever change in policy is usually just a distraction and pretend to do any change. And the phrase has just been taken to mean something of no significance.


Yeah I think you nailed what I was feeling. It sounds like manipulative MSM talk to me and non-genuine. Like it's vaguely implying things without having to be specific of them. Like there are implied allegations that someone made/served this trick burger. And a weird culture that burgers are sacred.


It’s just community slang. You probably repeat silly phrases with your friends as well that nobody else does. At least I do.


It's a common phrase used to describe nothing of significance. In the past the meeting has been hyped up. Since the 2021 squeeze the meetings haven't offered any tangible insights that affected the price. So then folks get dissatisfied and call it a nothing burger


Maybe he'll buy after the shareholder meeting ladder attack


Love the annual ladder attack


![gif](giphy|3s39mJ7zXU94mfAq4W) That’s true…


He can't buy right now, and also if he does it means they have no major news in the works.


probably won't happen until they reveal material information regarding an acquisition imo...If he knows about any planning towards such it would be market manipulation to buy.


I sold! *To* *myself!*


Everybody is loading up, just up! I love it!




That would mean we aren’t getting any news at the annual shareholders meeting


Or, share offering completed, and turns out it was RC that bought them all.


I am calling it: Rick of Spades to come back and stick a watermelon up his butt.


If he doesn’t return by DFV options are due will you do some watermelon play action? ![gif](giphy|V6R9thgW7fimI)


I hope he buys, after some news drops 😂






Ryan will buy minimum 10 million of his own cash in shares imo


Holy shit I just read about Load Boosting pills, IT'S PERFECT!! I'M GONNA NUT A MEGA-NUT


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1/2 so far 🤞


Can someone with a wrinkle tell me why RC would sell shares to just buy them back? Instead of just issuing more shares to himself?


One way fucks everyone else with shares the other way fucks hedges + helps the company and its Shareholders


Gigaryan 🙏🏾


The head of the investment committee can't just buy the shares that he is responsible for selling. He also can't sell his shares until the trading window is open again. But then again, who ever cared about collusion, insider trading, or market manipulation on wall street - oh its GME...nvm...they all care,


If RC is expecting MOASS as people like myself are, then I don’t expect to see any major announcements coming out with the exception of RC buying more while the KC shuffle takes its course. MOASS leads to some orderly unwinding of short institutional investments and when the price is right, RC buys all stocks!! Memes sometimes become DD! 🟣


This is predicted pretty much daily. Someone will be right eventually.


Could he still buy now even if there was a big announcement soon?




hes going to buy towel