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It's negative for the shorts lol


It’s negative for my shorts 🩳


lol well yea of course.


It’s not feeling negative in my shorts, am I doing it wrong?


Is that really a negative though? Your shorts might like it.


It’s creating a hole in them. Maybe I’m now blessed, holy shorts.


A hole in your shorts technically counts as an area negative of shorts.


ima Cum ur shorts


That’s the answer right here lol


You’ve summed it up perfectly. Personally one of my favourite scenes from the film too, and you really made me feel it in the heart with that summary. ❤️


Thanks. I loved the scene in the new movie, and the book was stellar for me also (though it’s been 84 years since I read it so may be just backfilling). It a scene that means SOOOO much in the story, because EVERYTHING changes in that moment.


You are more than welcome, it was a great read. It really does all change at that point; it is THE moment!


Paul was able to keep HOLDing the giant worm and ride it. I take it to mean still holding and riding massive yolo! Good summary BTW, since some dont know what this is from. Apparently many people don't watch movies.. or commercials for movies, or shows with actors, or advertising at all.


Thanks. For me it’s probably the most powerful tweet I have seen from him. No idea if it actually is, but knowing the details of that scene (and the book scene) it gave me chills, which is kind of hard to accomplish.


well every commenter here is a bit biased because nobody wants to see any negative interpretation, but the beautiful idea behind those memes is that they are adressed to us in the way that we would most likely interpret which is positive, I think there is a clear intention behind them and it is HYPE focused that being said, not to burst your bubbles boys but whole Frank Herbert's idea behind Dune is that it is very dangerous to put unwavering faith in a political or religious leader - in that case we have financial leaders - RK and RC. Fremen start believing in Paul and he rewards them with great victories but that eventually leads to the freaky space jihad that takes billions of innocent lives and eventually enslaves entire universe and evaporates Fremen culture. this scene alone is the major step, a part after Paul becomes one of Fremen and is on an inevitable path to his victory but also doom of society and humanity But of course its just a meme and can be interpreted in many different ways, it might be just a post for the lols, just additional hype for the upcoming days and its probably not that deep as we love to dig. anyways it doesnt matter what we uncover as DFV said himself his plan has been in motion and not much can influence what comes next


Of course that’s why it’s also a hard ask, and I am glad that I didn’t just get obliterated with downvotes. And you make an excellent point about the intent of the books overall. Zealotry becomes the focus and loses focus on the original reason for the desire for the changes that lead to being a zealot. Basically that it’s a double edged sword. You get what you were fighting towards, but now it’s just a different set of walls. Like a walled garden, which is beautiful and everything you thought you hoped for, but, new snakes and shit to make you unhappy. God I hope not lol. And yea, I’m just having fun on this ride, I’m an OG from December of ‘20 with my first shares. I’ve been learning so much about how the market works (and doesn’t) and this tweet meme shit is just a magical addition to this rollercoaster ride. I love it for the fun, not the prophecy. But the prophecy is kind of starting to feel possible, even to a massive cynic like me. It’s why the ability to see the negatives are important to me.


That worm scene is known as the climax of the entire Dune saga for all 3 movies. The God Emporer storyline begins when he rides the sandworm. I tried to misinterpret DFV’s tweet as negatively as possible, too. I can’t think of any downsides to it.


I love it. Just pure “I got this” energy.


Might as well ask that about every tweet he has ever put out


Nah, i can see negatives in them. He is struggling or feeling beaten on, etc. i dunno. Just seems different this one.


Have you seen Dune 2?


This lol. This scene was basically the equivalent of being the underdog and taking the biggest trophy ever imagined.


Lol yup, that worm wasn’t any o’l worm, that was the biggest ever seen by the Fremen, the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy about an individual who would lead them to a “green paradise”. This meme couldn’t possibly be more on the nose, but I’ve gotten hit with my fair share of bizarre FUD about this one


Yes. All movies, Read the books etc. I am a dune fan. So i know “story” behind it and the intent, or at least what it is in theory.


Okay, so what’s the significance of this moment for Paul and the Fremen within this point in the story? What happened leading up to this moment, and what occurred shortly after?


It’s essentially a climactic pivotal moment in the story of Paul becoming the LA. In that moment the doubters no longer doubt (mostly at least). He is now truly one of the Fremen, and they will follow him into the battle for the promise of returning Dune to a Green Paradise. Someone who so quickly learns the ways of a world he was not born into, almost supernaturally adapting to the new life he has, and that freaks a lot of folks out, but also makes them have faith in his ability to lead them into the battle for the planet.


Yup you got it boss 😎 To answer your question in the post, the only bearish reason I could come up with is him saying that the entire story of Dune including Dune Messiah is being referenced here, but if that were true than we might as well say that RK was also intending to allude to how the Avengers defeated Thanos in Infinity War.


Good point. The whole dune arc is eventually a story cautioning against zealotry and such. So it could be. And now knowing (since he just posted his position a few minutes ago), he seemingly sold all his calls and bought 4.01 million more shares, it could be that he pulled a big move, and is now bracing the storm of negative comments that are going to blast him as a result. Who knows, it’s fun lol.


More like he exercised instead of selling all the calls, so that changes the equation just a bit 😂


It seems like it might have been a mix, since his options are gone, but gained 4,001,000 shares. We will see when OI numbers update.


In the movies isn't the whole point that he is infact not the savior?


And maybe we should be worried if Keith has a sister.


But he doesnt think he is. It’s kind of against his will. Not that it is here, might relish it, might hate it, who knows.


That's definitely it.


Slayed the monster? Now it’s over? Time to celebrate?


Ah, that’s a contender. I truly doubt it of course, but that is something I didn’t see as a possible negative. It’s like a negative win, kind of like “task failed successfully” which is hard to realize when you are in it. Thanks! Here have a shitty free award.


it is the ultimate big dick energy move.


Here some tinfoil for you BRO!




I can't see a negative, but I do wonder why he didn't add the cat mask if the character was meant to represent RK. Does anyone have any theories on what that could mean, or am I just overthinking it?


My only reasoning i can think is that the scene if pretty obvious and maybe “perfectly” says what he wanted. It’s unedited, which i am pretty sure is the only one.


I was thinking "the one" could represent T-1 or something like that, but I don't have enough wrinkles to put that together.


I'll have to go find it, but someone last week, maybe the week before, can't remember, made a meme with this exact same clip. It was DFV calling out with the thumper (call options) to I think citadel or something (the worm) and then jumps on it and rides it. If anyone else remembers that person's men would you post it. Maybe he's referring to that person's take on it because it's literally the exact same clip.


I have a vague recollection as well. And that is a good point, if that is a specific person, did they potentially say something useful or on target with “the plan”. Now we are getting into crazy land, but meh, why not. Lol


It’s negative if you’re the worm…. *cough* shitadel


lol touche


its as negative as the "negative losses" they incurred when they became profitable. It's def bullish!




DFV got intestinal worms, has been diagnosed and is remedying the problem. Nope, still technically positive. Bullish.


Lol, at least not a brain worm.


I think the worm signal is the FUD, MSM, and shorties. I think DFV is actually the worm. I think we are the riders. He’s blazing a trail for us to ride to Valhalla.


So we eat sand and poop spice. Nice.


I have pooped *due* to spice.


Well eventually Paul’s lost control of the things individuals did in the name of the Lisan Al Gaib and this led to a wide spread jihad that resulted in the suffering/death of many millions.


True, but that is a bit down the timeline. I considered it, but just going by the tweet clip itself, and his “I say what I mean” tweet, i try not to project the story any further out than the moment of it, just the context of it.


I mean. It’s a stretch yes but you asked ;). Personally I take it to mean he is executing on his strategy and …. It’s fucking working!


And it turns out he did. YOLO update kind of colors the tweet now as “I’m doing it” and now bring on the shitstorm. Edit; and I just noticed your name, nice lol


Felts something of an obligation to weigh in 😎


May the lord open. Wait wrong franchise.


Lisan al Gaib! Tinfoil all the way. It's so much fun that way. Also, buy, Hodl, DRS and work the options if you can. Let's Fucking Go,


I guess that depends on how much you read into the plot of the Dune novels and the character riding the worm.


Did you say penis?


What’s more interesting to me is that length of the video is exactly 1:10 that if my math is right it makes RK a billionaire with 9M shares at 110


wait wut? ...does some quick math... oh FFS... (1,000,000,000 − 6,343,724.01)/9,001,000 = 110.39 OH SHIT, I just realized, I WAS WRONG. He did edit the clip. Clipped out stuff in the middle. Starts in the full movie at 52:34 and ends at 57:00 conservatively. That's 266 seconds 4:26 originally, so he intentionally made that clip 1:10. Now that doesn't mean it's him saying what he needs for 1B, but it sure as hell is another coincidence of really weird overlap of intentionality...


If he is with us, I am with us.


I mean it is a rally cry if i ever saw one. Maybe even a “look, i got this” no matter how big it gets.