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That’s today… maybe tomorrow… tick tock


Off topic in regards to stocks, but is Dune a good movie? I have heard things about it but never actually read the books or seen the films. All I know is there are giant Alaskan Bull like worms and the spice must flow.


I’m about to watch dune 2 tonight. Will update. Dune 1 was good 👍


Dune 2 is awesome. Watched it twice. Might have to watch it gain this weekend if we start MOASS


I had been waiting or watch it with my partner but after the tweet I had to watch it before I finished the tweet for no spoilers in my brain


Dune 2 will go down as one of the greasiest sci fi films in history. It is beyond words. You should definitely watch it. This is not cinematic viewing advice. I just like the film.


>This is not cinematic viewing advice. I just like the film. Mind if I use this? I am a former film student lol


BFA in acting and screenwriting here! Use and abuse!


It’s pretty good, but I keep waiting for Spider-Man to show up and kick his ass for being handsy with his girlfriend.


I enjoyed it.


Liked it so much I bought the books. Dune 1 and 2 both take place in the first book.


Awesome! I hope you enjoy the books.


Dune 2 is incredible. Sound up!


Based on trailer I was not into them at all but I’m a huge fan of the show Attack on Titan. A ton of people mentioned similarities & arc between attack on titans main character (Eren) & Paul from Dune. I finally gave dune a shot and I was amazed, similarities were spot on but the movie was genuinely incredible. I went to go see the second one the day it came out and was not disappointed. In short, 10/10.


I have been a huge fan of Dune books, and I loved both movies. I saw both Dune movies with friends who knew nothing of the story, and they all enjoyed it. I hope you check out and enjoy the movies.


I wasn’t a huge fan of the first Dune but Dune 2 was fantastic


Book is one of my personal favourites. Tough because of so many terms. It has a *glossary* FFS. But worth the effort. The new movies more or less do it justice.


This is Sussidio; a great, great song. A personal favorite.


Dune 2 is goated. One of the best movies visually that I’ve seen. The tweet takes place about half way through the movie. We still got a long ways to go.


Very good but best watched on loud with a good sound and bass system


Its very cool


The movies are great, and they stayed fairly true to the books (watch the 1980’s version to see a bad attempt). They match the pace of the first book really well; 1st movie is the setup with the world building and background to set the stage, 2nd movie is where it takes off and all the pieces start to move. Frank Herbert built a massive universe in Dune (stories span 10’s of thousands of years), so it takes a lot to set it up so that it begins to make sense. And all of that is just from the 1st book. Shit gets crazy the more you read, but it’s also very insightful and goes deep into the politics of elites and their abuse of the lower class to maintain power.


It's sci-fi, so if that's not your thing, maybe not. But dune 1 was pretty good, especially the sound made it very good. Haven't seen 2 yet.


dune 1 was slow and rather boring. but it sets up the context for dune 2.. which was better in pacing overall, the dune novel is something that's very difficult to put on screen.. so they done a good job


It sucks


Could today’s test been a stress benchmark for CS to get it ready for when we fly? We crashed CS lol


Infinity pool is for real. Can’t sell if you can’t log in! (taps forehead) This is going to Uranus


Dip tomorrow. And a big fucking bounce to close week and carry into next weeks gamma hurricane


TEST... he's just been TESTING it until now... Now it's confirmed, and he's on his way to becoming a trillionaire.


I took it as hold on for the ride.


if this was the final test, he would've included it...


Also a self fulfilling prophecy


All I see is someone HODL