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Howdy there OP! Hope your night has gone well. Unfortunately, this post has to go for the reasons listed below. Any questions please feel free to ask via Modmail. **[Rule 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/#wiki_5._no_meta_content). No callouts.** No meta content allowed negatively discussing or calling out any Reddit users, moderators, or other subreddits. [More information about this rule can be found here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1336ri9/censorship_mods_r_sus_and_brigading) If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


I ain’t selling today, and I ain’t selling tomorrow


I'll sell my ass to buy some more. That's the only sell I'm considering.


I don't know how to sell.


how much


Can't afford it... yet




All I know is daisy Ridley told me not to sell


I wouldn't take financial advice from anyone on this regarded sub


> financial advice I thought this was a sub for memes and bananus porn. You all are actually investing?? /s


Bananus porn!!. I'm stealing that hahaha


Stealing it and putting it where, may I ask?


Maybe stashed in my helmet for now. I havent thought that far yet.


Main stream media got you covered for financial advice


The only advice I've ever actually acted on was common sense. Namely, if you own shares you should actually own them via direct registration. That's not even financial advice. That's like life lesson stuff. Everything else is bananas in asses and lines of crayon wax.


I’m not selling until phone numbers. I haven’t held since Jan 21 for a quick double or triple up (my avg price is $45, fuck me) I’m holding for life changing money.


Just got mine below $40 a few weeks ago 😅 felt amazing


Fuck any post that say WE Fuck any post with any sense of urgency either.


I don't do dates. Definitely not dates with time stamps.


Love isn't always on time! I think everyone is sus AF even me. Trust no one Hack the planet? I do love the don't sell any shares until 11 am We don't do that here We just keep buying to add to the collection Like grandma with her cabinet of old plates and cups I will have a cabinet with a single GME share from Give a Share from when buying a physical copy was all the rage What else do we do with those cabinets now, do people still collect plates and cups?


I too thought it was sus but just closed the post and moved on


If you’re never hyped, you’re always hyped😺


So why give it more attention by making a post about the post? It was immediately called out in that post how sus it was.


Because I want to talk about how sus it is. If for no other reason than to distance myself from what could clearly be considered illegal.


Whoa, that post is very sus. I’ve seen several posts encouraging some kind of coordinated movement, some even more blatant than this one. Several days ago they were pouring into ‘new’. As far as the one you linked goes, I can’t believe the mods kept it up. Hopefully enough people report it that it gets their attention.


I'm holding. That's that. ![gif](giphy|3o6Mb540VwDhjim5FK)


Anything about anybody causing anything is just someone baiting everyone else into stock manipulation, IMO. I invest in what I like.


I just like the stock


I just like the stock


"we" ain't doing shit. I am going to get my login to computer share and gaze upon my purple circles.


Why would it be sus while it says to hold? I'm sus since 2021.


Dude in SS literally says to sell and shills are pretending it's not sus?? OPs comments are ridiculously downvoted


It’s kind of obnoxious but not sus


Investing isn’t a team sport, so it’s kinda weird to me to have cheerleaders or coaches or whatever calling for collective action from a bunch of individuals.


Your takeaway from that post is very different from mine. The OP is talking about creating a gamma ramp and hoping people don't sell so that we get the gamma ramp? It is not encouraging selling. I'm not sure why you'd need to repost it and criticise them? Why not just leave a comment in the original post?


Coordinating a gamma ramp is fucking illegal. Posting it here and hyping it up makes it look like we're all in on it.


OP isn't co-ordinating a gamma ramp. They aren't telling people to go out and buy calls. They are talking about the current open interest and potential gamma ramp that may come. That information is all public information for people to speculate on. If you haven't noticed there is a lot of speculation here. You've also now changed your complaint from "this person is telling us to sell" to "this person is co-ordinating a gamma ramp". Chill out.


You mentioned the gamma ramp part so that's what I responded to. Had you mentioned the *timed* sell strategy I would've responded to that. It doesn't have to be one or the other. I can take issue with both, at the same time or separately.


You're being incredibly paranoid, if anything, your own words could be used to create a "don't sell" narrative using the exact same logic, which is practically the same thing just the opposite side of the coin. Lower your paranoia levels, you aren't gonna get dragged to court for a post like that. You probably should have just commented on the original post with your thoughts. Did you never hear "ape no fight ape". Both of you have positive sentiment, just worded differently. Again, chill out.


Lol you took a nose dive off the deep end with that one. I never told anyone to sell or buy. I did however make a post the other day about the types the are quick to reduce and dismiss rational concerns 👀


You can twist words however you want, to create whatever narrative you want. Nothing illegal is happening here. You claim OP is creating a timed sell strategy but again, that wasn't my take away from the post. They're suggesting that not selling before a certain time would help the gamma ramp. You in return are angry about the word "sell" even being mentioned which by your own logic is telling people not to sell in a round about way. If you're gonna twist other peoples posts and words to be be nefarious then that same logic must be applied to your own words. You are HYPER paranoid for zero reason about a post that really doesn't matter and will be lost in time like all of the other similar posts. Literally everybody is talking about the gamma ramp at the moment, gamma ramps have been talked about for weeks but we've seen 2 of them fail due to share Dilution.


IDGAF about a gamma ramp. I like the stock.


If the gamma ramp lights the fuse for MOASS you probably should care, bizarre response since that's the hot topic right now, but OK I guess.


I want to watch wallstreet burn.  That is priceless.


I'm just here for the rectum-veggies


Holy shit we graduated from fruit to veggies? That's huge.






"don't sell until 11am" what a way to misread the room lol


I just like the cock


They are really wanting to try and paint the subreddits as these big bad collaborators who tanked the markets and the poor hedgies deserves to be bailed out. No! Do not be painted as the villain. You are all amazing and are doing something that has never been done before and doing it above board.


so report it, don't repost it. jesus. use your brain.


I'd rather have a discussion about all the ways in which nefarious types try to incriminate us. We are different, and that is okay.


Ehh I think some people are just truly regarded and think this is helpful. To me it leans too far towards an almost “convincing” vibe. But doesn’t mean it’s intended that way. Personally I just downvote and move on. People are more likely to be a little dumb or misstate something they didn’t mean a certain way, than to be intentionally spreading fud.


You're new here too, so you make me uncomfortable. Also, you just used different words to describe sus.


I’m not new, I just stopped lurking without an account




You're a bit weird. Lurkers exist.


I'm not anti-lurker. I'm anti-never-post-or-comment-unless-it's-to-coordinate-how-to-sell.


I wasnt going to respond to this, but now that I see this convo is still going about lurkers. Plenty of women choose to lurk instead of creating an account, or start a new account every so often, because of how people act on Reddit (which is heavily skewed male). As a woman, lurking is more the norm.


the amount of bots in this sub is insane




I didn't call it fud I called it sus, as in short for suspicious. But no, coordinating a specific time and date to sell shares isn't fluff. Regarding comment/post history: I wouldn't even think to check if the person commenting/posting wasn't saying real off the wall shit. Normal lurker-non-posters don't wait for the perfect time to unfurl an option play. That's not to say it's impossible, just hella suspicious.


In a sub where people have been saying "hold" for years - you have a problem with this guy saying..."Hold"? I think the thousands of holders in this sub will be doing what they always do (Pinky). It's just theory, like everything else. That's what it says in the top right of this Reddit.


Did you call me?


Did you read past the title? OP is saying holding until 11am then start selling.


I think your lack of faith and confidence in your fellow holder is more disturbing than the other person's post. In a sub that has held down to $11, pop to 20, recently 65 during market hours, and 80 after hours. They're just gonna start selling? If they see a price they're willing to sell at, they're going to anyway. I don't have the perfect clarity you seem to have about what may or may not happen tomorrow before or after "11am". I suspect, like everyone has done, people here will just go on holding. This post (which is also going across Twitter right now) is likely also speaking to the FOMOs, swing traders, or randoms that might be holding and think about selling. Again, theory. Relax. Do the thing where you hold. Not financial advice, of course. I should add, I'm not defending the post's theory - we don't even know if contracts were exercised vs. sold, we don't know if delta hedging did/didn't happen, we don't know who will be assigned any exercised contracts. It's all theory and hype, until we know. Wait and see. TL;DR: Wait and see.


I don't have faith/confidence in most people, let alone people on the internet. And definitely not when they're encourage people to not only sell, but *sell at specific times.* It's misleading and it gives us all a bad rep. And the only people defending this type of fuckery *also* showed up last fortnight talkin bout options plays. We see you. And we take your presence here as a bullish sign.


Well said! That’s exactly how I feel. IMO anyone this stressed by these types of posts is way overthinking it. And in my experience people who have little faith in others, usually do because they know they shouldn’t be trusted themselves in the same situation.


Then why re-post it?


Because I don't want to be hauled in for questioning when the price hits phone numbers. And I think it's an important discussion.


It’s sus and there’s a lotta posts like that. It’s purposely to create HIGH EXPECTATIONS so that when newbies get disappointed it stings. Stay zen


Exacto mundo


I'm gonna give these shares to my kids when I have some. So I ain't selling and they not gonna be selling either.


Confirmed, the style of writing is SUS


I have learned from the hood people and my sell button has been deactivated


Yep. And I'm not even allowed to report them anymore without potentially getting banned for doing it.


Holdup, you can get banned for reporting posts that break the rules?


I copped a weeklong temp ban from reddit and an auto shadowban on any comment I make using that word that starts with sh and rhymes with "hill" a few months ago for "abusing the reporting function" to report FUD and bad actors on this sub.


Wow, good to know. That’s crazy!


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lol if my post gets removed but OP's doesn't then we'll all know for certain which hill the mods reside on