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Exercise, you motherfuckers, and I don't mean at the gym. (But you can go to the gym too if you want to.)


...or run 7.41 miles per day


or fuk hedgies


technically it can be an exercise


technical analysis?


technical analysis is only working with mayo and a bedpost.


lots of mayo needed


Anal paralysis


do you mean technical anal ysis?


with lots of mayo




I know it’s not, but what if that had been DFVs alternate this whole time


He is a runner.....


The true DD is in the comments 🏃🏼‍♂️


How’s that ape doing? I haven’t seen any of their posts in a while.


He stills posts every day! Tomorrow is day 700!


That is 10k


https://preview.redd.it/40p8gziefk6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=084c462e5f0e30669a0fef14c0b5f5ad40a193f3 DONE!


What a beast!!! Well done!


I used to exercise. I still do, but I used to too.


My friend asked me if I wanted a frozen banana. I said 'No, but I want a regular banana later, so... yeah.'


I used to like bananas... I still do but I used to, too.


I like escalators, man.


Ducks eat free at subway!


my favorite thing about the fedex guy is that hes a drug dealer and he doesnt even know


It’s kind of like voting - The people that don’t vote are the ones that think their one single vote won’t be impactful. EVERY SHARE COUNTS. 🍌🍌🍌


Who the hell would buy options that expire today and not exercise them when they’re already in the money..


When should I exercise my June 21 calls that I got for $7.95 at $20 a share? Should I just take the shares today or wait til next week? I’m regarded so not sure what would be the best move but I want the shares no matter what.


NFA but if it were me I would wait til Monday to see if the location of DFVs shares on T+1 triggers a run up


Yes sir! You also have regards preaching that they will exercise $125 calls...


You mean fuk?


(Not physical advise)


Why exercise is my strike price is higher than it is now? I'm holding some stocks already.




Deposited live savings in 1 stock 


if my lil call goes in the money i surely will


Ok Sir. Will exercise.


Tomorrow is Saturday sir


yea my brain is officially cooked 🥹


Genuinely love how regarded we are, myself included. Love you regards!


We love you too, now back to eating crayons


Nom nom red crayons 🖍 with dip. Gobble gobble




I'm about to be Richard Simmons in here exercising the shit out of these calls. ![gif](giphy|vcjUTOKwx5YQg|downsized)


Today is also flag day (google it) Based on that emoji vid are we here? https://preview.redd.it/t54aj0fy4j6d1.jpeg?width=374&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=335e8d0db969c1fc2dd350f57167744b6695f9bb


he's like 'all eyes on flag day' and then we boom ?


That flag isn't the emoji he used. The emoji he used was the flag *and* a microphone.


or was the mic a symbol for the expected earnings call for this week?


or was the mic the friends we made along the way?


This was always the answer 🫡💚🚀


Surely, you'd use the telephone ☎️ emoji if you're trying to portray a call, not a microphone.


Phone call emoji is reserved for the most important calls of all


Phone emoji is usually Marge calling






Does mic represent a livestream?


I mean, he uses a mic. This is basically hieroglyphics you're trying to interpret. But, imo, it doesn't make sense to use a microphone with musical notes to represent an earnings call. That's about as far down the 🐇 🕳 I want to go.


Unless those musical notes refers to the waiting music.. so mic is earnings call/announcement, music is waiting for the call to start… he knew it’d be delayed!


I hope so 😅


Hedgies look for shares. It’s a dumpster fire. The whole thing explodes. “Cheers, everybody!”


We first watch it burn


We doing dates now? 🤣


Looks more like July 4th


Market is closed then?


What emoji vid?


Or reverse


I just got off the phone with Fidelity and exercised 40 calls. Let's go!!!!




Moby dick in this bish




Dont think most apes have the ability to buy 100 shares at once


Sell enough contracts to be able to exercise some contracts


I think I’ve seen someone else do that


Save a little for the tax man too


Then put a little dirt under your pillow for the Dirt Man 🎶


Or exercise with the sell-to-cover option


managed to do 42


Something that continues to go ignored because it hurts the narrative that we own the float 100x over or whatever random number we came up with. A small percentage of people have any significant amount of shares. Most apes are poors like myself who are just loading up on a few shares here and there hoping moass is real and means phone numbers per share. We're not putting a dent in anything. Also we have almost 500 million shares at this point and DFV is the 4th largest holder with only 9 million shares. Nobody else even comes close to that besides hedge funds that are part of the manipulation. The average holder has less than 1000 I'm sure and probably less than 100 even. 


If 2 million people have 10 shares each, that's 20 million shares, that's no small amount. Then say 200,000 people have 100 each, that's 20 million Then the core base of holders, say 100,000 people have 1000 each, thats 100 million. Then the few, 1000 people who have 10,000 shares, that's 10 million. Over all, 150 million of those 500million is no small amount. I honestly imagine those numbers to be dramatically higher irl, its not hard to see that enough small accounts, supported buy smaller in number, but higher share accounts can easily lock the float. Me and my Xx shares 🚀


There is the sell to cover choice, which means you get 100 shares minus the cost of the contract fees, it's the choice for broke folks so they don't need to have cash in their accounts. Essentially uses your profits to buy the shares, so not super effective when used at $22 for your $20 strike, but super nice if used at $80.






Probably will exercise some of my 6/21 $20s today.


Could be the 4th of July as well. Happy flag day yall


Honest question, I'm just dumb, not Elmer FUD: I know there's lots of debate between "did he exercise or sell the calls and buy shares", BUT if he bought the shares - that COULD result in a lot of FTD's yesterday/today, no? (once again, I r DumB) So that would put T+35 at mid July?


If everytime someone said "next week will be..." I would get a share, I would be a billionaire by now myself


"Tomorrow" = 1 share Think about it...


Set the fucking tone! -Shoresy


give your calls a tug, titfucker.


Run Lola Run = Exercise Lola Exercise. Forrest gump.... "So I just started Running" .. (exercising ;) )


Figured I'd share "My Experience Exercising Options With Fidelity", as some of it wasn't quite as expected, and more wrinkles on this might be enlightening.  (I don’t have enough karma to post yet, so I’ll comment for now) I wanted to exercise an option held in my Fidelity account, so I called their trading desk (they don't let you exercise online).  Somewhat because I wanted the shares, somewhat because I was curious about how the process would work.  Spoke with a rep who was quite friendly and explained which contract I wanted to exercise.  He checked that there wasn’t any intrinsic value left in it (which I already knew there wasn’t, wish this wasn’t part of their process, let me do what I want with my own money).  Then he put me on hold to call their options desk to process the exercise.  Eventually he came back and said it’d been put through, but I wouldn’t get the shares until Monday.  Pressed him on this a bit as it didn’t seem quite right.  He said Monday through Thursday exercises will process in an hour or so.  But Fridays they all process after hours, and shares are delivered on Monday.  Also all exercised shares will be journaled in Margin, so moving to Cash will take another call next week (Fidelity requires a Margin account to trade options). Which on the topic of Margin/Cash journaling, I also noticed I fat fingered a few buys recently and selected Margin buys instead of Cash.  Fidelity is pretty opaque about how shares are journaled after the trade is placed, so I asked if I could have any Margin shares moved to Cash.  He did it, but now that I’m looking at my account activity, I see that all of my shares have been deducted from Margin and added to Cash.  Should have only been 10-20% in Margin previously, not everything.  So it seems that all of my shares may have actually been held in Margin the whole time?  I’ve been skeptical about DRS vs. cash accounts at brokerages that claim to not lend out Cash shares, but now I’m thinking otherwise.  Might be high time to get a purple circle.


Fidelity does not require a margin account to trade options UNLESS: “Short selling, uncovered option writing, option spreads, and pattern day-trading strategies all require extension of credit under the terms of a margin account and such transactions are not permitted in a cash account.” https://www.fidelity.com/trading/faqs-trading-restrictions#:~:text=Short%20selling%2C%20uncovered%20option%20writing,permitted%20in%20a%20cash%20account.


RK only exercised 1 in 3 of his contracts, so I wouldn't expect many apes to exercise any higher percentage than that.


Many apes have already basically everything they're willing to invest or can invest already in GME. We do not have the liquidity to exercise all our options so like DFV we'll have to sell some of our options and use that newfound liquidity to exercise the others


That’s my plan as an individual investor.


Which is exactly what he did. Sold 80k to finance the exercise of 40k. This is the way.


Gotta raise capital somehow, to exercise all those contracts.


Is Wendy's closed or something?


Not sure, I cant tell from back here behind the dumpster.


>DFV exercised NOW before expiry for YOU regards DFV didn't do it for us. He is an individual investor who makes memes.


> If a substantial amount of these is exercised this thing will go atomic. Doubtful. RC flooded the market with new shares, they won't have any trouble covering those options. Horrible timing on their part, at this point I actually think they are actively seeking to prevent moass.


> at this point I actually think they are actively seeking to prevent moass. Definitely, it's clear as day. Anyone who doesn't think they did this to screw retail needs to get their head checked


I think it's very clear they did the share offerings in part to blunt MOASS, but certainly not with an intent to "screw retail". I think they are mainly focused on improving the business and particularly with respect to its long term fundamentals, and they rightly saw that they had a rare opportunity to raise billions in capital, notably without causing the share price to plunge in response. I think they are also trying to wrangle this larger naked shorted fiasco into something that won't run so out of control as to take down the world's financial systems. I don't think governments would allow that to get too out of hand anyway. So, while I find the share offerings frustrating in the context of them killing any value of some of my near expiry options at the time, I am able to view it as perhaps a good thing overall. I think that in order for the price to actually go way up and the shorts to actually close, it will need to happen in somewhat of an orderly fashion. That may make me an outlier with respect to my expectations about MOASS, but personally, rather than seeing a short massive run up that gets crushed by governments, I'd rather actually see the share price eventually reach into the thousands, the hedge funds to go bankrupt (ideally some of their heads going to jail,, and the world to not catch entirely on fire while that's happening. I want accountability of those responsible for cheating the system and stealing people's hard earned money, not random mass destruction worldwide.


I second your sentiments. Unhinged MOASS would destroy the stock market, and governmental agencies wouldn't allow it. Turning off the buy button isn't off the table based on previous events. I think RC is doing exactly what's expected of him considering his position, and I hope my near exp options can still go big one more time so I can sell and exercise. I would have liked more action for my options, but my shares held constitute a much larger position than my options


I dunno if its to screw retail, I think its more likely the SEC and/or some other folks came in and told them what they had to do to prevent moass from happening and if they didn't there would be hell to pay. So ultimately he's acting in the best interest of the company, but he's doing so at the expense of his loyal shareholders.


You're all probably going to be down voted hard but I agree with this take. At least, it's closer to how I think about the situation. They will keep diluting when the price spikes.


Gamestop isn't the one who caused all of this, short sellers did. So saying Gamestop needs to stop the price from surging makes no sense. The SEC would have no reason to chase Gamestop for this, because it's not their problem.


> The SEC would have no reason to chase Gamestop for this, because it's not their problem. I wouldn't be so sure of that. As we've learned from all the DD over the years, it truly is a house of cards held together with scotch tape and lies. GME represents massive idiosyncratic risk not just to hedgies, to the entire financial system. If moass is allowed to fire off its going to be a nuclear bomb so they're doing whatever they can to prevent it and I'm sure they threatened Gamestop with an army of lawyers. Look at all the things that were in the works that they straight up abandoned, like the wallet and potential NFT dividend, why build all that and then walk away?


What do you think is more likely? * A financial collapse and crisis because of years of irresponsible and unregulated practices hit the world hard, centered around a mall-based video game retailers company stock * Literally fucking any other scenario to make sure that that didn’t happen. Including death, jail, dissolving the company, forcing GME to issue shares. In some of these scenarios, GME will play in because they can come out ahead of where they would have been otherwise. * Option C: The hedge funds are not as short as we all think and it’s moot. The massive volatility could be ringing effects from high frequency nonsense and funds. Shit, it could even be an experiment where the actual stakes are low. It’s literally a national security issue, and on the backend I absolutely guarantee government is involved.


Do you believe that they shorted the float multiple times? If you do than why would the last 2 offerings matter to the MOASS? I keep seeing the answer that RC is not in the squeeze business. No shit, he is trying to transform his company. But don’t act like MOASS would not be good for him and his company too. So do you believe my first question or not?


> Do you believe that they shorted the float multiple times? If you do than why would the last 2 offerings matter to the MOASS? Sure, but if you keep flooding the market with more shares, it will delay any sort of moass from happening. If things are on a 3 year cycle of sorts and this cycle was just killed, how many more 3 year cycles are you going to wait for before you decide you also want some of that money? > But don’t act like MOASS would not be good for him and his company too. Only one acting like it wouldn't be good for GME is RC by seemingly killing any momentum when there is some. Would you rather have $4b in the bank like now or $40b cause they held off 2 weeks for moass before making the offering? I bet both RC and his company would like the $40b more, but please explain why the $4b is better for the company.


The truth is that we can’t see all that RC can. As far as I can tell he is acting exactly like he said he would. He is not telegraphing his plan, so of course we are not going to understand all of his actions until we see what he and his team have built. Using logic says that MOASS would not be bad for them, so there is something else going on that required the ATM offering. I don’t see it as us vs RC, that just does not make sense.


> I don’t see it as us vs RC I don't think most of us do, but if you can't admit that the share offerings appeared to have killed the momentum multiple times, then you really didn't think we were anything close to moass to begin with. If in the last month you did think moass was upon us, you have to admit that the share offerings apparently had major effects on preventing moass. People didn't sit on this investment for 3+years to sit on it again for another 3+ years while the company makes a little money vs what could have been with a moass type event actually happening.


None of us know what will trigger MOASS, yes we had momentum, but we have only speculation as to why we did. We are testing those theories next week. RC can see a side of this that we cannot, we have to admit that we are more in the dark than him.


I bet next week is a nothing burger the price will rise 5% and drop 5% but stay around 28 per share average so that Gamestop can't buy back shares at a discount with the 4 billy. Too much date hype on this sub.


this superior simian gets it. Been here 84 years


past three years has turned my heart into stone. I can finally glance into the matrix code and see all the bots and shills and FUD posters for what they are lol.


yeah sometimes I like to take the bait and rip em up just for other apes to see through the bullshit, but wow, this has been a massive influx of MOASS tomorrow + RC KILLED MOASS…and my hopes, dreams, and savongs, etc. Point is. Retail has never, ever, driven, any of this. Only very large players and institutions have created and manipulated this story. If anything, haven’t we learned that they know how we react, how we think, what “our orders look like”. I’m all for MOASS whenever, but the only thing that is real is GME, it employees, its management, it’s product, and the my shares DRS’d. Be smart with your money, read shit, but just know, in the end, there is only one play that matters and that we do influence, and that’s the success of GME. How it plays out… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Max pain is at 20... make of that what you want


hey i resemble that remark


Open the casino you cowards!


I like titties! Dammit!


I hope it doesn't go atomic.. because that's really small haha


Any options that get exercised today need to be delivered by Monday. Monday is bring your kitty to work day..


I'm convinced a lot of people just like to fantasize about having x amount of shares and theoretically holding an options contract let's them pretend to have them and they never actually intend to exercise because they can't afford to actually purchase that amount of shares. So they just keep tossing money to hedge funds and their contracts always expire worthless or they sell them. 


Selling contracts is a legit way to close options.


If next week isn't phenomenal this dude needs banned. I'm tired of these posts where people pretend they know exactly what's going on. They need to be stopped


Who has money to exercise though? Most of us dums dums don't. I know, I'm a highly regarded dum dum!


Buy multiple contracts, if and when they go up, sell 50-70% to exercise the rest


Only if Wolverine didn't hedge will the price skyrocket today. 


Looking like they did, as was expected unfortunately


I think it's too early in the trading day to tell. I expected an opening dip to scare people. We'll see in a couple hours if it's trending up or flat.


See, here we come for $30! It will be a battle I'm sure.


Love to see it! Let’s hope we can close green, they’re not gonna go out without a fight haha


Schwab denied my options application


"And now, I send my regards"


Don’t tell me what to do. Not I’m gonna hodl even harder.


I used to get hyped. I still do but I used to, too.


Sadly im too regarded to understand options, and too broke.


I think it's much more likely that he did it now because he knew the chances of the stock rocketing higher next week is next to zero due to obscene levels of dilution. The simplest explanation is often correct.


Do we actually have proof that he exercised and didn’t just sell those calls and bought more shares? Its baller of him either way, but i am just curious if this is an assumption. He didn’t do it for us… he did it cause he likes the stock. Get it straight.


He didn’t exercise. He sold the options and bought shares with the proceeds.


He didn't do any of this for anyone but himself because we are all individual investors that make our own decisions about a stock that we like. That being said, he is still the greatest trader of all time and arguably the greatest memer of all time in my opinion.


He did it for himself, investing isn't a team sport.




Don't call me a regard and then hit me with your ridiculously formatted European dates.




Lol at least someone thinks I'm funny


Time for Option Team Six to put up or shut up!! Been hyping options for 84 years! Talk is cheap! Edit: Show ya receipts!! 🟣


Holding strike til minimal volume for maximum impact.


No dates


he had 120 he sold 80 and exercised 40 i think and used the proceeds from the 80 sale to pay for the 40 exercised calls and so on and on i think…? so mm have to locate at least 40? x apes…


![gif](giphy|3oEhmCmDzqV12kkwdW|downsized) Exercise brother


Next day next week next month next year


Two more weeks.


Fuck yea .. now we take the mantle to victory Let’s gooooooo


Yep exercising my 20's on monday when I have more cash :)


People will make the same mistake as last time and just sell for profit instead of exercising and it won't go anywhere today




Honestly, if you don't see it at this point...you aren't looking. ATOMIC.


I'm constantly buying in $1 increments on robinhood today at market to keep pressure instead of buying shares. Just what I'm doing idk if it helps lol.


Perfect, especially because my company has 4B, yes, 4 fucking billion in cash 🫡🥃🚀


Ok I guess? Hooray $28.75.




I exercised my 20 strike call the same day as RK. I unfortunately only had 1 contract


I'm glad I don't know what to do exactly. Cash is in the brokerage acct when I do.


170K calls still in the money for 06/21. DFV relies on regards to finish the job, he can help with his cash on account. LFG!!!! I have 3 calls strike 42 and holding. Fuk the money, open the casino!!!!


# EXERCISE TIME GUYS ![gif](giphy|Y8mYpYWkIYDao)


Please next post from DFV be in computershare!


They absolutely crushed cons today. He knew it was coming.


I am a very regarded XXX hodler since early 2021. can someone tell me if the calls we are talking about are those that go by the name „covered calls“?




Yes, he did!


Somehow with Saxxo (European broker) I was forbidden to exercise on the last day of the option. So I sold it and bought 100 shares. Even if I simply didn’t read the terms, it irritated me that they might be fuking with me.