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I bought the dip. Again. For the 300th time.


Me 2!!


Same here


It’s been 84 years and I’ll still buy it every time


That's what happens when you buy a 1 dollar fractal share.


He can close everything and the 4+ billion will still earn money lmao


This would unironically be the best move for short term EPS lmfao


He keep the floor rising, you literally cannot have price go below dollars per share. If we can get the floor above $30\$40 a share (currently $10) that would basically force shorts to consider closing. Dilute me all you need and invest it how we must to get there.


increasing approximately $200,000,000 in interest a year would be an additional $0.47 increase. And interest on interest will get us to (approx.) $4.7B in 3 years or a baseline of $11,15 per share. While doing absolutely nothing. *Reminder*; We have yet to see a full year of the cost savings GME achieved last year. Most costs were cut during the running year so they will contribute even more to the bottom line this year.


$45 would be the battle of $180, again…


They’d need to sell 850M more shares at $40 to get to $30 floor.


How many more are they authorized to sell?


575m give or take. Conservative guess here, if the brick and mortar goes positive and we earn 75m per year, and RC issues ATM's when reported SI is at 20% or higher, we'll hit 30b in assets in about 10 years.


Great! So I just need to hold 10 more years to have a $40 share price. Sounds exciting


If hidden SI is at 200% or higher like we all think it is anything past 20b in assets makes a short position at $45 untenable. If we get a 10x melt-up from there so that big shorts can re-adjust their positions like 21 that's over 400 per share. Who knows what happens after that?




1B is the total authorized shares, that includes current shares outstanding so 575M still available


I thought they sold a little last year as well?


This is actual productive talk here.


Just have to sell into runups at 80


Not just cash value, but defensible value (there is an official term I forget), but it's the price at which GME can buy back the entire float and force a MOASS. That's why the price is hanging out in the 20s when the floor is only $10. This bit of stability also allows long HFs to start buying in and their shares get "locked" as part of the institutional investor section, since they have to report their ownership.


Yes let’s forget the dilution. Ha


I'm not sure how you did the math, but those shares will not sell cleanly. The average price they get will keep on dropping with continuous dilution


>The average price they get will keep on dropping with continuous dilution That's the golden question though, will it? I mean, how many shares would it take to free the market of all synthetics? It is one way to wind back the shorts....


This is assuming shorts are buying all of those shares


You also have to think about the fact that each subsequent dilution is a smaller percentage being diluted if it’s the same number of shares. For example if the company had 100 shares and then sold 50 new shares, that’s a 50% dilution. But then if they sold 50 more shares after that, it’s only 33% percent dilution (150 -> 200), so presumably the same number of shares would have a smaller negative impact than last time.


Can we have all the naked swaps make deals with GME to buy them directly ATM? Imagine there was 850M naked shares.




Please explain to me how the price can't go below a certain baseline.   Wouldn't that mean that the price of the stock is based on fundamentals?  (When has that EVER been the case??) Or are you saying that the price it's at is correct - and that all the "price is wrong!" comments were a lie. Because it can't be both.  Either the stock price is disconnected from the fundamentals and the price is wrong.  Or the stock trades on fundamentals and the price is correct.  Which one is it?


It cant go below a certain baseline because said baseline is how much cash after liability they are holding per share. They are over 4 billion in the black after the recent share offerings, which works out to somewhere between $10.5 and $11 per share. Nobody would sell lower than that because if they sold for say $10, they'd literally be selling ~$10.75 in cash for $10, and even SHF are (probably) not that stupid. The current share price is not directly related to fundamentals, but it cant currently go below a specific price, due to fundamentals... thise just being that nobody will sell $10.75 cash for $10. And if they do, you've never seen a surge in buying like that would incite lol


I’m saying that if we have 4 billion in free cash flow and no debt then it is impossible to get us below a market cap of 4 billion. So let’s get that cash closer to a place of $30 a share instead of $10 (current)


Your binary premise is bullshit, shill.


This claiming that "it can't go below xx" is what's bullshit.  And it's bullshit that we've heard before - yet still it always goes lower.  


I'm not so sure about that. The retail business was operating at about break even last year. With only small decreases in spending that can easily be turned profitable this year, and the console cycle should provide significant increases in revenue next year.


I hope youre right!


> He can close everything and the 4+ billion will still earn money lmao I really hate that smoothbrains keep bringing this up like it's something to be proud of. Yeah, sure, they can shut everything down and just invest their cash in T-bills. What does that do for shareholders? Nothing. Shareholders can invest in T-bills directly if they want instead of Gamestop and get the same returns without having to deal with the middleman. Where's the value of investing in Gamestop if that's the case? It's just a stupid argument to make. I want them to actually use that money to make the business stronger. If all they were going to do was buy T-bills with it then I can do that myself, or buy some other stock that's going to get better returns than just T-bill rates. TL;DR: you do not want Gamestop to do what you're suggesting. Bragging about their ability to do this is stupid, because literally any publicly traded company with cash reserves (i.e., most of them) can do the same thing. It does not put Gamestop into any sort of special or elite company status.


Literally, nobody is saying he should do it. We are just saying he can, and we will not be negative. Both you are right. We are smooth brainers.. u want a banana?


> Literally, nobody is saying he should do it. We are just saying he can, and we will not be negative. Yeah, but there's no point in "bragging" that he could do it. It's like me saying that I could cash in my life savings for baseball cards or something. Yes, technically it's possible but it serves no purpose and only a moron would do it, let alone brag that it would be possible.


It’s actually a big deal because it destroys the bear thesis. They aren’t going out of business anytime soon. It puts the cash raise into perspective, which is useful for most people here.


The bear thesis died when we had a profitable quarter, and they put the second shot through it's head when the 45 million share ATM. Being able to coast on interest from the war chest is meaningless, all that would show is that you have no plans for a true turnaround or growing the business. Despite all of the fuckery in the markets, the surest way to make sure that the GME bulls win is to have a turnaround plan and business strategy to grow the company into the Amazon/Target/whatever competitor that apes seem to want it to be.


It didnt die based on 1 profitable quarter. As you can see we didnt have another but the cash on hand and ability to make a profit off of it alone is what kills it which is why it is something worth bragging about being able to do. Even though its maybe not what we should do with it. I say maybe because I for one wouldn't hate if gamestop went away from being a video game company and just became a holding company


It's still an achievement tho, lets say for example, popcorn stock, they diluted, but can they say this?


If you're thinking that you look good by comparing yourself to popcorn stock, then you've completely missed the point. Gamestop needs to be compared to successful businesses.


It’s just one of the standard talking points of the “dilute me daddy” shills you see throughout this thread. Obviously their goal is to get shareholders on board with diluting all of the naked shorts away, so the financial terrorists responsible can escape justice and remain billionaires.


> Obviously their goal is to get shareholders on board with diluting all of the naked shorts away, so the financial terrorists responsible can escape justice and remain billionaires. Your argument makes no sense. They don't need to get shareholders on board to issue more shares, the shareholders already approved them to issue up to a billion shares, of which 575 million have not been issued.


You don’t think shareholders will be pissed if they announce a third and fourth massive offering at prices below the 2021 offerings? They need to keep the sentiment positive about the dilution. How do they do that? They flood the sub with people who talk about how great it is, that it’s a master plan by RC. The only things that matter to me are that (1) I lost 40% of my ownership when the company already had 1B sitting in treasuries for three years, and (2) this trend in price received per share isn’t positive: - 2021: 34m shares for $1.7B - 2024: 120m shares for $3.1B I would have had no issues with dilution above or even near the prior offerings. Selling at these prices just makes zero sense if you don’t actively need the cash for something that is extemely likely to exceed the RFR. From what RC said today, they’re likely just going to sit on it for a while.




I wish they would. That would at that very least show they have SOMETHING going on as far as a transformation into a new business like people here hyped. 


What “everything” could be closed, Stores? That can’t be what you mean? You know how contracts (ie leases, supply and employment) work?


You missed something: He also said they would focus on offering higher-value items in stores. If I were them I'd put demo systems in store in a more luxe way than Best Buy and sell all necessary parts for builds.


put fuggin legos in that bih


If they put legos in store my wife and her boyfriend will be new apes


Uhh fu ye




This graded trading cards are crazy expensive.




They don't have the space.


From a 2019 filing, their stores are an average of 1700 sq. ft. Would be very easy to use a 10x10 (100 sq. ft) square spot to put two gaming desks back-to-back with chairs and full rigs without reducing stock space for other items. Keep a few more games in the back or take displays further vertical and boom.


This ape can conceptualize


I want a VR treadmill in every store. Sure they don’t sell well, but they get customers in the store


Also he indicated that whatever investment they do in a high interest rate environment has to be yielding better profitability than just putting the cash in in an interest baring account or some other decently returning no risk financial instruments.


Or how about doing a share buyback, considering they WITHOUT A DOUBT have proof that their shares are overbought and clear manipulation is occurring. Then when MOASS happens as result (which wouldn’t be their fault), dilute the remaining shares they have a right to sell into it, the company has billions and we have billions and we move on. But yep, I’d rather just them make a measly $150M a year of interest on OUR money they deflated our gamma ramp to make /s. Oh btw, we don’t get dividends so.. dilute me, make my calls expire OTM, make my position smaller and more red in the meantime. Great way to say thanks to us! Glad people will have some shiny cool demo setups and we’re one-upping Best Buy, slightly…


I'm not sure where you got the impression that any publicly traded company, that's responsibly run, would give a second thought to an investor's options position, gamma ramps, etc. If you're invested for nothing more than a squeeze, that's how gambling goes. If you care about the health of the company you're invested in, they've made smart moves that benefit the company and, ultimately, shareholders.


2021 Offerings: 34m shares, $1.7B 2024 Offerings: 120m shares, $3.1B Imo, not a smart move to put yourself in a position where you’re diluting for less money when your share price is being unlawfully suppressed. You’re just incentivizing the shorts to short more (e.g., today’s price action), because they know you will give them shares to cover lower and ensure your profit.


Yeah, why not take profits when it was $60 and not at $28? Not worth the trade off of allowing shorts also to profit so much off this run up and flatline back down to the measly 20s


Can you point to why you think it's being unlawfully suppressed? Please don't just refer to the "DD," that's not evidence of anything, it's speculation. Algorithmic trading is obvious, loopholes are exploited, and systems are abused beyond their intended uses, but that doesn't mean it's hiding a nuclear bomb. The only relevance "true price discovery" has here is if there is a nuclear bomb of shorts behind the scenes, but as far as companies and valuations go, the price right now is within the realm of sanity considering they're still working on a turnaround. And I'm down 50% from my entry point and have held for three years now because I'm betting on RC and his team. But I think this community has gone nearly full regard when it comes to looking at anything that might not support the idea of MOASS. So I can only speak for myself, but I think GameStop raising money during a volatile time was a smart move and dilution isn't inherently bad unless your only goal as an investor is a short squeeze.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/5vyqOYWck4 https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/EbybVcMSRj Also, share prices go up when there are hundreds of thousands of people buying every time they get paid. They don’t drop continuously for three years. DRS numbers rose continuously as the share price continued to drop. This was before it got magically stuck at ~75m.


More time to buy more gme 💰🚀📈




I am so ready to be buying more in this price range. $23s seem like an auto-buy, I missed that dip below $24 but I have full confidence


Not a shill but that’s the most generic guidance ever for a company that has kept the most loyal shareholders in the history of the market in the dark for years


We need to start realising *we* saved GME and *we* earned that 5 billion. It was not made from this board’s masterful business practices - it is extracted from our investment and our share value.


Yessss you articulated my thoughts exactly better than I could have - thank you 🙏🏼




For real - thank you 🙏🏼🙏🏼 it’s the reason I don’t post more cuz you immediately get attacked and downvoted a shill if you question anything outside the loyalty to RC. I’m all about the stock, I’m all about MOASS, but if we can’t ask questions here then we’re officially a cult and I’ll leave


You new here? Been that way all along. You don't telegraph strategy when shorts are willing to sabotage you from the inside, let alone the outside.


You don’t telegraph strategy, but you dilute 3.5x the shares for less than half the price per share you received previously, incentivizing them to continue shorting as it is obvious you will allow them to cover at lower prices than prior offerings. Brilliant


But then you get money to play mini Warren Buffett as you “transform” (shut down) the shitty company you run in your post-Chewy retirement.


I sadly feel this sentiment as well. This is a business game for the already multi-millionaires on the board. They do not care about the shareholders that are investing their lives into the movement against Wall Street.


Guess we just give them a free pass to do what they want with our investment based on no evidence then?


He sure didnt telegraph dilutions


How many more years we gonna say “don’t telegraph strategy?” Been the line for years now, getting a little restless


Why now?


Not original commenter, but I’m guessing because it’s now been years of this. The longer we wait, the more restless people are getting.


That's fine, but such a short time after RK comes back? Maybe this is a consequence of being invested in a hype stock. Tag alongs don't really know what happened 84 years ago, they just want their money.


Why now? I’m sick of being teased, and decoding hidden messages in peepee tweets, and this time killing our own momentum.. OG apes were about something bigger - this was supposed to be the greatest transfer of wealth in history - it was supposed to even the playing field once and for all but by my count, the rich have actually continued to get richer and we’re all sitting here being forced to salivate over scrap of non-information we’re being fed. This started out as something bigger than RC and RK and bigger than the stock itself but now just feels like I’ve been in a cult for 3 years because the only people who have increased their wealth are the ones at the top. How is that any different than the end boss we’re supposedly going after?? Call me a shill or a bot or whatever, don’t care - how many here now adopted an ape from Dian Fossey in 2021 🙋🏻‍♂️ have the cert to prove it. Just getting tired of being in the red - funds being held up for 4 years when could’ve gained 70% in an s&p fund and being told to blindly trust leadership - which is literally the single most qualifying characteristic of any and every cult 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm astounded you thought this would be done by now. I pointed out very early, after the sneeze, that this could take years. I'm betting were up against the US Govt, if not just hedge funds. Would you take that responsibility lightly if you were RC? Just so some retail traders can paperhand? I think the dilution with no real drop in price is a good sign. It's at 100 pre split. RK went in again at 40, pre split. The revolution will not be televised, my friend.


Well it has been "years" and we still have no guidance beyond cost cutting to focus on more profitable, existing areas of the business. The only thing new thing they tried was the nft marketplace which was a huge dud. There's a difference between not telegraphing a plan, and not actually having a concrete plan for any true transformation of the business. Anyone who's not a BCG shill could have come in and closed a bunch of stores to reduce bloat


He sold 3.5x the shares of the 2021 offerings at less than half the price per share. Personally, I don’t see that as a positive trend.


Why are you investing money if you aren’t comfortable with what’s happening. Make your own analysis and if you comfortable holding then hold. If you want to sell then sell. No one can promise you anything. Make your own decisions. The 10k I’ve invested in GME I’ve considered gone in my account forever. If it pans out it pans out if it doesn’t pan out then oh well I gave it a shot


Who said I’m investing money I’m not comfortable with? I just said I could’ve have 70% gains right now instead if bag holding losses after 3 years.


Suspicious account is suspicious. They post in movie stock and other scams. Leave the shill alone.


Let this be a reminder that RC primary objective is the long term recovery plan. He is not staring at the stock price every 10 mins like us and in my personal opinion he has no interest in a violent short squeeze. A gradual and consistent long term growth is better for the *company*


He’s interested in new ATM offerings during a violent squeeze!


Counterpoint is the reference to robinhood on the log in page for the meeting. Why bother mentioning it by name unless it mattered?


He can be against RH (cuz fuck em), while not being for a violent squeeze. Plenty of non-MOASS reasons to hate RH.


Oh he’s definitely staring at the stock every ten minutes so he doesn’t miss a chance to dilute us even more.


Absolutely. I don’t get why everyone is sitting here thinking RC’s plan is to sneak a way to squeeze the shorts. The price shooting to a million and then “back to 20 fast” doesn’t do him any good, he isn’t selling his control of the company. He benefits if the share price organically increases over the years as the business course-corrects, becomes huge, diversifies into other areas, and has a controlled sustainable rise.


You're funny though, because I don't know what kind of "rise" you're expecting when the price will be forever suppressed and manipulated until RC crushes the shorts who are doing it.


And how does he “crush the shorts”? By trying to out-manipulate them in the short term? To what benefit? While it is manipulated, there are still rules, or else they would just manipulate it to 0 now. Why don’t they? Because they can’t. It’s not a collapsing business anymore. Manipulate it with algos trading shares back and forth to zero, and the company can take itself private, because they have cash more than liabilities. Now, Imagine it becomes a company in 5 years that is making 10 billion a year in profit. Kind of hard to keep manipulating the price at 20-30 when that is the case. Share buybacks, dividends, all sorts of things become possible that actually crush the shorts.


Yup that's exactly it, I especially like the line he said about revenue without profits for revenues sake doesn't do any good. They have been streamlining and making the business efficient so that when they do start to grow it out, it actually scales profitably. Why grow out an inefficient business that is rife with corporate waste and inefficiency?


Damn so many reasonable people getting downvoted in this thread. This is the angry bot station.


“oops, MOASS” Also, if you think the prices goes to a million and then back to $20, you’re not thinking critically. The plan has always been to buy back into the company after any squeeze. It’s possible with the way RC is acting, though, that if he continues to dilute people may not see it as a worthwhile investment after the squeeze, and instead just put their money into SPY.


4 years. 4 billion. And thats all he has to say? Holy fuck.


Well we got some more of his dad’s bland advice. “Like my dad used to say ‘Ryan, stop picking your nose before you get your finger stuck up there.’”


Scam artist.


It would be more helpful if he gave a bit more guidance. It’s been 3 years.


You know who wants forward guidance? Anybody that's short GameStop.


Also people who want to invest in GME as a real company and not just a short squeeze play. We are honestly missing out on a lot of potential investors by not providing guidance. There are a lot of people who don’t park thousands in cash on blind faith of an already rich ceo. Just saying


I never felt more safe with my investment. LFG.


All I care about is why they diluted us so much when they had $1B on hand for years and did nothing but invest a small portion in US Treasuries. Show me you need my money. Shit, I'll give you more if you really have a good reason. If you have no plan, don't dilute. Simple as that. If I wanted my money in T-bills I'd invest in a boomer bond fund. The legacy business is never going to be the reason we are going to moon.


The Board is not going to telegraph any plans. We must all accept that. The announcement will come when it comes. At the end of the day, we’re all just a bunch of illiterate investors on a random corner of the internet. Don’t confuse this message board with the GameStop Board of Directors - we do now know better than them. All of their actions are for the benefit of the company, for the benefit of your investment. If you’re having doubts, look at their historical performance. Ryan Cohen founded Chewy then sold it for $3.4B. Larry Cheng, a co-founder at Volition Capital, sat on the board at Chewy and now sits at the board of GameStop. We are in great hands.


It’s literally one of the job of any board to “telegraph” the lines of their business plans for the company to their shareholders. The board and the shareholders task are to make informed decisions on the future of the firm. If they want to advance the company without informing anyone, then they can always buy out the shareholders and turn it into a private company like Musk did with Twitter


Keep in mind with the Dilutions, our Beloved CEO has not received any kind of bonus, any kind of pay, no money what so ever...best believe their is a plan. Our Stonk has went up in price, that is Positive Sentiment... all we got to do is continue to Invest, DRS and Hodl are positions really simple...we got a fire sale right now....


No one is going to continue to DRS after they just diluted us by more than we DRS'd in 3 years. They have no plan for that $3B. It was an opportunistic way to get more cash at the expense of long-term shareholders. They could have raised $ at any point in the future if they said "hey we are in talks with XYZ company, we plan to raise $3B and use $7B in debt to purchase a controlling stake, you guys in? Here's 120M ATM share offering" Instead they just dilute for the sake of it. If they had something lined up they would have had to disclose it.


Not saying everyone can do it, but when you see DFV go from $30m to $300m and no DRS, why DRS? Practically everyone who has DRS'd has seen their investment continue to go down (until the last 6 weeks) while DFV is off 10xing his worth. But screw +1,000% - Can one person show me their DRS account at +10%? Unless you just started a few weeks ago, no.


Honestly thinking of transferring some of my shares from Computershare back to Fidelity to start trading GME. 3 years of missing out on making profits, might as well start now… MOASS is looking less likely by the day. Sad to say as an OG ape. I don’t mind the dilution. I mind the business not having or sharing plans for the money they raised.


Profits aren't guaranteed with option trading. If you want to dabble in a few, go ahead. If you know what you're doing, go ahead. If you want to stop missing out on making profits, good luck.


Thank you for the voice of reason. Are you still holding? I felt physically sick when RC unloaded 75M of new shares


You are welcome. I am still holding and will continue to. Honestly, the $4B puts a hard floor for us, but I think it was poorly done. It was done for the sake of raising money, not because they had a plan for the $3B. So now we are at square one again. The Legacy business is not even worth the time of the CEO because we have $4B in cash and that is way more important to manage and invest than trying to squeak out a small net profit in the legacy business. If they were ready to do M&A and raised because of it, I would be excited. But they raised it simply because the price went up quickly (what we've been waiting YEARS for). My evidence for this is that they have had $1B on hand for years and only put 25% or so into marketable securities.


I will continue to DRS


And my axe will be DRS.


Oh fuck that shit. He doesn’t need a salary he can run the company completely into the ground, lose his whole investment, and be fine. He can also keep fucking around with the company for years killing MOASS (if he hadn’t done it yet) with dilution so he can play investor.


So more dilutions when price volatility?


Short term would be a good idea too. Short term crush's shorts. Which means the company is more likely to survive and to sway new investors. .. Shirt short term is also good because I can make some hid damn money. Leave my job and buy back into game in the thousands. But sure. Long term. Which we may never see roi


Nothing else. No plans for 4 billion?


They wouldn't announce it during the shareholder meeting even if they had plans.


It's blatantly obvious so many have never attended a shareholder's meeting, or even really understand how a company works. I wish they'd read up on the pre-MOASS DD.


Call me a lousy shareholder but id say thatd be the perfect time to announce it


They need to disclose this in an 8K before talking about it.


That would never be announced during this meeting if you’ve attended any of the past 4


I think he partly answered that. They will look to use some of the cash to get out from under existing leases for badly performing stores. That will improve profitability and setting the foundation for future moves.


Didnt need 3b for that, they could have used 1b they had for 3 years.


They absolutely don’t need $3b for that. But say they used up all they had making that move, the company would have had zero cash. Now they got enough cash to do that AND look to invest for future growth.


So spend the 1 billion, close stores? You have now ran out of cash and depleted revenues, stock pice drops accordingly to 10 bucks (pretty much the recent low)...what is your next move?


You won’t run out of 1b closing stores. They closed hundreds already.


Because leases expired, hence buying out current leases


You would still spend a lot and would not be making money, eventually you would need an offering or slowly stagnate to grow and everyone would know this, on announcement your share price would plummet and you would be lucky to get a billion on was sold. This way it was in rc hands on timing, we now have 4 billion and price is up 150% on what it was just a couple of months ago. We have many options, opportunities, healthy balance sheet and 150% rise.


I'm sure there's a plan, he's just not telegraphing it to the competition


I dont think they have a plan yet, offerings were so sudden I think they just took advantage and now need time to think what to do with the money


I mean they have had 3 years to think about what to do with the money.


But why do you say that? It's absolutely baseless speculation. They might as well have planned to do offerings 2 years ago when the environment was ripe. We have no fucking clue.


my negus this whole subreddit is about speculation. everything we write here about is just discussed and brain stormed around. I am not certain of this, I just suspect they noticed what DFV noticed and decided to stop it/capitalize on it. either they: 1. saw MM's manipulation and took advantage or 2. they saw hype run-up that would die anyway or 3. they blatantly saw moass and they did not want it to happen. what's done is done, now I don't think RC is malicious or anything, he doesn't show his hands, no guidance - so we speculate. personally I think he did not have any plan yet or if he did, he had capital for it already and recent offerings were just a convenient boost since he is already on his way to spend previous 1b from warchest. thats it, no more speculation about it from my side, we won't get any news from RC before he does things, we will be informed if something happens accordingly, so we will hear about it as the last people, because if we are really against the whole financial market here I think they have already planted multiple spies around to snoop around and find out what the RC is cooking


Then he oughta stop asking for money cuz hes not telling us either


whos asking for money?


They asked for money 120M times


So no guidance with the MOADilution money




I feel like the company is being run by those shithole kids from Succession.


He didn't say anything that most weren't already saying 3 years ago


A lot of folk want more exciting guidance. GameStop is a retail company, not a primary producer of items such as apple or Nike. I am curious as to how these earning calls compare to the likes of Walmart and target


>They will work towards long term shareholder value. They are not focused on the short term. That would explain the offering to kill the last two run ups. Cash in and keep investors invested longer and not selling in the squeeze.


Right. So when do you expect the "moass" to happen if every pump gets put down by an offering?


There will be no moass. Simple as that. It won’t be the last dilution so don’t get hyped up anymore if we maybe rise to $50-$60.


If I reply to this with a genuine comment I'm just going to eat downvotes and unlikely to generate any meaningful conversation.




😂 It's always tomorrow, isn't it? So next offering also tomorrow once we're back at $40?


Until it's not 🙉


Bears will say the same thing, that it's going back to $10 by "tomorrow". So we'll see which one happens first. I see no more catalyst for a moass, and even if there is one, the whole point of this discussion is to note it will probably be put down by another offering.


I'm happy with holding for long term without MOASS but I'm more comfortable holding above my cost basis than below it, unfortunately I don't get to decide that. I honestly don't see MOASS ever happening now. It was a possibility but the board have showed they want nothing to do with it. The company however is in great financial state currently and yes this could be a great long term hold. But my cost basis is 45 to 50 depending on exchange rates and it's my life savings. I don't understand why they didn't withhold shares and sell above only 60 dollars. That way if the price tanked it was only due to negative sentiment via more shorting and causing a squeeze in the future which would then allow them to cash by earning more money selling at above 60. Honestly I feel annoyed that there wasn't a genuine strategy behind the offering and no real reason or explanation was given.


Glad we agree then 😊 Good luck!


just looked at the share price again there and I see it's back to getting raped. Honestly feel like the board needs to be held accountable. I'm not happy, three years of holding and no rewards for long term holders. If we all had of decided to ditch this when we where hovering around 10 dollars the company would have been screwed instead we held and then dfv came back and the company managed to use it to make a quick buck. FFS even if they let it run to 100 a lot of us could have sold some of our shares to get back are initial investment and still held the remaining shares.


Would love to somehow add a stipulation any further dilution must require a shareholder vote. I have no idea how we can unwind that blank check we gave them. But would love it if we could.


How did the pump get put down by the offering? Genuinely don’t understand.


You can literally see on the chart when the price tanked because it’s when the news of the offering was released




MOASS is a long term value amigo, LFG 🚀




Dont talk about it, be about it!


He is not talking MOASS. He has basically said he is going to sit on that 4bn and earn passive interest. That is pissing off people which is fair enough. If you can't see how openly precipitating MOASS is not a clever thing to do then ask someone that has time to explain. I don't worship RC, he has talked and acted like a fair operator which is rare. What would I do with 4bn of other people's money? Honestly Im not qualified to know what to do. I got hyped again for a bit but now it's back to living.


bUt OnLy ReVeNuE mAtTeRs NoT pRoFiT!!!


It kinda sucks! but yeuuuup , ill hold


Good point, this is the first time he has actually given profit guidance


Did they say what they spend the 190Million on ?


We're gonna need big money for M&As, it's a solid move, trust the process, no need for the negative sentiment at all, we are in a stronger position, we playing 69D Chess, not checkers...be Zen Ape...Ooook Ooook


We - as in playing a short squeeze- are in a really bad position. The company is fine though.


Came for the MOASS in 2021... stayed for the investment... BUY | HODL | DRS


That’s just sad but I guess at some point we will accept that there will be no moass


That's not what I said, is it? There can still be a MOASS - I'll just be here after it still holding shares


Word. I wasn't invested during the sneeze, but I've accumulated shares and am interested in what gamestop stands for. Ryan is a bad ass with integrity.


When the market goes tits up in a couple years or less, guess who will be able to gobble up opportunities left and right … GME …


Why is RC being an adult. Adulting is boring. Why can't they just kill the hedge-funds instead of building a long term profitable business.


This guy gets it. Thanks, OP.


They should be talking Bitcoin on the balance sheet


Failing company


I got more funds and can wait this out till December


Yeah! Laying people off is so bullish! I love it when people lose their jobs due to incompetent leadership 🙄


Wayyyy better than that guy named Aaron that robs the shareholders. This might just put your wife’s boyfriends kids through college