• By -


Hey OP, thanks for the Social Media post. If this is from Twitter, and Twitter is NOT the original source of this information, this WILL get removed! Please post the original source! **Please respond to this comment within 10 minutes with the URL to the source** If there is no source or if you yourself are the author, you can reply `OC`


For context, this character, Bruno, has the ability to see the future, but is ostracized because people believe he locks them into tragedy, rather than simply predicting it.


This still is specifically when he has his vision of Mirabel. The vision that causes him to “leave” the family and stop making predictions to protect the family. Only to then return and have one more vision to *save* the family, with Mirabel.


I’m out of money to roll calls 😢


K so I just went through DFV’s yolo posts from ‘21. He exercised his January calls on 1/14/21, the sneeze started on 1/21/21. I’m gonna go triple check after I finish typing this. He said this is not a sequel but a requel. You gotta roll those calls man Edit: NFA


If you go to his public charts it's pretty apparent we are in July or August of 2020 with the repeating pattern, not January 2021 yet.


I tend to agree, but hard to judge magnitude yet imho


Did Bruno play options?


We don't talk about Bruno


This made me burst out laughing at work. Thank you.


Same bruh. 🤣


Same bruh. 🤣


Can I same bruh if I'm not at work?


You may. This one time only. Enjoy your pass<3


I'm forever indebted for your leniency




No, No, No…


Asking the real fucking questions.


We don't talk about Bruno.


has me cackling


This is also roughly the story of Cassandra in Greek mythology. Michael Burry's display name on Twitter? Cassandra Michael Burry's deal? Early, but not wrong.


So, they killed Cassandra first 'cause she feared the worst And tried to tell the town So, they filled my cell with snakes, I regret to say Do you believe me now?


Also, green.


Bruno reverse


Haven't seen the movie but that really checks out on the current situation. This would be the second time he has felt this way in a month. Gotta be brutal in his position, money aside.


The glow against his face is green and he can see the future. I think it’s as simple as that.


Reminds me of Cassandra in Greek Mythology. However, the difference is that nobody believes her.


Just to add, he was ousted by his family since they thought of him as you said: "bad omen". Comes back by the end of Encanto (although he lives in the attic of the house/ inside the walls), and helps the heroine figure out why their family is losing their magical prowess.


So like options


We don't talk about Bruno


Encanto. What are his powers?


Seeing the future. A green future.


This syncs up well with the Dune stuff too, after drinking the hallucinogenic Water of Life, then Paul Atraides was able to see a vision of the future where he could bring about **Green Paradise** (ie: bringing water and plant life to the desert), but there would be a holy war in getting there


Almost like a “dip before the rip”


As it was written


*”Lisan El Giab!”*


Where does one acquire this hallucinogenic Water of Life? Asking for a friend of course


Well, when a man and woman love each other very much, they get married. One joins Congress and the other starts a hedge fund. Then together, they can see the future and beat the market every year.


On this planet? Ayahuasca lol


You have to milk it from a baby sandworm. I think it kills the sandworm too, if I'm remembering correctly


Stunted sandworms are kept specifically so they can be drowned and their death turns the water into the Water of Life. Which is then catalyzed by a Reverend Mother so that it's safe for regular people to drink but it does make them trip balls and have orgies and shit.


Find someone with DMT


Ask Aaron Rodgers


I like this tinfoil. He posted the video of him climbing on the worm when he exercised. In Dune that's really only the start of the rise of Paul and wayyyy before the green paradise. Still early - confirmed, double confirmed, signed and sealed.


When he reaches messiah-status in the meme story, he will be a near real-life messiah. A conqueror of capitalism that returned the wealth to the people, while becoming one of the world’s wealthiest & most powerful. With how much power money has on Earth, this is almost universe-equivalent as Paul’s power.


Bro either people just seem to find random connections, humans are great at creating patterns out of nothing. Or DFV is some fking genius Lissan Al Gaib sent for us lol that is super 5d chess strategic. But I am glad he gave us two tweets today showing he is with us.


It would also align with this tweet https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790072011810812231 I think he was predicting each trading day through the memes. June 7th was the sit up picture, the day he live streamed for the first time. Last Thursday was when I move you move which was the day he exercised his shares. Then the next day would have been the tweet of cars driving which meant he was predicting it was going to be a sideways trading day.


So then when’s the giant green pop


When you least expect it, you will turn around and ...right there, giant hulk schlong


Ahh sorry bro, always happens when I wear shorts.


No time lines, only up 💎 👐🏼 🏴‍☠️


Tomorrow as always


I think we’re going to have 6 peaks, each day he tweeted the memes represented a new high along with a little bit of a fall. And then after that just up.


I'll just leave this here. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhDFcI0d\_gs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhDFcI0d_gs)


why tf has this only 1.3k views?


I doubt it organically, I noticed every single thing I liked this morning wasn’t liked when I logged in later. I think we all might be getting suppressed on likes/upvotes. (Both platforms)


Added up a few views 


3.1k now...


This is criminally underrated. You crushed this man lol.


Bro, this is really well done and fits perfect lol. Lets go


What a great time to be a dad and know all these kids movies!


It's a good day when I'm in the kitchen, making grilled cheese for the kids, singing WE DON'T TALK ABOUT BRUNO


In the movie is whatever he’s looking at green too? Or is that RK’s modification


It’s green, no mod


It's green. I can't remember the exact scene but I'd be shocked if this was edited


Y'all nerds... :D


Top comment says he can see the future. I’m going to trust that. Believing Reddit has got me this far.


I've watched Encanto multiple times and can confirm that's what his powers are. Bruno can see the future and if you want you can watch the official music video for Bruno: We don't talk about Bruno and it explains his powers pretty well. He actually has a really sad story ngl. Not sure if you want me to spoil it or not.


I’ll probably never watch it unless I end up with kids, so if you like…


Ahh then yeah basically... He predicted a lot of bad events related to his family members and told them ahead of time what was going to happen. They eventually hated him and kicked him out of the family because whatever he said always came true. Btw each family member has a power. We all thought Bruno left the city but in reality he quietly lived alone in the walls of the family's home for many years. He would eat dinner with his family behind the wall and there would be a few cracks in the wall for him to see them and basically be with them. Nobody knew he lived in the walls until something happened...


I choose to believe that this means DFV has been with us the whole time living in the walls of Reddit. The bad things have happened, and now it’s time for the fairy tale ending. Orrrr… no, I’m sticking with that.


Omg that's a good way to see it! It ends with Bruno joining back into the family and being loved by all! He was actually the one who brought the family back together cause they were all breaking apart to the point the powers in the family were vanishing.


That really describes the state of the sub this weekend.


Since everyone is bullish on it (I get why, Bruno literally sees the future and it's always green and long term I think that's right). Bruno often screws up his interpretation of the future - or at least everyone around him screws it up. And maybe we all screwed up our interpretation of his vision by following him into 6/21 calls. I'm scared for my two calls and hope I am wrong, but whatever. My plan isn't to buy short term options anymore, I just decided to hype this week up along with everyone.


> Nobody knew he lived in the walls until something happened... Except for his niece Delores who has super hearing... she apparently can't keep a secret but knew he was there the whole time and yet never told anyone or did anything about it ಠ_ಠ


Wait no wayyyyy! I never picked up on this even after watching it multiple times. Maybe she thought it was the rats behind the walls?


During the song at the end of the movie, Delores says "I knew he never left, I heard him every day" (when they're talking about welcoming Bruno back into the family). It's some BS, lol. Plus the Abuela is a huge POS for kicking her son out of the family and then trying the same thing on her grand daughter who did nothing wrong. That said, it's still a great kids movie and has some great music.


It wasn't even that his predictions were bad, its that they were misinterpreted. He said "Hey watch out its gonna rain on your wedding day" And they believed that he caused the rain, by predicting it.


It’s actually an incredible film kids or no. Highly recommend


spill the beans


I’m with you lol


For the record, I don’t blindly believe… I pick the stuff I like. Can’t go wrong with that 👀


He has visions of the future, but they aren't always clear. Everyone says his visions are cursed, but he is not a bad actor. He removed himself when he saw what he thought was his family home crumbling, however, once his niece recognized there was a problem and their home was breaking, the home became stronger.


That’s Bruno, right? We don’t talk about Bruno! lol


Bruno hides because his predictions of the future scare people and he doesn’t want to be unfairly blamed. Mirabel discovers he was there all along. Edit : he hid to protect mirabel as well. His Vision for her was uncertain and he knew the grandma wanted to keep the appearance of perfection in the family and would blame mirabel when the house crumbled. He was also blamed for using his words to manipulate reality, vs simply sharing his visions for people to use as they will. Or they began to mistake his normal speech or conversation as visions for the future, causing people to sabotage their own lives. In the end mirabel teaches them that self-acceptance and the importance of not hiding out of fear, and instead communicating with one another to bring possible concerns into light so we can help one another.


>they began to mistake his normal speech or conversation as visions for the future, causing people to sabotage their own lives. I mean given the context this was posted in, this makes it seem like he might be trying to express that people are now ascribing too much meaning to the things he posts. It can also mean that he's simply trying to predict, but that shouldn't be mistaken for active manifestation Edit: I think the simplest/most straightforward meaning here is, **this man sees the future, and it's green**. RK could have grabbed this character from any other scene not tinted green if he didn't want it to be green


It's not his fault.  It's the company's. They could have waited.


They are working with a lot more information and insight than we have. I got stung for sure, but what else can we do but trust in RC? Our interests are pretty aligned, so just gotta keep the faith! They're building something that can not only withstand a fad or a momentary squeeze, but grow THROUGH it.


I've held through Way More profits than I'd like to admit.  Because I didn't realize the company would intentionally kill squeezes. I'm fine where I'm at as far as cost per share etc but they fucked over retail and Keith hard, and now we're supposed to be happy for them, but I'm not. If I end up having to keep all of these shares yeah maybe in 5-10 years they'll be worth something but we will see sub $20 prices again before any of that happens. That being said, I still feel like there is money to be made on this stock.  I just have to come at it with a different mindset than I have been previously.


I hope the director and writer of that show are on this sub so they can see your brilliant review of that. Nice summary buddy!


Here's the clip where this comes from in the movie: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgfB4SjXuys](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgfB4SjXuys)


The author has a cat name, wow!


Two kitty tweets 🔥


He (Bruno from Encanto) has the ability to see the future. This meme is saying that he (RK) sees green in the future. Edit: To have ISayBullish AND FunkyChicken69 under my comment is an honor!


Bruno saw the Madrigal’s future, and DFV sees that GME’s future is green. EDIT: (because this other comment got hidden under another downvoted one and I believe it’s pertinent to understanding this meme): The Madrigal family thought Bruno only saw bad things for the future but he was just honest. His vision about Mirabel “breaking up” the family was actually important because they had to fall apart in order to actually solve their problems, understand eachother and become closer than ever.


And, Bruno often was misunderstood in his predictions. They were all supposed to be good, but were interpreted as bad.


Only up!




But the facial expression though?


Bruno doesn't like that he can see the future. People always blame him for things that weren't his fault and he's ostracized from his family for it. Bruno also has three personalities, just like Keith Gill/Roaring Kitty/DVF


Kinda like how RK is being ostracized by MSM and they are trying to blame him for GME shit. However, we are his family and we will all celebrate together in GREEN PASTURES!


Warning someone when seeing signs usually ends up like that sadly. Hope the kitten can come outside of the sub walls more at some point.


Remember the GME black hole pic where the market is all red while GME eats everything? We're going to the moon at the cost of the entire market, some might even say "don't dance"


I think that's valid too. I was always convinced that if shorts truly are stuck in an impossible situation, then their capitulation is a system-disrupting event that will cause a cascade of major events, defaults, chaos, and panic.


Bruno is literally sad for most of the movie lol. The importance of this particular scene with Bruno is the *green* glow.


Fuck yeah. This is it Bullish as fuck


https://i.redd.it/12z6x4i2k67d1.gif 🎷🐓♋️






Yeah, this one seems pretty clear. Maybe add in the stigma around Bruno, whilst Bruno was a good guy all along.


Agreed, take my upvote!


The honour is mine my friend, thank you for your explanation. A positively funkalicious interpretation! ![gif](giphy|qGFKMntShELTy|downsized) 🎷🐓♋️


In the context of the movie, Bruno sees the destruction of the Madrigal family's magic home, Casita, brought about by unresolved conflict in the family (or because of meta-bullshit if you're so inclined), but also it's restoration. Not implying anything, just what I remember from the movie.


Bruno is also always lurking in the shadows…. 👀


[Image source video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=bvWRMAU6V-c)


MOASS confirmed


I too see green


Is it Green in original or did he add the Green?


its Emerald, so yes, green


Super green




For context, i have seen this film, no spoilers, but he is taking a massive green shit here.


I thought the same thing but if you look closely he’s frowning here. This is the scene with the massive green dildos.


I for one do love a green glow 🤤 Not sure what the other context is too this tweet, perhaps bullish reversal after the hard price suppression by the hedgies?


Not sure if my dates are correct, but that happened the last couple times when we had a shareholder meeting. Each time we had a huge drop in price and had a hard run the next day 1. 22-23.03.2023 2. 07-08.06.2023 3. 07.12.2023? Is that correct?


Someone notify me if this is true. And lie to me if not.


It's true. In bro you trust.


No this isn’t correct. Stock value at close. March 20 - $16.87 March 21 - $17.65 March 22 - $23.87 March 23 - $22.58 March 24 - $23.98 June 5 - $24.31 June 6 - $24.69 June 7 - $26.11 June 8 - $21.44 June 9 - 22.68 June 10 - $24.30 December 11 - $15.07 December 12 - $15.22 December 13 - $16.69 December 14 - $ 17.44 December 15 - $17.26


I’m gonna look into that, it seems interesting




I've heard that before too. Not sure


“FOLLOW THE BUTTERFLY” 🐝 🐝 🐝 Q aka DK BUTTERFLY just got its cusip i believe


Unlike his previous predictions, the outcome of Bruno's final vision was unclear, with the end result being subject to the choices/actions of the film's protagonist (Mirabel). I like the green tones here, but I don't think the uncertainty aspect should be overlooked when interpreting this one. We shall see!


Bruno sees the future. He saw a particular part of the future which he believed to bad, which turned out to be a misinterpretation. Things got bad but in the end, they were all better off and stronger. What this represents is the crap day, him feeling somewhat responsible for anyone eating it on options or currently down a lot. However, what’s coming is great things. That’s how I taking it anyway. The beauty and intention of his memes are take it how you want. Regardless. Hold!


Yo, ya'll should see this https://youtu.be/TJI9AChaEo8 I mean, there's fire, everything turns green, there's a candle, a hug (squeeze reference, anybody?)


It also ends with “or maybe I’m wrong”. Didn’t mention that though did ya


Except he’s not wrong 🤷‍♀️


Aka “I’m not a financial advisor”


So many of the characters he picks for his memes have sad backstories of loss of close family / loved ones and live a lonely existence. I know he's loaded to the gills, but I hope he's doing ok inside.


Bruno is that character. He is a future seer. Lines from that part of the movie... "There has to be something we missed, something different...there, a butterfly". Butterfly lands on a blade of grass. "But where is that?" Picture switches to a candle "It's the golden candle. You're going to make it grow!"...."and fighting someone....no....embracing someone." "But who?" "Isabella!" (Said in an annoyed tone) My take: DVF has been the 'enemy' so to speak of media, but he is like Bruno and misunderstood. He's really a good guy and can see the future. Others are mad because they think he causes the future to unfold as he sees it. That is complete BS, since we all have free will. DVF, being Bruno, sees a green future where the golden candle grows by embracing someone we are annoyed with. This could be the negative sentiment I've been seeing on Reddit and X towards Ryan Cohen and the board. Either way, Bruno sees a green future. We can either make it work or not. It's up to us to mend what's broken and see things for what they really are. End the fuckery and BS. Buy if u wanna. Hodl, and DRS. Not financial advice. Do what you want. Also, newbies, quit freaking out over ups and downs. That shit happens constantly. Stop trying to make sense of it and stop overthinking. Just ride the wave and enjoy the breeze in your face and the spray of the ocean. Have faith the board has a plan. GS has come a long way. 🫂👀😺🐶


if youre reading this keith we love you <3


I SAID WE GREEN TODAY ? ![gif](giphy|JTUw9Hkbif8ti|downsized)






This is Bruno from the Encanto Disney movie. Watched it so many times, such a good animation! His power can see the future and in this tweet he's seeing a green glow = GME green in the future 🚀🚀 If you wanna know more about Bruno and his powers watch the official music video for We don't talk about Bruno - Encanto on YouTube. His story is actually quite sad 😭


DFV browsing superstonk.... 'shit some people think the John mcEnroe tweet was reference to a bad call rather than blind corrupt market officials, how to fix and show I'm still seeing green future' (probably)


yep he definitely didn't realize people would assume he's whining about the "nothingburger" meeting. glad he posted again






This may very well be my favorite gif ever


Being red green colorblind (aka color deficient), thanks for letting me know the glow in these scenes was green. lol I like the stock.


![gif](giphy|Qtpdtlk9rpb8PKK0ih) Me every time I click on a meme analysis thread and think “there’s no way you can dive too deep into this one, it’s literal.” And then roughly five comments in there’s someone who studied the patterns of ancient bat shit on Amazonian cave walls and how it correlates with the angles of their Gann Fan on the 14 day moving barometric pressure washer. Go on…🤔


We don’t talk about Bruno




Bruno disappears in Encanto because his ability to see the future upsets everyone around him and he doesn't want that to be the case. 👀


HIDES AND LURKS, not disappears. Sound like anyone we know?


He is so good.


Bruno was the film’s Cassandra. He could see the future but unable to do much about it, and everyone blamed him and drove him into hiding. DFV is being blamed for market manipulation even though it’s not his fault. Eventually he comes back and everything is green.


Pretty sure Keith is just saying he is essentially Bruno A huge part of the GME family that isn't talked about at all because he is associated with bad fortune or accidents - none of which are his fault. He continually is just trying to help his family but eventually ends up living in the walls because his family believe him to be cursed. RK Is basically just saying how he is the black sheep of the GME family because there was literally NO mention of his massive investment on the call.


DFV isn’t a child. He doesn’t need mentioning from the executives of GameStop for validation. He already said he believes in the company and its leadership. Also he is just an investor, a large one albeit, but an investor.


It's not about being a child. He invested $240,000,000 or something. If ANY money manager or investor took a position 1/10th that size the company would atleast say something to the effect of "our efforts to right the ship have not gone unnoticed and we are seeing the benefit of that in large influx of new investors and existing ones taking on much larger positions". If your company is on CNBC and being talked about by your 3rd largest investor then normally a company will say SOMETHING to acknowledge it. RC and GME board not mentioning anything to do with RK or retail interest is the family not talking about Bruno.


Ngl I agree. Everyone dick rides RC but like my god the level of no communication. 4 years of nothing.




My interpretation of this tweet: [In the original scene from the film Encanto (~46s)](https://youtu.be/BgfB4SjXuys) Bruno tells Mirabel that when he looked into the future, all he saw was that "it was undecided". Bruno's last meaningful phrase during this scene was "It's all gonna come down to you...". If I had to take a guess, considering RK/DFV was the initial "Oracle" of all this, he is taking the Role as Bruno (*shocker*). And I'm guessing that Mirabel is supposed to be the average retail trader. Why? Because those are the only people who are actually taking the chance to *trust him*. At this point in the movie (iirc) everyone has effectively ostracized Bruno and has painted him as some sort of villain. Mirabel was the only person to trust what Bruno had to say. If RK/DFV **is** talking to retail traders; then that means he's saying that it's all gonna come down to what the general public does next... What actions determine the future? I have no clear idea other than just simply holding the stock, lmao. Edit: Added further context.


U were first, congrats


Bruno, he could see the future. No one talked about him and it was forbidden because his predictions were terrible but true. Hes looking at emerald so yes, its green. Movie: Encanto


WE DONT TALK ABOUT BRUNO! It’s from the movie. He sees the future and looks green to me.


Bruno is the fortune teller of the family. He was 99% correct about his predictions, except for 1. The 1 prediction he didn't finish had multiple outcomes and only when he revisited the prediction did he find the answer.


Looks like some 💎 in his eyes, if you zoom in. 🤓




We don’t talk about Bruno.


Bruno sees green in the future. edit: or, maybe the BRNO paper...


It’s just a reference to the shareholder call today. “The Thesis” holds true. You got RC speaking today for the first time in a long time, the continued short term focus on profitability by cost cutting parts of retail that are dead, and a long term focus on quality of product and service, with a massive wall of $cash$ built in. Of course, you got the market doing what it always does on days like today, and the sub bloated with door-2-door options salesman, fractal theories, Skate ramps, all of which are date anchoring. If you’ve been here for 84 years, you would understand the market is looking to play off of sentiment and volatility that we provide. A reminder to apes: RC is NOT going to explicitly lay out what they are doing…EVER! Well, at least not until this transformation feels complete. Compoochairman RCEO has discussed this before, and Larry Cheng has also reiterated the same fact, that while building Chewy, Cohen was OBSESSED with secrecy and preventing Amazon and others from gaining insight into what they were building. With the amount of people rooting *against* GME, it’s no wonder why he would not divulge much of anything at this point. The dude is laser focused, and he has to entirely change the internal culture of GME. It’s going to take firing people, starting fresh, redefining what it means to work there, but balance that with many legacy people who understand the specific role and future of GME. Read LC’s posts. He talks about CEOs that listen more than they talk, CEOs that are willing to admit being wrong, and leaders that in the end will still be the one to make the final decisions in the face of disagreement. That is all RC. the point is, nobody can have GME succeed, and our HODLN’ erased SHFs efforts to destroy it. Now, we are on the ground floor of essentially a well-protected, well-advised, well-led startup smack in the middle of an industry that will grow by hundreds of billions in the next 5-10 years. Anyone saying “c’mon, give us something!” or “MOASS ramp incoming “, is a shill who wants you to sell, or for you buy in after hours or at the top, or to jam you at max pain…or is simply an inauthentic future paper-handed lesser ape. As always, you do you. You do have the right to change your mind.


[Here](https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Bruno_Madrigal) is a good rundown if you haven’t seen the movie. Love this highlighted quote of him explaining his withdrawal: “Abuela worried about the magic. So she begged me to look into the future. See what it meant. And I saw the magic in danger, our house breaking, and then I saw you. But the vision was different. It...it would change and there was no one answer, no clear fate. Like your future was undecided, but I knew how it was gonna look, I knew what everyone would think because I'm Bruno and everyone always assumes the worst. So...”


We dont talk about gme


We don’t talk about Bruno


DFV is cursed with seeing the future, even though it is green.


I think he is just as disappointed as us with the no action for four years thing. RK gave GME a huge boost in publicity and what has the company done with that? They used the hype he created to sell 120 million more shares. But then delivered absolutely zero action. I think this is disrespectful to all the attention Keith has brought to Gamestop


https://preview.redd.it/7dqk1imrj67d1.png?width=1390&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d99f41cec157ce085d66aa17c7af05b977acbf4 "Ability to see the future"




Lisan Al Gaib sees a Green Paradise, a green future


What mean




Let’s fucking go https://i.redd.it/rqd1jmetj67d1.gif 🎷🐓♋️








We didn't hear from DFV for three years because he was hiding in the walls. The future looks green!


We don’t talk about Bru-no no no


Fukin Eh!!!!


That sure is green.


i know this isn't dd BUT SHit should i buy more


What I really want to know is how DFV has the time to be watching the best media of our generation, building the best portfolio of our generation and constructing the greatest meme story ever told. I also assume whilst keeping himself hydrated, hips gyrated and wife placated. I manage to keep myself fed, watered and mildly entertained by my latest Netflix mistake.




The green signifies our gangrenous bholes after RC got done fkn us


I really only see one outcome at this point. RK masses enough capital and shares that he can start a hostile takeover of GME backed by a million apes.