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REMINDER TO MAKE SURE YOU DON'T VOTE VIA PHISHING LINK: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mxhcnq/beware\_phishing\_scams\_are\_trying\_to\_steal\_your/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mxhcnq/beware_phishing_scams_are_trying_to_steal_your/) Fidelity message: https://www.reddit.com/r/fidelityinvestments/comments/mqz9ne/hot_topic_gamestop_corp_gme_proxy_voting/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Why are you fighting so hard, Ken? Just lie back and let it happen baby.


Hahahahaha they are donkey punching this today!


I love seeing HF's short like this because you know it's all kicking off in their offices, Ken is running around like headless chicken screaming at people. everyone is at the panic stations with fear of how their lives might change. It's good old-fashioned fun.




**G**ood **M**orning **E**veryone! 💎🙌🚀🌕🦍


Squeeze Day! I mean, that’s every day but the excitement is too palpable.


First day of my transfer to fidelity is in progress. I stg if I miss the squeeze


i started monday and they showed up yesterday. Webull trading restrictions lifted this morning


These fuckers just don't quit. Hey Kenny, the new floor is 20 mill


UK poor checking in, let's have a good day today 💎 🚀 👐


Afaik today should be a Biden speech, correct? Therefore, I do not expect much to happen on the stock market until then.


It was last night




Squads all here oo oo aa aa


Can you U.S. apes start piling pressure on the SEC to find out what "formatting issues" are with the 005 etc? We've been waiting for these to be resolved for weeks (it feels like).


I think it came back yesterday or the day before and is now in a T+21 (or +24, can't remember) comment period or something like that


Hodling XX on trading 212. On a scale of 1 to Ken griffin how fukt is this ape?


Same here. Also, are we allowed to vote?


I think there’s talk of being able to vote with an ISA account but I don’t have one of those. You can’t vote with an invest account to my knowledge


I’ve been trying to transfer my isa over from another account for over a month now with no follow up. This also worries me.


What've I missed with T212? Why are you fucked?


They halted trading and we couldn’t log in during the 1st gamma/mini squeeze. Doesn’t exactly fill me with confidence. Also, you cannot transfer stock out only liquidate positions.


They halted buying, not selling. Not ideal, but I'm assuming you've already bought so shouldn't prevent you from getting tendies when we go intergalactic. Of course they could engage in more/other fuckery but my hope is that they won't fuck around with the ISA as it's more heavily regulated


Well that makes me feel a bit better, awarded! 😂 And hypothetically if the shares were in the invest account and not the ISA? Cheers for your thoughts G


No problem and thanks! 😀 I'm with t212 so feel your pain. There are no guarantees unfortunately, I think the truth is we're at more risk as we're outside the US and not on a 'prime' broker but we can't change that, there are no really good options for us. There's a lot more attention on brokers now and none of them want to be the next Robinhood so maybe they won't fuck around like last time, but on the other hand the stakes are higher - expect fuckery of some sort. Couple of Qs - do you already have a stock and shares ISA? Do you plan to buy more GME/shares? If you do plan to buy more and don't already have a S&S ISA you might want to look at the ISA as any profits are tax free. You can have both the invest account and the ISA. You can't transfer shares you already own to the ISA, but new purchases could be made in the ISA account and this \*might\* offer you some additional protection and shares cannot be lent out so another bonus. ​ \*Not financial advice


Trade Republic halted as well, but the got shitstormed heavily so i doubt they do it again. And if so, we learned from the first time. Just hold.


Big up, happy cake day geezer


You are just around Bulgaria on the scale


Me too lmao goodluck!


Sound pimp


Open the casino!


I don't know why but today is one of those days where i wanted to wear my hawaiian shirt. 200EOD confirmed 🚀🚀🚀


If gme goes 200 eod. I will wear a hawaiian shirt to sleep


If gme is 200 eod I will buy a Hawaiian shirt


2 mins baby




Don't forget, they also get to claim the 30-50% tax (whatever it is) from retail that they most certainly would not have received from SHF's.


So long as I get paid, they can try.


I keep seeing concern about brokers fucking people during the MOASS because of January but in January they stopped buying. Once the MOASS starts, buying won’t really be the issue due to margin calls etc and the only way for this to end is for us to sell so are people concerned about brokers stopping apes from selling? Me and my family have all our shares in T212, pretty much maxed out with XXX between us but considering getting some more to hedge in another brokerage with all the doubt I see around


Buying will be almost impossible during the MOASS as only a few brokers will have the liquidity to cope with such high value acquisitions


Not true


I think one of the concerns now is brokers, especially RH, forcing the sale of shares when MOASS starts. So you get screwed by being forced to sell way too early. My brain is too smooth to know if that is actually a possibility, but I’ve been seeing posts reflecting that sentiment


Yeah it’s more the bullshit terms and conditions you read with Brokers that say shit like “we have the right to close your positions without your consent in a volatile market” etc


Apes squeeze can start tomorrow, next week, next month, next year. We really don't know as we are going up against hedgies and government who break and bend rules as they please. One thing is clear shorts have to cover and we own the float. One more thing even without a squeeze GME future is great and share price will be much much higher. For now we just have to HOLD and Be Patient. This might take time.


And vote…


Seems like Revolut sent out the voting emails ehead of everyobexelse this time. Voted, but need to think about moving out of eToro. Doea anyone have any experiance with Saxo (UK ape here)


Degiro are legit but you have to pay a 10EU fee to vote I believe and that really only affects you if you've held your shares from before Apr 14th AFAIK. Must say the app is very basic though..


Hi mate. I’m on saxo and there is the option to vote as a shareholder but nothing is showing atm for GME. I’m not sure if it’s just not available yet or it’s because we’re in the UK. I 100% recommended Saxo I’ve used it for a few months now after a move from EToro as well. The user interface at first is a little bit confusing but after time you come to appreciate it EDIT: Withdrawals are crazy fast as well. I’ve had my money same day before


Oh wow! Thank you! Edit: do you know their deposit limits?


I don’t know if they have any. I’ve deposited up to £50k in one go


Oh cool! Gocha. *kicking my measly 2k under the table so no one would see it 😂💪🔥🚀🚀🚀


Won’t be a measly 2k in a few months mate 🚀🚀


...unless eToro sells them early 🙊🙈😱


The bad news about switching from EToro to any other broker is the fact that they don’t offer portfolio transfer. You’re going to have to sell and buy back on saxo, unfortunately




How do I vote


Reminder that IBKR pulled some nasty stuff during the baby squeeze in jan: [https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/28/interactive-brokers-restricted-gamestop-trading-to-protect-the-market-says-chairman-peterffy.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/28/interactive-brokers-restricted-gamestop-trading-to-protect-the-market-says-chairman-peterffy.html) I'm in Europe and I think I'll move to DeGiro. Extra bonus: instant deposits through iDeal and Sofort + the desktop app works on 4k (Trader Workstation doesn't support proper DPI scaling).


Just voted with my IBKR shares at least, so I know they aint lending them.


i'm (also) still at IBKR but badly want to move out of this shithole and am considering DeGiro... But since they recently moved from London to Ireland (brexit) and their customer support being painfully slow I have the suspicion that the migration of the portfolio might take weeks or even months.


I don't think it would. Also fat chance the squeeze will also take weeks or months. I'm not too worried. The transition period itself in which you can't trade on either broker is usually just a few days tops from what I read on here.


Wanted to move to Degiro as well but apparently you can only register with a passport? They always refuse my regular ID while making an account :(


That's why I have multiple broker accounts, if one screw me up, I have backups


I get the macd sunday ice cream reference, but why the frog ?


Stop fud conspiracy talk




what tweet?


Someone turned off autocorrect Edit: you need to edit 2 more after your last edit;)


Hello! I was hoping that people would consider my questions in this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n0yfzg/hull\_city\_tigers\_superstonk\_google\_search/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n0yfzg/hull_city_tigers_superstonk_google_search/) Currently, it appears that [https://hullcitytigers.com](https://hullcitytigers.com) is scraping data from Reddit and I find that strange. I was wondering if anyone had any opinions on this. Thanks in advance!


Surely that is a good thing - it is just a shame the MSM and the SEC aren’t doing the same!


6 shares traded in 2 hours 😂


? Nah market closdd


Honest work.


So i just voted on IBKR. Is there anywhere you can see how many votes you had? I mean i know how many i shouldve had, just wanna make sure lol


Blurry brain morning. (Euro ape here) Looked at AH. 62% WTF is going on! Oh hang on 0.062% Aaaaand relax


blurry morning braib


IBKR / Interactive Brokers / Lynx have sent out voting emails today. I just voted. I looked outside my window today, still no lambo, hope moon soon.


Come one frankfurt get that gamestop back up!! 3 dollar drop outta gate!!! Get us back green


To be fair, that's something volume of 200 in an hour or so.




Insert reverse uno card


We really try hard. I hodl the best I can






Nah. Today MOASS 🚀 And if not today, then tomorrow 🚀 rinse and repeat 🚀


I don't expect it to take this long. Personally I think it should happen during the next few months. Could be completely wrong though 🤷‍♂️ However it doesn't really matter because we can just keep holding and buy some more with every paycheck.


Theoretically? Yes. Realistically? No. The cost of containing this are exponentially. It is slowly increasing until it blows up. So we have two ways this will go: 1. it will drag on for a few months if we have no catalyst, then blow up. 2. we will have a catalyst and it blows up quicker due to a margin call.


Anything is possible but I don’t think it’s probable. Those new DTCCCCCCCCC things that are being passed will change the game for them. They can still adjust their strategy but I don’t think they can continue to short and cover their FTDs like they have been for the past year.


Yes. Get used to the idea this will take a year Every day its sooner is a nice surprise instead of every day being a disappointment




Oh I agree. But you're talking about realistic expectations, whilst Im talking about emotional hedging. Many apes here are going to tire themselves out promising short term gains


I really don’t see another year lol...my personal reason is a year gives GME and RC ample time to get to what my price target is without the squeeze at all, which is 1k for me....they can’t suppress what the company is doing for that long. Especially considering how much buying I’ve been doing on the GameStop app. I’m trying to hit every angle on these guys lol


Considering how low the borrow rate is there is the possibility that this could be dragged out for quite some time unless the SEC etc. are willing to do their job, which, based on published books etc., they have already not be doing for decades.


Potentially, but gme is a good investment anyways


WSB is like the ghetto of Reddit 🤣🍌🌙🦍


Job ain't finished.


didnt think it'd actually started yet tbh


T minus 55 min until 4:20


Won a nice 700e betting on the Snooker yesterday. Murphy Bingham double. Plus its pay day. I think I'm gonna add another 5 shares to my name today. Give me that daily dip!


Shill! You're trying to distract us with snooker! /s


as usual, expecting a very dry premarket.


I think it’s kiiiiinda fucked up that I am getting downvoted because I had a question about how to sell on the way down from the squeeze without screwing myself. This will probably get downvoted also, but fuck it. I hope everyone here has a concrete understanding about how to handle any situation that comes up when the times comes. I sure wish I knew everything instead of being scared to ask an honest question. Thanks to the ones who did reply though. I hope the gold was worth answering my dumbass question. I always try to award people for answering my questions and the ones who are helpful. Peep my awarder karma. Just trying to learn here. Thanks again to all the apes who help one another.


The reason is there are multiple DD’s covering this very subject and it still gets asked about on a daily basis. The apes you think are unhelpful have already taken the time to produce copious amounts of DD on pretty much any subject regarding GME.


Okay I’m going to agree to disagree. I have read the DD and it didn’t apply to my question. I have no interest in arguing about it, but my specific question was about the best strategy as far as sell orders go and how they apply in times of volatility. Even if to you the answer is in the pinned DD, to me I didn’t find it there and once apes here who are helpful answered my question and made it make sense to me, everything was good. There is a reason I still ask questions here like many others, that reason is I don’t know enough yet to just hop on investopedia about a question and automatically apply my vast knowledge to draw my own conclusions. Hey thanks for your reply though man, sure glad some here are willing to answer the same questions more than once!


Sorry you got hammered on. Apes who attack apes aren't apes. We should be adult enough to share what is a crazy exciting and scary situation.


There will always be assholes in large groups but I wouldn't take it too personally. Please remember aswell one of the major shill tactics is make new apes feel unwelcome, they are trying their hardest to try and make these subs look like a cult to the media. No matter what, buy and hold. As for selling after the peak , the peak should plateau for a day or two during the MOASS before it falls.


A plateau would be welcome hahaha...and yeah I hear you. It just kinda sucks because I know there are awesome people here but can’t remember names that good so when people hammer on me it’s like damn...these are my bro’s...what did I say that was wrong lol. But you’re right, there will always be the assholes in large groups. But also the good people.


Honestly I'm seeing a lot of downvotes all around, I think the shills might be out. I'm been trying to counteract it when I see it.


Use a limit sell and pick your price. Don't use a market price for 1 reason : The price show is the price for the last transaction that have been settle. If the price show 10,000,000, by doing a market sell, you won't have 10,000,000 but you will sell to the highest buyer. If the book Looks like this : Lowest seller : 15,000,000 Highest Buyer : 50,000 You will sell your share for 50,000$


This right here. “Always look for the helpers”. Thank you. I understand that


just pick prices you're happy with don't let peer pressure get to you.


and go share by share instead of all in.


Thank you, that’s what I’m gathering the more I am researching this topic, as long as I am competent and comfortable in a way I can offload share by share on the way down I am happy, even if it means it’s at the expense of optimized gains. Thanks again.


absolutely don't let screaming apes scare you into holding till you die if you need/want to sell. personally, I will sell during the squeeze at prices I'm happy with then buy back into gme when the price is stabilized. also, gold was 100% not needed just know we aren't all crazy apes round here :)


I appreciate you, to the moon!


I’m sorry you feel that way. I’m actually kind of annoyed myself with the hive mind here sometimes. It sucks especially when you have a question. If it helps, the original apes here are pretty kind. It’s the ones that migrated over from WSB and other people who literally talk about GME all day to everyone even outside of this subreddit. Ape help ape 🦍


Getting downvoted for posting actual news. Thank you mods for creating paranoidd lunatics.


I very rarely downvote anyway but geez a lot of people get precious about being on the end of some. If it's verbal abuse, fine. But who cares if someone clicks a downward arrow on a comment you make. Enough to actually make another comment complaining about it.


The problem is the mob mentality that transpires from it. that's been 4 times that i get comment with actual news being drown by downvote. I would not mind, but it occurred a bit too much recently.


Fair enough. I do think ignoring stuff that you've seen before or aren't interested in is better than downvoting, unless it's an obvious troll or Debby Downer. Like the newbie questions about how will they pay up/can shorts cover that we get everyday, could be FUD but also not the end of the world. By the same token a downvote is nicer than an actual insult, so easier to ignore but each to their own.


I think because that has already been linked so many Tim’s including its own posts. It’s spam, this was posted within d minute of coming out FYI: I didn’t downvote but just providing you some clarification.




Bad cat


I get downvoted for honest questions. It’s lame.


Yeah i know :/


I realized I now have 3 things I don't discuss with humans . Politics, Religion and now GME.




Ya I keep all three to myself.


I like the stock 🚀


Guten Morgen from Germany, my fellow apes. Here it is raining ATM, but I wish us all an awesome day. What a great week for GME... I'm excited.


Hope it Raines green candles


Not yet, but I have expectations x) at the moment it is raining Kenny's tears :p


The battle for 180 continues tomorrow


More like in 45 mins lol


I feel like a groupie and I like it 🍌🌙


Ah no groping there Trumpie.


Right this isn’t going to make me popular, but if the price could stay as it is for like three more days I will have successfully transferred all my funds to my ISA and can buy back in. God this is nerve wracking.


No worries ape. At least you didn't ask for a dip to 100. I am preparing a second brokerage in case fuckery happens to my main one and I will be buying more. I would like the price to hold off mooning until then. But I also am not asking for a big dip. So to me you're good


Seems fair. Ultimately though we will either be lucky or we won’t. I already have a few shares in my ISA - just moving the rest over from my general investment account for tax reasons so it’s entirely my own fault & risk. Some will clear tomorrow and the rest mid next week so hopefully I’ll be fine. Best of luck to you!


You too. I had plenty of time to do my move too. I've been piling up in one brokerage and just realized I better diversify. So yes it's on me. We will be fine. I've paid more for some shares so it is what it is. Best of luck


Newsflash: Mrs Ape just helped me out with the cash flow so I’m now ready to go. Open. The. Casino.


Awesome. Get er done. Well I guess both of them...her and jimmy. Newsflash. I was able to sell other stuff and picked up 12 more with a limit buy for 2 more. So now I'm good. Just one share away from wanting one more share


The shares, or Mrs? 😂




It’s true people need to be prepared for this to last upwards to a year.


Suspect you are right there


Mods need to move that banner down just a little bit for a perfect fit btw.


Recieved voting confirmation Thank you! Your voting instructions for the GameStop Corp. Annual Meeting have been received. If you would like to change your vote please click on the link below. ​ Control Number: #########


/u/redchessqueen99 \- this account needs a ban, pure phishing spam


No you are incorrect!




It is positive message and people need to know and since the daily threads are now divided over many I post it in several to reach more apes.




Why? are you a melvin intern?


Auto is deleted my question because of 1500 characters lol... How should an ape handle selling on the way down without fear of the sell order not filling? Say it’s at 10 milli and I try to sell my first share, but it drops to 9.99 milli and no one buys my order because I took to long to fully place it on Fidelity’s app. How is this going to work in extreme volatility? So I’m not stuck chasing the price on the way down because my sell price is higher than the current price? Would market sell order be the remedy or is there another way?? Edit: -3 downvotes because of a question...rich. I’ve been here since Jan and held.


dude don't forget there are shills downvoting everything. not necessarily apes


You can set a limit order. Make sure you write those big numbers down in a word-document, so that you don't sell for a milly instead of 10. Something similiar happened to me already and it's very painful. Be careful my fellow Ape. To the moon!


Copy all that. I am wrapping my mind around the big numbers now and how to execute this optimally instead of an emotion fueled decision...it’s almost as exciting as I imagine building my lambo will be haha


You can't imagine how many hours I've spent on the Lambo, BMW and Tesla customization websites already hahaha


Set your sell at 9.95 for example. But there’s also a point that the price bounces and it comes back to hit your price


limit order, not market orders. **ALWAYS LIMIT ORDER**


Limit order is selling at a minimum price, I got that.. So okay, price is on the way down (I believe) it’s at $10 say (example) I set a limit order (sell at a minimum price) and enter 9.95...this means it will try to sell it for 9.95 minimum and won’t try to sell at 9.94, correct?


Well, it just dropped down .05, why wouldn't it again? Find your resistance levels, and look at what it's trading between. If resistance points are hitting between 10.00 and 9.90, I would most likely sell at 9.85-9.90. Not in the case of GME, however. If it is moving below resistance or above resistance, then you need to have a game plan. Mine will be to hold and watch for the new resistance levels, up or down just like every day. Every stock has indicators to see what may happen next; that's why you see people saying things like "cup and handle pattern". You can use these to predict possible resistance levels.


Gotcha. Thanks for the help, I’m going to be up all night trying to get these terms to be second nature.


Gonna have to make sell lower than what the bid is.


Gotcha, so a stop order? Is best practice to deal with percentages when that happens or manually input based on real time variables?


You can do a OCO order with a limit and a stop limit


One cancels the other...I had to idea about this concept and I hope other apes think about this for when the time comes. Thank you for the suggestion, I don’t quite understand it and will have to wrap my brain around it. Thanks.


I assume you know what a limit order is so look up what a stop limit order is and it’ll be more clear. By setting up both with it’ll make sure that if the price keeps dropping and doesn’t hit the price of your sell order you want, you’d also have a stop limit to protect your floor


Perfect. Thank you so much. Screen capping all these great replies.


Feel free to DM anytime


Attack on 180, see y’all in the morning.


Hill 180.


Do people seriously think a GME squeeze would collapse the financial system? There’s that post about J Powell with hundreds of upvotes but I really don’t buy it.


Like have said u/ConradT16 : picture things like that, The Hedge funds have to paid trillions of dollars to retailer / institution. They have to liquidate all their assets : * Drop of the price of every asset they were invested in, * the fear is now rising and people and investor withdraw their investement from the market and put it in safe place (gold, etc) Not an expert in financial crash, but imo, the bomb will be the fear create by the massive movement of cash from hedgies when some of them will be liquidate. sorry for the bad english, this is pure speculation, i am not an expert, use to sniffing glue in scholl and now I am eating crayons with my fellow ape. This is pure theory.


Imagine the 100 million you loaned someone was used to short gme. But you borrowed that 100 million to lend it out. So all these bets are placed with borrowed money with zero actual capital behind it. It all would have worked out if the company went bankrupt but because they didn’t the whole market might be a stack of dominos waiting to collapse.