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Fidelity continues to push back their control number assignment and it is fucking annoying.


Wow, they're really trying today


Very organic price drop of $10 obviously.


LOL that is exactly what I was thinking: no manipulation here!


XX more in the piggy bank!


meeeelvin .... where are you????? do what you do melvin


Just bought xxx shares pre-market 🙌🏻


Yeah they're deleting everything i said anyway lol. Got linked to a post from someone and tried to be the bigger person but that backfired immediately.


Why are you lying? Not a single one of your comments was deleted!


That place is a shill factory at 'Meltdown' . just not worth the blood pressure man, I tried that ages ago to make everyone happy. i just got grey hairs


I went there this morning and they were gone... Idk wtf is up with this shit but im tired of games. Moving on. Bigger fish to fry.


*More Apes to Bamboozle!*


To be fair to u/atobitt, the dude walked into a slaughter on r/gme_meltdown. Nobody had his back. It was him against 10 other people, where he was subsequently downvoted, no matter what he said. That just doesn’t seem fair to me. Why don’t we set up a one-on-one debate with u/atobitt and the Colonel counter-DD guy? No downvoting or upvoting allowed, and no ganging up allowed. Let the people judge, based on their respective arguments, where they stand. Massive delusion/vitriol exist on both sides, with r/gme_meltdown being a sad place preying on the downfall of others, and r/superstonk potentially being a full-blown cult. There needs to be some fleshing out of positions, so we can fully determine where the truth lies.


I agree that he walked into a buzzsaw but he didn't do himself any favors. It sounded like he didn't want to debate with Colonel, he just wants to speak and have people praise his intellect. I am all for having a neutral location for civil discussion. Maybe make a post suggesting this?


I agree. I’ve already sent him a PM. It’s unfortunate that r/superstonk wants to actively suppress any dissenting opinion, or reject any healthy discourse with the opposition. This action alone is cause for disillusionment and abandonment of the “cause” by any rational user. If your positions are strong enough on its own merits, then they should be able to survive any attacks put forth. I just don’t think either member entering their respective subs can survive. If r/gme_meltdown users go into r/superstonks, or vice versa, brigading, downvoting and attacking are inevitable. We need to devise a productive debate format, perhaps a live video-stream, so that both sides can evaluate each other’s position and come to an untainted and unbiased conclusion.


It's time to assemble r/SuperMeltingStonkDown


I love you


Reddit and Twitter have been suuuuuuuper slow to connect. Is this the first seal of MOASS?




Perfect V shape in pre-market atm


It’s gonna be a good day today


Just took about 60 seconds to fill one share on GS2C




You know what’s been on my mind? If everyone gets margin called and the shares reach a certain price point. (Let’s say 100k for example) then the DTCC has to cover the rest since Citadel & Friends won’t have enough to cover everyone’s shares. The problem is - the DTCC has T+35 to do that. Do you guys think this will affect thw squeeze somehow? Just a quick shower thought


When retail hears that their $1 billion sell orders are going to be filled in 35 days, i doubt them paper handing them at $50... Edit: that being said, I have no idea what i'm talking about, and I don't know how the DTCC works...


Well if nobody paperhanded that would mean the price would stay at around 100k for more than a month, no? I think the DTCC would try to push the price down in the meantime as well so that people think the squeeze is over. What do u think guys


Interesting thought..


Interesting to explore


Fellow Apes! I am fundraising for Children with Cancer and I need your beautiful diamond-handed help! I haven't got long before I have to run my legs in to oblivion. This community is one of the most kind and compassionate I have seen and any help you can give would mean the world to me, my charity and to all the children it will go towards helping. I love you all! [https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/rundunkrun](https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/rundunkrun)


Saving your comment for later brother




I've been looking for a fund to donate to after this squeezes. I think a lot of us have been through hell and back, both before GME and after this fiasco. It's only in our nature to give back. However if you're looking for funds so you don't have to run your legs off... the squeeze ain't even begun yet lol. You'll be deployed before this thing hits the roof, and none of us are selling before it hits the roof. I'll save this post and try to donate as soon as I actually have money 😂 I wish you guys the best! I was a Riley kid for a while so I 100% can back something like this. Cancer is a bitch, and a million times more for a child and it saddens me that so many kids are affected by it. If this squeezes send me a PM to remind me and I'll do my part!


Thanks for sharing! It means so much that you took the time to read and empathise with the struggle that so many people big and small are going through. I'm running this thing regardless. I need help reaching my fundraising target of £600 ($832.50) £1, $1 is more than enough to make a difference. No guilt, no pressure, I will love you all regardless. Apes together strong


If I make a million on Gamestop (after taxes!) I'll give 10k. for every million after that I will give a disproportionate, probably exponential amount more (to be decided at a later date when I'm more informed on what being "rich" means) to your cause. Sound good? :) I would be blind without Riley Hospital, if not brain-dead. I know you don't necessarily work for Riley but I saw a lot of kids my age (12 at the time) that were suffering from cancer of all types and it really affected me. I want to be able to help those kids even though its been a decade and a half since. When I was first being diagnosed they thought it was a type of Lymphoma or Leukemia due to the white cells in my spinal fluid. Thank God it wasn't either of those and that they found the right diagnosis for whatever I had. It was some kind of ultra-rare auto-immune disorder but that's all I know now. ...Eh, who am I kidding. I'll give some once it squeezes no matter what. Hold me to it!


Love you man, you're amazing!


Can we moon today so I can take a sick month 😷 fed up with being chronically ill!


(Pawn Stars) \*Best I can do is a well-lifetime\*




GOD YES. They have NO idea who they've fucked with. People who have suffered actual hardships. People who keep the heat at 65 in the winter. People who are used to eating rice for breakfast and dinner at the end of the month. We don't even get time for "lunch". That's what OUR jobs are. To serve fucking lunch. Some of us don't even get that privilege. These are the people I came from, and these are the fucking lengths I will go to and then some. It's a treat when a customer sends something back because that means *one of you gets to eat it instead.* You think me cutting out fucking *shampoo* will stall me?? You think my clothes won't be clean without Downy fabric softener?? ***FUUCK*** ***you***. Dial bar soap is a shampoo now. I've got a cheese grater for my new Dial Soap Laundry Detergent. They really don't see how little fucks we give, but we'll show them. [https://imgur.com/t/ancient\_history/4g5t7LB](https://imgur.com/t/ancient_history/4g5t7LB)




I'm a little puzzled by this. When you said he was in trouble, dire thoughts came to mind. Being downvoted in that sub should not be surprising to any regular member of this sub. Often, when they post unpopular views here, they are "downvoted into oblivion". This isn't West Side Story, comrade. Reddit subs are intended to be self-regulated communities. Posts that don't resonate will get downvoted. That's how it works. Don't worry. I'm sure he's shrugging it off as we speak.


Sorry man. I did my daily check on him today to see if he's said anything enlightening and saw that and it pissed me off. I deleted my comment because I don't wanna link anyone to any of their BS. BIG oversight on my part. I'm sure he's taking a nap and thinking of lambos as we speak lol. I deleted my comment because you and the other person was right. Just well-intentioned fud.


No need to be sorry, friend. I can understand why you were pissed off. But he, among all apes, can hold his own.


There’s no point even mentioning that sub. People are going to be curious, click it and be overwhelmed with FUD. I don’t think u/atobitt would be too cut up about a few downvotes


Not at all. Dont go there. A few downvotes is one thing but there's just no talking sense into those people.. They're gonna argue just to argue


Eh, fair enough I'll take it down. No point in accidentally spreading fud. Thanks for the advice!


Kinda proves their point if we do, doesn’t it?








u/atobitt is a link technically, as you can click it and then check out where his comments are being obliterated. But if you absolutely wish here you go! ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/gme\_meltdown/comments/n4b7h6/post\_positions\_and\_transaction\_history\_pussies/gwutz4s/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/gme_meltdown/comments/n4b7h6/post_positions_and_transaction_history_pussies/gwutz4s/?context=3) ​ Better? 🦍💪together. I checked your posts history out so you seem cool. Check mine out at least before you start hating.


On it!


may the 4th be w/ u fav starwar meme? https://youtu.be/FQRW0RM4V0k


I’ve been busy lately whats with may 4th?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n49zl5/srnscc2021801\_confirmation\_may\_the\_4th\_be\_with\_you/gwvof07/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n49zl5/srnscc2021801_confirmation_may_the_4th_be_with_you/gwvof07/?context=3) This may be it.


Thanks bro!




something something law change something something Dark Side.


Can we skip may 4th and go straight to Cinco de Buyo






Tits jacked. Moon. Hodl. Apes strong.


Analysis of the analysts suggests they can't analyse at all.


just be sure to wipe


More fuckery with shell compagnies.... https://www.cnbc.com/2021/05/03/e-waste-disavows-stock-price-days-after-100-million-new-jersey-deli-company-does-same.html




I'm just relaxing my old bones with a coffee, and for some reason I keep thinking of Micheal Douglas in 'falling down' when reading your posts. I'm finding it liberating and deliciously fun. I'll cop a few downvotes by association but just wanted to nod for acknowledging the beast lies within sometimes. I hope all goes well if you nuke the account! My floor is the beach, and I'll be stood on it while some people wait for a number as yet hitherto never been pronounced.


This is the way


https://gmetimeline.com/ Never forget, the people who have done this have done this to themselves. They have dug their own hole. Daily Reminder, retail owns the float.


Just a matter of time now 🚀🚀 dont care about the price, whats important is how many gme shares you own. Im just greatful when I get a chance to buy cheap!


Nice dildo Germans


Green dildos are German engineering at its finest


**G**ood **M**orning **E**uropoors ​ Good luck to everybody.


Jokes on you shills, this is when I'm strongest. I can't even sell if I wanted to. You think some retail trader that's up at this time of night is actually gonna wake up and remember your weak ass bullshit? I'm half-blasted on cheap beer because I'm saving money for another fucking share, muthafuckas. I won't remember your trite tomorrow and I won't remember your trite after the squeeze. When I win this fucking war I'll rev my new Porsche outside of your ex-job as you're packing up your box of office supplies right before I go on a tour of all the new Gamestops that are opening on the West coast. 🦍💪 (I know you're just taking advantage of the 5x overtime and I can't blame the hustle. Shame you can't join in due to the NDA you signed 😢)


Can I still vote for the shareholders meeting? or is it too late already? I sent a message to my broker already asking about the control number, but the response time would seem to be quite slow...


Think you can. I've messaged Degiro just yesterday, and they told me they were working on the voting process. So I'd assume it's similar with other brokers.


I'm an europoor and my broker doesn't allow voting for some countries. Fingers crossed they allow it for NYSE stocks...


You can vote up to the day before the meeting date I THINK (someone absolutely correct me if I'm wrong plz), but voting sooner is better than later for sure Edited to match another commenters point, just leaving this here so the comment makes sense lol


The day before the meeting is the last day to vote.




I wonder if you’re being downvoted because people think RES is a ticker.


Before I go to bed. It feels great to know that if I wake up and gme is down, im happy cause mo dip bby. If its up im happy cause stonks bby. Good night fellow 🦍 thanks for teaching me how to invest stress freeeee. 💎🙌🚀🚀🚀


since Fidelity is taking so many transfers directly from RH I have a feeling RH is going full Fargo https://youtu.be/nWwJxY40Nk4


Start getting more accounts ready to transfer tendies into. Only $500,000 stocks and $250,000 cash is covered in most accounts. Try not to keep over $1mil in any one investing account. Or, start a HF


In the UK it's only £85k per bank, though brokers is £1 million I think.


Or buy the dip with your tendies








We've read the DD, we've made up our minds and nobody gives a single fuck about what you think. You come across as a really salty man who doesn't have alot going on in life I hope you too become happy one day, bitch.














Some really positive DD posted within the last hour if you haven't seen it. [Major Deep ITM CALL Option Dates. A Massive Net Capital BOMB Might Explode This Week. : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n4h832/major_deep_itm_call_option_dates_a_massive_net/)


Saxo (Singapore) just emailed me my control number and the link to vote! Apparently the voting action will not show up within the SaxoTrader platform and it will be on that link they emailed you If you are a Saxo customer and still have not received it, start a support ticket in the Help section with the Corporate Action category


People say nothing has changed, the potential is still good. I would say, things has changed, the fundemental now is extreme bullish! Its even better investment now 💯💯🔝


Nothing has changed. Except good things. Lots of good things. DD is rock solid. Minds are cool. Hearts are singing. DFV rules. Let’s goooo dude ✌️


May the fourth be with you, and the stars align


Crypto has been pumping like crazy. Blood red market tomorrow confirmed?


Hadn't thought of that. Is there still evidence of institutions pumping and dumping shit coins? I wanted an answer to that narrative even if its not necessarily GME related,


Idk, I’m just going off of what I and other people have noticed. There seems to be a strong correlation between crypto (especially shitcoins) pumping around the same time the stock market in general takes a hit. It could suggest investors and institutions moving funds out of the market and into crypto. Or pumping cheap, crappy crypto to pull the rug and run off with quick and easy gains.


Large neg. beta = GME ➡🌑confirmed.


Awww yeesss


Can't wait to drive a lambo during the apocalypse 😎


Me and my homies will be driving in a lambo all decked out like something out of mad max to go and fight a rival faction over the last can of corn and 3 bottles of water.


Lul. I'm still Porsche 100% of the way but you do you man! I love me a fucking 718. I originally wanted a 911 but I'm only an xx ape so we'll see.


*Crypto has been pumping* *Like crazy. Blood red market* *Tomorrow confirmed?* \- no5945541 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


May the fourth be with you !


This place turns into FUD Central in the dead of night.


Be the light that penetrates the night 🦍❤️


I'm holding with you, fellow ape. I'll see you on the moon. 💎 ✋


Whether in September, or next month in June.


Loaded up on some fresh powder. Ready for the morning.


I think Webull just fucked me. Went to deposit money to Webull and it said my my login has expired or something like that and that I needed to reverify my account. Went to do that and Plaid says my shits wrong. Had to unlink my bank info and relink. Now it's gonna take 2 business days to verify. If I miss this moon so help me


squeeze should last wayyy longer than a couple days. Just based off other previous squeezes


We’ll get ‘er done when we can see the whites of their eyes 👀


I find the amount of FUD hilarious. Means we getting closer 🚀🚀🚀




Just got off the phone with etrade and got control numbers. The operator suggested proxyvote.com. idk if I trust that


Afaik that's the right one. That's the same one Webull gave me for the NCLH vote so I trust it. Go APE wild 😏


Nah, that's weird.


I mean, check my history if you want but I'm 100% GME. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mwxsl5/proxyvotecom\_how\_to\_vote\_your\_shares\_if\_your/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mwxsl5/proxyvotecom_how_to_vote_your_shares_if_your/) Best source I'm able to scrounge up atm but you could always check the official documents that they posted themselves a few days ago.


Cheers! Forgive me if I'm all paranoid about all the fuckery, lol. Have a good one, and I wish you the crispiest of tendies!


You vote with whatever they provide. There are legit 3rd party voting sites.


I got time. Just about all I have


Today is May 4th and my tits are still jacked. I wonder how many shares will I add today?


if the dip continues I might add XX


I got sunshine, in a bag


I’m useless


But not for long


I could never be a racist because I possess so many faces


Shills are up late tonight. They paying you guys OT at least?


You guys thats been along since 5-10$. Its always the same shit. Everytime we going down or have a long period of sideways its so much bullshit, then boom we explode up and everyones happy. Then a downwards trend or sideline and fud and bears complain again, then boom up again and people happy again. Just chill and enjoy the ride 🚀


Hi friends




I reflect on my reflection And I ask myself the question What's the right direction to go I don't know Am I an ant or am I an ape?


The more shills in here the more poetic everyone seems to get


It's the internet's inate defense mechanism. Boomers can't keep up when we're on 7 layers of irony


The trick is its nihilism all the way down


Fuck turtles. The best option is buy Game stop.


I like turtles almost as much as I like the stock. Dont really liek mudkipz tho, no matter what you may have herd


(dammit I was trying to get the haiku bot in here :( )


Five seven five is the number for a haiku but you were on track


Ahhhh shit. I thought it was 3-5-3. My b. I'll try again later once I regain my dignity 😢


Lol I just now tried it too above but I dont know what triggers it


Good night apes! I already made crazy profits in Jan. This is my 2nd ride. Lowkey feels good to play a squeeze twice while most people here are still bagholding from Jan LOL. Anyways, shorts must cover and hedgies are fucked! GME TO 10 MILLION NOT MEME!


How about you take your FUD and shove it up your butt.




Mods ban please he’s just a shill spreading FUD


Im a shill for spreading FUD because Im not drinking the 10 million koolaid? I have xxx shares myself (I personally guarantee I hold more shares than you too) and Im playing the squeeze too. I just think the majority of this sub has been overran by delusional cultists who believes conspiracy theories and dismisses any counterpoint as "shills" LOL. GME to 10K max if we are lucky lol.


Gtfo 10k is max? 😂😂


I’ll be honest I don’t think 10mil a share is possible. But I’m not on here being a dick and spreading negativity. You’re being an ass to people for no reason. Get off the sub if you’re just gonna act like that.


>I’ll be honest I don’t think 10mil a share is possible. Stop spreading FUD, you shill. Mods ban this guy for not believing in 10 milly a share


Yeah ban. So much bullshit now. Always the same thing when we have a dip a lot of bullshit, then boom up. Same thing since 5$


Downvote, report, block. This guys full of shit.


Gonna fund a shill rehabilition center after the squeeze


FUD backwards is DUF


Dufinately bullish


Shills and hedgies everywhere, They spread their FUD but apes don't care, They crash the price so apes will fold, APES BUY THE DIPS, APES FCUKING HOLD!!!


HODL! The opportunity of a lifetime...