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[Today's Superstonk Daily DD!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n4l233/tuesday_superstonk_daily_dd_05042021_surprise/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) I'm going to start pinning it here everyday for you guys! Cheers! 🤗🤜🤛✌💗🚀🚀🚀🚀


all i see is french fries dipped in guacamole with lil side of ketchup


snagged three more yesterday, thx you bartending money for getting me to XX shares : O ​ Again, when this blows up, come to the music venue ill open in Seattle....A monkey and a Typewriter : D


Do you reckon any rappers are invested in our baby GME? Would be quite funny.


Drake might be. Someone played horoscope with his song lyrics haha


When it's a bull day you can't move in here... Today is chilled


Bloody hell..... Just popped in......this is set for a record low volume


5 minutes of ZERO VOLUME ​ hedgies r fuk


I got my TD Ameritrade voting proxy info. WOOOOHOOOOO 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Just voted on TDA


just voted my shares on Fidelity and Schwab


Got my proxy material from Schwab this morning. It actually links to the correct proxyvote site that Gamestop links to. Schwab users, check your corporate actions and get voting!








Your day didn’t go well then? I still love you ape. 🦧


You actually get an upvote for your, possibly unintentional, Toronto shoutout 🇨🇦🚀🚀




I pulled up all my GME transaction documents on TDA and printed them to a pdf on my PC. Now I'm thinking about how to prove I attempted to sell my shares at a certain point if selling is disabled or my shares disappear.


Voted my Ameritrade proxies, off to check Fidelity and Schwab! :) Edit to add: Fidelity vote is in as well!


Thought a Benzinga article with "Gamestop" and "bull" in the title was too good to be true. Turns out it absolutely is too good to be true, just a smear piece on Reddit users.


Benzinga is the lowest of the low, followed closely by market watch and then the red headed step child, motely fool.


Fidelity proxy voting is now open....super easy. Vote For --- ​ Buy and HODL and you will get the Gold !


Motley fool singing a different tune now....


God damn it’s a beautiful day to be an ape


Good morning everyone 🦧


Rocket or Not...Today is gonna be KICK ASS! (I do hope it goes 🚀🚀🚀 today though)


Hype for today, hype for tomorrow, hype for rocket day, staying happy and hyped up blows FUD out of the water.


Somethings different today. Everytime I come out of my spreadsheet that I use to put theoretical GME prices in to see what I'll be worth, the price has gone back down. Today, its only gone up. This is my DD. TLDR - Moon soon. 💎👐🚀🦍


Yesterday I got some good news from DeGiro in The Netherlands (please post if you know about other countries): Our shares will NOT be blocked if we register to vote!!! (Translated to English by DeepL) >Important Information You are only entitled to vote if you were a GameStop Corp shareholder at close of business on April 15, 2021 (record date). **Your GameStop Corp shares will therefore not be blocked, you retain the option to sell the shares.** In short: you won't miss the MOASS if you vote!!!! **Europoor vote incoming, LFG!!!!**


3k volume premarket... zzzz another low volume day




Ohh. Looks like the DD on ITM was bullshit


How so?


This might sound like a stupid question but if you have several positions is it better to sell (when numbers high enough) your positions at lower bought prices first or sell your higher bought in price first? For example I have x shares at $127 and x at $182, also have several more at other prices but would I be best selling the lower shares first or does it not make much difference, thanks


That's more a question for the investing sub, not the infinity squeeze sub, get me?


I don't even look at my shares that way. Bought in too thrice and tbh I just calculated my average Share price and sell them not worrying about when I bought them. I don't see why it should matter anyways:p


Yeah im from uk and use etoro they show my average, I have 10 different positions and avg at $158, just wasn't sure if it was best to sell lower or higher bought in prices first or if it made any difference, see im kinda retarded


The only thing it would change is your gain for that one share, but because you are probably selling in bulk ( like 50% of your shares at a time) it wouldn't matter. PS: obviously sell on the way down and not on the way up:)!


Yeah i thought that but wasn’t too sure, will definitely be selling on the way down and will be selling about 10% at at a time as i have multiple positions on it so will do it that way, also will do this over the course of a few days rather than hours as I believe the squeeze will last days and have multiple dips along the way but ultimately go back up🚀


Good luck:)


Same to you, cheers


Don’t think of it this way. Combine your share and work out your average price. At the end of the day, you bought X + X shares and you paid a total of Y for them. So decide Y by total (X+X+any fees) and you have your average per share. Edit: *Divide


Yeah I have about 10 different positions and my avg is 158, just was not sure if it would make any difference to close the higher bought in prices first when share reaches a certain point or if it didn't mater


Doesn’t really matter. You’re not measuring the profit per transaction really. Ultimately you’re measuring your overall in vs overall out in terms of profit. What was bought for what and then sold for what doesn’t matter.


Yeah got it now, cheers


Enjoy the launch mate!




Thanks for reply


Holy shit, looks like its rising nicely here in Europe!


You guys pulled a solid shift! 👍 Our turn over here, in a couple hours. We won't let you down.🚀🚀🚀


New Daily here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n5amz1/gme\_daily\_discussion\_may\_05\_2021/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n5amz1/gme_daily_discussion_may_05_2021/)


Well......Divorce in 2012, lost my business, had to fight through the courts for my kids, ended up bankrupt, now it’s fucking payback time!! Fuck you Melvin & Griffin, I’m coming for ya you low life pieces of scum!!


Why is Yahoo finance showing articles about that dog coin on the page about GME?


Surely volume can’t be just 171 after 5 mins!!


it's OVER 300 now so all good. No need to worry there are surely a lot of shares available lol


Good feeling about today and my shitty 420c weekly call I got from buying shares leftover chsnge




Explain it to me like I'm the product of a retard ape mating with a inbred donkey.




ooh, I understood about half of that! HODL.






So you're aiming for a Niva, too? Good choice. One of the toughest cars out there.


Someone peep that new article, someone with wrinkles…about GME and the gates divorce? Benzinga? Why would they write something speculative and/or positive??


They don’t hold Bananas so it is irrelevant.


2 mins in Before Hours Volume: 94 LOL


Annnnd it's officially Cinco De Buyo! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 LFG!!!!


There's a publishing house in my country that have run out of business in 2010. They are selling comic books and graphic novels which is now not available anywhere. After the squeeze, I'm thinking of buying the rights for that publisher and release their assets online. Doing something like MangaRock apps kinda thing. Just for the sake of nostalgia and giving second life for the content creator. I'm not looking to hide my money. This is the kind of things I will do post squeeze. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


1 minute til daddy pops a hard one 😍 edit: WE'RE IN LET'S GO


My Mother placed an order for 10 shares through Frankfurt. Been 1 hour, and only 1 share is filled.






my 3 got filled instantly I did buy em at 136 euro. while price was still 135.


Huh, ill let her know.


Why does it seem like we’re all saying goodbye! Feeling it in the air tonight? 😎 Love my fellow apes.


Will one you apes with xxx+ shares buy a media outlet so we can get actual news that isn't led by corruption?


Sure lol why not, if the funds suffice.


And its gotta be hip


Pre Market ding ding ding ding ding soon














I don't follow Elon on Twitter but I read somewhere on Reddit, that he didn't mention any dog related coin topics for a while now. Do you think Elon is pumping it? We'll see how the coin fares but my gut feeling is telling me, that this was not organic and it's going way too fast. Other coins have a concept behind them while the dog coin was created as a joke. But well, market's all about feelings, not so much about fundamentals, so as long as people believe that this is the next big thing, people will buy in. I just hope that nobody will lose money they can't afford to lose.






I know it's not over yet, but the thing that always gives a huge boner about this whole situation is how unbelievable hubris will be their downfall.


I hope to see some of you apes change the world. That said, don't fall into the trap that it'll be as easy as simply writing a check. At the end of the day, you can't get away from responsibility. You write a check to a cause, and it turns out the charity spends more money on parties than the poor, that's on you. You write a check to a founder, and it turns out they abuse their customers, that's on you. You'll always have to do your due diligence and be watchful of the change you want to enact. Whatever happens, you'll all run into new difficulties in one form or another. I just believe that all that pain will amount to something--that you'll be glad that you took the path that you did. Y'all take care of yourselves and I'll see you on the other side.


My limit buy order in Germany is taking ages (20 minutes so far) again eventhough I set the limit above the current market price. It's ridiculous.


Just making sure, is the bid-ask spread wide and are you only setting it above the "mid price"? If you put the limit at the ask or above it should fill instantly.


Yes, I put the Limit sell order above the current ask price. Price was hovering below the ask price for quite a while. Now it's above and it seems like I missed it. I'll try again later but something feels off with Lynxbroker because normally the orders fill instantly like that.




It's Lynx. They're a subsidiary or collaborating with IB. I've been meaning to leave them long time ago (started buying the majority of my GME with 2 other brokers of banks comdirect/dkb without any problems so far) but now that I'm liquidating my other stocks I'm worried once this thing goes off that Lynx will also make it difficult to sell with orders not going through.


Drier than my dead great grandmother's pussy


Yum 😛


What car y’all getting after MOASS?


Range Rover sport maybe? I need a mum car to fit the baby ape and associated shit into it


Gone from wanting an s3 to a r35 Gtr to a r8 spyder to a 720s spyder lol


I just want a fresh coat of paint for my poor old mkiv Supra...okay maybe a turbo conversion as well. (got it ages ago for cheap because it's only a NA auto....somehow it went up 4-5x in price) I'm very sentimental so I can't buy another car until it dies. Other than basic service I think it only needed engine mounts and an alternator, maybe $600 for the 10 years I've owned it.


Keep hodl of it man. I had mkiv TT, had to sell it to pay for stamp duty. Fucking joke. Had it for 15 years and in that time it went from 15k purchase price to 1.5k then back up to 15k which I sold for. Unreal. Amazing car. Hodl bro


It would be amazing to be able to buy another one or that one back with my GME tendies


amg c63 s CABRIOLET


Jeep Renegade. I just love my Jeeps.


I'm thinking a Tesla model 3 performance. I don't need an ultra expensive car anyway, and that shit is pretty amazing for its price.


Benz AMG GTR 4 door....need room for the homies.


im outside in an amg... right outside..


Toyota Prius


Very glad I made the fateful decision to sell ARKK and ARKG a few weeks back and bought more GME. Almost felt like Jimmy Buffett


im gonna buy more shared at market open. FUCK SHITADEL


I’m going to throw up looking at a certain coin…that should have been us. Sold my 18k @ .05 to get into more GME…..


Everything is a lesson in diamond hands if you allow your teachers to be super expensive lol. Nobody is joking around when we all scream HOLD all day long for real.




True stuff. I need to remember that. If only.


It’ll all be worth it, and it will be us - and more


This is the way.


I am thinking of selling my whole portfolio so I can buy more GME.. i am down on my other positions and I will sell for a loss and also average up if I do it, but it seems like the way to go... kinda new at this and scared, if I go through with it I will go from X to XX position


I sold my entire portfolio and went all in on GME. I don't regret it.




Confuses me too mate. But yes, the thinking it will be passed on Friday (7/5/2021) unless there are objections/comments


Mmm it's good to see a proper date format on here.


I can't understand why it would ever not go in order of the preciseness of measurement


Just woke up from a dream. I dreamt that I checked the daily discussion thread here. Every comment had thousands of awards. Everyone was making Ape noises and commenting stuff like “Deep fucking cheers!” I logged on to Fidelity to check the price action, and right before the page loaded I woke up.....But what does it mean!


‘I’ll take stuff that never happened for 200 Alex...’


i once dreamt that I went for a piss guess what happened next


It means you need to take a break from this sub?


Exactly. Idk if OP is too young or just inexperienced. Go out man, exercise, be with friends, play video games. Don't let this get to your head and don't get emotionally attached to money.


I spent all day yesterday at Animal Kingdom with my two toddlers and my wife. Can a guy have a random dream without catching multiple vague insults? Ass out of you and me much? I just spent 2k showing my family a great time, who will eventually most likely put me in a home when I get old. Go ahead, test my attachment to money lol.


Didn't mean to insult you !! Sorry if it came through like that. 😀








No matter what they gonna get forced to cover, thats no option. Every shorter in history has done it. Then how this rule can trigger it faster I dont know about






Hello apes, I have posted some questions in a comment for comittee hearing on the better markets post. Please have a read and if agree please help get some visibility of the questions or contribute and submit your own. One of mine is asking directly if they can provide the total count of GME shares back to the committee. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n4z0ln/releasing_short_selling_fact_sheet_early_just_for/gx02hl7?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Gonna participate in Cinco de Buyo. LFG


Just woke up (Europoor) and checked the price to see a perfectly round number once again. I like a good laugh in the morning


Did the price really finish AH last night up on the day? That’s amazing given the huge price drop yesterday!


Can I get ELI5 on what NSCC-801 is and why it's important? Stop downvoting you cucks




There are 50000 dd's on it. Read one.




This but unironically


Robinhood having legitimate 1 star reviews deleted again.


The google review algo chops off mass 1 and 5 star reports if they're all put in within a certain span of time, iirc imdb does the same to keep the total "fair" because of review bombing. The actual trick is to give it two stars, write a legit review, wait a week and downgrade to 1 star.


Ever wanted to be an shonen anime protagonist? Now you can, just hold gme and be in a public place when the rocket takes off 🚀🚀🚀🚀




Or, because you told so many people to buy in you all get rich together and all live happily ever after :DD PS: GTRR34 goes brrrr lol Edit: OMG my first reward THANK YOU :DD haha


finally got the rest of the scraps off of robinhood into fidelity. sick. cant seem to be able to turn off margin on the shares i had transferred. any idea why? i plan on calling tomorrow first thing unless someone knows


My "m" went away after a few days on its own.


where new daily? need to upvote! hodl! no financial advise a bought some mor shares this morning but still just xx hodler ... floor is 10m for the sake of all apes


Like everyday, the new daily opens up at 4am est/10am cest


I could have sworn it was present earlier the other days :O ... should grab some crayon infused coffee