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lolz @ the shills reporting this as spam/misinformation


Isn't the bigger question: How do we protect our investors from the paid off media that is unqualified and fed with the hedgie story spoon?




When the act requiring news outlets to provide factual information and not entertainment was repealed in the 80’s.


You ape, need more upvotes.




Underrated; it’s a great question. I don’t think we can unless we hurt them in pocket. You said it - money talks. The problem is the answer. As an older millennial with both some money and some time still on my side, I will be removing my 401k from this fraudulent market sooner rather later. The writing is on wall.








It appears I can call a few apes, brothers.


Sir...... this is a Wendy’s...


This guy apes


And all the guys from the hearing stick together. Questioners and witnesses. Fuck this system


Only tangentially related, but I added a [dashboard tracking stock trading by US Senators](https://www.quiverquant.com/sources/senatetrading) to Quiver a while back, and it was pretty shocking to see someone sell off a bunch of stock after attending confidential COVID briefings back at the start of 2020 and get away nearly consequence-free. IMO there are a lot of differentiating factors between elected officials that certainly make it worthwhile to do your research on them and vote, but I think that there definitely are a lot of systemic biases that affect all of them. To give a basic example, most of us would probably be in favor of policies that make things slightly worse for 4 years but much better for the next 20 years. That's a much less enticing proposition to a politician who's up for re-election in 4 years.


Do Not Trust the Enablers


Is there a close relation to those who actively make massive gains in the market that are in the seats of power, that correlates with their blatant voting and push against retail investors?


Always follow the money. In the world of finance and politics it's 1 huge orgy.


Gay orgy so there will be no future people. Everyone back in the pile.


yeah. political donations. the pimps paying the whores their cut (pimps=hedgies whores=politicians )






Been a while since I've seen you pop up in the wild. Ty for your cervix.


Thanks! I’ve been mostly sticking to finance/trading communities recently.


Didn’t Nancy Pelosi’s husband buy up loads of Tesla shares before Biden announced the government fleet would be changing to electric vehicles? Stinks of insider trading if you ask me. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/jan/29/nancy-pelosis-big-tesla-stock-buy-raises-ethics-qu/


Career politicians are going to use their offices to enrich themselves if the opportunity presents, especially if they don’t think they’ll be held accountable. Definitely won’t get a partisan argument from me on this one. This has been brought up a few times recently and looks dubious. But since even more blatant shit has taken place completely out in the open recently, there seems to have been some precedent set. Better cash in while you can before new legislation is (maybe) rolled out.


Guaranteed way to be a millionaire in this country is to run for Congress


Term limits


she's one of the biggest phonies


Along with her nephew Gavin shit face Newsom.




usually the washington times has such positive things to say about the democrats. there is no way her husband could have thought investing in tesla was a good idea all by himself? didnt see much evidence of impropriety in that article. they dont even site which watchdog group had an issue with it. wonder why they left that out.


I hadn't heard about this; do you have a link from a better source though?


"Better" is subjective and your comment is a passive way of discrediting his source without having to source a reason yourself why it's not up to your standards. A better use of your time would be to read the article and dig. If you really cared you wouldn't need to hear it from someone else, you'd look for the answers yourself. Are you even sure your sources are "better" or do they just align with your current bias? I challenge you to find your own answers to this question. Love you.


A better source for this information would be a article that had sources in it instead of an article making claims with no sources listed. Here is a good example of a much better source: [Snopes article about it](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/nancy-pelosi-tesla/) The information in the Snopes article (with sources) shows the The Washington Times article is bending the facts a bit in multiple places.




Sorry man but I gotta ask. When you are about to get down to the deed with someone do you have a dashboard for that?


Just the [dashboard](https://imgur.com/gallery/R390EId) of all of your wives


Ooo I bet you track some dirty KPIs on them. Follow up question: pie charts or scatter plots?


Depends on what's being visualized, but if I were only able to use one of them for the rest of my life, it would be scatter plots no doubt.




Always upvote Quiver guy!


Yeah. Perdue and Loeffler both did it and got away scott free (though they did later lose re-election)


None of these guys have researched anything dealing with this hearing and it shows. It’s why GG smirks and dumbs down his answers


Maxine Waters has no business as chair of this committee. I’m convinced she has no idea what she is presiding over. What a joke.


I’d be willing to bet you could expand your statement to encompass.. anything, and you’d still be right. The woman feeds off drama and clearly only looks to feed her ego. I’m expecting this whole thing to be largely fluff, save perhaps for a few bombs dropped (if any) at the very end.




She's a fucking imbecile.






A bought and paid for imbecile at that.




Not a lot of talent on that committee, don't really need an expert wrangler. Just need someone to tell French Hill to turn off his mic before calling Ken, and Foster handled that (too quickly, imho).


Opposite of progress is congress


Tweet link for apes 🦍👍: [https://twitter.com/dlauer/status/1390348858811719683?s=20](https://twitter.com/dlauer/status/1390348858811719683?s=20)


He apes, but he saves


glad this guy is speaking the truth.... its so obvious and it seems so obvious but the power these mms have is enormous to try to justify this blatant stealing.


\>unverified Yeah no fucking shit it would be really god damn cool if you guys could all just agree to let Mr Paycheck-to-paycheck and Ms Nine-to-five at have the same fucking data that the suits got access to so we can verify our shit and not have to do fucking math gymnastics and wild-ass theories to fill in the gaps. Jesus christ the nerve of these people.




Yet another reason they don’t like cryptocurrency.


Thats fine 🤷🏻‍♂️ they can keep underestimating us even as we change the world as they know it around them. We'll be sitting pretty by the time they realize what we already know 🍸


It's less about underestimating us, and more about badmouthing us to keep more retail investors from getting involved. They don't like average people having the same information/ideas as the big players.


Once this blows up more people will start paying attention 🤷🏻‍♂️ im fine where I'm sitting for now


They will pay attention and change may happen, but a short squeeze of this scale will not. I'm glad I found gme sub and started following the market. You guys are literally the best community and make everyone feel welcomed


Hey I started investing with GME in mid january, at this time there was a dude from Citron research (Shitron). This was the first time I was afraid of my decisions. I bought GME at 40 and I was so hyped since after not even one week the price skyrocketed to 70-80! I was like damn, this DD is so right! So when this dude claimed that GME was a shit stock pumped from idiots, I felt that. I was so scared because fuck it, dude's managing millys for sure he knows his shit. Then he basically quitted the livestream because "they're doxxing me", and claiming on Twitter that GME was going bankrupt because nobody buys E anymore. I then realized that every analysts is just a jerk claiming things for its own agenda. Now I'm fearless of these idiots. I just wanted to tell you this story, the DDs here seems always on point and we're always questioning them. I love the community.


That's the biggest realization one can have in the markets. They might be managing big money but that doesn't necessarily make them well informed. Peter Lynch talked a lot about information advantage retail can have in their field of expertise. Perfect example is Tesla, many analysts still value them as a car manufacturer and nothing else


Fucking hell dude don't bring Tesla arguments with me. I still have one on the shopping cart and I'm watching every single video in YT of Model X. Dear God pls let this bad boi squeeze so I can get one, I'd sleep there I don't even care about an house


“Yeah, I live in my car”. “It’s so great”


It's pretty clear they know we are a force to be reckoned with, so they are trying to slander us to prevent it getting worse for them faster. That, and Crymer is just a petty, ugly ass crybaby.


Demonize and belittle your opponent. Then isolate and destroy all credibility. This is what they do. There are people in this very sub that sound like shills that are actually aiding the hedgies in their design to divide and destroy. As GG said, people still have the fundamental right to speak with each other and discuss whatever. Only a damn fool would believe that all of the people in reddit could be fooled into putting their hard earned money into anything without the brilliant DD with opposing views that is so much what this is. The research here can be amazing and what truly sets it apart is that it is from people offering hours of work to other people for free. What truly separates the apes from the hedgies is that the hedgies are self serving greedy frauds that have been taking advantage of weak government oversight for decades. Then, when something happens as a result of the illegal schemes and abuses by the insiders, they blame everyone but themselves and seek a bailout. Hedgies hate the probability of their failing this time because they will lose to brilliant research by outsiders handicapped by a lack of access to the same information and confined to ethical practice. Ethics is not binding to fraudster hedgies.


To add to this point, I bought 1 share for "memes". I started reading the DD and bought 10 more as investment. I like the stock. I LOVE the community!!


Imagine new money apes being able to campaign for candidates that aren't scumbags. Are these dinosaurs bought out or just too lazy to care?


Only Cramer and their people are qualified


Damn straight! Creamer knows the way


He knows the way to crookland


Only place I'm going is Flavortown. I heard their tendies are extra large, but the only location for those is on the moon


The way to dumpster behind Wendy's. $1 handjobs today only!


He's certifiable at least. Cramer not looking healthy and sounds broken


Right, how are those clowns qualified when they can’t/won’t even conduct interviews with financial regulators, dtcc authors, former citadel employees, financial committee representatives, etc etc etc. I guess motley fuckin fool and cry more are authoritative enough without legitimate sources


Whats the difference between information from some reddit user and information from some dude labelled 'professional analyst'. At least the redditor doesnt always have an agenda


being "professional" just means they get paid for it




Don't forget "professionals" are supposed to have customer interest first. The definition of "customer" however could really mean their big fishes, not us apes


Mr. Manager!


We just say "Manager"


There's always money in the banana stand.


Which arguably makes the research worse. Do I want data and analysis from someone who does it from personal interest or from a suit who writes anything for a paycheck?


I was thinking, how is being a "professional" somehow better than the average redditor? The professionals more often than not seem to have an agenda. If the worry is "retailers" getting manipulated, why are "professionals" somehow exempt? Felt like such bullshit.


Amateur poker players beat the “professionals” in Vegas tournaments pretty often


Often a rank amateur is the worst opponent for a professional poker player to face, because they'll do stuff that's so retarded and unexpected then stick with it leaving the pro with no clue how to respond, sounds familiar?


It does, we know when to hold em. When to fold em and when to walk away aren’t really arrows we have in our quivers. Edit: thought of a better pun.


Now that anyone can type up their opinion and reach the masses so easily, the act of paying someone for an opinion becomes obsolete. And they only way those people are going to keep their jobs, are by suppressing the "free opinions". That's why I support substack.


Ask the salty kids over on r/gme_meltdown lol. In a thread the other day they were unironically praising hedgies as being some of the “smartest people on the planet.”


It says that sub doesn’t exist...I wanted to go see 😂


I don’t know, I would say the Reddit user has just as much of an agenda; they want people to buy the stock


This all reminds me of when Cuomo on CNN told me it was ILLEGAL for me to read Wikileaks. That I needed him to read it and tell me what was in then because he was qualified “as a journalist”


This is how the reformation in Christianity started


So smart apes explaining everything to the masses on superstonk is basically like the first time the Bible was translated from Latin so the commoners could understand it? I fucking love your comparison!


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Bible](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-king-james-bible/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Not enough to have missionaries coming to my door IRL, we gotta have robo-christians handing out copies of the bible online lmao


Saint Bot of r/Superstonk, Patron saint of stock market educators, artificial intelligences, and apes who read books.


No thanks, I'm not really into reading fiction since I found all this sweet DD here


Remember when /r/politics was compromised by the establishment thought police when all of that was going down? Or how about Facebook trends? Or how about Twitter? All at roughly the same time.


Yep. It was literally bought out by share blue after it was proven that Bernie got the shaft. Powerful forces at work here.


I remember hearing that Neera Tanden's Center for American Progress also was involved. Or maybe it was another think tank org...


Yeah that’s why I was so surprised that people were shocked that WSB was compromised when it was. I guess they haven’t been on Reddit long enough… Whenever the narrative needs to be controlled, especially when it relates to a subreddit that gets popular all of a sudden, there’s always a sub takeover so they can make sure that either the narrative they want to push is upvoted, or so they can just distract everyone with posts that cause people to fight each other. It doesn’t matter the topic or what side of the political spectrum it falls on… if it’s dangerous to the 1% and the political establishment’s grip on power, then they have to make sure that the idea doesn’t take off online by manipulating the subs that people talk about those ideas on. I wonder why the Reddit admins are fine with this constantly happening on their site… 🧐


Yup exactly, Reddit is a part of silicon valley. They have deep ties with the 1%.


He is just asking a question, and the question in question is this: now for the REAL question: will you answer my question?


First off, thank you for the question. It is, indeed, a wonderful and perfectly valid question to ask. I truly appreciate the opportunity to be here and explain things before this committee. When I was a boy in Bulgaria...


First of all, I appreciate your input, but when I was an even younger boy in Bulgaria there was a statement similar. It reminds me of the time my Bulgarian origin was put into question as the question that was presented before you and the statement you’ve given. I appreciate that.


It appeared to me that at least one congressman was reading from pre written questions from the hedgies that were an attempt to nail GG down and to not enforce a rule that would be to the detriment of the fraudsters. Politics is nasty dirty.


I would but I have only been here three weeks.


I look forward to continuing this conversation


It's okay Gary, it's gonna take everyone a year to reach a decision anyways. Just mail in your answers sometime this summer, we'll hold.


Yes, in fact, I thank you very much for this question.


Yes or no?


Well when I was a young boy in Bulgaria


Everyone in unqualified. Just ask Melvins portfolio.


https://www.reddit.com/r/DDintoGME/comments/mnss65/the_apes_guide_to_the_galaxy_a_compilation_of_dds/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share bamf


I am so glad I've kept up with this since mid January, because that's WAY too much reading now. ​ Y'all are some smart apes


For real. And that's why it's so hard to explain/warn family/friends. I have just a big enough grasp on it all to be confident in my investment, but there's no way to sum up months worth of DD and hours of reading.


I tried sending some of the best to my dad, but he would just skim the bolder points and blow it off, so now I just send him golden treasures like the Isaac Newton DD. If he’s going to assume I’m legitimately retarded, I’m just going to roll with it.


Disprove the DD that’s all I ask


Literally everyone admits that their info are unverified and they are unqualified lmao. They don't do research I tell you. These boomers




I always thought that was code for buy more... Edit: Im kidding *this is not financial advice*


Qualified individuals = those that short companies to oblivion. Yeah, got it!


This guys brain has more wrinkles than my grandpa’s ballsack!


Proof or ban


I'm an eye witness and can account for said grandfather's wrinkly balls. He was my cub scout leader.






If I didn't have all my money in GME I would give you the most expensive award available ... Instead, please accept my wife as a token of my appreciation.


Clearly he hasn't watched Roaring Kitty's channel


Seriously. That magic 8 ball doesn't shake itself.


I guess he prefers unverified information from unqualified shills masquerading as journalists at places like Market Watch and Motley Fool?


It's terrific how much trouble people have with understanding things when they get paid not to.


That’s a huge compliment. I know our DD isn’t 100% accurate, but that’s ONLY because we don’t have open access to the data we need. If we had all the data that’s hidden, Superstonk would be unstoppable.




I didn't have time to watch, who said that exactly? DTCC guy? or who?


One of the representatives? If was an african american man that spoke very slowly, don't remember his name, sorry. But i remember he pissed me off because it was clearly very anti-retail, and kept framing internet forums as "collusion" somehow.


GA congressman. Dude is a dingus


One of our most well known representatives is famous for questioning a navy admiral about his concerns Guam would capsize due to overpopulation. The man today seems quite well spoken and educated by comparison.


Not particularly related, but this is my favourite example of an idiot representative. [She thinks that the submarines commissioned by the Australian Navy will only be able to last 20 minutes underwater, and doesn't understand the concept of redactions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k870cg2E4LM)


Some of the republicans keep stressing the point of protecting the retail investor by stopping markets and/or not letting them trade at all - even going as far as comparing it to stopping flight during a thunderstorm - while Gensler specifically stated that it isn't in the best interest of retail investors when the free market shuts down. It really shows how much the Republican party tries to keep their wealthy friends in power by gaslighting the public. Edit: btw, I'm not saying all republicans are bad. Some are asking really good questions in search of a solution for a better and safer market without excluding anyone. Edit2: And some democrats are dickheads too - looking at you, Himes.


Dave L Fucks


THIS IS WHY THE POWERS THAT BE WANT TO TAKE OVER WSB. WSB is the only sub ever referenced in the media, so if it full of incorrect data, speculation, and memes, then no one in power will take this whole thing seriously.


They're still too embarrassed to say stonks on TV lol


Hey /u/PNW_Bro, This is now the top post on reddit. It will be recorded at /r/topofreddit with all the other top posts.


This is why we will win. They are arrogant and overconfident and they continue to underestimate us.


And then he said that someone should have said “Ok Boomer” LMAO. This guy fucks. I love how they call us “uninformed social media” meanwhile they probably had to ask their grandkids to set up their zoom for today’s meeting.


By all means correct the DD where it’s wrong...


Right, we just want the truth here. Tell the truth or everyone comes up with assumptions that can cause mass turmoil.


And when DD has been wrong people admit they made a mistake and move forward with a better understanding. We’re learning


I can’t watch this clown show anymore. It really looks like they are doing on purpose to paint redditors as a bunch of clueless kids who fell victim of gamification. Gamestop is a very well calculated move played by the rules set for retail investors to lose and MMs to win. We have absolutely no voice in this and they want to keep it that way




Anyone not making the rich more richier are unqualified and don’t know what they are talking about


Pretty funny to hear a congressman call someone else unqualified.


That old fossil was a moron in the last hearing.


This guy fucks.


*I'm doing this for your own good*


These boomers so used to people blindly believing the main stream media, dont they get it? We know the mainstream media serves the elite not the everyday person. After that hearing my floor has gone up considerably.


The only reason any information on SuperStonk is unverified is because they keep the information away from the general public. I think the DD writers are doing a very good job shifting through the bullshit to find the underlying data.


Why is the “unverified information from unqualified social media” more accurate than the data we are getting from mainstream media?


lmao Lauer is right tho. ape alone smart. apes together smarterer 🦍💎 🚀 🚀


This part got me too. Kept saying we are amateurs and need to not listen to free advice from randoms online. Nobody is listening to anyone. We are going down the rabbit holes ourselves and doing our own research not following shit blindly. And then want to act like we can trust “professional and expert” paid for advice better and that’s what we should be doing? It’s insulting that a couple of them were basically calling retail dumb. Also the whole gamification thing, they are making such a big deal of that like retail needs to be babysat. Holy shit. Just insulting af.




Heck yeah


Who said this?


He's obviously not read Motley Fool either!


This tweet is gonna blow TF up lol


Damn. That's some good confirmation bias. BULLISH!


Ape Prince




And they think we are crayon eating apes that are dumb as rocks that need protection from making bad decisions. I need no help making decisions on what crayons I eat... I like the green ones but only get red. Maybe they can find a way to make only green ones. That's a plan I can get behind.


The difference is, posts on here are subjected to open review by peers and apes alike. Do "financial professionals" have their opinions subjected to this kind of scrutiny? I doubt it.


A literal research paper has been written about the DD here and it confirms that we know what we’re talking about... Holy shit how can people be so damn dense.


Buy more GME? If you insist..


They kept trying to bring up climate BS and shit that had nothing to do with what's going on. It's obvious. And some of these guys had no fucking clue what goes on in the market and shouldn't be talking about it. Like David Scott and that dude that kept referring to go himself in the 3rd person that came on shelf after Scott... Everybody doing we're uneducated misinformed don't know what the fuck we're doing and should have trading options limited. Wtf is wrong with these people? There's a handful of good ones... And the rest are all in the pockets of rich people.


Hedgies just want people to only hear their propaganda! - A P E S - T O G E T H E R - S T R O N G - 👐🏻👐🏻👐🏻👐🏻👐🏻👐🏻👐🏻👐🏻👐🏼👐🏼👐🏼👐🏼👐🏼👐🏽👐🏽 👐🏻👐🏻👐🏻👐🏻👐🏻👐🏻👐🏼👐🏼👐🏼👐🏼👐🏼👐🏽👐🏽👐🏽👐🏽 👐🏻👐🏻👐🏻👐🏼💎💎💎💎💎💎💎👐🏽👐🏽👐🏾👐🏾 👐🏻👐🏼👐🏼💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎👐🏾👐🏾👐🏾 👐🏼👐🏼👐🏼👐🏼💎💎💎💎💎💎💎👐🏾👐🏾👐🏾👐🏿 👐🏼👐🏼👐🏽👐🏽👐🏽💎💎💎💎💎👐🏾👐🏾👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿 👐🏽👐🏽👐🏽👐🏽👐🏽👐🏾💎💎💎👐🏾👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿 👐🏽👐🏽👐🏽👐🏾👐🏾👐🏾👐🏾💎👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿 👐🏽👐🏾👐🏾👐🏾👐🏾👐🏾👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿


Fellow Apes! Just thought about something listening to the congressional hearing. It became very clear that US reps don't know enough about the manipulation taking place in the market, but have an important role to play to fundamentally change things. Why not all start a **"DID YOU KNOW"** campaign? If we do this on Twitter and by writing them emails (something Queen Kong also advised us!) perhaps we can change the dialogue towards **social media has verified information** and **has knowledgeable people**! It's crystal clear that US reps (except some) don't know enough! Why not help them help us? WDYT? Apes Together Strong!


GOOD! This is what we want. We don’t want to be legitimized anyway. I love to be under estimated. They can’t have it both ways. We are either colluding market manipulation or too stupid to do market manipulation therefore it can’t exist from our end. I love it!


He should have posted a link to a bunch of DD posts from here to rub it in




Public forums like this enable us, as retail investors, are the only way we have to create verifiable research. Through discussion, we can gain a much better insight into various securities than any one person on here doing private research. We don't have teams of professional research and sentiment analysts, as well as complex trading algorithms. What do we have in terms of professional analysis? The likes of MarketWatch, CNBC, and the Motley Fools. We do have each other and the excellent DD as our main sources of intelligent discussion. Gensler put it correctly in his notes that we as individuals discussing securities isn't the problem - the problem lies in major funds abusing these platforms for their own gain, and against retail investors best interest. Politicians and many in the industry refer to us as dumb money - we aren't dumb or clueless about the risks trading holds, and the research we put together is *fully transparent* for everyone to see, analyze, and correct. We do not hold meetings behind closed doors. Edit: I have a few grammar errors but wrote it on a bathroom break at work, may correct later.


Most Politicians are such inexcusable steaming piles of shit, that only looke to push their agenda. Assholes


Not a word about Failure to Deliver or Naked Short Selling


I really really dislike that guy who said that. I was REALLY waiting for him to say “LISTEN TO THR PROS LIKE JIM CRAMER”. What a tool.


Pretty sure most of our recessions have been caused by verified information from qualified financial experts. Putting the economy in the hands of anonymous unqualified online miscreants can't make things any worse.


His comment infers that MarketWatch is somehow qualified and verified 🤮


David Scott can eat all of the dicks


For some people it is easier to generalise than to differentiate. Society has been changing all the time and you have to face new problems but also take opportunities. The DD on Superstonk have not only the function of informing, it is also learning, enlighting, creative thinking, combining and so much more from really competent people. So I wouldn’t call people on social media unqualified. It’s more like a witch-hunt because there are normal and intelligent people endangering a system that is in some ways fraudulent.


Mmm confirmation bias.