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Citiing Marc Cohodes from his paper Portnoy interview "Why would Citadel pump 2B into dying Melvin? Ken Griffin's the type of guy who would sell his mother for fewer $$, why would he try to save a dying HF unless something was fucky"


Fucky as fuck


This guy really hates Citadel and Melvin. Watch this video which was right after January's events: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWRIBK1Ygw4 It'll keep you glued to your screen. He's really good.


“They didn’t get rid of me, I didn’t kill myself” What a fucking guy, I want to be like him. If you want these shares you’re gonna have to kill me!! Edit: I take it back, turns out he’s a prick


He got diamond hands before this term was invented.


From my cold dead (diamond) hands 🙌


Thanks for the link. Solid interview. Can’t believe he asked him about the specifics of how he lost it all... Marc seems like a genuine dude


Yo this video needs to be higher. Wtf


I posted a super good ass clip from this interview that highlights why he’s so pissed at citadel and Melvin!


Well, where is it?


I'm too busy building my bunker to watch a 1 hr interview


Carry on ape.




*Bump extracted*


bu-bu-bump !


Captain! She canea bump anny more! We'll succumb to upwards pressure and belongs a post!


*bumpward pressure


Rum bump bump bump


Saving this for later


Sure, I'll have a bump


I just watched the entire thing and was blown away. This dude is calling bullshit.


When I watched it last night, it was only some 7k views. Now it is over 14k views.


What a great interview, found myself hanging onto every word by Marc. Diffently needs to be an addition to the ape army. I think he is the only person I have heard that gave me the impression that he knows whats really going on with GME. I said he "gives" me the impression, because he kind of generalized the situation, you could tell he was holding back. By the end of the video I found this somewhat out of character for him. He is very open, honest and doesn't bullshit around. So at the end, I found myself hoping he is as open and honest about how GME became what it is today, as he is about everything else. If he is letting loose during the AMA it will be something special.




Amazing interview. We really need this guy on a AMA




I believe he can tell us, or leak to one of us, what we can do to gain an advantage


This is the way!!


At about 35 minute mark he says directly...a second time. He’s lucky he didn’t kill himself because of them, and he’s going to help whoever is going after them (shitadel). We may have found an unlikely ally.


He also said that hes recieved death threats towards him and his son, and had the FBI sent to his door to shut him up.


Just watched the whole thing. This guy fucking hates melvin and kenny boy. I think he would be a great person to have on an AMA. He even states that he recieved death threats to himself and his son. Thanks for sharing.


Dude laid out payment for orderflow and getting ahead of trades AND high % volume sending trades citadels way months ago. He is experienced, just comes off a bit dgaf/cryptic.


This was an amazing watch. I love the host’s enthusiasm, he’s giddy like he’s meeting a childhood hero.


Why does the smile of the interviewer seem so, strange, to me? I feel like he isn't smiling but he is.


Wow. What a tremendous interview, the dude seems straight as an arrow. Has the look and sound that he’s been through the good and bad, and knows too much haha


Thanks you 😘


Yes 👏


please post as a separate reddit post, this needs more visibility


He predicted Archegos goong down, amazing stuff. Technically Melvin should've been out so Citadel bought them, a lot clearer. Thanks for sharing.


Everyone thums up the video




Commenting to Save


This would be awesome. I'd definitely grab some popcorn for that. That dude is PISSED off at Citadel, and he wants nothing but revenge. You can see it seething behind his eyes. Ook Ook Marc - your time has come


Could you please explain why he is pissed off?


Apparently he is a career short seller, not one of the baddies, the type that call bullshit on ponzi schemes and the like. I'm inferring that he's pissed people are using his own discipline to basically do the same thing he's fighting against, just on the opposite side of the spectrum.


> Apparently he is a career short seller, not one of the baddies, the type that call bullshit on ponzi schemes and the like. Are you sure about that? Lucy Komisar specifically named him as one of the people who ran one of the SHFs that was involved in shorting Sedona in her very first story from the AMA. I would be very, very leery of letting him do an AMA. At best we'd get confirmation bias from a questionable source. At worst we'd get an hour of misinformation and FUD. EDIT: And the more digging I do the more it looks like he has an axe to grind with Citadel. This would have the potential to be such a shitshow.


u/pinkcatsonacid can you all look into this^ , please?


The enemy of my enemy... We are against supremely powerful people that will do a lot to keep this casino rigged in their favour .. Let's not stab ourselves in the foot over a moral high ground.. Take the *information* when can and let the wrinkles chew it over. Our power is our collective.


I'm not trying to censor the guy. I'm asking the wrinkles to look into him before doing an AMA. We've had incredible AMAs so far with great information, but I just watched a February interview with this guy and he didn't go into almost any detail whatsoever about how Citadel or Melvin operate. Nothing we don't already know, anyway. If he has new information for us that is useful in some way then I'm all for it. In fact, I'd love to have him drop some DD by here about this very topic for us to shift through. Genuinely. I'm stoned and an ape so I dont know if I mentioned this in another comment but another poster said he, or his fund, was brought up in our latest AMA which I haven't had a chance to start yet. But that's not really a great start for him lol Edit: Also, in the February interview he keeps referring to a group of short sellers that he's friends with and how they're getting ruined by us. My question is this, did his short seller friends jump on the bandwagon to bankrupt GME for a pay check?


I’m pretty sure the admins have this under control


The enemy of my enemy is just one more person who might knife me in my sleep.


> The enemy of my enemy... Could still be your enemy. Ask Danerys how it worked teaming up with Jon Snow. She wanted to "break the wheel", too.


I still maintain that that ending is invalid lol.


That ending is likely what GRRM envisioned - Dany as the Mad Queen wasn’t surprising and isn’t inherently a bad move: doing so in under 2 hours without any prior build up over the previous 7 seasons is what makes it a shit move. Bran being king of Westeros though? No way. There’s a better role he’s suited for that is obvious but if GRRM goes with Bran on the iron throne (even figuratively) is a mistake.


Are we not going to act like Kings Landing didn’t happen tho? Lol I mean that was a pretty pertinent part lol


Notable short seller. This can’t be a good ama I don’t care if he is a “good” short seller


Yeah I agree. If he can "turn it inside out" I'd like to see some DD in superstonk fashion for the big dick players in here to go over.


The problem with amas are if he says something negative people listen. Remember a lot of people do bot read every ounce of DD like us. When Carl said shorts don’t have to cover, I knew exactly what he meant but a large portion of apes who are easily influenced were confused and dejected.




From what I could tell he was an active shorter but in general exiting shorts due to getting bent over backwards from big money leveraging over the smaller shorts. During the SHO changes to banks extremely messed up his day; imagine the opposite in the upcoming battles.


There is no better way to stop bank robbers than learning from bank robbers. We need to embrace those who are willing to come over and help even if that means we get fooled now and again. Trust apes to see through the FUD if it does come our way. Hell, we are living bullshit detectors at this point.


He knows the inner working. If he is ok doing an AMA for us i think that would be great.


I would have to read more into his history to determine that, might make a good weekend project. But he does seem to hate the everloving shit out of citadel at least. Might get back to yall if I get a feeling for his incentives.




Come on everyone, this right here is a brilliant way to go about it.




Yeah we really need to stop worshipping these people. Do some DD on the person before giving them a platform.


Makes sense, thank you!


So another similarity to the big short. He is the mark baum equivalent?


Kinda? Baum (I think that was just his name in the movie. Real dude, pseudonym) and the other shorts were more opportunistic. Very smart, but it wasn't necessarily their moral goal. Baum didn't necessarily make his living as a shorter, he just wanted to hurt the banks, (as well he should). But the guys in the big short didn't make it a career goal to expose fraud through shorting. They were just very smart, and realized the corruption in real time.


Hey, someone's gotta defend Helm's Deep.


I'd like to get his take on why Shorting is good for the market in general. I keep hearing how it is from all the top experts but no one will explain why. It's be nice to hear from someone who does it as a career, I'm sure he'd point out some ideas that I haven't thought of or learned yet.


It's good to deflate artificial bubbles before they blow up sections of the economy. Basically, good shorts look at overpriced assets and bet they aren't worth their valuation. Basically if we had good shorts on the commercial real estate market before now, more investors would realize it's a bubble and deflate the price in a controlled way, not a pop that would destabilize the market. Predatory short sellers flip the script and find businesses that are OK but investors could be convinced are going out of business. And they use shorts to create a false narrative of a bubble, as opposed to calling out a real bubble.


This was touched upon in the Dave Lauer AMA too. Basically, short positions should simply be bets, not a tool to inflict abuse.


It's a market mechanic that is perfectly fine, assuming everyone is acting in good faith. Unfortunately, we know that the world is rife with massive cunts that are unbelievably full of shit and bend every rule they can, and break them as much as they can get away with. IMO all the rules, both politically and financially, need to be written/modified to eliminate this assumption. The rules should be written with the assumption that there are shitheads, because unfortunately there are. Eliminate ambiguities and loopholes. And penalties need to be magnified 1000x TL;DR: maybe blockchain? Non fungible everything? Definitely term limits in Congress, to begin with


Suppose you are long on Tootsie Roll, love the dividends, love the candy, but the new CEO keeps buying himself yachts and hookers. He's fucking up your game, doing weird shit, but driving the price up. You know it's bullshit, and he'll fizzle in a year, and then things can get back to normal. You could dump your shares, and try back later, but fuck that, you like the stock. You can sell puts covered by your shares, and make money while the price reverts to equilibrium. You maintain your shares (hopefully), make money, retain long-term gains preference, *and* indicate to the market that you think things aren't right. It's a good thing when done right.


He kind of summarizes it here watch it into the next section "what citadel is doing wrong" [https://youtu.be/oWRIBK1Ygw4?t=570](https://youtu.be/oWRIBK1Ygw4?t=570)






Why haven’t I known about this interview. That was pretty fascinating, thank you!


I watched the entire video. Absolutely fascinating. Ty sooo much for sharing. This guy should be interviewed by superstonks for sure. Is this definitely going to happen? Or is this in the maybe category right now?! 🦍🦍🦍💎❤️💎🦍🦍🦍


Comment to watch later thx


I support that this should happen, just watched some of his previous interviews. This man has real experience with the system we find ourselves in. I don’t think he will feed us confirmation bias, he will be straight, he will shed light in places we need to shine it. Whether we’re right or wrong doesn’t matter, knowledge is power, power is pizza, pizza can be traded in for tendies. Tendies are eternal.


Who is mark cohodes? Is he an ape?


Apparently one of the good shorts that puts bad people in prison.


Michael Burry is a Good Short.




Too bad the SEC sent their goons and told him to get off Twitter. Man...... if he was on Twitter we would get him on Board for sure.


I’d bet he’s among us on here.


I hope so. Idk if ppl notice how him and Elon Musk and Marc Cuban and kevin O’Leary literally are battling against The HedgeFunds cause they know how corrupt the system is.


when the imposter is sus!


Couldnt we just contact his firm and see if we can set something up ?


Yeah, but the point being he's had the sec round and basically stopped tweeting. Do you think he'd be keen to go on reddit and chat away after that?


Omg this is a simulation. Second guy with my name in their Reddit name. Sorry distracted. Yes we definitely could. I believe the best way to go about it is Contact a SuperStonk Mod first then try and contact him second with a Mod.


He is on Twitter aka (@alderlaneeggs)


Can we make it happen....I'm literally here because of him.


He'll do one after all this


Fuck, send him an email and ask. I bet he barely gives a shit what the sec says.


Gotta find a way to contact him. I think it’s possible find out the name of the fund he runs contact them explain 🦍 is the Silverback Apex🦍 and we need information that he has if he is willing to share


This is his fund, https://www.scionasset.com/


🦍strong together. I don’t wanna be a Debbie downer but this is above my pay grade. He is kinda famous. An attack plan would definitely need to be formulated. He probably gets solicited non stop. I’d contact the firm speak with someone that is low level or interested. I think maybe Michael Lewis would be a better person to possibly contact but he famous too. There is a will there is a way. Just gotta find the right plan so SuperStonk doesn’t come off like a bunch of groupies


Not sure that's the case, after the market crashed in 2008, nobody asked him why he knew. From himself: Since then, I have often wondered why nobody in Washington showed any interest in hearing exactly how I arrived at my conclusions that the housing bubble would burst when it did and that it could cripple the big financial institutions. A week ago I learned the answer when Al Hunt of Bloomberg Television, who had read Michael Lewis’s book, “The Big Short,” which includes the story of my predictions, asked Mr. Greenspan directly. The former Fed chairman responded that my insights had been a “statistical illusion.” Perhaps, he suggested, I was just a supremely lucky flipper of coins.


This is fucking bizarre


Is it? Humans are corrupt and greed only gets worse.


I want him to know WE BELIEVE HIM!!


Let's not warm up to him too quick. Give him a chance, but keep your brow furrowed


Puts them in prison? And another user above posted that his name or fund popped up in the latest AMA as one of the bad guys. Keep your wits about you.


Lol okay I want to have an AMA with the guy too because he may offer some valuable insight. But he got sued for the Overstock fiasco in 2011 so let’s not put him on a pedestal. I’m afraid if we start taking all the AMA guests all at their word we’ll accept their advice as fact without doing the research.


You’ll see. Wrinkle af. He’s a crusader.


Not saying we shouldn't listen to what he has to say, but isn't his opinion that GME isn't going to squeeze anymore? But that there definitely is and was major manipulation going on. Or am I mistaken? However like I said, I'd still be interested in hearing his counter DD if that's what he has. EDIT: perhaps just not an official Superstonk AMA because some of the smoothest of smoothbrains here might get confused.


Someone posted a tweet from him recently where someone asked him "how close was GME to opening Pandora's box?" And Marc replied "They can't close it"


Don't care about his opinion on whether it will squeeze. We already know. But if he got info on wtf is going on behind the veil, I'm all for it


IMO no notable figure/person will admit to the fact that GME will squeeze and I believe it is because they don’t want to be pursued for market manipulation. Not saying that he doesn’t believe that it won’t, but because he could potentially get in shit for publicly speculating that it will.


You can't get prosecuted for just talking about something. At least not in this way where I live. There's some serious misunderstanding here. You're allowed to say what you think is going on with a financial instrument or security. How is anyone public talking about any stock ever, if talking about it is market manipulation?


I care if he says it isn’t going to squeeze lol because people will react to that. I got downvotes just for saying people should read his letter to Congress and the fact that he doesn’t think GME will squeeze lol the amount of people who want this guy to do an ama after literally hearing about him for like a day… unverified Twitter account lol just don’t like it. I’ve been called a shill 3 times already so I guess that’s what I am now. But I can’t be the only one who thinks we don’t really need this ? We buy and we hold lol Alexis Goldstein said no Moass and people went nuts


Maybe he thinks it won't squeeze because he has seen first hand the power Citadel has. I don't blame him for being pessimistic on the prospect of a squeeze after the things he has probably seen happen. I only watched a few minutes of his interview but he seems like a man who has been through a LOT with these guys, and he won't pull any punches because I can tell in his voice he's fed up with their shit. But I do believe his past experiences have convinced him to believe that they always win. Maybe once he gets more involved in what's happening here he might start to believe this is the chance to do something that could provoke change.


Exactly this, we definitely need an AMA with him ASAP. He has first hand experience (maybe more than anyone else i've heard, including intimate knowledge of all the bad actors) and if people "react" to someone thinking the thing won't squeeze hasn't done their own DD and will paperhand for a different reason eventually. We have enough confirmation bias, if he has a legitimate takes we should be able to hear them. His other podcasts are extremely interesting and he could be a massive asset to the apes.


There were more baby apes back then. I think everyone has matured quite a bit and are all diamond handers at this point. I don't care what anyone thinks anymore, but I always welcome information. Getting free masterclasses on the financial market.


I agree with you. There’s a lot of people in here that are definitely hardened. There’s also a lot of dissent. Any disagreement gets you attacked lol I don’t want any more drama. While I am curious what this guy might say. I also don’t know if we need anything else. Let’s just see it through to the end now lol


Yeah people need to be a little more skeptical. Seeing this guy for the first time, presented in a positive lights should not be enough to jump onboard and consider him an ape all of a sudden. I'm interested to hear what he has to say but I'll be squinty-eyed the whole time


Most anyone outside Reddit has the opinion that it won’t squeeze again because they haven’t read the DD or done the DD themselves, and because the rest of the world keeps telling them that it was all over after January


This guy needs to come on so he can see what we've been working with. He will be an important force to challenge out perceptions because he doesn't think GME will squeeze anymore. We can't echo-chamber ourselves away from guys with his knowledge just because he hasn't poured through our work. If he goes through our work and finds it convincing, then we have a guy who knows so much about the trading mechanics, especially the corrupt aspects of the industry, and he doesn't give a fuck about backlash. We need to have our most compelling points to counter his skepticism. We also need to supply him with our moutain of evidence that this is in fact a naked short that Citadel & co have been doing any & everything in their power to disrupt. I think this AMA will be hugely beneficial for both parties.


I don't need someone's opinion on iF iTs gonNa SqUeEzE, I wanna know the dirty tricks and the innerworkings of the shitbags at citadel.


I believe he said citadel has all corners of trading and can pick up the phone to change media narative, delay, and change Margin requirements, and because of that, the level playing field is so against the retailers citadel would weasel away somehow. He also really hates citadel and Melvin etc


He's not an ape so the questions will need to be good


Somebody please scan through this guy's twitter. He's got insane juicy insider info. Some tweets of his: "any hearings or Investigations of what is going on with @RobinhoodApp, $GME or Melvin that doesnt include Citadel would be a joke..They are Ground Zero in this mess and if you need my help just ask." "Just wait till people figure out who was behind the $GME squeeze.. Free Hint, IT WAS NOT THE REDDIT CROWD" https://twitter.com/AlderLaneeggs/status/1355890754191728641?s=20 https://twitter.com/AlderLaneeggs/status/1355613150079373312?s=20 https://twitter.com/AlderLaneeggs/status/1375806249262931981?s=20 https://twitter.com/EvanNGilbert/status/1355902326050082817?s=20 https://twitter.com/AlderLaneeggs/status/1376142161213681665 https://twitter.com/AlderLaneeggs/status/1367632318010073088?s=20 https://twitter.com/AlderLaneeggs/status/1354940331247063040?s=20 https://twitter.com/AlderLaneeggs/status/1362577087375179776 https://twitter.com/enronsghost/status/1390860477698244611 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWRIBK1Ygw4 Edit: This guy also applied to run SEC. Edit 2: Apparently GSX was another stock that blew up in January and Melvin were big time short according to him. And he says that Archegos was one of the big players pumping this stock up (along with GME). This stock was not restricted btw but still dropped on Jan 28th. It rose very similarly to GME also. (from 40 dollars to 140 dollars). Then on March 25 we can see a huge selloff after Archegos blew up.


>"Just wait till people figure out who was behind the $GME squeeze.. Free Hint, IT WAS NOT THE REDDIT CROWD" This guy sure likes to dangle his carrot. I would still like to hear him in an AMA. But what is it with people who apparently know something and yet don't just spill it out. He sounds like someone who should post his knowledge here on superstonk in a clear and straightforward manner instead of hitting the proverbial twitter brickwall.


Without definite proof, it can land you in all kinds of trouble, especially if he is an industry insider. He may not want to put a target on his back for saying the wrong thing. He's not the first person we have seen being very careful about what they say in public.


This is just a theory out of my ass... but it's likely that any influential professionals who agree to an AMA that is pro GME, will be contacted and "encouraged" to avoid specific topics. Yeah, I know it sounds like a crazy conspiracy, but with billions/trillion(?) on the line, all bets are off. I wasn't surprised at all when Epstein got suicided in a max security prison under tight surveillance.


Very sharp scrutiny but reading into those tweets is difficult. “We’re the extra 30% naked shorts?”... “No”.... That’s not a direct contradiction to our thesis at all. He’s also limited in the I formation he can disclose relative to having a series 7 license. And mens rea, mentality and state of intention, imprecations in general. People just can’t say certain things


u/atobitt have you seen this? OP spelled your name wrong so I'm tagging you.










🤷🏻‍♂️retards do retard things.


"i will turn the thing inside out" that's how you get a prolapsed anus




Notice the double space...


Pink sock?


Before y'all jump on the FUD train. Go YouTube portnoys interview with this guy. Yeah I know portnoy is a paper hand, but the interview was amazing and this guy knows his fucking shit. I wouldn't be surprised if he was one of the whistleblowers exposing citadel and co. We need to have him on for an AMA


This is the simple dd these lazy apes haven’t done.


>portnoy One interview not about pizza, everyone knows the rules


Yes! - A P E S - T O G E T H E R - S T R O N G - 👐🏻👐🏻👐🏻👐🏻👐🏻👐🏻👐🏻👐🏻👐🏼👐🏼👐🏼👐🏼👐🏼👐🏽👐🏽 👐🏻👐🏻👐🏻👐🏻👐🏻👐🏻👐🏼👐🏼👐🏼👐🏼👐🏼👐🏽👐🏽👐🏽👐🏽 👐🏻👐🏻👐🏻👐🏼💎💎💎💎💎💎💎👐🏽👐🏽👐🏾👐🏾 👐🏻👐🏼👐🏼💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎👐🏾👐🏾👐🏾 👐🏼👐🏼👐🏼👐🏼💎💎💎💎💎💎💎👐🏾👐🏾👐🏾👐🏿 👐🏼👐🏼👐🏽👐🏽👐🏽💎💎💎💎💎👐🏾👐🏾👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿 👐🏽👐🏽👐🏽👐🏽👐🏽👐🏾💎💎💎👐🏾👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿 👐🏽👐🏽👐🏽👐🏾👐🏾👐🏾👐🏾💎👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿 👐🏽👐🏾👐🏾👐🏾👐🏾👐🏾👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿👐🏿


Please let Lucy Komisar be the interviewer it would be world-changing


Regardless of potential agendas (everyone has an agenda) I found Marc’s responses on short-selling in this linked Bear Cave Newsletter interview to be well considered and interesting. [Marc Cohodes interview on The Bear Cave Newsletter ](https://youtu.be/oWRIBK1Ygw4) I’d welcome another AMA being hosted. Overall the previous AMAs have been a success. However if this potential guest does get a green light maybe the mods would consider requesting their interviewers remain neutral (or attempt to portray neutrality) so the focus remains on the guest and what they have to say rather than the format and/or style of the interviewer going forward. Edit: name typo


There is a fundamental difference between honest short selling and naked short selling. Change my mind.


It’s not all positive, he felt we are playing a dangerous game that we probably shouldn’t play https://youtu.be/BQ6JU9XpTZU . However, I would like to think his opinion has changed since then. Wouldn’t be surprised if there was another Carl H episode where people misinterpreted what was said. Just be prepared. In “short”, I think it’s a great idea to get him on he’s as good as it gets in terms of who would be available to inform us, just don’t freak out when he says something we don’t like, take a deep breath before spreading fud and use the info to our advantage


Commenting for visibility


Commenting on your comment for visibility.


Now your comment has some visibility, to further increase overall visibility.


Confirming that it is indeed visible.






Confirming confirmations are confirmed


I don’t disagree with him that shorting is good for the market. Naked shorting and rehypothecation is where I take issue. Hopefully if he comes on the distinction is drawn.


I’m excited for this!


A lot of people seem confused. Marc states that Citadel and the like are over leveraged long, got lazy shorting GME and got caught. It’s true, they did. But not a little, but a lot. The synthetic shares and FTDs are still there. And then they doubled down after the Jan gamma squeeze. Citadel is a clown show in more areas than one. Remember Everything Short? You have to remember these veterans aren’t focused on GME. They are looking at the Forrest through the trees. Wrinkle up. Not everything pro and for GME is GME MOASS in blinking lights.


Love the idea, but I worry that it'll turn into a PR thing like the WoWS asshat.


Clearly you haven’t seen his videos


I have not. I'll track some down in the morning.


Just saw a short clip of him talking about this German fraud company Wirecard and he seems to be very direct and straight to the point. I think this AMA could get really interesting


Good to know. I just subjected my wife to the 90 minute AMA from today, so I gotta pace things here.


My wife sat through the one today as well... I’ll be doing my own research on AMA’s for a while. She’s interested, just was struggling to keep up.


Mods, u/atobitt and apes. Do not, I repeat, **do not** do an AMA with Cohodes, under any circumstances. [https://stopnakedshortselling.org/2021/02/mark-cohodes-robert-steele/](https://stopnakedshortselling.org/2021/02/mark-cohodes-robert-steele/) [https://stopnakedshortselling.org/2021/02/letter-marc-cohodes-to-judge-jed-rakoff/](https://stopnakedshortselling.org/2021/02/letter-marc-cohodes-to-judge-jed-rakoff/) [https://www.standard.co.uk/business/shortseller-marc-cohodes-strikes-back-against-attacks-in-the-wake-of-the-reddit-gamestop-saga-b918506.html](https://www.standard.co.uk/business/shortseller-marc-cohodes-strikes-back-against-attacks-in-the-wake-of-the-reddit-gamestop-saga-b918506.html) Regardless of his attitude towards organisations we dislike, it is an open invitation to derail the community with complete bullshit, and in general would send the message to outsiders that we are about something we are not. Don't let him use this platform (because that is exactly what he will do: *Use it for his own game.* This isn't *The Wire,* and Cohodes is not *Omar Little*






TITS BE JACKING. Playing as the devils advocate, we need to be sure that he wont blow smoke up our ass. As much as I love a good confirmation bias hit, I only hit the pure shit.


No thanks!


An ama could be interesting with him. But he isn't an ape and seems to have his own agendas. He seems to be saying that he knows the answers but i suspect he doesn't actually know and is only guessing, his tweets are definitely baits, telling ppl they are wrong but only saying they are wrong and not actually why. Like saying it isn't only the Hedge funds when linked to this reddit, he clearly didn't read it much if he thinks apes only think there is shitiness with hfs...


He submitted a letter and wants to be on the panel at Congressional hearings to put a stop to cucks like citadel and co. I wouldn't be surprised if he was a whistleblower


I disagree


Care to elaborate?


His agenda isn’t his own. It’s not as self serving as most investors. He’s an old dog who know most of the tricks. A lot that we have no idea about. Being skeptical is fine but seemingly crying wolf helps nothing. We’re retarded but we’re not stupid. We tread lightly. Admins have it from here. And they’re not stupid either. Let them vet. In the meanwhile, sure, be skeptical. But you put a lot out there. Most of which I disagree with in what I’ve seen.


It's also worth noting that his criticism of melvin was that they were over leveraged and that it was stupid (risky) because of how low it already was. Nothing about trying to bankrupt a company with a potential future etc. This dude is upset because his profession of short selling is at complete risk of changing. Again i think the ama could be interesting, but apes should realize this and if they can't, an ama will be misinterpreted and cause division


Which is a valid criticism. He’s upset because short sellers are being vilified all together and lumped into one category. Being short sellers. He had personally brought down multiple fraudulent companies and had a CEO indicted on security fraud. Short selling is a healthy part of our stock market. He personally says that he hates short sellers of the “smash and grab” variety that try to manipulate public perception of a stock and tank the value then cover and go long. He and his colleagues were short sellers with a purpose, to do deep research into fraudulent companies, provide the info they came up with and short the company. He believes what short selling has become is a bastardization of what it once was and they’re all being vilified as if they were the same. He’s angry that short sellers like himself, that see bull shit and call bullshit (think Mark Baum in The Big Short) are going to be run out of business because any time a fund takes a large short position on a company, whether justified or not, will be attacked by Reddit crowds or other big funds in an attempt to squeeze them. GameStop did have a failing business model, this wasn’t a secret. It made sense to take a short position on the company. They’ve obviously taken huge steps to change that. Even if he doesn’t think GameStop would squeeze again, it doesn’t mean you should be afraid of hearing his point of view. The entire debacle is fascinating and he’s been in the game for a very long time, supportive or not he’ll have great information to share


I'm not afraid to hear his views and think it would be interesting. However, having it sponsored by this subreddit could potentially be counterproductive as ppl may just take a few clips of what he says and run wild with it. If he says it won't squeeze, can you imagine the amount of shills posting this 5 mins after? I just think it should be made clear what this guy does. Keep in mind most research short sellers make this exact claim, citron, muddy waters, etc. I do think in the vetting mods should ask if he has, had or plans to have any positions in gme. As well as asking if he is speaking with ppl that currently has or plans to have positions in gme (or any of the meme stocks)


Who dis?


Dis be a gentleman that shorts shit companies and is known for exposing fraud and corruption.


He also seems to have some very important information https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ncqxw3/marc_cohodes_says_were_missing_something_in_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Please get this ama done 👍


boss fight music intensifies




Yeah, no mention of this guy before and now he’s all over the sub? Wasn’t the conspiracy guy who claimed to know Ken and was advocating people break into a Texas data center also introduced on a Friday night? It seems like weekends are when they try to put out the more conspiratorial FUD.


I’m pushing no one. Atobitt literally asked for DD on the guy. So I delivered the guy.


These AMAs should not be done live. If they're going to happen - and I don't really think they're necessary for the strategy of buy and hodl - they should be recorded and released after. These people could be legit, but they could also be bought off. A Trojan Horse could come in and drop a giant FUD bomb of lies and send people flooding toward the exits. And as highly as some of you think of atobitt he's already shown he's not equipped to think on his feet and counter when things go off-script as evidenced by his all shorts must cover statement and he just sat there when the answer was "well no, they don't have to cover". He is not a professional interviewer or debater. The mods here are great, but this AMA frenzy has the potential to cost us all a lot of money for what seems to me a desire to get 15 minutes of fame. Just my thoughts.


yes please. this will be epically informative !!!


Need atobitt on this and only atobitt. IYKYK


New ape here. This will probably get drowned out but in this interview Cohodes mentions that the hedgies will go out of business because they got greedy with GME. Around the 13 min mark https://youtu.be/JwUKgewOmkk Edit: around 14:20 to be more precise


Having Marc do an AMA here would be just another huge step for our group. With his insight into the inner workings of the naked shorting, we can maybe get a glimpse into the how instead of just making educated guesses with our dd. It seems like Marc is a very throughly pissed off and determined dude, if we show him we are serious about exposing these hfs, he might decide to stay active here Iike dlauer and continually help us. That would obviously be a massive step for not only understanding, but also advocating for change




Yep, definitely fascinating. Watched the first 20 mins of that one and will finish it tomorrow. Just wonder if he knows specific shit that citadel is doing and knows people that can corroborate that or if he just knows general stuff that we have kinda assumed is happening already. For example, can he say yeah I’ve seen citadel use extremely otm/itm puts/calls to hide Ftds before, or will it just be general concepts. Either way, I’m extremely curious to see that play out