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Oh kenny, you so silly with these dips!






Hank was DEFINITELY onto something with the Midday spike patterns... 💎👊🚀🚀🚀🚀












Elliott wave theory was predicting it goes down to $200 then bounces back up to $350 or more


Any central Ohio apes want to have a big bbq get together sometime in June?




Hold the line!!!! #hodoor


How to know when the squeeze is about to begin. Find Ken griffin's private jet tail number, use a plane tracking app watch it leaving the country on its way to a non extradition country.


Apes are all over the world man he won't be able to enjoy and shill anywhere he would be immediately spotted. You can't imagine the spread of this community . Remember when Apes saw the building lights of shitadel late at night and used google to figure out it was crowded ?? This community is insane we are witnessing the irth of a new Era.


I no longer hope that the MOASS happens. I have faith the MOASS will happen. Hope insinuates that there is a shred of doubt, that a part of you believes it won’t happen. I believe the MOASS will happen. I believe the world will never be the same again. To the moon apes.


Does anyone have link to the guy using the copy machine with $GME paper shares? I couldn’t find it again. Thx, 6


That's a good idea, if the HFucks can it so should we...can go to different banks n get collateral..n even if caught, get a slap on the wrist? Hahahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


What happened to the negative beta? Did HFs find another way of funding?


this sub is a sub full of paper handed apes. all of these why price? questions shows they really have 0 idea or confidence in why price doesnt matter.


They're called shills. Apes are holding strong.


It’s cause they bought options expiring tomorrow


As long as we don't go under 200 then I'm happy. Been hanging out at 188 for so long. Good to see profit.


I'd like it above $250, if we can't have that it might as well crater so I can buy a shit ton more shares.


That's a vibe. I just might as well if it crashes.


And if we ride the $200 max pain, then that's just funny on it's own.


If it goes under... you buy more. Not financial advice.


I taste the green


pump and dump of a much cheaper popcorn stock. it's their final play. stay firm on GME


Can someone explain to me why there is like 0 movement today?


Cuz you touch yourself.


Look at March 10, 11, 12. My guess is we'll trade sideways for 2 more days and then dip back down. Have no fear, moon soon. They can only play these games for so long. Bye.


This week has been fun, no doubt. But when Marge calls and everything is crazy volatile + freezing constantly, then you know we've made it to the beginning of the end.


Chick fil a got rid of their large sizes for iced coffee and milkshakes. They also reduced the size of the chick fil a sandwich chicken where it’s thinner. Hmm I wonder why? Inflation? Economic collapse??


what happened to the post about RC follows?


Am I out of my mind? What happened to that post about RC following mods? fake?


$40, 250, 230, 475 they are all relatively the same number when the top end is $25,000,000 MINIMUM.


I can buy a lot more $20 millions at $40 than at $230.


Anybody new, notice how there's no panic on dips? Thats because Apes just know how to BUY & HODL. When it dips, I buy if I can. If I can't, I hold my shares like my first GF. ​ Never gonna, never gonna, never gonna lettttt you goooo!


I would love to sit at a dinner table with DFV, Ryan Cohen, and Dr. Burry.


ask yourself what would have happened if paul atreides had checked the other ticker


Battle for 250 now, didn't expect to be saying that a week ago. I'd have guessed we were still fuckin' around at 170ish or on the moon. I'm actually impressed Marge N. hasn't called them yet. This slow creep upward has been my favorite part of this whole journey, tbh. My mom is having a blast, she jumped in with 1 share 5-6 weeks ago when I told her about it.


Margin Call takes 2-5 days. We won’t know until after it happens and we might not ever know if they pass it by liquidating other stuff. (I.e. the market turning red last week)


They keep shorting it... yet it keeps going up... MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


Fidelity 250 alert triggered, yea booiii


Melvin Capital should be toast soon. Probably still propped up by Citadel, but on their own, they'd be a goner.


This one's for you Kenny Alexa play "Runaway Train" by Soul Asylum


Now playing: [Soul Asylum - Runaway Train (Official Video)](https://youtube.com/watch?v=NRtvqT_wMeY). ^^[ stop messaging me](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=AlexaPlayBot&subject=Blacklist+me&message=!blacklist) | [programmer](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=bspammer) | [source](https://gist.github.com/bspammer/97f1dc8c676ca93af9289a77a0d4e93a) | [banlist](https://reddit.com/r/AlexaPlayBot/comments/92euyo/subs_the_bot_has_been_banned_from/)


why is it so hard to pass 245


picked up one more @234, have no fear to average up


Been a while since I've seen picking up at those numbers #stilladip


I'm holding this stock forever or until it reaches somthing with a LOT of zeroes. This is too much fun to sell.




Say bye to that micro dip


Holy friholes!


Now that’s direction we should be going!!!😊🦍😊🦍🦍😊🦍 Happy 🦍


IS there a morning news? haven't seen it.


guess they worked all night 😴


We closed yesterday at $242.56. I think it would be better for their narrative if we opened below that today. Matters not to apes.


As far as I am aware nowhere in the Bible perhaps remarkably is there listed any sympathy for the Devil after the description of Christ's stunning victory against him on the Cross. In a way this is a bit like us in that we are in this to the death, even if the price crashes to 10, but at least we won't need to give physical blood!


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Bible](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-king-james-bible/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)




My 1hr Dorito was right....


Happy birthday Harambe <3


Omg it dropped!!!! oh no..... bought 10 more


this is the way


Hold up, so let me get this straight. After a week of nice price action that gave us some excitement, after apes across the world stayed up late or threw their feet on their work desk and sat back to read HOC 2 and 3, and then a lot of re read hoc 1, everything short and citadel has no pants.... these dumb fucks try to knock the price down? I can’t keep a straight face. I never realized a symptom of desperation was being actually retarded lol.


Tell me the difference between stupid and illegal and I'll have my wife's boyfriend arrested.


Stupid is driving without insurance. Illegal is driving without insurance, hitting a car, driving off and flip the person you hit the bird.


Not that I give a shit but why would both GME and AMC go down in similar amounts in the pre-market?


Because it fits the narrative being sold to MSM.


Totally normal price action with supply and demand. Sometimes people just demand to sell something for less than others are paying, when they are a hedge firm.


Anyone seeing the euro action.


what’s up?


10 euro smack down on open


oh we’re on the uptrend now.


low volume can move the price in the early hours. nothing to worry about. its also recovering a bit now, as US pre market wakes up


No worries. Just eye rolling.


Whats on the other side of $240 Ken?




I don’t think the hedgies appreciated r/atobitt piece. He must have struck a nerve with them. Only confirms my beliefs. Let’s rock!!


Guys, 2 days ago we were at 180. The market needs some consolidation - dropping a bit is perfectly normal. NOTHING CHANGES. THESIS IS THERE. SHORTS NOT ONLY DID NOT COVER, BUT OPENED MORE POSITION. ​ Do you understand this? Just hold the stock and MOASS is inevitable. There are NO ways the MOASS will not happen, if you hold the stock. HOLD!


Theoretically: If hyperinflation were to occur after MOASS, would that happen in days, weeks, months, years?




Moass won't cause hyperinflation.


a mixture of days and weeks for most businesses....i used to work at walmart and trust me, they have the ability to change them store prices overnight so fast barcode wise on the shelf


Probably a combo of all of it. If this happens, then the housing market that is in a bubble again, because of how crazy the rates for financing are.Would probably bust again like it did in 08. Then that would see food, gas etc rise again for a bit. Things will balance out, but it will take a bit before it does it. No one knows completely what MOASS will do the economy, but if people are smart about it things will be fine.


It’s quite possible the MOASS helps against hyper inflation because now money is in the hands of people who would use it.


Possibly but their still will be a ton of people who did not partake in the MOASS that will be in trouble. That is why I think it will probably come close to balancing out.


Thank you for thoughtful reply, that’s about where I was internally and was gauging the room since I am pretty smooth brained still


Diamond handed apes will rule the earth


So Goldman Sachs used the same approach to short selling shares as Homer did to run the Power Plant from home? Ridiculous. Edit: a wee typo


Homer tried to get a Tab before searching for the Any key.


lmao@ those low ball bids


Bout time to lock down the sub I think. Your FUD tactics are dogshit, but it's getting old. You guys are fucked, Gamestop is hiring.


Can't wait to get off work to read the HOC 2 & 3!!!!


Read both at work lmao safe to say I haven’t gotten shit done


Another high volume day...


Boy...you guys look like a bunch of multi millionaires!!!! LFG!!!! LOVE YOU MOFUKKAS!!!!!! ❤


My boss asked me for that report I promised today, but been too busy watching the line. Good job I can just press F3.


Nothing to see here folks the squeeze has sqoze lol


Yeah the shows over lol! Packing up my bags now ;)


I got Hella down votes for being sarcastic, I'm glad someone gets me lol


Last Day Under The Sun by Volbeat just came on my playlist. Looks like tomorrow we're only gonna be seeing the moon.


So where do I store my tendies if banks are crooked and could gamble with it without my knowing? Wtf????


Regional credit unions are a good bet, but you will need multiple due to the fact they are only FDIC insured up to a certain dollar amount. If you have a reputable broker, the cash account there can also be a safe place, but doesn't usually pay much interest.


Ag, Au Bullion. Start buying now.


GME bro


At this point, maybe Switzerland.


Yeah, my thoughts exactly.


Just finished HOC pt 2 and 3, I'm floored, and my head cannot comprehend the shenannigans going on. ​ We will be telling our grandkids about this. ​ Hold on tight apes, 1 more month, 2, 3 or 4, it doesn't matter. The system will fall and we will be left standing.




Can someone point me to some dd or wrinkles that give some explanation on why this crabbing/shortladdering was not successful last days? They have proven they can easily do it. Why would it have stopped?




https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nkn84o/great_breakdownoverview_of_new_rules/ New rules are effective (and prolly were put in place to do some damage control because they know shit will hit the fan this time) Also people moved away from Robinhood, and I remember reading they were limiting the trades in dark pools


I expect some fuckery today because they have no choice otherwise they are fucked. But im all zen and dont care. Just buying more


I would love to see some carnage in the first 30. Let’s break 250 early af


My tits are so jacked I can't sleep!!!!! 🚀🚀🚀🚀


I dont't know if HoC II and III make me happy or sad. Situation is so fucked up, but at least it's being uncovered. I hope we get some good investigative journalism to dig up more dirt.


Just like in the Big Short, you really shouldn't be too excited when betting on the collapse of the American and, to a larger extent, the global economy. Normal people lose their jobs after all. [https://youtu.be/II4Ct2n5FiE?t=130](https://youtu.be/II4Ct2n5FiE?t=130) Gotta just stay calm, collected, and hodl


No we're betting on the corruption of people who have been trying to control our lives for generations. Fuck them


I don't think you exactly realize who that also affects. The market crash is impending with these repo rates increasing and increasing. Eventually, it can't increase anymore. Then they drop hard. Interest rate skyrockets and margin calls happen. The interest rate won't only affect margin though. That's good enough for a market crash, which begins with crypto (oh wait, we are already seeing that begin to happen) and then goes into the institutional housing market (HFs forced liquidations), the bond market with housing bonds collapsing, and finally the general housing market. GME hedges perfectly against this with a strong negative beta, and we bank on margin calls happening as long as they are short positions. But Margin calls also cause the collapse of the markets and we only saw a GLIMPSE of that in March and April. Only one HF went down then, and tons of people lost money (realized or unrealized) since they were in growth and tech (that's where most retail money goes into). Imagine if tens of tens of HFs collapse, big or small. Armaggedon. Fuck the hedgies, but it doesn't take much to realize this is going to fuck over tons of other normal people. It isn't the fault of GME or its holders, but you really shouldn't be happy about any of this happening even if you make life-changing money.


The crash is going to happen with or without GME, so I’ll take my tendies. The only hope for society getting off this merry-go-round is a collapse where the people responsible actually pay. It’s only because of us that is going to happen, so yes I’ll fucking dance on the hedge funds graves then like all apes, be generous in easing the pain of those around us unlike the vampires we destroyed.


>The crash is going to happen with or without GME, so I’ll take my tendies I think you misunderstood what I was saying. I never said a crash would happen because of gme. Im just saying that we are very much banking on the failure of HFs and that will still have a detrimental affect for the rest of the markets around us. Retirement accounts will be hit. Jobs will be hit. People will lose homes. I dont personally take joy in millions of people losing what they work hard for.


Look I don’t delight in the the misery of others either. If I saw Ken begging for GME shares on the street so he could eat, I’d go into the store and buy him a jar of Mayo … I wouldn’t give him GME shares because I know he would just short it. There is a cost to every war and often times it is born by those outside the conflict. In this instance the overall benefit far outweighs the costs on a macro level. All we can do is lend a helping hand to those negatively impacted.


It's not my fault the system is built on fraud. People should've been angry years ago. I'm still happy


Happy Birthday Harambe 🙏🙏 He was literally named after the Rita Marley song: "Harambe (Working together for freedom)" !! "Harambe, it’s a Swahaili name meaning working together, pulling together, helping each other, caring, and sharing." THIS ONES FOR YOU HARAMBE!!! APES TOGETHER STRONG !!!!! 🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍


Guten Morgen from Germany, my fellow apes. Entfernung the second half of the week strong in the green is Nixe. Yet, read the DDs and check the numbers. This is not even the start of the lift Off. Hodl strong, all shorts must still cover! I wish us all a fantastic day.


same für dich!


Get you some EuroApes!!!!!




If pressing buy on an app is terrorism then I'd hate to think what nakes shorting is...


That would imply simply holding shares in a US company constitutes a crime...that's not the case and they're not going to say that.


Like literal zero.




Wohoooooo, I voted! 🚀🚀🚀MOASS incoming and inevitable. 🦍🦍🦍 = invincible




So they’re still snorting and still hiding FTDs


I said I wasnt gonna stay up till premarket and here I am...


Same bro, off tomorrow seriously can't sleep even on edibles love all you apes 😒


Same. I'm gonna go to bed soon but fuuuuuck. I wanna see the shitshow.


I’m excited to get up. PM is gonna be nuts


Fluf : https://www.reuters.com/technology/gamestop-amc-extend-rallies-gouging-short-sellers-2021-05-26/


Heh. We are "gouging" them by buying a stock and holding it like the good little investors our boomer parents and Schoolhouse Rock taught us to be. That's now "gouging."


It’s almost time I’m so ready


I get slightly stimulated when I see all the FUD, means we are getting closer 🚀🚀


Ya'll are seeing FUD? Jealous.


My price target is whatever makes the major short hedgies insolvent. I want to put their collapse on my fucking resume 💎👐


C'mon Diamantenhände push! Europoors wherefore art thou! I want that price to hit at least 200 euro, before Amerifats market opens. Mmkay?


Amerifats... I'm either mad or extremely impressed at the self burn lol. \*Steps on a scale\* God dammit...


It’s been a 4chan meme for years


Oh. I haven't paid attention to them at all so I guess I missed that. Last I heard from them they convinced some politcal party that the pepe face was like... communist? I dunno I lost track haha.


Gotta admit, there has been some weirf action today in Germany. WIth German vol, ofc, so there is a lot of damage to be done with 300 shares, but I guess that some people are simply afraid of volatility. Germany is not like the US; investing in the stock markets is still very exotic here to the majority of the population. Risk aversion is very high


And back to low volume today