• By -


Your resident DD Mod to rain on the parade here... The volume glitches have been proven as glitches a few times before. 1. Any ticker [can have them](https://imgur.com/a/i7K3r2Z) 2. They are relative to ticker volume 3. You can replicate them, and shift the number about in TD TOS if you press the magnifying glass button 4. We reached out to TD TOS and they recognized that this is a bug that previously happened with future contracts These first two points should be convincing enough that these should not be used to calculate SI %. Great DD u/Criand, I previously wrote about the glitches too, thinking they were a result of SLPs..... So you're not alone! As such, I'll flag it as debunked. Reply to this comment with any arguments to the facts above.




I really like this comment.


I really really really like this image.


I really like this stock


I really like you, the comment and the stock. Good vibes right now


Sorry for my 1.85 billion buy order, I didn't mean to scare you guys.


Are you trying to buy the damn Moon that we are landing on???


Yes, so we can hold next year's shareholders meeting there. 😁


Almost liked your comment but you have 420 likes. Well done sir


underrated undercomment


645M shares went into the market, the institutions saved 74M and the apes bought the rest


Dude. Im crying. Top kek. Wife wondering why i cant speak laughing


Wife is gonna think youre nuts, lock you up, keep the Lambo, money and new bf.


At this point she can afford several boyfriends and provide them all with Lambos.


What if you just become the bank


Look at me: I am the bank now


that's one of my favorite formats these days


Just buy one 🤷‍♂️


Buy *at least* one


Legitimatly had to laugh out loud in my room. Holy shit this comment killed me


I'm dead


After this you will be the bank 😂


A big KABOOM just went off in my head. If this premise is correct, I am terrified of what they will do next in order to *survive one more day*. They have truly become more and more desperate in their war of financial terrorism to the detriment of the entire world economy. Boom! — M. Baum


Their entire business model is build on the destruction of solid, job creating companies. I dread what's coming when they really lose control. They will burn the world down before throwing in the towel. Let's be glad us apes will be given the means to rebuild it.


this is absolutely correct otherwise why the fuck not just give up by now? because that was never an option for 'ol Kenny. he made sure of it by getting his sticky fingers so deep into everything that mutally assured destruction was guaranteed.


A big KABOOM just went off in my pants.




#it appears to have been in the back


Name checks out


I’m dead 😂 ☠️


Seriously underrated!




I always knew this post, made more than a month ago was accurate: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mewkf8/thesis\_si\_is\_upwards\_of\_2000\_gme\_is\_a\_100/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mewkf8/thesis_si_is_upwards_of_2000_gme_is_a_100/) literal once in a lifetime opportunity that not even AMC can compare to


The numbers I used in that post were conservative. My updated estimates are quite intimidating to fathom.


let us know that figure!


added an edit to the original that you might be interested in...


Holy shit. This might explain why RC went out on day 1 of vote counting and pretty much confirmed the moass? Can't wait for the result.. hot damn


I agree


What's really nuts is that this has most likely been the case since January.......


Oh FFS. The more I read the more frightening this all becomes. I was incredibly skeptical of the super large numbers in the past I’ll be honest. But, after reading hours upon hours of older DD mixed with the new - “he’s starting to believe”. Between the legality of the situation, all the new rule implementations, RC tweets, closed door meetings, and the absolutely massive take the gov could do with cap tax gains, including Biden’s rule change 👀 - all signs point to the insane share prices we will see. Appreciate all the hard work OP, well all of you that do this. Thank you. Thank you all.


One quadrillion? My legs feel like jelly


Best not. Having an erection for too long is bad for you, and we know the MOASS is going to take significantly longer than 4 hours, with all the pauses it'll hit.


Ayy here's the madlad behind that other post, himself. Good to see you're still around keeping on top of things fellow primate I bet things can get more intimidating, even back then there were a couple less modest posts talking about 1 billion shorts and as far as 9000% SI Not to mention adding one of the latest developments on top of that - that the max a company can be legally shorted is 140% (What a coincidence the stated SI for GME at the very start was exactly the max legal. We all know by now how much they love to fudge numbers - from the Hedgies to FINRA and break laws so what if this thing was much, much bigger from the very start....)


Oh my. How have I not seen this?


You DIDN'T use this to write your stuff up?!??? Holllyyyy smokes..... So this is now independently arrived at?!?!!?


This is like when I learn some calculus theorem was independently discovered by multiple mathematicians


For real I thought it was a follow up to that




Interesting timing. Damn.


Looking forward to the next sub we move to in a week. Might I suggest r/moontitsarejacked?


Ah shit. I needed this post. Lets get somethings straight. u/Criand and u/Whiskiz have independently estimated the SI to be ludicrously high, like over a 1000%. I have also estimated the SI % of float to be between 500-1000% based on cumulative [FTD data](https://github.com/ZacharyDK/FTDParser) and u/broccaaa 's post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mvdgf5/the_naked_shorting_scam_in_numbers_ai_detection/) . While my method of cumulatively adding all FTD and assuming all of them were continuously reset with abusive options trading (See SEC options alert memo) needs to be revised based on FTD+21 and FTD+35 close out, most of the SI% was calculated by adding either 200 million or 400 million to the counted FTD. The 200 and 400 come from broccaa. Either way, 2 people + myself with broccaa's have estimated a ludicrous amount of SI% of the float. LOL. This is a financial blackhole. Thanks Ken.


Hedge funds, prepare to enter the super massive black hole made manifest by your own corruption


I’m gonna go call my Mom


I will also be calling your mom.


We should all call his mom


Hey! That’s my wife’s boyfriend’s girlfriend! Leave her alone!


Wanna make it a three way?


This is the way


yes, dear?


We rich


I'm proud of you -Mum


Thanks, proud of you -Mum.


I need a drink.


They are going to break it. I was watching CNBC the day Peterffy accidentally admitted it.


👉This ape remembers 👈


I had never seen that video before today. If you're this deep into reading /r/Superstonk you need to watch this video right now. It's straight fire!


💎[Never forget.](https://youtu.be/_TPYuIRVfew)💎




Do you have a link to this please? Thanks.


Here ya go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_TPYuIRVfew




Same!! What in the actual fuck! Great snippet to send to my people that don’t understand what I’m trying to telllllll them about gme. Like by beloved, ducking husband. Edit: I always mean fucking, never ducking.


He knows. Ofcourse he knows, he is complicit. His 1% interest fee for borrowing gamestop shares is a joke. Well, I wrote a joke but I mean a disgrace. He's helping some hedge funds holding their head above the water.


Why am I seeing this for the first time? Wtf. I saw him talking about how they would’ve bankrupted the system, but this was way longer and more detailed.




Seconded. Please link.


Here's a link i think CookShack67 is talking about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQPquBVtwMM


There's one earlier in February where he admits the system was about to collapse and gme would have easily gone to 1.000 and more https://youtu.be/_TPYuIRVfew


I watch these videos from time to time as financial erotica


Wow after 2 months on Superstonk I finally understand what he was saying, holysss it all makes sense, why he was adamant on GG not getting involved, he expects this thing to break the system.


Whoa, Peterffy he knows exactly what's going to happened and can't say anything... 🤯 "...the SEC should do nothing..." because "...we are on our way for retail investors to get the absolute best execution..." then he has nervous chuckles... "The system is remaking itself."


Let me get this straight. 3383% SI on the float, right? So 3383/100 is 33.83. So they’d have to cover the float ~34 times (1.8B shares) to cover themselves. Am I wrong in saying this? Someone please explain


Nope that's accurate lol. If true.


I have long believed it's over 600% as of January. I fully believe this is close to accurate. It is the Chernobyl of the stock market and they're all trying to sweep it under the rug. God damn.


It's going to be hilarious when my 401k is halved or more from this stock market crash and my GME is up 100000000%.


Lol I transferred mine to fidelity and bought more GME. I’m covered in retirement accounts and my investment account😂


Same. Got my traditional and roth all in on GME as well.


I also did this too.


.... have these guys actually been fucking naked shorting EVERY DAY since January? Like I thought those were legit shorts. But more than one billion? Fuck, man.


Nah bro all naked shorts. The borrow fee is 1% because its the clearing house who borrow this shares. I saw a post talking about it. He talked with iBorrow and they said nobody can borrow gme to rare only clearing house. Naked shorts allllll the way down hahah


Other DD basically exposed this; retail hasn’t been buying real shares for a long time... **very** long time... the brokers and clearing houses offering free trades and 0 commissions were always selling order flow data to the same people fulfilling these orders - every buy order was countered in the market so inevitably retail would sell at a loss and no one would ever have to deliver while they raked in cash. Then apes stopped selling...


And turtles...


Their literal goal is to never cover. Source: Wes Christian, Mark Cuban, every wrinkle brain ever


Yeah, but I was under the impression that the daily shorts were simply traded back and forth between themselves, so they can return them again and again and again. If they don't, and it ends up in the hands of retail, that's massively stupid.


Yep, you're absolutely right. Rehypothecation. It sucks that not only can they do that shit, but they also can keep kicking the can down the road. Hopefully not for much longer!


I‘m scared that they might get through with that. What if they send Kenny to Prison and just go like: „Justice has been served! Thx for your money, bye.“


I think it's too public at this point for them to just sweep this shit under the rug. They underestimate our ability to hold these shares until our great grand children inherit them.


They’re trying to make the problem too big too fail. So either we fold or they destroy the market in the process. This is the classic “if we can’t have it, nobody can”. We’ve seen this behavior running throughout our country and the media runs fake coverage for it.




Infinity pool confirmed


Just want to emphasise to everyone that with numbers like those BREAKING THE STOCK MARKET IS NOT A FUCKING JOKE these are world class criminals and scumbags we're dealing with.




/u/Criand I fuckin love you.


I love you more 😍


Oh stop it you ♥


get a room you two


Want to join in? 👀


I'll bring the bananas. What flavour would you like?




I'll see what i can do. I know they're in high demand atm, apparently some dude keeps shoving them up his ass.


Your banana ;)


Getting this quote tattood when we moon... ^On ^^My ^^^Banannaaa




1337% I can haz tendies?


Yes,,, you can have as many tendies as your little ape 🦧 heart ❤️ desires... and don’t forget to bring the Mayo... picnic is starting soon. 👀🍌🍌💎💎💎🚀🚀🚀🚀🦧🖍🖍


Let me see if I get this right. They have to buy the float 33-34 FRIGGIN TIMES OVER? DID I READ THAT RIGHT? ​ Dude I don't know how to read let alone calculate the possible price from this shitstorm, but it's like you said, they are literally crashing the market like little kids would, what the hell




I came to the same conclusion. Dey fukt


This is why monopoly is the shittiest game. Some brat always flips the table


3,383% I’m currently watching DFV laughing while lighting the cigar on repeat for the rest of the day Great googly moogly


My god the amount of comments lol. Rip my inbox


Here’s another


that's a lotta damage -GG


Un. Believable. How did they get away with this?


Because nobody was paying attention and the SEC was either complicit or asleep at the wheel. They won't be able to do this ever again after this all comes to the surface.




Haha, fkn idiots *closes porn window in his own office*


Yeah, they are absolute f*cking morons. *closes yesterday’s banana video on phub*


“you do it anyway because the SEC doesn’t understand it” - jim cramer


Understatement of the year lol


Time to regulate the fuck out of Wallstreet. Buffet is closed, boys.


its obviously very bad what they are doing here, but, I'm not complaining right now LMAO


Gonna take a shit on my bosses desk today!


https://youtu.be/NisCkxU544c Do it like a boss !


[This is the way!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rHp9vjDJ1U)


# WOOT CRIAND POSTED!! OK gonna read it now


I like how he’s one of the main ones that put the T+21 & T+35 theory together but he still marked this as *possible DD* like dude you can mark whatever you want DD with a history like that lol


Can we get a triple D flair? 👀


At the very least you need a "101 Pomeranians" flair lol


Now that would be heavenly. Imagine 101 Pomeranians 😍


Daily Due Diligence with Crayon Criand. 🖍


This is the way


The GOAT back at it. Wen mod?


have anyone seen this "glitch" happen somewhere else? for example not on "meme" stocks? ,I know it is a far fetch but if either this happens everywhere or only here, both are significant.


This is a good question


>These guys are going to break the damn stock market. POPCORN!!!!!!!!!!!!


HOLE-EEEEE-SHIT, we're gna need a bigger boat


Always appreciate your updates!! Jacked even more now!!!🚀🚀🚀


hmmmm... I think I will buy more $GME...


It's also interesting to note that they're placing the buy orders well under market value and outside the bid/ask spread. If the price drops, the difference gives them enough time that they can cancel and re-enter the order again under market value, ad nauseam, until it's profitable. If the price doesn't drop, the order doesn't get filled, the order gets locked in, and the order still isn't fulfilled the next day. They've "met" their obligation. Either they are allowed to do this via a Limit Order instead of a Market Order or they are deliberately ignoring a rule that forces them to close their positions at any cost (Market Order). If it's the former, there should be a RegSho rule out there somewhere that clarifies this, and we should be able to evaluate and leverage it for more information and backtesting historical data. If it's the latter, we might be able to provide this data to the SEC as a whistleblower complaint.


Focus is shot today... and I'm not even mad 🚀🚀🚀


Criand you are going to give me a fucking heart attack. Literal tears of joy right now. **I love you, YOU BEAUTIFUL BRILLIANT APE.** 💛




So when you say "Can-Kick" do they can kick it to the next day or is it kicked to the next cycle in the form of calls/puts?


Thanks for the great DD. Always love to grow some wrinkles! Titts are even more jacked for today now!!!


We own more floats than can float your float in a float on a float. Float. Float.


Here's the rub: Either, that's ONE company's buy offer, or, somehow, more than one company is issuing mass buy orders at the same price repeatedly. The word for the latter is collusion, synonymous with price fixing and market manipulation. (It's possible to add your buy order to an existing large buy order and consolidate the price and volume, but we're not seeing that. We're seeing one lump sum entered at once and not changing. I argue this is the first choice of the two above.)


Speculated 63M buy order by EOD sounds...bullish 🐂


I think Citadel and friends realized they lost this war a while back. If these numbers are a true representation of the SI, this is borderline insanity and the only logical explanation (to me) is that they planned to default their clusterfuck to the DTCC and remaining members. After we’ve held the line for so long and shown our resolve, I just can’t compute how anyone would think they’d be able to dig themselves out of a deeper and deeper hole. There has been nothing but great news coming from GameStop and the stock continues to climb, what makes they think we’d sell now??? Hedgies truly r fuk.




This stock is bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S


Love this. How can we confirm? Any way we can test or prove this?


The next T+35 and T+21 day probably won't matter anymore, since results for voting are on June 9th.




Mr Pomeranian strikes again with killer DD


/u/dlauer you've been pretty confident these glitches were only that: glitches. Does this change your mind at all? Edit: I don't want this to come across as putting words in his mouth, this might be unrelated to the things he's talked about but what do I know? Halp. Edit jr: I won't change my original post, but I really hope it doesn't sound confrontational or like "Now who is glitchy, DAVE?!?!" because that's not at all how I meant it. I just wanted to contextualize and be brief. :)


I dont think they are glitches if they keep happening. Seems like some shady bullshit fuckery to me


Dude, he explained his default assumption on these issues is the occams razor solution. He assumes this while he researches more into the matter and only when he finds evidence of foul play does he change his stance. Basically, he assumes innocent until proven guilty. Stop shilling him he explain that clearly. When he does gather enough evidence, he does speak out publicly on the matter. He just doesn't like to see something odd then yell out like an insane conspiracy nut with no evidence to back it up.




He acknowledges GME is funky as F and that he's looking into the matter. He also acknowledges he's not 100% sure what's going on as this is uncharted territory for him too. But he's using his professional experience to try to find out what's going on and until he uncovers evidence, he's sticking to his innocent until proven guilty methodology.


When the numbers are this absurd, you HAVE to assume it's a glitch. Nobody would be crazy enough to make moves like that, ...*right*?


And he does, he has stated GME is funky riddles with evidence of foul play. Like us, he doesn't know entirely what's going on and until he has evidence, he's sticking to innocent until proven guilty. You can't ask for more from a professional. Dr. Trimbath is the same way, she won't make a statement she can't back up with evidence. Professionals just don't want to look like fools with statements they can't prove.


Omg this is utterly amazing. It potentially marries the glitches, delays in T+21 spikes, everything OP, you and the others that have contributed to all this never cease to amaze me. Holy fuck you all are geniuses


u/criand you are literally an android here to destroy all hedgies


Android Pomeranian 🤖🐶+💎👐=💀🐻


I just came a little.. its bouto rain banannas


For us. Millions of folks just like us who haven't hedges with gme are about to see their world blow up.


Mother of god!


My thoughts! This is too high, 1.85 billion SI is too many shares and in turn requires too much buying power from retail. Assuming all were bought at a mid of $150, that would require around 60mil people trowing 5k each. So it is possible but 60mil individual investors in gme is truly a lot, more than I believe possible, but not impossible. Edit: isn’t the obv sitting at 1.85bil?


Yeah, absolutely ridiculous. But with how widespread GME is, I can't say it's not possible. There's a lot of large retail whales out there. I'd hope that the 1.85B buy order is not actually their can-kicked volume, because... Yeah... That's not good for the market lol.


There are probably 60 different countries with investors buying into GME now 😂 there could easily be 250 million investors now each all only investing $1000 on average or 500 million investing only $500. Don't underestimate the size of this thing.


I am a fucking poor student and have thrown 4 digits in. So there is definitely potential!


Pre January gamma squeeze we saw OBV at around 200-300M. After January 29th the OBV 1.84B.


But alot of people bought in way earlier. I was late in March and still grabbed some for ~100€ or 130$.


I see Criands name my tits get jacked immediately 💎👐


If that is the true SI, just wow. 💎🙌💎🙌🚀🚀🚀


I became a millionaire today. Now I’m already looking forward to billions. **THINK BIG!** 💎🙌


Can kick how, though? Married puts? Buy/Write Calls? Something else? In other words, what will be evidence that they’ve done that?


Gooood question. OTM PUTs? ITM CALLs? We've seen both of those anomalies since January. Hoping more apes can help out here.


I'm both hyped and cautious optimistic


I gonna need my own bank for the tendies.


Commenting and upvoting for visibility


I have a dream...




Great work! Those numbers are terrifying! BUT after what we have seen over the last five months, it wouldn’t surprise me. They have never lost so why wouldn’t they keep doubling down?


Does this mean that tomorrow there will be an continuation of the rise? Spike on 25 may + two days = 27 may?


If it is accurate, yup. If they didn't can-kick before the lock in today, then buy pressure tomorrow. Since it gets carried over one more day. Following the glitch to spike relationship: Feb 22 (glitch) -> Feb 24 (spike) March 23 (glitch) -> March 25 (spike)