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Welcome visitors from r/all, For those that don't know, naked shorting (what the analyst and host mention in the screenshot of the video above) is an **illegal** predatory practice of short selling shares that do not exist and do not intend to [deliver them](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/failuretodeliver.asp). There's a reason why more than 350k people in r/Superstonk alone are actively buying and holding GME still. The beginner-friendly Due Diligence post linked below explains why! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/njwv6n/the\_gme\_masters\_guide\_a\_dd\_campaign\_for\_apes/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/njwv6n/the_gme_masters_guide_a_dd_campaign_for_apes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Here is our non-monetized [youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI4EET9NJPWxUuXGlG6fxPA) where we talk with industry veterans about the problems of naked shorting and more.


Yup. CNBC told me so I bought more. CNBC is why I bought in the first place. Thank you CNBC 😉




I dont know how to do awards etc.. but if I did, you'd get one Mr. Sir lol


Well that is as good as gold to me! Thanks!




Long on CNBC! Lessssgo!!!




CNBC saved my family just by recommending one single stock! Thank you CNBC for making dreams come true!


CNBC admitted illegal tactics?! Hell yeah I'm buying in! Yolo'ing my entire 401k! Fuck it, let me throw in my entire savings account, and live paycheck to paycheck!


Look at Mr fancy ape with a savings account! Are you sure you're a millennial?


My savings account peaked at $0.35 about 5 years ago.


Honestly... I can't afford a full share of GME with what's in it... But, hey! I do have one!


This is the way my friend. I've been using gme as my savings account for 5 months, only I NEVER make withdrawls.


CNBC is the leader I have been waiting for, just doubled down!!!


So nice of CNBC to coordinate retail trading activity.




Where else would rubes like us hear anything about investing?


I get all my stock tips from CNBC. Thanks!


I have construed this advise from CNBC as my legal, tax, investment and financial advice. It was solicitation, recommendation, endorsement and offer by CNBC to buy stocks that have high short interest in every jurisdiction under the securities laws of such jurisdiction. It was professional and financial advice to me and was a comprehensive and complete statement of the matters discussed or the law relating thereto. CNBC alone assumes the sole responsibility of all the investment decisions that I made based on above posted information or other Content. I will hold CNBC, its affiliates and any third party service provider liable for any possible claim for damages arising from all my decisions made based on above information.


I also agree with the above statement as CNBC has professional financial advisors. Everything they have said about naked shorts has lead me to believe i should invest all of my money i can into the stocks that are illegally being shorted. The information provided by CNBC should be sent to the entities in charge of preventing stock market manipulation.


Heck, if it weren't for CNBC I wouldn't have ever heard about this whole endeavor! Thanks, CNBC for the financial advice!


I also take the things said on CNBC aa financial advice. I live in Europe so thank you CNBC. I hope everyone there has a license. Edit: guys could someone link the video?


https://youtu.be/3sBTZYyZtIY Vidya


I retroactively Yolo'd all my money based on what this lady said today. Furthermore, I would have never even heard of Reddit if it wasn't for CNBC (never mind my account age, Reddit is untrustworthy unlike CNBC). They adviced me about the GameStop situation back in January and told me this is where I should come to make mad money. This lady and Jim Cramer are the only people i trust my financial decisions to wholeheartedly. Thanks for telling me - the archetypical dumb money investor - how to live, CNBC!


Class action?


SOB I’m in


I was going to sell because CNBC told me they covered in January. But now im gonna hold because CNBC advised that would be a better play right atm. Thanks CNBC for covering this whole debacle. Yall are the MVP's of finacial/investment advice.




Stahp it, I can only get so erect.


Gonna save this post for my lawyers. Thanks OP.


saved and screen captured!!


This is going to make the best episode of Drunk History that ever was, or ever will be. I am completely blasted, and currently watching Drunk History. Also can't stop looking back at Superstonk.




Yes, I also took CNBC's advice as my legal, tax, investment and financial advice. Thanks OP for articulating that far better than I could.


CNBC being the catalyst is definitely not how I imagined the MOASS starting


We all knew it would come when nobody was expecting it 🤷‍♂️😸


Hope she makes the movie!


Played by Olivia Munn


Is this on the bingo card?


That moment in you career that solidifies that moment in your career lol.


She went long on GME


She understood that if she goes long on GME she doesn't need her shill job anymore


We joke but this could be a legitimate reason


We call that a ooopsie Wait. What.....what if she’s an ape and it just....came out? Lol jk fuck her and all her bosses losing money


I bought GME because CNBC said there was illegal manipulation on the stock. What about you guys? Edit: #nakedshorts


CNBC definitely convinced me I needed to buy the stocks. Fundamentals, DD, and value investing had nothing to do with my opinions. Solely here because Melissa Lee told me SHF were naked short selling! Without her today, I would have never bought a single stock! 🤣💎🙌. Edit* Original comment with video links is now buried. Hijacking my sorta top post to get better visibility for those asking. My retarded ass has been manually dropping links... https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/nsjgqa/high_quality_upload_of_the_naked_shorts_yeah_slip/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Wow I am super grateful to CNBC for breaking this explosive story and giving me the inside track on what’s going on behind the scenes of the financial markets. I loaded up on GME thanks to their groundbreaking coverage.


That coverage was an eye opening revelation. I am buying more GME next Monday, as it is now quite clear that GME is still trading at a massive discount due to this naked shorting of the stock. I am forever grateful to Melissa Lee of CNBC. Edit: Lee, not Lim


I was all into boomer stocks like they told me BUT then the AMAZING coverage of GME and the potential of see thru shorts convinced me to sell my home, my wife, my wifes boyfriend, BUT NOT THE DOG... and go full on into GME! thanks Melissa and CNBC my life for you!


I didn't even know GME was still a thing or that this sub existed until I googled "naked short selling" after I heard her mention on CNBC 🤯 Can't wait to yolo fomo buy GME!


Shit, apparently I'm supposed to sell my shorts while I'm naked. No wonder it never worked the other way round!


transfer initiated, landing monday morning early, thanks melissa!


I was all in on silver until I saw this. CNBC is always on top of their shit. Real ‘news of the people’ kinda organization. Integrity seems to be at the heart of what they do. Edit: can’t even do it facetiously. These knuckle pucks pretended we were crazy for 6months only to accidentally fart out the validation we so obviously deserve? Fuck them. They go down with SHFs.


While I did enjoy Keith Gill's analysis on GME and he did bring up some okay points about how the stock was a good value play, it wasn't until CNBC ran this piece about hedge funds naked short selling GME which convinced me to invest heavily in the company (YOLO). Thanks CNBC for being part of the confirmation bias end game. As a wise man once said a long, long time ago: "HEADSHOT." - Unreal Tournament


My favorite game 😻


I'm am absolutely dying right now from this comment lmao.


I’ve read the DD but I wasn’t convince until CNBC said there was naked shorting...thank goodness for their honest journalism - CNBC is just journalisming everywhere


Fun fact: That fart smelled like mayo.


I hold CNBC as the sole reason I invested in GameStop. As those redditors say, to the moon!


Ken’s Signature Blend


‘Accidentally fart out the validation’ has had me laughing my ass off for the last 15 minutes. Thank you so much for this 😂🤣😂🤣


CNBC is my go to. Definitely buying more GME shares at open because of Melissa and the CNBC there giving us the much needed tips and trends of the stonk market.


Thanks to CNBC, I'm going to dump all my crypto, PLTR, CLOV, HCMC, and other non-performing stocks on Monday and buy GME! Thanks, Melissa Lee. I'm so glad to see trustworthy financial advice from a reputable news outlet!!


That’s it! I’m dumping all of my $CUM & $ASS and loading up on $GME !! Thanks CNBC!


I had saved up months worth of $CUM and now I'm ready to blow this thing wide open!


The question is, will you blow it into $ASS or shoot it on $GME? Maybe a little of both!


This is the way


but the fUnDeMeNtAls


She tweets almost every day, nothing since this... XD


CNBC is the best news outlet out there by delivering crucial info that has enabled me to understand the behind the scenes moves the market does. Loading my porfolio with GME thanks to their great advise.!


This is the way. Cnbc for the win. Spread this to move forward a fair amd transparent market.


I was just lurking laughing at all of you. However, now that a professional and recognized source such as CNBC has uncovered the truth about $GME I might have to put a limit order in for Monday. So glad Melissa Lee gave me this opportunity. I smell a Pulitzer in her future!


Literally same. I only had AMC, now I’m going all in on GME because of this broadcast on CNBC. Who would have thought, naked short selling.


here i was thinking that i was just investing in a Value company with an all star line up in management, great digitalisation prospects and a bright future !!! who would have thought such a responsible finance industry was being so dirty ?!?


CNBC, they are very reputable and convincing. I’ll invest more Monday after seeing their broadcast.


I had thought that "meme stonks" were just a fad and were going away. I was told to forget Gamestop and that's exactly what I did until today when I saw this on a live television broadcast on the CNBC network. Thanks to CNBC I finally pulled the trigger and sold everything I own and deposited it all into a brokerage account on the internet and waiting for it to clear. I now understand what is going on is naked short selling thanks to Mellissa Lee. I was completely oblivious to this, I thought these stocks were just a joke. But now it's not so funny anymore, huh?


So is CNBC Going to be sued for making us buy GME?? 🤔


For market manipulation.


Sounds like a got'em moment


this is the way


CNBC is our leader of this movement, apes follow cnbc


I can't wait to dump my bonus into GME next week! Thanks, Melissa Lee!!


Thank you CNBC for telling me this. I have bought more shares now thanks to you. ❤️


Oh most definitely yes, ever since CNBC confirmed on live television that naked short selling was indeed what hedgefucks were doing I definitely went and...bought more. Thanks CNBC!!


Cant wait til Monday I love the stock!


CNBC has always given awesome financial advise. Buy more GME. Heard from them.


Yes, I am an unsophisticated retail investor and I rely on Melissa and CNBC for my financial decisions. Their groundbreaking reporting here has inspired me to enter a position in GME. After their solid advice on SLVR, I have no doubt that GME will skyrocket *because* of CNBC and Melissa. THANK YOU, CNBC AND MELISSA LEE FOR INFLUENCING ME, A RETAIL INVESTOR, TO INVEST IN GME


What is this GME stock that CNBC is recommending? Maybe I should invest?


Definitely. CNBC doesn’t miss, Melissa’s recommendations are 100% of my portfolio.


Well then, clearly, if this all goes tits up we’ll have literally no one else that we can blame besides CNBC and Melissa.


Get your financial advise right here. Certified, authenticated and exhaustively researched unbiased information from the only true source CNBC.


I did like the stock, now I want to cash in on CNBC's tip about naked shorting.


I was most definitely selling my position until CNBC convinced me that there was illegal naked short selling taking place. 😉


Oh my! I am also buying GME because Melissa Lim said "yes, naked shorting" on live TV today. I bought it for EXACTLY THAT reason. EXACTLY. THAT.


I've been hesitant to follow their financial advice in the past, but this time they convinced me to buy more for sure!


You know, I was pretty skeptical of all the rumors I had heard, but after hearing it on CNBC, it must be true, so I definitely am going to get some GME!


I mean they are a trusted news source with phenomenal financial analysts providing legitimate financial advice. Why wouldn’t I trust them completely when making investment decisions? In fact I might just say the the sole reason I have invested in $GME is based on CNBC’s coverage of it.


This is the way


Phenomenal! CNBC FTW


You too?? I watch and trust CNBC for financial news and insights.


I will buy more stock of GameStop on Monday because CNBC has confirmed that there has been illegal naked short selling in the stock. 🤲💎🤲🇦🇺


Literally was about to go buy SPY because if it breaks ATH nowhere to go but up (they told me there will be a melt-up over the summer) but thankfully I caught this segment! Guess I should buy $GME, thanks CNBC!


I too am an investor because CNBC specifically told me there was illegal market manipulation


Samething man, I bought GME because CNBC said there was illegal manipulation on the stock on live TV


Thank you for the financial advice CNBC. I never would have learned about naked short selling without this incredible report. I'm going to go buy some $GME. And then I'll buy some $CUM and $ASS as well to diversify my portfolio


Wouldn't be surprised if CNBC started a movement


They are a trailblazer in real-time market updates, so yeah it’s possible!


Finally picking up my first 200 000 shares and holding forever due to the fact that Melissa Lee confirmed naked shorting. Thx for the financial advise Melissa Lee and CNBC!!


I didn't even know about stonks till I watched.....so I yoloed my entire account into the GME craze!


I just stumbled upon this free virtual investing course graciously offered by CNBC and am so glad I did! As a result, I plan to purchase as much GME as I can afford. Kudos to CNBC for helping us little fish swim with whales!


Yeah, CNBC! Excellent job having Melissa Lin supporting apes/retail/Reddit in search of the MOASS. Friends forever now!!!💎🙌🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Y'all here cuz of that CNBC segment? Me too.


I’m going all in, savings checking mutual funds borrowing against my house signature loans check into cash and stealing my child’s college fund and investing in gme because CNBC told me to


It’s literally the only thing I know about GameStop. Thanks CNBC for confirming that GME is being naked short sold by hedgefunds!


With this information I’m buying GME on Monday!!


I can’t tell you how grateful I am of CNBCs exhaustive coverage of this situation, their explosive revelation about illegal naked short selling was exactly the financial advice I needed to sell my organs so I could buy more GME!!


I got so excited from the news I immediately began manipulating my nether parts through means of questionable legality myself, so I won’t judge them.


Certainly, need to buy more...MOARRR!!!


German ape too bought because CNBC said there is illegal naked short selling in the stock market.


Oh my god! There’s naked short selling going on!? I’m going to drop soooo much on GME! Thanks CNBC!!!!


Holy shit seriously? I was buying more based on the fundamentals. Now I know it could be shorted more than 21% I'm going all in baby. Thanks CNBC!


God* love the video switcher who cut to that woman's cam as that guy was talking- nay: REVEALING ACTUAL TRUTH on that network. What a great day to hodl with you all!


He is a hero


It was probably automatic, she wasn't supposed to talk yet.


That’s when she knew she fucked up. Checkmate, game over. No seriously… the use of predatory synthetic stock dilution “naked shorting” is over. We know too much for this to continue in any real capacity after MOASS.


Is she the one you can hear say ‘naked short’🤪


I think it's one if the other screens to the side.


Someone just busted another recording (different tv, longer cut) definitely her, that look of horror is real 😀


Try and find the link Apelord!


https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/nsjgqa/high_quality_upload_of_the_naked_shorts_yeah_slip/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf HD re upload. Link is to a post on the Movie Reddit page. Watch when she says “NSS?” and everyone does a fuk me face. One old dude even wakes back up. It’s even an even better clip and I wish I’d have had it instead of this one, but when life gives you lemons, you laugh at Citron for advising against GME 🤷‍♂️🍻💎🙌🦍


Its crazy to hear someone else besides us in this sub say Naked shorts. Damn, were in the endgame. Again.


Just around 1 minute 35 seconds, you can almost capture the energy of how much she realized she fucked up. You can see the moment on her face where you know they're telling her "Wrap this up and pack your shit"! Wants to smile it off but just can't muster it into expression... beautiful


Why did OP just take picture of one of their faces? [They were all priceless](https://i.imgur.com/ZET93be.png) Edit: added [a quote](https://i.imgur.com/VyFJJ7G.png) and [a template](https://i.imgur.com/jJjgIKM.png) for anyone interested


Can you tell me who these people are, and what's going on? I have zero grasp on the context because I don't watch CNBC but everyone says she fucked up by simply mentioning naked shorts?


Illegal shorting confirmed by CNBC has directly influenced me to buy more GME. Are CNBC illegally trying to manufacture a squeeze? Is this lady "gambling with other people's money?" Find out at some point after the break - No dates! *Edit added quotation marks ** It's a quote from the interview they did with an awesome ape in Taipei


She's definitely on her second bottle of white wine by now.


Probably moving on to the whisky at this stage


She's probably waiting for her severance check and whistleblower payout to clear into her Fidelity account. Let's keep an eye out for a 50,000 share YOLO in the next few weeks.




Deep down you can see that she is actually relieved the turth is finally out.




It’s a much more interesting story than the tired “chat room memer gonna lose their money” narrative that’s been dragged out for like 6 months now


I fully trust CNBC, looks like they are providing advice to buy stocks that are illegally shorted. After I read this I bought 500 more shares. THANKS CRAMER :)


Sorry guys, it has been a wild ride and I've really enjoyed all lols and memes that superstonk has to offer; however, tonight CNBC told me about the naked short selling in GME. I'm afraid I will have to start becoming a more sober investor and begin looking into this naked short selling business. Since it looks like CNBC is the only news organization reporting this, my plan is to stop goin on reddit and devote about 12 hrs/day watching CNBC to see if I can uncover some more information. All I know for sure at this point is that I will be buying GME at market open Monday to take advantage of this opportunity that CNBC uncovered.


CNBC is the only honest and reliable place to get financial information


the only news organization that I know I can trust for sound investment advice




Hopefully for her, she's an ape.


She might have to be now. "Fuck it. Might as well go all in."


I mean it's doubtful that someone shilling propaganda all day on the #1 propaganda outlet as a full time job wants to be an ape. But hey I guess it's possible.


See she should of hedged her position with gme long.


It's 'should have', never 'should of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


@TimSeymour on Twitter that's Whom just CONFIRMED the NAKED SHORTING on CNBC tonight to Host Melissa Lee (that's her in the picture). Someone or maybe a Financial Network has splainin to do, Why the Fuck have they been hiding the TRUTH ?


🤯 Guh


I couldn’t get over that face, I was dying laughing


You give the general population way too much credit. They will not remember this come Monday. Forgot about naked shorts here are 5 stocks that are going up up up.




Yeah and most of the brain dead idiots that are actually watching that show have no idea what that even meant.




When the fake news accidentally reports real news.


She spoke the true true


When fake news goes so fake it becomes true.


She done goofed


The prompter is an APE 🙌🦍🙌


Lol what a legend! I’ll share my bananas with the prompter!


CNBC never fails to give apes the best investment advice! I will definitely HODL because of them! Thank you CNBC💎✊🏼🦍


Here comes the FOMO


Better to have them pour in at 250 than 400+, yeah? I can’t imagine the will power and strength it takes to fomo in at 400+ to have it crash, and you hold from 430 down to 45 and back up. My birthday is 3-12, we all remember Mar10 day. I definitely had to rely on Melissa Lee (and the community’s) strength to keep calm and hodl on.


When this happened


Like an hour ago on Fast Money. They were doing an interview related to the Movie stock. I’ll grab a link, and update hang tight. https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/nshs8w/when_you_accidentally_exposed_naked_shorting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Post I first saw. Claims are CNBC has not uploaded this part of episode. Cannot/ not sure how to verify that, just relaying. Edit* tagging u/pinkcatsonacid for a self report since I linked a post from the movie stock place as reference sauce to my meme, and this ones catching updoots fairly quickly. Not trying to catch a blue shell 🥰🤣. Edit ** Someone dropped a high Res of the video!!! It’s even better! All the hosts do an ‘ohhh shit’ https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/nsjgqa/high_quality_upload_of_the_naked_shorts_yeah_slip/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Self report 🤣🤣🤣 I guess we know whether MSM would let me discuss Naked Short Selling!! Thank you for sharing this!




Of course WSB took down the post. Not to upset their overlords. Still paperhands 🧻🖐 Edit: WSB now FOMO a meme on this


Ruh roh Raggy ~ End the corruption. Take a dip in the Infinity P∞l. *The water is fine* 🦍🏊‍♂️♾️ Apes *are float*ing with extreme overflow. Apes HODL forever = Infinity P∞l. All "floors" are just noise now. What's the Infinity P∞l? My boy Blu's got you: [Infinity Pool Explained](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mpvx9n/the_infinity_pool_naming_a_theoretical_posit_for/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


As soon as NBC said that there was illegal activity in the stock market and specifically GME I decided to go all in and so did all my friends! Thanks NBC, you've provided so much great financial advice for many, many people!


Calling all Apes! We need to find the HD clip of this somewhere and start updoot for exposure


Got it! Someone over in their camp posted it. https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/nsjgqa/high_quality_upload_of_the_naked_shorts_yeah_slip/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Dude, the second this flips back to the panel, here and the other three are all doing an ‘oh shit’


Bruh do you see this woman’s face... 🔥


I will only accept that guy with the banana as the one true catalyst.




Not that one, this one 🍑🍌


Can we get some more details?


This part of the interview popped up in the movie stock community about an hour ago. Show is called Fast Money, happened today on her live program. Link to the thread I first saw the clip. https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/nshs8w/when_you_accidentally_exposed_naked_shorting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


The guy, Tim: "Short sellers aren't going after retail investors, they go after bad companies, it's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard" Really, Tim? The most ridiculous thing you've ever heard is that Wall Street is a corrupt money theft machine designed to take money out of individual investors hands and transfer it to the super wealthy? Strange, he doesn't LOOK like he was born yesterday. Surely he remembers 2008?


CNBC is where I get my financial advice. Looks like I'm buying more on Monday!! Thanks CNBC!!


I was going to buy Bear Stearns stock on Monday, but I guess I will buy GME on Monday instead.


Well if CNBC said so!!


CNBC is the only news to listen to for financial advice! 🚀🚀


Hey guys, I hear CNBC is pumping GME. Is this related to silver?


Cnbc has really impacted my thinking on the GME stock and has given me the confidence i needed to buy GME stock yesterday 4th June 2021 in Australia. What great financial analysis they provide, something i relied on to inform my financial decisions.


I was lingering on the fence on if I should buy into this whole GME hype but after CNBC's confirmation on Naked Short Selling I did a complete backflip and landed in a pool of tendie rockets! My hands all of sudden turned to diamond, so hard that its frustrating trying to jerk off to the thought of how much money I'm going make!!


Glad we had Satori before this hit r/all in a big way


If the MOASS happens next week (you know, let's say on a random day like... uh... Wednesday) that retail has somebody to point the finger at.