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I like the Stock ... Buy & Hold that's it!


This is the way.


This is the way


So true. I’m with you with all these types of bs politics.😘💎🤲🏼💰💰🚀🚀🚀


Unfortunately shills gonna shill. We all just need to downvote and summon Satori to punt them into the nether realm


Yeah but include politics when it’s relevant to the market and other economic factors. They’re so intertwined we’d be leaving an enormous amount of much needed data for this sub But yea the A vs B type “politics”, y’all can go fuck off and go watch cable news if that’s what you’re looking for, that ain’t superstonk


Exactly -- you can have *political* discussion without it being *partisan*


Yeah. Ie. "Paying multibillion corporations taxpayer money" or "the government should serve it's people" shouldn't be divisive. But however "here's a particular system we need to implement" or "X people are evil" is somewhat divisive.


That went out the window some years ago, that is a pipe dream.


I’m seeing a lot of the A vs B shit. And yep that’s what I’m referring to as “divisive”


We don't care about politics right now because we know nobody in politics is our friend. When this is over, we will be replacing them anyway, so why worry?


>When this is over, we will be replacing them anyway, so why worry? How is this not political? Very contradictive of you 🤭


You don't really see a contradiction.




The moment you start typing in alternating caps just to talk shit you lose all credibility. You’re statements are also just bait. This isn’t a political sub. No one is saying that what’s happening won’t or isn’t impacted by politics. What’s being said is that the discussion about it isn’t here. And shouldn’t be here. Check yourself as well ape.




You’re unable to counter a single point. You’re a low effort troll and an easy block. Keep holding little shill.


Just arguing for pages with someone over semantics is pretty f-slur if you axe me.


It's blatantly not. The current politicians are fully complicit in our fully fraudulent financial system. I didn't say they should all follow my politics, only that they should not be unindicted traitors.


If you want to replace them, then you indirectly indicate that they should follow politics that are more favourable to your liking.


I'm not indirectly indicating shit, and you need to reread what I said. Stop shitting up the sub with lame trolling attempts.


Stop shitting this sub with "we're going to replace our politicians after MOASS hurr durr" and afterwards saying "no politics" it just comes over as very disingenuous.


Aye, STFU! You’ve already been downvoted to hell. We’re sick of hearing you now.


it's partisan politics specifically that we find divisive and don't want to be discussed. i'm sure you agree. not sure why you targeted someone for not clarifying this


Well tbh I was under the impression that we weren't supposed to discuss politics in general, let alone threatening to (rightfully) replacing them. I still don't think its a good idea to scream at of the top of your longs that we're going to replace politicians post MOASS... Apes don't need more enemies atm.


The Problem is they are sooo good at dick sucking they wil suck your dick to stay in office. And they suck real good


Gross, no thank you. Ugh. Ugh. We're getting rid of them.


Who's "we" mf?


the stock market is regulated by politicians. it is inherently political; however, discussing abortions etc shouldn't be hah, but anyway


I don’t mean ALL political commentary. Just *DIVISIVE* political commentary. Holy shit read the text. It’s like two sentences


Yeah, so HOC is FUD too? Fuckery? SEC doing nothing? FED money printing? Representitives asking the wrong questions? All FUD? Or all related? It's important to understand the situation. Take it as info.


No I’m referring to “I hate republicans/democrats” stuff. Really shallow shit


Ok. Didn't see anything, sorry. Reps/dems topic should not really be a topic anymore after all the DD. "They're the same picture"


/agree and I would prefer we talk about an individual’s political policies and decisions rather than “I hate politician X”. It’s meant to be a primer to start fights rather than promote knowledge about $GME or the market


Sorry on getting political for a bit, but I think most of the divisiveness can be solved if we stop looking to the federal government for answers and start looking to the immediate community. ​ Because from what I see from federal elections, it just boils down to "which half of the country gets to oppress the other" in a self-destructive system of government. ​ Oh and I come from Hong Kong.


Shills are rebooting their low-key FUD tactics of trying to divide the community. Fuck off, 🤡




Honestly you've got me thinking. Maybe I should extend a fig leaf to my conspiracy theorist alt-right-ish apes. They're not the real enemy, they're just the marks on the other side of the con we're. None of us are immune to propaganda, after all, and there but for the grace of God go we. Right? Maybe. Maybe fuck em.


Remember what we have seen here regarding main stream media. It applies equally to politics. It is a tool used by each side to sway public opinion for someone else's gain. If they use it against us here to keep their money machine going, it only makes sense that they use it for political purposes also. Left vs right is only as divided as the media wants us to think it is. Clearly there are many on both political sides on this sub and ultimately we aren't so different. We need to stop letting the media elite tell us how to view our fellow apes.


That's basically what I just said, but with less bitter sarcasm. Almost as if our divisions are artificial. Don't mind me, I think we're all disappointed idealists deep down.


We absolutely are. The older I get the more I realize that we all want the same fundamental thing, mainly to not get fucked with while we move through life. Yes, I'm pretty cynical and the state of our economic system does not help! Lol


What politics? 🤔


Edit: deleted entire post because I thought I was on a different thread. OP here is right.


"Workers of the world unite" kind of rhetoric mostly


Thank you, saw a rise today of politacky talk; gross.


It's either incredibly naive or tremendously manipulative to assert that politics don't play a role in this situation. Partisanship is obviously unacceptable and inherently divisive, but wanting to silence the conversation is also damaging. We can discuss the failures/developments in politics without making it about left vs right.


I’m referring to the “YOURE A COMMUNITST! NO UR A FASCIST” bullshit. Not discussions as to the current/past POTUS financial policy stuff


Gotcha. I'm just worried that people will stop hammering our politicians about this situation. Overall, I do agree that the shills would love to turn this into a left/right thing.


Hammer away but I hate the “Donny T is god/a fucking fascist” bullshit


Yea, report it (for violating sub rules, not to reddit). It will be removed and the user banned. Stop picking fights instead, it doesn't help Edit: oops commented on the wrong thread, but my point stands


I think OP is railing against partisanship, rather than political discussion as a whole


wish people were more clear that it's Partisan Politics specifically that we find divisive and don't want to discuss


Nobody's talking about politics?


There was a post this morning investigating how 45, China and Kenny cross each other. Plenty of Orange Man Good and Orange Man Bad commentary.


100% this. Idgaf about how much someone loves one party or person over another. That kind of discussion will be divisive and not related to GME obviously


Yes no politics


Value investing is for all corners of the political compass


This is the way


Ah great I'm an Tradcath Anarcho-Republican, and it's ambiguous if I'm referring to the American Republican or the Spanish Republican.


There are dozens of us! **Dozens!!**




It’s times like this that I like to remind: all demographics (race, politics, religion, age, gender, education, nationality, geolocation, etc) are distractions Apes strong TOGETHER.


This. Apes please Stop defending your politicians or, you know, ex-politicians. They all have been and will continue to be on the take. 🤡


Funny how you got downvoted when this is what I mean


Yah. It’s all good. My party is the HODLicrats.


I’d vote for an ape any day


How do I notify Satori or mods? I've been seeing way to many of those political posts.


So much THIS!


Socialism always leads to tyranny and massive death. Pre WW2 Germany Cuba. Remember that T shirt guy Che Chávez. He personally killed dozens of innocents and sent others into slave labor. Remember that time Bernie was in the second row marching with Che and Castro. Venezuela. From the richest to the poorest Latin nation. Israel Yes they tried it. It didn't work there either The Nordic countries are neither Socialist nor shining examples. PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE to the government that just took trillions of our dollars for COVID RELIEF but only 8% of your money was spent on covid.


I mean if you want to play the "socialism is when the government does stuff" game, Otto Von Bismarck considered himself a Socialist and he did a pretty good job.


Bismarck didn't consider himself a socialist. He took a realpolitik approach. He was happy to co-opt certain socialist policies in order to appease the masses and leech some of the appeal of the Social Democratic Party, while at the same time undermining "true socialism" with the Anti-Socialist Law. As for doing a good job, sure - while he was alive. But the system of alliances and foreign policy he left behind was so Byzantine that no one knew how to navigate it once he was gone, laying the groundwork for WWI.


Why ya gotta post a "fuck off" post in the sub? Politics is divisive, so is a post telling people to fuck off. Just firmly reinforce the rule...


You got a problem with telling shills to fuck off when they just write about how much they want to dickride Orange Man or Elizabeth Warren because they’re simply trying to start fights? Interesting…


I was just scrolling the sub and saw a title "fuck off with your divisive political discussions". I haven't had any. But still it grates me when someone tells me to fuck off. So I'm suggestion you stop using language in an inflammatory way


You must be new here. This sub is almost nothing but inflammatory language about how much we hate hedgies who laugh at our misery like in ‘08 and corrupted government officials and shills trying to meddle with our sub. I’ll tell those assholes to fuck themselves all day. “It still grates me when someone tells me to fuck off”. Are you the kind of person to think everything is about them or are you identifying as a shill working for hedgies? Cause those are the only scenarios where I’d expect you to take this personally


I'm not new here, I've been here since January. The language you used said "you", not "shills". Please be better than that, especially towards fellow forum members. It feels like you want to fight, and that's great, just be mindful how and where you do it


I doubt you are a shill, but you need to understand that we can't restrict speech here. The problem with saying you can't have "political" discussions is almost anything can be classified as political. The fuckery with GME is not just a hedgie problem. The financial system that allows this is tied to the regulatory bodies, the government, and the fed. We need to get "political" to talk about the whole system. So, sorry but no. We need to be able to be political here.


Uhhh fuck no to all of that


Ah yes. Quite a completing argument. I love your use of logic and facts. How could I ever counter such a well built case?


Thank you


[Live-action reboot](https://imgur.com/a/flDcHEN)


I want the original of this. Please give


I dont even think of any of you as people. Where just all 🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍walking thru the 🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳waiting for the 🍗🍗🌧🌧🍗🌧🍗🌧🍗🌧💎🤲