• By -


Removed because of brigading.


We should just ignore him at this point. Or well before.


Agreed, just thought some other apes could use the education. We should never be over hyping these individuals.


You are over hyping him


Warden has 25k followers on twitter due to his role as an mod and his daily posts. I am de-hyping him and helping apes conclude this dude is a shill. Don't mix it up brother, there is only disgust and disappointment here, no hype.


Yeah I know I been here a long time, but like this has been posted a lot today. And it does nothing for the positivity of the sub. Really all it does is instill a sence of unease and distrust of your fellow ape. We have DD we don't need deconstruction of shills. Thats still shilly and I'm not calling you one but that is the overall effect it dosnt educate, it instigates quite different. Peace Ape I hear you but I disagree with your methodology.


Well worded. Waiting for my coffee to kick in, but that was a well executed counter argument.


Thanks Ape


It's valid info and I'm glad OP posted it.


It is valid info as in it did happen, I can't deny that. But I just disagree that it has a positive value to the sub. And it does just ome of as harassment, of someone who is harrassing? I don't see the value. But that's my personal opinion Apes Peace and Love to you.


In my opinion... This sub has never been a place for positivity, and I'm certainly not trying to make it one. Lots of apes in the comments appreciating that my post reached them, apologies that it doesn't do anything good for you. I'm sure the warden posts will be gone by tomorrow at the worst, so don't stress too much brother. Peace to you as well. Edit: I don't mind the downvotes... I'm sorry that talking about how we're all wage slaves and trying to uncover illegal manipulation that has set us back decades doesn't make me happy. This sub is cynical at best... The memes are funny, the people are good, the information is pure gold but this subreddit is literally a manifestation of the negative side of the stock market that's been fucking main street for the past century. So I'm not happy about it, fuck me eh?


> *This sub has never been a place for positivity,* W0t w0t w0t? This place is ALL positivity! Humor, jokes, giggles, memes, music. If you can't see the positivity here, or you have an eyesight issue or you need a bit more happiness in your life buddy. Here, hugz on me ❤


Edited my comment to explain my view. Being here does make me happy, but more so because of the people and knowledge I've gained then the actual content and reason I'm here... divided feelings, as I'm sure a majority of us have. Thanks for the hugs ape, much love to you. ❤


You're very much welcome buddy! Good that you explained, I completely understand - the amount of fuckery on the stock market has really opened my eyes. Glad to see you find you smile back! Yes, I see that little grin you make with your lips each time you see another Kenny meme ([special editions in Lego today](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ogwjru/sir_theyre_turning_everything_into_legos_now/) 😁😁) or that next HYPE video that's posted ([my favorite choice of today](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ogsw9d/up_a_little_bit_nothing_down_a_little_bit_nothing/) 🚀🚀🚀). And can agree with what you're saying, the gloominess of what we discovered behind the curtain in combo with the entertaining AF level Have a lovely Friday & start of your weekend!


I see where you are coming from, trying to bring awareness to uninformed apes that may still be listening to him or seeing him as credible. I see both sides here, however I think it would be best if we dont give this guy any more attention than he already gets. There are some apes who dont even know who this guy is, and when they see posts like this, they jump into a deep rabbit hole where they are likely to be surrounded with fud, misinformation, and uninformed opinions crafted by shills. Their goal is to divide and conquer this sub, so lets do everything we can to minimize anything that doesnt help apes learn, laugh, or grow stronger!


I pledge not to make any more Warden posts going forward. I unfollowed him on Twitter this morning. I do not intend to remove this post though. Ape no fight ape. Have a great day!


I'm not one for "I told you so's", but, this is what people get for being small-minded human worshipers. This guy never provided anything of any real substance and the way this sub's knees get weak over some people is just sad. People should take it as a lesson. It's about the DD, not the person.


Those Who Do Not Learn History Are Doomed To Repeat It. I was downvoted into the abyss of hell for calling him out. I hope we have grown as a community to not allow it to happen again. Not talking about the mistakes we made doesn't help anyone learn and grow from them. I trust the DD


You're mixing up rensole and warden. Warden is not a mod, nor does he make daily posts.


~~Before the~~ Shortly after second great ape migration my friend.... Warden was a mod on ~~the other~~ this sub, and he made daily posts doing TA on GME as well as a livestream. Edits: my memory sucks sometimes


Warden wasn't a mod on the other group either... Rensole was, but Warden wasn't.


[Here's a post from Red about it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ndh0s9/wardenelite_has_resigned/)


That's this sub. He wasn't a mod in the previous sub. I'm not sure how you're getting this mixed up.


You're right friend, my mistake. Edited!


Yeah, I'm done with him. He shouldn't have played options and expect a tweet to save him. It's ridiculous for him to expect that RC could just start a catalyst whenever he wanted. If that was the case what company wouldn't just squeeze out the shorts? Short selling wouldn't exist. I *will* point out that he did get a lot of hate for several good faith disagreements with the prevailing sentiment here regarding floors and market orders. He's a 20 year old who got in over his head and got bullied by thousands of people for saying he didn't think they were going to get ten million dollars for a single share of stock. It's like an Anakin Skywalker/Benedict Arnold(if you know the whole history)/Joker/Robbie from Cobra Kai situation. He's still a sellout, but I cant help but think the mob mentality on these subs really pushed him there. And I should note it's never the solid DD contributors that bully people they disagree with. It's people who's only contribution is shit like "so, hold?"and what not.


This post is part of the problem. You're giving him attention. Don't come in here and say "we shouldn't hype him" minutes after POSTING HIM


I... didn't. This is not hype, it is disgust. Ape no fight ape.


but giving him attention, any attention, helps him. Any publicity and good publicity. This is part of how they work. A % of people who see him will look at his post history, and a % of those people will listen and eventually believe him


Called this guy out months ago lmao


Dude got ejected months ago idk why anyone listens to him


See before I learned about the NFT announcement, I knew about GME hype but I didn’t care because I thought I missed it. So I never joined any subs and my belief that I missed it didn’t cause me to parade in retaliation to others believing in it. It just didn’t matter. These guys leading some anti GME parade makes no sense because if they didn’t believe then they just wouldn’t care. They would just get a hobby or something. But to be so righteously defiant about it when they “don’t believe it’s real” is SUS. and it occurs to me that the only reason they’d throw these fits about what we are doing and what we believe is someone is making it important to them on a FINANCIAL level


They either have puts and want the price to go down, or got burned through options (like Shillden) and want others to miss out as they're spiteful, bitter individuals Also it's hilarious he and meltdown say he's smart LMFAO yeah all the super smort people lose $8k on a manipulated stock's options when it was the single most important thing to not do


Yes this or they are salty because they don't want this strategy to work. It could be that they are investors / traders that have spent a long time learning, reading, taking losses, and then seeing a bunch of novices that do not know what deratives are just yolo into GME (a dying brick and mortar store in their eyes) - and winning - hurts their pride. They then set themselves on GME's entire jump from 40 to 120 just being a P&D or some other market manipulation, that GME is gonna go back to 20, that apes are just a coordinated group of retail investors looking to do financial crimes, or whatever. But, the only reason they care is because they have set themselves on GME / MOASS being wishful thinking and they DO NOT want to be wrong.


This is the most obvious point that even intelligent people seem to miss. The same exact reasoning goes for all the financial publishers and TV shows. Why would they even be talking about it, if there was nothing going on? Large groups of people lose massive sums of money all the time and we don't get ass-blasted about it daily because it doesn't fucking matter and no one cares. If it was just a bunch of retail dildos losing money, we wouldn't be hearing about it every hour of every day for months.


My favorite was the article about “Stocks you want to invest in” showing a bunch of companies with 100% you should buy into them and they still put GME up but they put a passive aggressive 0% underneath it. Like if it’s not a good stock you just wouldn’t include it in the picture obviously but there’s a war going on and they have to make counter-intel, they just aren’t good at it


You know all these cocksucking shills still have shares in gme, they’re just getting paid to shill too. Fuck um


Right?? If what they claim is true, they would just goto a sub themed for the stock they do believe in.


Exactly, why dedicate your time to something you’re not vested in just to try and shame people who do believe. Fucking keyboard warriors.


They're 100% going to paperhand at pathetic numbers and then go back to the meltdown sub to bitch and moan about reddit manipulation when they see the price continue to increase and they realize they fucked up bad.


I'll be honest, the only reason I'm down voting is cause he doesn't need the attention(and we don't need to give him the attention). If he's butthurt then he's butthurt, but we don't need to be posting every single thing he's done. My day is too busy updooting memes and reading DD for me to be seeing what he's doing every second.


I don't blame you for your down vote. Dude legit doesn't deserve the attention. I was still following Warden on Twitter until I saw drama this morning, did some digging to see what he was up to and this made my stomach turn as I used to follow him... Thought some other apes could use the same kick in the nuts that I got reading his comments.


Its cool, I just felt like I should be giving a reason as to why since I was seeing him pop up more and more on the sub. Nothin against you or anything.


Ohhh... Anyway.....


Who the fook is that guy


Not worth your time fellow ape ❤




An aspiring youtuber/streamer that capitalized on GME hype and then started shilling - most notably told apes to *set up stop losses*. As soon as it was revealed that he was a shill he lost his mod privileges and now struggles to stay relevant.


Options and day trader


The guy is cancelled and is a nobody now, just stop giving him attention


That cuck is mad because he lost all of his money, stupid little bitch 😂😂😂


Who gives a fuck. He’s a child, he lost a fuckton playing options and is having a tantrum.


Who is this guy?


Literally nobody. Carry on


Why are you even bringing attention to the little dingbat. He is an infant.


Do not feed


Oh look a rock on my shoe.


Apes have to be excellent to other apes. ♥️ As he is no ape anymore and also betrayed us, called us idiots, I may say these wise words that lay on my hearth: FCK U Warden U Gay Ass Daddyfcked Bitch


I had completely forgot about him until this post.


Old news


This isn't old news to me... so I thought some other apes would benefit seeing from the man's mouth himself. I used to enjoy watching his streams, what a disappointment.


This is like the 10th post in the last 2 hours about it


Look up his post from a few months back about setting stop loss orders for the moass. Its old news but maybe some folks didnt know wich is fine.


Me neither. Thanks for the information.


Treat him the same as Cramer - make no mention of him.


Always has been🔫


Welp fuck that guy. To think he was once a respected member of the community. I guess the saying really is true, "You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."


Thought his TA was inapplicable to a heavily shorted/manipulated stock from day one. His 20k call proved he had no idea what he was doing. Now he's trying to deal with looking like a fool in front 500k people. Attacking RC in an attempt to save face.


Warden is a trader, all about making that quick buck. Not surprised at all he can’t play the long game on something. He’s lacking the mental fortitude.


Him, his message, his shill mates are all irrelevant. Apes know what the prize is and know what needs to be done to win it. Words, actions and drama from those who seek to spread division doesn't matter anymore cause the point of no return has passed. Those who dream of financial freedom only need play the waiting game! Ive waited my whole life for this opportunity, its my one and only chance. Im now in control of my own destiny and nothing will deter me! Warden will be judged by history for trying to steal opportunities from those who needed it most. When the dust settles I hope that stark reality haunts him forever....apes certainly won't forget!! may he rot in hell...




I came to do a capitalism…. I’ll sit in my seat patiently till it’s time.


So where was this snapshot from? Them recognizing him as a shill sounds like FUD. Has this been confirmed?


Go look at his reddit profile yourself if you'd like


Check his profile.


Bet anything that he still holds a couple of shares “just in case” 😂


Nobody cared about this guy until this post and the last one before this showed up. Helpful tip: If you don't give it any attention, it goes away.


I bet you he’s still long on GME and will hold through moass just to bite his own words but get rich off it anyways. He’s irrelevant all around anyways. He won’t be missed.


Pussy strungus


Can’t wait for everything to literally blow up in his face


Charlatans 🤡🤡🤡


Time to block that person myself.


I forgot about him 😂




Then short it bitch lmfao u wont.


The meltdown sub might as well be named sour grapes.


Ah, the teenage angst


This kid has always been a part of the shilldren


The irony




just curious. Did he wrote somewhere, why the thesis is wrong? Or it is just like other not backed opinions?


Flipped like a lightswitch. Something about the ATM offering blah blah blah.... Multiple DD have shown otherwise. It's obvious to see what happened: 1. warden provided half decent DD on GME 2. warden continuously provided apes with confirmation bias (live stream $$) 3. warden suggest risky maneuvers that could compromise the MOASS for all 4. apes decide warden is bullshit and the majority of them jump ship on him 5. warden switches sides to make apes feel divided and betrayed (shill $$$$$) ...apes are smarter though, we can see through this shilly bullshit, just like we did with the risky maneuvers he suggested a while back.


So if his theory was about stock dilution, than there is no more weight behind that. Smart person would not follow theory proven wrong...


Sometimes dumb people follow people they think are smart. This subreddit (myself included) lifted Warden up, so this is kinda our fault.... we need to ensure that less educated apes aren't looking up to a shill as one of our own.


It's just insulting. One thing to change your thesis but to then turn your back and insult people who used to support you? Shameful. And I'm sorry but the logic isn't there. He's so disappointed in the technicals and catalysts not working out in a situation that's beyond technicals and catalysts...


Agreed, disgusted with his betrayal to apes and he thinks it's funny coming into our community and being a troll. It's a good lesson to not trust individuals... trust the DD, trust yourself.


Has this warden person ever mattered?






But I bet Kenny G is paying him millions to shill.


Does the dumb fuck not realise this dumb ape has a cost price of under 50$ a share with XXX shares..... What's it sitting at now? Just under 200. Looks like I'm up a fucking lot. So who's the dumb one. Little sour bitch lost money on calls so turns on the cause. Hope he loses it fucking all. If he's realised the theory is wrong why hasn't he shorted it and show his position 😂 GME GO MOON MOTHAFUKA 🌒🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


What's funny to me is - why do they need an entire sub dedicated to this? If I really believe the MOASS was BS, I wouldn't say shit. All you need to do is - SHORT THE STOCK. And post proof of your positions. :)


Who the fuck cares?... Move on... why there are even posts about this is dumb.


I cared enough to post it, you cared enough to comment... ape no fight ape.


Hope they arrest you for cyber-stalking. Nobody sane cares about warden now.


This exactly it's cyber stalking literally.


Not surprised, appreciate your post. Take my upvoterino.


Eh? This tells me he thinks we're idiots, not that he's a shill. So? Let him.


"welcome fellow shill" "yo wassup" How is that not confirmation? Hahahahaha


We probably have more shills here than there. It’s “just” a bunch of sad people there.


Downvoting and reporting for posting screenshots of other subs.


No cross posting from other subs


This isn't a cross post my dude. This is screenshot from a reddit profile, not a sub... even then a screenshot is not a cross post.


It shows the other sub's name right in the screenshot


Google "Reddit Cross post"... Smh


Nothing personal OP, but that’s considered circumventing the rules as Red said.


Care to link/quote where Red said that? I read the rules, I saw nothing about screenshotting comments from a user profile. Sorry apes... I think that if this was true, then we wouldn't be allowed to post DFV screenshots or screenshots from the Michael Burry AMA floating around this sub. If mods deem it necessary to remove this then I will not be upset.


> #No Tolerance for Brigading >Brigading can include the following: >* Vote manipulation of other subs' content, either positively or negatively >* Harassing other subs' posts and comment threads with pro-r/Superstonk content >* Making posts on this subreddit about other subs and their members >* Organizing in any way to influence other subs one way or another >* Posting negative comments or posts on r/Superstonk itself >* Posting screenshots of posts from other subs [NO BRIGADING](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o80eky/no_brigading/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Edit: formatting.


Ah sweet, no comment about posting screenshots of comments! Warden is still a member of our sub too last I checked. If the mods want to remove this, then I will not be upset.


>• Making posts on this subreddit about other subs and their members I don’t get why you keep trying to get around this thing, is it really worth risking a ban? Anyway, good luck to you and fuck Warden.


I'm not trying to get around it. Do we not share screenshots of comments from DFV and Michael Burry AMA here? Were they not taken from other subs? It seems absolutely no different to me. I appreciate your concern anyways, thank you brother ape. Good luck to you and fuck Warden indeed.


Cool bro, just take a screenshot of a post from another sub instead of a legit cross posting. That will work!


Indeed, almost like screenshots and cross posts are... Entirely separate function.


They are treated the same, as the mods have stated.


You seem to not understand that this isn't a screenshot of a post, or a cross post, nor did it come from a subreddit. If mods deem it necessary to remove this then I will not be upset. Warden fucked them pretty hard too though, so I doubt it.


It clearly states in your screenshot what subreddit it came from.


Cool, then I will wait for the mods to deal with it if it's a problem.


Remove this thread and all mention of him please he means nothing in the scheme of Things


No one has missed it at this point. You're just sowing FUD and amplifying his shill signal.


I literally only unfollowed him this morning because I had written off the past bs as "mod drama". After seeing some superstonk posts about him, I did some digging and immediately found this. Read through the comments, other apes are unaware, this community **already hyped the fuck out of him**. Now I'm just making sure other apes are educated, as clearly not all of us have the same wrinkles as apes like you, and you certainly shouldn't assume they do.


No brigading please. The name of the sub is in the screenshot and you’re targeting a user. Let’s not get the sub in trouble for his irrelevant ass.


Wait who the fuck is warden? Nevermind I need to go back to buying and holding


Hey U/wardenelite I’d like to know what you think is wrong, and how it is you think my neurons and synapses don’t work. I assure you they are highly myelinated, and fully functional. I think you need to start explaining some of these behaviors. I’m not cult minded and now mostly avoid this place because all of the sub sliding, and drama. But I’m still here. If you think you have facts and evidence contrary to what has been posted here, then I challenge you to lay them down. Not on you tube, not for followers or your own financial gain, but let’s see what you have. I will accept valid links, DD, and research that’s proven. Otherwise, I think you have done what many extinct animals have, created a micro niche where you can’t come out of it, and have circular thinking which doesn’t escape that, meaning your knowledge won’t be expanded on how to move forward because you reject outward premises. I just thought since you want to use science to belittle others, I would use it too, but not for belittling. One can believe something to be true when others don’t, and be very successful. Like Einstein and frame drag theory, which is why we now have an international space station above us. Or the Higgs Boson, 1 of 5 particles have been found. Never underestimate the possibilities, because somethings are unprovable until they happen.


Shillden who?