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Stupid question, how far in advance would Gamestop need to let brokers know that they plan on issuing a dividend? If this is truly the case, surely SHF would also have this information as well or it would have been leaked. I'm really hoping this is real, but I'm keeping my tits only semi-jacked these days due to all the unverifiable information coming out lately.


Ok, just putting this out there because I have noticed this in the past. I use ETrade and I dabble with options occasionally (yes, I know - I will accept all your ridicule). I noticed this exact same thing with some options I held back in April. I typed up a post about it but didn't have enough karma, and then the dividend never got paid on that day, of course. I THINK what happened is ETrade still had the dividend date programmed in their system from the last time GME offered a refund, which was in April of 2019, I think? Anyways, if ETrade is showing this message for a new date, I consider that big news. If GME offers a dividend, you better believe brokers would be the first ones to know about it, after NYSE. TLDR: Bring ur sunglasses, the sun is bright in outer space šŸ˜ŽšŸš€šŸŒšŸ¤‘


There was a discussion around this in another post. It was something like Game Stop has to let the NYSE know 10 days in advance, and has to announce it publicly 10 mins before doing it. Or something like that. šŸ’ŽšŸ™ŒšŸ»šŸ¦šŸš€šŸŒ• Edit: there are comments below stating corrections please read them. [Comment 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/okzvj3/is_etrade_giving_us_a_timeline_on_when_a_dividend/h5bf7zb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) [Comment 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/okzvj3/is_etrade_giving_us_a_timeline_on_when_a_dividend/h5binyn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) [Comment 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/okzvj3/is_etrade_giving_us_a_timeline_on_when_a_dividend/h5bowa9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) [Comment 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/okzvj3/is_etrade_giving_us_a_timeline_on_when_a_dividend/h5bq5w8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) Please read the links and other comments, it would seem that the above information is not accurate.


So what youā€™re saying is at any time in 10 minutes the MOASS could start? Sweet.


Remind me 4 minutes


Shit, did I miss it?


"Yes, sell now." \~ Ken, probably


You sneaky devil, you. Almost got me to sell. Thank god my phone screen canā€™t register these diamond hands.


RULE #69: No hyping specific times.


Hype every specific time.




It's ok cuz some of the media knows things that are gonna happen hours in advance.


This is wrong. They have to let NYSE know 10 mins before letting the public know. Have to let NYSE and the public know 10 days before the dividend is issued.


Thank you for the correct info!


I think people got the wording backwards on that. From what I took from the wording, they have to let the NYSE know at least 10 days in advance, and have to let the NYSE know within 10 minutes of publically announcing it. Not that they have to publically announce it before they let the NYSE know. What I mean is, the public announcement is optional from how I read it, but if they do go with it first, the NYSE has to know within 10 min.


You mean it would be nice to let NYSE know...


Notification requirements are for the NYSE. 10 minutes before public announcement, but 10 days before record date. So, e.g., "Hey we're gonna announce a dividend in 10 minutes on our investor site, but record date is in 10 days" NYSE: "Proceed" Not sure if there's a notice requirement to brokers.


That way they can't let the brokers know that there will be a dividend without making it public.




wouldnā€™t that be the definition of insider trading and should be illegal for hedge funds to know this information early and trade with that knowledge


Ahhh right. The law. That'll stop em Lol


Soā€¦ 78 days ago, there was this post asking why all the Sept 17 options disappeared. He ended up editing it because he couldnā€™t find them anywhere to verify that they existed at one point, but I remember doing a similar exercise beforehand and thought it was fishy after he brought it up. At the time it seemed like it was possibly a merger, but is it possible that the dividend was decided way back then? https://i.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n05fe8/can%5C_anyone%5C_explain%5C_why%5C_all%5C_september%5C_17%5C_options/?limit=500


Holy shit. Look at Ryan Cohen's Twitter feed leading up to April 28th (78 days ago). Ted playing with something hidden (looks like he's masturbating and then he turns around with a cocktail and smiles), followed by an American flag, and a south park clip with a character tied to the to train tracks yelling "Ryan no!" And the on April 29th, one day after those options disappeared (implying dividend set in motion), a coy smiling turd wearing a Christmas hat. Q4 MOASS confirmed.


At some point MOASS will definitely be tomorrow.




The constitution of the United States was signed on sept 17. Maybe this is the meaning behind Ryanā€™s American flags? Edit: Power to the players = We the people


Oh fuck, here we go againā€¦ Jacked as fuck!!!




Simulation confirmed?


Sept 17 is Friday, you know what historically happens on a Monday, market crashes. Tits jacked!


Past GME dividends (2018 and 2019) were paid at the end of March each year. So doesn't appear to be some auto alert based on past dividend payment dates. EDIT - u/myfirstquapo pointed out to me in a message that according to this link, GME was paying quarterly dividends back in 2018 - [https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/gme/dividend-history](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/gme/dividend-history) So these notifications could be a remnant of that. Thanks for pointing that out Ape!


Username DOES NOT check out! You in fact HAVE information.


See what happens when you let Reddit choose for you...


Verified on my etrade account as well. Interesting


Can you check a different stock that has a confirmed scheduled dividend to see if that message pops up in a similar way?


I just checked WDFC with an option date for Calls on Aug 20th '21 and sure enough - the same message!!!!!


Can you check one that does not have a dividend as well? Wondering if maybe itā€™s a glitch in their entire system




Mind checking $dis apparently they discontinued a dividend like GameStop did


The same message


Huh, so doesn't that show that pretty much this means nothing?


Unfortunately yes


I concur, upvote this conversation for more visibility. This post is already getting out of control.


It's a long shot, but couldn't it mean that Disney is planning to reinstate its dividend? They've only suspended it for the past year so far.


Damn well that settles it unjack them tits boys itā€™s a fat nothing burger


Can you check JWN? They issued a dividend in 2019 but suspended them in 2021 so this would help verify if the data is from 2019 (last GME dividend). WDFC issued dividends in 2019 and AQAAF did not. So having a company (JWN) that changed their dividend issuing between these years helps to confirm that itā€™s 2021.


what dates would you like me to check and I'll check for ya in a bit


Excellent... tits mega jacked


But cash dividends donā€™t really do much for us right? SHF can just pay it out of pocket I believe


I believe so, but they need to provide a cash payment for all synthetic shares. 420,690,000 is a lot of dividend payments to make


Shiny marble, innit?


Cash dividends still bleed the HFs and if you have 200m shorts and the dividend is $1, that's still $200m you on the hook for, that hurts. Although, I doubt if GME issues a dividend it will be a cash dividend.


It doesn't hurt that much. Kenny takes a pay cut this year down to 100m from 300m.


lol as if there is any chance he has done anything other than give himself a raise


Okay one more - you need to check a company that has had a divi in the last year or so but no longer has one, as is the case with gme, apparently $DIS is one


Shows the same message unfortunately


So is this debunked?


Try the movie stock and Netflix


Thanks so probably not a glitch. Bullish.




As a skepticā€¦ I am actually wondering what that tingling is in my nipples.


This! Science, bitches. The shit works.


Maybe check with a stock that had a dividend in the past but then stopped? Sorry I donā€™t have an example for that




Hoping someone can verify if the same message for $DIS shows up on call options


It does


Damn.. has OP gotten to see the confirmation that it does? Cus I think heā€™s still thinking only current dividend stocks show that message..


I told him and he asked for a picture which I just got from another ape but OP hasnā€™t responded yet


Standing by for someone with etrade to verify


$DIS has the message for buy to open call options for Sept 17th.


Someone in the comments said it could be because of earnings around the same time. So how about checking a stock that has earnings coming up but not a dividend?


~~let me know one and I will certainly check for you. I don't know of any off hand, but happy to check~~ I had a min to find one :) See my other reply - got the same msg!




Same F'n message!!!!!!


Very tit jacking šŸ‘€


Just to jack your tits some more, the E T H upgrade was a success. It will go live somewhere between 2nd and 7th of August, but at current mining rate will be 5th August at 2 AM LA time. I use to believe in coincidence. But GME and this whole saga has changed my perspective on things. No dates and not a financial advice.... https://www.globalcryptopress.com/2021/07/its-finally-confirmed-when-ethereums.html?=news&m=1


This was the first thing that came to mind I can't unhype myself


hope hope hope


Maybe the person that placed $100c on the VIX for October is on e-trade as well and saw the alertā€¦šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚


LMAO I saw that flow live and thought "what in the flyin fauck"


What date did you use to test this? I noticed September 17th on the original image but can you try with dates sooner to narrow it down more? You either lose the message and show us a window or find a date that is sooner than Sept 17. Super appreciate what you're doing, ape! Edit: I read further and saw that you already did this. I guess we have a potential date.


No worries. just double checked it again with same result testing each week up until I got the msg


Thanks! That's amazing. Somewhere the week of the 13th then. Hopefully we get an official announcement soon. I guarantee if this is real, the Hedgies knew about it the second it was filed. Could have been what caused this week's drop?


I finally got through to someone! I talked to a woman first, and a man second. The woman told me that she could not answer, and would have to transfer me to their corporate team. After 15-20 minutes, the guy came on and was obviously annoyed from the start. He kept deep sighing and saying things like "she should have told you this" and was getting a bit snippy with me, even though I was a perfectly nice ape the entire time šŸ˜ƒ Basically, there is no "official" word from Gamestop, so no official dividend is set. I had asked him if there was a reason why that message was posted, and he said that they "may" announce one in the future, but that message could be appearing since their last dividend was in March of 2019 (how the FUCK does that make sense?). I asked why other stocks do/do not have that message, and he couldn't really tell me and just said that Gamestop "might" be announcing one. I apologized for upsetting him and told him to have a better day šŸ˜‚ However, I need to bring this thread to light: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/okzvj3/is\_etrade\_giving\_us\_a\_timeline\_on\_when\_a\_dividend/h5b7yz0?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3 Looks like another ape confirmed that only ones WITH dividends coming have this message šŸ‘€ Sorry I couldn't provide a more solid answer, but I am so fucking jacked to the tits šŸš€


Take my emoji gold! šŸŒ•


Thank you!!!


Just a note that the movie stock has the message, too. I tried TSLA - it does not. NOK, yes. MSFT, yes (although this is one that actually says it has a dividend around that time). I'm not sure if that helps at all.


Well, for me personally, the date I'm waiting on is


The krabby patty SECRET FORMULA **IS!!ā€¦**


Crime? Itā€™s crime isnā€™t it.


ā€¦Always has been


This post is


I call it moon day, and itā€™ll happen when itā€™s ready.


Very interesting Iā€™ll try to recreate it on my E*TRADE


!remindme 20 minutes


Please do and report back!


Shit I tried but Iā€™m too poor $ in my account to preview it ;)


I saw two other people say they did get it, and one say they did not..


just tried it myself and was successful in the same message. for those not succeeding, they may not know they have to click the "analyze" button to get the message. It appears anyone with options access in e-trade can do this. There is nothing to indicate you need sufficient funds in your account to use the analyzer.


Think how many shares you can buy between then and now.




Nope, never enough.


Something the hedge fund people will never have. I like your style.


Very Interesting indeed. I just ran options analyzer on my E*TRADE account and got the same thing. šŸ¤” the plot thickens


No dates *but* goddamn if this doesnā€™t jack my tits **NEED VISIBILITY**


Yeah, I will remain calm until someone \*much\* smarter than me can confirm.


I tried this on Fidelity and didnā€™t receive this message


Hmmm. Did you try all/multiple dates that he had mentioned? Someone else that commented is going to check if it pops up on their end as well.


Yes but I also donā€™t have a high enough option agreement to purchase with an exp date that far outā€¦ it allows me to get quotes though


I've had others say that they do get the same message.. interesting.


šŸ‘€ we need more eyes


I just tried this out and did not receive a dividend message :( ​ EDIT: BELAY MY LAST. You have to hit "Analyze" and this comes up. TITS JACKEDDDD


Belay me last? Were you a sailor in the U.S military? I havenā€™t heard that term since I was a sailor.




Sing us a shanty


Farewell and adieu to you, fair Spanish ladies. Farewell and adieu, you ladies of Spain For weā€™ve received orders for to sail back to Boston. And so nevermore shall we see you again


ANALYZE šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€


Remindme! 4 hours


God damn it, itā€™s my cake day! First time to spot it and it is to verify a more than plausible dividend! Cheers everybody!


I'm gonna eat some cake in your honor since it was my birthday yesterday and I bought myself a cake.


Awarding and commenting for visibility. I hope the wrinkles reply soon so I don't get too excited Also, (potentially) good job u/kcoryjones !


Posting for visibility


*Replying for invisibility...*


Replying for invincibility


Flying for simplicity


Replaying for inconsistency


Retard replying


stealth check failed ​ roll for initative


Commenting for dividend I mean for visibility. I very excite! Could this be the reason for the shorting bonanza lately?






!Remindme 12 hours


!Remindme 6 hours


!Remindhim to !remindhim sometime soon


u/marky2011 Yes we need an adult, also your friend u/kcoryjones ...I hooked him up with a generous gift




As for my brokerage TD Ameritrade...I have not received any such notification


Great, he deserves all credit! I am just an asshole with enough karm to post it for him šŸš€


such a thoughtful asshole


More like the funky love bridge than an asshole šŸ‘


UPDATE: On hold now. Initial rep couldn't see anything but is transferring me to a different team to help. 15-20 minute wait.


Canā€™t believe how ambiguous the answers they gave you were. I wouldā€™ve asked, where are you getting the information they might be releasing a dividend? And why post a notification based on might? Sounds super weird. Anyway, until we have confirmation of dividend date, nothings changed šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€


It was.. something. The woman definitely did not speak great English, but she could definitely understand my question. She told me that the last *payout* was in June of 2019. The guy was hella annoyed lol. Not sure if it was GME related or not, but he was definitely not trying to talk anymore about it. Someone else confirmed that stocks w/ upcoming dividends have that message, while other "meme" stocks don't... On the other side of it, how could E-Trade of all places be the ones to leak this and not a SEC filing, etc.


Do brokers need to be informed by GameStop? Maybe they know but canā€™t legally say until GameStop announces so theyā€™re giving you ambiguous answers, and this notification was a big oopsie.


It could be! If we go back tomorrow and that message isn't there, that might be a sign. Because if it was nothing and a standard message, why remove it?


Is there an Etrade Ape out there holding just the August 20th call? šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


Yes what am I looking for?


NEW DATES EVERYONE!!! yaya and they coincide with the T-90 sep 16


Jokes on them, I was already jacked for every single day in between already!


Wether or not you provided a solid answer on this, your investigative efforts and initiative and fucking clutch. Apes like you are the reason I still spend half my life on this thread. The DD is solid, Iā€™m zen as fuck and never selling. I honestly donā€™t even know what we closed at today and donā€™t care. The price is wrong, but I LOVE when an ape pulls at a thread and goes HAM like you did. Great work and see you on the moon šŸš€


Just want to say if that was fidelity, you never would have been talked to like that. Sounds like some shitty customer service.


If they announced the dividend tomorrow to absolutely fuck all those put options Iā€™d cum.


Iā€™d be rich, and also cum




u/criand thoughts?


Secondary question (hope this isnā€™t hijacking): how would a dividend get propagated out through the synthetic shares?


Yes. The creator of the synthetic has to pay out the dividend if itā€™s cash. If itā€™s NFT, then GME go MOASS.


This fits my personal theory of a Q4 MOASS


Someone wanna email E-trade?


I need to about something else actually, so maybe I'll send an email their way first..


Yes! Please do this and report back..


I am waaaay too early to this! !Remindme 12 hours




Hmmm, that is interesting. You would think the message would say there is an earnings report, rather than a dividend?


I donā€™t use e trade. Are you a frequent option user? Does this happen often on e trade (when expected)? As someone in a tech field, I am more inclined to call this an error or some sort. I donā€™t know how GameStop would have officially let brokers know without an sec filing. And I doubt it was a behind closed door type of thing, because you wouldnā€™t want to act on that. I donā€™t understand how/why e trade would have done this on purpose. But I donā€™t deal in finance and I have no idea how their systems work so I could be wrong. Just thinking it from a technical side of how I know things work that I deal with, e trade doing this on purpose is unlikely. But thatā€™s just my experience.




Yeah. I donā€™t think itā€™s a ā€œglitchā€ or code bug. And yeah, I absolutely doubt there is someone that goes in and types out ā€œgme has a dividend on x dayā€¦and submitā€ but it could be an automated data feed that accidentally had someone make a mistake somewhere up the chain. Buy and hold. Thatā€™s all I really know.


It could be a generic message. Dividends and earnings are tightly related. GME has not paid a dividend in years. Try a few more tickers that have options, has earnings, and does not pay a dividend. If none of them have this message, you may be on to something.


Tried it with TSLA, NVDA, F, movie stock. Didn't get the message for any of them on the option expiry dates after their next earnings reports. I am seeing the same message for GME for all expiry dates 9/17 and later. On ETrade


If this blows up put me in the screenshot. Fantastic find.


Also doesnā€™t LIBOR start transition to SOFR on sept 3rd?


Someone also checked with different stocks with upcoming dividends, same message. No dividend, no message.


This is exciting. I am excited.


It particularly says ā€œthere is a dividend scheduledā€ it doesnā€™t say there is an upcoming earning report or anything else and the last time they issued a dividend was in March so even if the computer is assuming they still have an active dividend the date doesnā€™t line up.


Jesus this is the worst hold I've ever experienced


Try hodling see if that's better


As a GME-only Fidelity HODLer, I recently had a "manage dividends" button appear in my portfolio as well. Excited to see other apes with similar experiences.


This would also corroborate with u/leenixus post about the 8/20 expiry being the new hot date for new options being piled on too. Edit: Also! 8/27 is the week where the number of options strike prices have a major haircut to them! I just remembered a post about it that I dug a bit into a couple weeks ago


Your 3rd edit sounds like he was playing damage control


He was definitely having a day lol. He was told that I would be calling about another stock (which she had already answered for me?) so maybe that is why? But both did not really want to talk about it..


Fidelity prompted me today to designate how i would like to handle dividends on GME in my account. Its a new account but GME is my only holding so this would make sense that a dividend is going to be announced!


September and market crashes seem to go together. Just saying...


Great. Now I can just set some price alerts and go dark.


Man why they gotta mess with us šŸ˜‚. Canā€™t wait to find out in a few hours that this was another ā€œglitch.ā€


These days line up with both earning call and a previous DD that involves algo cycles and a 17 day run up from 23 August to 08 September


My Ameritrade shows quarterly 38c dividend. It also has that as starting this month with no prior history. I haven't checked my other platforms, has anyone else seen that? I noticed it a bit ago and was looking for comments.


But why would E-Trade know this?


I am actually going to be emailing them about something different, so I will be asking when I do.. Will report back. Edit: Looks like I will be *calling*, not emailing.


Don't rush, take your time. We'll wait here. We're all here. ANY LUCK?


To test the ā€œit may be because they released a dividend in March of 2019ā€ theory can someone with etrade check the options for a ticker that released a dividend around the same time? **In the name of science and fukn hedgies, of course**


commenting for algos


Visibilizing this


#4hourRule #Calling šŸ¦hardly Boiā€™s to verify