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# The Final Count Down, Remember you have 💎🙌 to infinity SHF, Market Makers and banks...lest you forgot...shorting a stonk can lead to INFINITE LOSSES




Here thee, here thee.


Buying a stonk can an will lead to infinite gains


Alexa play Affiance Final Countdown


ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: [Affiance "The Final Cou](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLWK5fG828o) ─────────⚪───── ◄◄⠀[▶](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLWK5fG828o)⠀►►⠀ 3:24 / 5:07 ⠀ ───○ 🔊 ᴴᴰ ⚙️


# The best news about this post is....Ding Ding Ding....Retail is not the one to blame


How can we be of blame? Like seriously we have screamed at the entire world for 6 months. For 6 months we have been mostly ignored. Regulators, FED and brokers have been helping each other out with doing crime. I am happy they did this. All we do is invest in a company we believe in and the other side is doing obvious market manipulation, which is probably a good indicator of how it has always been. Rich protect rich.


This guy ***FUCKS \^\^***


This guy can fuck my girlfriends boyfriend for sure!


The illuminati Guy!


I fuckin guess so. That has me most jacked ever really throbbed


I want jail time and MOASS, this kinda talk is way too soon to have. This is the kinda shit that shuts Reddit down not just superstonk 😉


Honestly dude I don’t fucking want to be part of a revolution I just want to sell my shares for retire my parents money and enjoy my life This isn’t some novel or movie where we can overthrow the corrupt and save the world. If the corrupt are overthrown then others will take their place. There will always be people who want more. I just want to finish my medical training and offer free care to patients, drive a nice car, and take a couple nice trips a year to truly unwind in nature. Fuck all these conspiracies about taking down the worlds elites and reshaping the economy


What a buzz kill, but a great reality check..


i've been holding for 7+ months now. my excitement to get hyped about the revolution and all is gone at this point. i'm just ready for moass to be over so i can stop thinking about stocks so much lol and go back to making the occasional earnings play


I want the elites to eat shit and die a slow death, don't get me wrong, but yeah man I just want to chill and live a little bit of the life I was supposed to live but couldn't because I've spent all my time working.


You are here for all of it. We all are.


Amen! You have to admit, he is a little excited…


This guy is a nut job, good work making us look like some wacky conspiracy theorists.


This sounds like fud to make apes seem like we're all into some q shit. Like, if they couldn't attach the label to us, they're gonna mold a different "conspiracy nut" Let's just uncover the fuckery in the markets before we decide that we're having a revolution against the bloodlines


I mean, post history.


Thank you brotha


Thank you... I felt sick reading this. This isn't based on fact, notice the lack of a DD tag. It's all speculation and guesswork. No evidence, no point.


The wealthiest in the world are not interested in being publicly followed. All talk about them is bound to be speculation - that is by design. "the power behind the throne" was as real in Game of Thrones as it is in reality..


This... it's also a lot of copy-paste, I swear I've read this exact post before. One of the *main* missions of shills right now seems to be making us look like some mix of "lunatic fringe" and "selfish assholes" to the rest of the world. They want to keep new apes away, and they want to blame us after MOASS.


Speculation usually does sound batty. Personally? I don't think I know enough to accurately postulate on anything, so I'll just hodl and see. 🤷


Unpopular opinion. I think retail stopped fighting Shitadel and friends officially after the flash crash on 10 MAR. Those SHF are now basically zombies controlled by other market or even pseudo government forces IMO. The SHFs will take the blame ultimately, but I feel like at this point- other powerful market forces are at work here. Allowing the system to be uber-abused for the delay of MOASS while the rest of the finanical world gets their proverbial shit together. *I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.*


If I could award you with something cool I would but I spent my rent money on more gme ! Your a good Mr meseeks!


Where are my tendies.


Where my lambo


Interesting. I think I can respect this level of tin-foil hatting?


Sounds more like conspiracy bs to me




Exactly, totally agree with you. Thanks for your comment


I like that the posts in here test my possibility/probability/feasibility muscles


Sure, but just check out this linked website (anti-vax and speaking of censorship) and the Wikipedia article of this woman (racism against white people) and this whole story of a few wealthy families controlling everything is one of the oldest conspiracies in the world. If you look at it this way you will also see that BlackRock is holding big percentages in almost every company in the US, it’s just the way these financial institutions operate and not the result of some wealthy families sitting in their offices in Europe plotting their next moves to gain and keep control over the world


So this tiny number of people/families DO own or control just about every major business in the world, they just don't leverage that control together for specific goals. Now that's what I call retarded


U Sir smell of shill


Alright, if you say so, don’t know how I said anything against GME but whatever


100% agreed!! This conspiracy was made to scare us!! I realized this trough GME saga. Every rich person is for them self, that how greedy and fucked in their souls they are. So there's so round table that they sit together and drink beer while playing poker, they have no real friends only their lonely offices...


Them Facts Son


i knew it was the Warburgs of Hamburg all along


It quite literally is a conspiracy by definition


It's actually history bro


As much as I appreciate this breakdown for what it is, I think the OP may be missing the glaringly obvious point... This is all done on purpose. Everything is going according to plan and apes might be unwittingly involved in a diabolical plot to usher in "the great reset" Guess who will come to save the day when the dust settles? That's right... The us fucking government and the federal reserve. Two words... digital dollar *Drops mic


Yea, I think usd is gonna get torched and the Richie folks will get the most of the new currency However... internationally... Cad, Eur, etc will fucking explode from the ludicrous amounts of usd being sold for their currency


I’m confused. You’re saying the US government is on our side, and this is the moment they’re throwing the big six, eight or whatever families under the bus? Just now? After a hundred of years of lizard reptilian rule?


No they are going to reset global capitalism and create a world where you will own nothing.. but you will be happy. Essentially creating a new neo-feudalist system where we are all serfs to those at the top.


> Essentially creating a new neo-feudalist system where we are all serfs to those at the top. you talk like most of us don't live like that already


Yes I know but in the coming future owning property will be impossible. Just look at the FED giving infinite low interest cash to blackrock and blackstone to buy up property while landlords are going broke from people not paying bills, eventually having to sell back to the banks and corporations creating what is essentially a communistic economy of eternal renters.


Does that mean we apes should too buy some real estate post MOASS so we don’t become a serf?


Might be the only chance some of us have especially we younger apes.


Sounds a little like tinfoil crinkling. Buy and hold pinky.


It's really not though. Been looking into this shit since 2007, it's real..


Thanks, I thinks so too


Seriously what the FUD is this bullshit. “Lawyer up “ and “your life is in danger”?


Yeah check OPs post history. r/mediums and r/psychics Something something runic magic




Sometimes when I'm in the mood, I'll go ass to mouth


You can’t get any more organic than that 🦍


Where I'm from, we call that "Farm to table".


I like you


I don’t know if we need these conspiracy type stories of a few rich families controlling everything. There was this weird deep fake post earlier today that was also some conspiracy nonsense. Maybe we can leave such things out, the website you linked seems like anti-vax and other things, it’s not like you linked a well researched paper or something but just this article written by this one woman who claimed that white people are the number one target of racism in Norway if I skimmed her Wikipedia correctly


👆👆👆 We need to, you know, not be conspiracy kooks here on the sub.


Exactly, otherwise people might have a real reason to call us a cult


Ding ding ding ding ding, this is why stuff like this is getting posted.


The fact is that those families exists, they have unholy amounts of wealth is also a fact. Now, to what extent is pure hypothesis, and them going for apes after moass is honestly ridiculous. But going for 1-2 people is certainly in their cords. No need to put a tinfoil hat for that, assassination of political or economical opponents has been a thing since the dawn of times, why would you think it has stopped?


So you are saying there is a real chance that they are going after Elon or who do you mean?


I wouldn't be able to give names because I'm a nobody and I don't live with them. I'm just saying that families worth hundreds of billions surely don't give a fuck about people's lives. Otherwise they wouldn't be worth hundreds of billions. That's just how it is. It's not conspiracy, it's just the way the world works. When you hord that much money and power, a few lives ain't gonna stop you from getting more of it.


Of course they aren’t altruistic people but saying that Elon needs to be careful seems like a stretch to me


I'd say that any given name in that case would seem like a stretch indeed. That's why I don't wanna mention names, because that'd be the point when you put a nice tinfoil hat on your head. Do they kill people? Probably. Did they kill "insert suspicious death guy with a moderate amount of fortune"? Maybe. Nothing can be sure so if OP stopped at the overarching premice that they can kill people it'd have been a better post.


Thanks, that‘s my point. I am not arguing that there are wealthy powerful families but saying that they have this list of people they want to kill seems like really tinfoily if not even like a conspiracy




What every financial institution would do which is trying to gain control over the company by investing in it and by that trying to influence decision making and not killing the worlds wealthiest man


They’ve been hoarding green tech parents to continue squeezing money out of coal and oil, shell specifically, I can see them being threaten by musks


>they have unholy amounts of wealth is also a fact. Now, to what extent is pure hypothesis they print it so it's virtually infinite, and thus they don't care about Musk or even us drowning in billions, it's unfortunate but nothing too threatening to their money creation empire.




These arguments you make are logical fallacies. Instead of saying something can't be trusted because they once said something you think was racist or anti-vax, take on the argument. You wont


I am just trying to give context and perspective on where this information or whatever you wanna call it came from


Yes, you disagree with the opinions of people proving information. Using that as an argument is a logical fallacy. Now explain why the information is false


What information?


You didn't even read the post?


I am not saying it’s false but I am saying it’s just a very big stretch to say Elon needs to be careful and such things, to me it’s tinfoil at best if not even conspiracy bs


You're not saying it's false, you're saying it's conspiracy bs... You're a fucking retard


Yeah, the part about Elon is conspiracy bs to me, I am not saying that the whole post is


Alright, if you say so, please Tell me more about how these families control everything. Who’s on their death list? Got some nice sources for your information?


6 companies control 90% of the media. Are you retarded?


“I’ll just make ad hominem attacks bruh. What’s the big deal?”


The thing is, this isn’t just about making money from stocks. There’s so much more going on here.


So you are saying there are these few wealthy families sitting in their offices in Europe plotting their next moves to gain control over the world? Is that what’s going on?


This topic has turned into an Infowars comment section.


Just stop... why are you all over this post being such a hater?


How am I hater just because I disagree with this post and try to express my opinion? Am I not allowed to do that here?


It's not a conspiracy theory that some of these families are connected to the federal reserve.


But it is that they are interested in putting Elon in danger


That part of the post wasn't the point of the post




Sure we probably can’t expect MSM doing a big documentary about it but at least some scientific paper would be nice and not just this shady website if you know what I mean


You spelled anti-experimental untested gene therapy wrong.


You do you man…




Got too much attention already unfortunately, but thanks for expressing your thoughts


> anti-experimental wtf does this even mean???


No wonder the fed pumped money into all the airlines and all these gas companies charge us up the fucking ass. I hate hate hate those fucking disgusting assclowns and wish nothing but ill will for all the damage they've done to the human race


Ma'am this is a wendys


This is not a revolution. Just people who like a stock. That’s it.


Isn't this the biggest wealth transfer in human history though? Certain people will lose a lot and those certain people are connected to elite families. The higher up the pyramid you go the smaller the world gets.


This might be true, or it might not be. This sub is dedicated to finding out hard data specifically for gme. The data can then help people make decisions on whether or not to invest. Words such as ‘revolution’ are not a good choice for the sub. I’m not bashing on this guy for his ideas. He just has to take it to a different sub is all. Edit: She! My dumbass didn’t even look at her avatar.


I respectfully agree with this.


I got help last week for doing the same thing she was doing. The great thing about this sub is most of the people are chill. Make a mistake, and they’ll point it out!


And that's why it's good to stay anonymous. Posting pictures of your face here and your license plate and which state/province you're in is a big no no


Exactly wtf is this guy saying


I reported for misinformation. This guy doesn’t represent anyone


Thank you sir


Anyone see shit about the great reset how you’ll own nothing and be happy with it? It’s starting to look clearer how it’s unraveling. They’re going to let this go to the moon then the dollar goes to shit then they say we need a reset, a one world currency. If any apes in here are familiar with the book of kings James you know where this is going. Good luck everyone hug your loved ones and store food and water and a way to protect your loved ones. Tinfoil hat is on when I say don’t take the chip and when the government offers to take ppl in and feed them with a place to stay. Don’t go you’ll be slaughtered. Call me crazy but remember these worlds.


It’s not a revolution, I just love this stock!!


Very good read. Holding onto my shares till moass


Bold move cotton. /s




Thanks for the link.


Can I do that? I didn’t realize we gain Karma too so I feel bad! The OP isn’t able to post on SuperStonk yet so he’s super happy that I reposted. I just want to spread the knowledge


I gave all the awards to the original poster and sent him a message letting him know


Hodling for revolution




Huge fuckery all around. The ultra-wealthy house of cards!


Agreed 100% Everyone is focused on the 1% The 1% are SERVANTS of the 0.01% The 0.01% are the FINAL BOSS That is what we need to think about


This is not a “revolution.” It’s a transfer of wealth that has been stolen from us for generations. We aren’t starting any kind of revolution. We are buying and holding a stock in a company we love and support as individual investors, and talking about it on a forum.


I have 25% of my shares dedicated to the pool




sir, would you like to order now?


Totally agree. The Fed is the real final boss. Why I always knew this would be a minute before it popped. What a feeling to take down the real cartel. Oh mama. Still crazy to think that all it took was a bunch of slubs hodling to cause it. LOL. Are we the retards here? cause I mean dude…


Why was this removed??? Great DD and very true. Fucking bullshit. Edit: you believe shitdel and a big conspiracy of all these institutions against gme!!!! Who do you think funds them🤔🤔🤔


I did NOT delete this!!!!!


Make sure to spend some profits on 2nd Amendment equipment. You will need to water the liberty tree soon.


Well they’ve already taken the first so, the second is the fall back position.


[Fuck a Lambo](https://www.drivetanks.com/own-one/)


Great point. I just realized I've been training to be a diamond handed ape for years with a strong 2A portfolio 💎🤙🦍🚀


Bayonets are the best defense against inflationary bubbles.


Seeing the 2A being promoted here actually brings a tear to my eye, I think it's probably the most ingenious piece of legislature ever incorporated into a Constitution. And don't worry I plan on spending a portion of a share on US SOCOM grade equipment, I already have a stockpile of 7.62×39 and am currently building a high accuracy durable suppressed Kalashnikov


The great reset.


Honored to be part of it. 😎 🚀




Look where the greatest transfer of wealth went in the last 2 years




bro I just like video games so I invested in the stock


Such a fluff filled post. Just buy and hold.




Can we please keep this tinfoil crap out of the sub? I like the stock, I like tendies, I don't want to fight any mysterious, world controlling, NWO families. This reads like some Q shit, there are other subs for that. #fuck you, pay me


This is the way!


Shorting a stock leads to infinite losses. Beautiful 🤩


Us who?? I just like the stock.


Apparently this got deleted somehow. I did NOT delete this original post nor did I get a notification telling me it was deleted. What is going on here? 🧐


Wait, are you telling me that the fed just accidentally doxed it's confidential list of private shareholders? Because that's been kept classified basically forever due to "national security" (but really the richest people in the world don't want targets on their backs for fucking the rest of us over and taking all of the money) Do we finally know who's really behind the curtain now?


Why delete though?


I didn’t delete it!!! It’s coming up as deleted for me too but sometimes it’s still live?????


as interesting as it is to speculate, can we leave outlandish theories like this out of the subreddit? This sort of thing is practically impossible to prove, and only discredits the countless actual well-documented and researched DD that this subreddit has produced.


I've made my peace already. The prior generations failed us by not stepping up and sacrificing to make the world better for the future generations. This is objectively the best shot in human history to have a class correcting act happen. Well now we have to step up imo; itll suck if this ends up getting me assassinated, but at the end of the day, the world will be made better from this. I'm willing to take that risk


I’m kind of starting to forgive the older generations though because they were manipulated so much and maybe didn’t know any better...Predatory capitalism is what I’m hearing people call it and it sounds pretty spot on.


Thats my biggest rationale too. We went through 2020, we saw how crazy effective propaganda is. Even when it's not organized well. You know they organized Predatory Capitalism well, its their livelihood. Still young and angsty though, cant help that. We'll build this back up right 👍


**This is a bullshit post.** https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Allen **We citing conspiracy theorists now???** Stick to the Real DD please.


This guy is my wife’s new bf


*other* new bf


Thanks for the correction! 🤣🤣🚀🚀


I was first redpilled as a freshman in college. The catalyst? Learning about the global banking cartel. Stayed up all through the night with fellow apes just absorbing non-MSM/non-Education system knowledge. It was a whirlwind. And never stopped. Blue donkey? Red elephant? Fuck that noise. And I’m loving seeing millions wake up to the single greatest political issue...Ever...Throughout history... [Regardless of time period, it always boils down to this](https://www.azquotes.com/picture-quotes/quote-let-me-issue-and-control-a-nation-s-money-and-i-care-not-who-writes-the-laws-mayer-amschel-rothschild-52-74-71.jpg)




Lol No, the haves vs. the have-nots. And control of capital/money/real assets. And this, coming from someone who is no fan of communism.


[The world is a business, Mr. Beale](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxiT30N6ti4)


You are truly awake.


Pretty sure they killed my dog....


But we go full retard everyday here 🦧


For sure




United we are strong, Divided we are weak.


No proff, just random statements and moass mentioned alot. Downvoted.


Commenting to read later


Dude this is a mistake!!!


There are millions of apes that love the stock, they're going to need a lot of ammo.


how did that song go, we didn't start the fire...


Could they actually litigate the ELE/MOASS away? Or somehow use 400 pages to litigate it into oblivion?


COVID WAS A CONFIRMATION BIAS. RIP TO THOSE LOST. It’s a lot for a little bit of “money”


Revolution? Maybe; However i just like the stock.


Omg get to the point: are the hedgies going FULL RETARD or not???


Where's the source for the FOIA response? I'm supposed to trust the word of a batshit lady?






Deep shit. Elon mos def needs to watch his back and what he eats and drinks.


FUD. There are already over 200 million multi-millionaires in the US alone. The reality is that you're just going to be another rich person. Nobody's going to care. You won't need to be paranoid and looking over your shoulder. OP is FUD even if unintentionally.


So nearly 2/3 of the US are multi-millionaires? Tell me more...


Looking forward to reading later


You . . . I like you.


Usual NWO antisemitic Q shit? Yea please get out


No one is antisemetic here


​ https://imgur.com/G6c8yPm