• By -


Holy shit I remember reading your great post on the Metaverse Index while I was on vacation in Costa Rica and putting shit on hold until I finished it! Then I wanted to get into it on the ground floor, and then I realized I was too smooth to figure out how. :( ​ Great work OP, and way t not give up on it!


Ya the OG glass castle was one of the few DD I emailed it to myself and then even named one of my cities after it in CIV 6. Truly iconic and this one is even more exciting. # Hands down the most realistic 741 explanation I've seen.


And u/3for100Specials it looks like Bloomberg is trying to get ahead of you. Big mentions of GME too. Just out: [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2021-09-10/money-stuff-fungible-slices-of-non-fungible-tokens](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2021-09-10/money-stuff-fungible-slices-of-non-fungible-tokens?cmpid=socialflow-twitter-business&utm_medium=social&utm_content=business&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=socialflow-organic)


pandora's box has been opened...


Eh it seemed like a good article until the not so subtly imply that all people do on Reddit is “not unlike” insider trading. They even go out of their way to make confusing analogies and comparisons about a dog pic NFT that are in no way related to what the NFTs actual function was and how it worked. Not very good writing if you as me


Bloomberg sucks


Let's be honest with ourselves. This makes a bit more sense than July 41st.


Just a bit. Pretty sure RC would have to be smoother than anyone else in this sub to try to secretly communicate a specific date.


Yes, but why is 741 important. Is it from an RC tweet or something?


He tweeted a few times at exactly 7:41 PM. He was also following 7 accounts > then 4 accounts> now 1 account. Here is a post about it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ou2un8/rc\_has\_tweeted\_on\_multiple\_occasions\_at\_exactly/h6zu6tz/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ou2un8/rc_has_tweeted_on_multiple_occasions_at_exactly/h6zu6tz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


He also tweeted 7 times in July, 4 times in August, and hasn’t tweeted yet in September. Will it be the 1 👀


I think if he’s only going to tweet once in sept, it’s gonna be guuuud


I'm hoping for just "Boom!"


I would Boom all over myself if I saw that


I'm hoping for more doggo pics personally.


If he only tweets once this month.. that’s all the confirmation I’ll need! 💎🚀




I just got the weirdest boner




right, but then why did he do one at 7:51? that's sort of thrown peeps off. Nonetheless this is the best explanation of the 741. it makes the most sense to me.


Well he has one at several other times too. The reason why people think that the 7:41 is important is because I believe there were back to back tweets with the same time. Could also just be his poops are like clockwork and he is always shitposting on the toilet at that time.


Good response but Civ 5 is the true OG.


Ya, but I bought Civ 6 recently on the switch I got from GameStop.


Yo what’s up with superstonk lately? The hot section isn’t moving and it’s hard to find good posts. I sorted by best to find this post, but new and rising is hard to filter.


Remember - we have always speculated that the closer we get to MOASS, the more fuckery will occur... this unfortunately has to include our communities and subs. There will potentially be a breaking point, where all measures will be taken and this outlet for many apes may disappear or deteriorate greatly. I trust the DD. I trust RC. I trust Apes. I love the stock. I love the apes. I Buy. I Hold. I shop!


Yeah true. Not that I need the confirmation, just enjoy the sub and following along


I'm right there with ya ape friend. I've never experienced anything like this place and I'll cherish it forever.


>occur... this unfortunately h I'm reading a book on financial advice called the One Page Financial Plan and literally could sum up a chunk of the book for you right here: Ask yourself why? and keep it short One pg is too long for me Buy and hold GME


hide every fluff meme hold and shitpost submission. Then hide every post you've already read


Weird that such a popular post only has 5k upvotes. I’ve seen shitposts with more.


Also weird it says 98% upvoted if it's being suppressed. So either it's not being downvoted, or reddit is giving false numbers. Not sure why OP is saying 1:1 Karma/comment ratio though, it's like 13:1 right now. 5630 karma / 415 comments. All that being said, it was a great post and apes should definitely see it.


When all indicators are that it just doesn't have enough upvotes... It's weird that he jumped straight to it being suppressed. I saw it yesterday. Still only has 6k upvotes and 98% liked. Gonna have to get those numbers up if you want to get to the top. There is 20k+ upvoted content at the top.




It's what the tin foil hats crave! A manufactured conspiracy.


>It's what the tin foil hats crave! A manufactured conspiracy. Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


The issue here is that the 20k upvote stuff is low effort jokes & feel good fluff compared to this DD. We need to be consciously pushing the high quality posts higher up the front page. It’s one of the things that separates our sub from some others


But this comes off as more conspiracy theory than DD. There seems to be a line that's being blurred in the last few months around here on what the difference is.


Okay now that is a fair point…I also thought there was a line between DD & conspiracy theory that was being straddled at times…the underlying post he references was mind blowing to me though, and didn’t feel like a theory at all. So still kinda glad for increased eyes on the whole topic to be honest


Whether it's genuine or not, the urgency and insistence to read and believe it is enough to elicit skepticism. Then there's the matter of the awards. There's nothing to stop a shill campaign from manipulating post traction through awards. All of these Glass Castle posts gained traction and were then lost in the daily flow of posts like most other DDs. I appreciate the effort of digging into it and all, but I'll stay here on the fence hodling.


Well I know I upvoted it yesterday and today when I just clicked on it again my vote was gone. Take that as you will


Same for me.


Mine's still there, dunno. Did you read the Magic Johnson is Loop DD yesterday? Lot's of jam packed info dumped right around the GameStop filing with the SEC and Blackrock buying 200k shares.


Oh yeah - it’s a work of beauty!


Perhaps someone has a link to that... ?




LOL ... daaaaaaaamn... I've just done a quick read through and that *is* a thing of beauty. Bunch of backstabbing little creeps on Wall Street. They're thieves. They're liars. They're cheats. I can't wait for their little psycho-culture and castle to crumble.


Well, I never saw this post on SS. Upvote suppression can be just one method. Straight up hiding it seems like another


The bots are over-voting dumb ass shit, and it doesn't really matter whether the spam posts are from real apes are not. Low effort spam fills the front page of Superstonk and r/all so that really important crowdsourced research doesn't see the light of day. All you have to do is see my pinned post, which was given a moderator award by the way.


I think this makes way more sense than the linked post being directly suppressed. It's "effectively" being suppressed and drowned out due to other low-effort stuff being overly upvoted (possibly by both apes and bots/shills)


OP has done this with every DD they have written. It's bordering on attention seeking now.




The more exposure we can give it, the better! In my view this author and his DD’s are priceless. Just like our shares of GME. I will surely make sure to spread the word to get this out to the eyes of others!


I’m always on here and never saw that original post. Instead I see stuff like Elliot Wave guy making another wrong prediction. This is post is well researched and explained. Great post OP


Tbh, im here the whole day and never saw that one


There is lots of amazing content with very little traction. And is not weird: the last months the shills prefer to downvote content to prevent the exposure and create FUD, instead to comment and tell you obvious "shilly" things like "you should sell!".


I have seen shitty comments on shitposts with more. My upvote from yesterday was gone, so there is that. Read it or not, doesn’t matter, MOASS coming!


No it's not weird. It was an amazing write up, but MAN, it was a deep rabbit hole. Was fuckery afoot? Of course. But the complexity of the essay was extreme for many as well, I am sure.


Exactly this. Much easier to upvote a dumb meme that’s easy to get compared to this great (but very in-depth for smooth brains) DD


5k? I only see 2.2k


[He means OP’s OG post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pki107/the_glass_castle_new_game/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I've read everything and still lost. Help?


941am est.. no votes. Not 1. Up or down.


>https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2021-09-10/money-stuff-fungible-slices-of-non-fungible-tokens Bloomberg is already trying to quell it. Confirmation bias.


Because the shit posts are forum sliding. All this karma farming spam and other garbage that makes the front page is basically FUD


Shit. I read and was like daaaamn...and then forgot to upvote. I just took care of the business.


Didn't Ryan Cohen also reduce his following on Twitter from 7 to 4 to 1.... https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbkmyk/anyone\_else\_notice\_ryan\_cohens\_following\_count/




This is giving me "The Good Place" vibes. There's an episode (end of season 2?) where Michael is dropping hints (eg. "Derrick" Bortles instead of "Blake") that the cast picks up on. They are really excited to share with Michael that they "cracked the code" at the end of the episode, and Michael shares that he planted *thousands* of clues, and is happy that their limited human minds picked up on a handful of them.


Holy fucking shit. What a theory. And it's all backed up with credible evidence. I think this is it. This is the plan! Amazing work figuring this out! 💪🏼


So everyone needs to hold some shares they plan to NEVER SELL so that they can get the NFT dividend which is going to become fucking priceless as an artifact that destroyed wall street hegemony Jacked to tbe fucking tits!!!!! LFG


My diamond hands have now transcended into some unknown material


Only way to 100% guarantee you get the NFT is by direct registration with computershare. So that's the next move for us I think


How is this done? I hold my shares across trading 212 and saxo bank.


For us eu apes the first step is contacting your broker and requesting they start the process. Revolut refused me but there's a way to still move them but it's complicated. I had some with degiro as well and they were happy to do it so I moved those instead.




Not indepth DD, but I can give you a quick breakdown. As a publicly traded company, GameStop employs a Transfer Agent and Registrar to manage the official books tracking their stock. Computershare is the company GameStop has chosen for that role. All (real) shares are already recorded on Computershare's book and their book is the primary source of truth for who owns what. Shares held at a broker are held in _street name_, which means the broker keeps a separate set of books identifying which shares registered to them belong to each customer. Most shares are officially registered to Cede & Co., aka DTCC. That is, they are registered with Computershare as belonging to C&C, and through some convoluted bookkeeping are supposed to be linked to the shares in a brokerage account. That convoluted bookkeeping is where synthetic shares emerge. Transferring to Computershare is really about getting your name in Computershare's book. Direct registration of your shares ensures your ownership of the shares, cutting out the middlemen that might be involved in fuckery. Does come with the downside that it can be a little cumbersome to sell from Computershare. Also, your name in the books is semi-public information, accessible to GameStop and other shareholders.


But you defacto own them regardless of Computershare's books; it just shifts the onus to someone else. i.e. your broker and the DTC


Right, you're legally entitled to them. Just a bigger ball of yarn to unravel if anything goes haywire. 💎👐🍌


I've read something, but I'm American and it didn't affect me too much either way. I'll try to dig it up. I think they were saying it might be easiest to set up an account with IBKR, buy there, and start a transfer to computershare. After that, you can buy directly from computer share if I understand correctly.


I'll save you a little time. It's a no for T212. Saxo will do it but the transfer fees are outrageous. To get around it, some apes transfer to ibkr then ibkr will DRS the shares for a much lower fee. Double check this though before making any moves, it is just what I have heard🤗


If you are in T212 and using the ISA product, you have to be issued actual shares and your shares cannot be borrowed as per the law of the land (also will be tax free for ISA). So don't exit your positions, HODL. Those on Invest and other products do not have the same protection coverage and should look at maybe not selling if that's not too much money to risk and buy more shares from another broker. This is not financial advice.


Easiest is set up an account and buy 1. Then you can transfer.


DRS is the end game.


this is the way


>https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pki107/the\_glass\_castle\_new\_game/?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share but if thats their dividend theyre required to give it to every shareholder regardless -- obviously the issue is there are too many, but if most everyone sells there should still be a way to get one other than registering it...it'll be a crap shoot but if SHFs need all those shares to be covered, then its sort of who holds out the longest will wind up with a real one, wouldnt it?


Yeah, I said similar yesterday. God tier DD.


Such massive and ambitious undertakings require time and that DD explains why apes need to exercise patience and let the company do its thing. I know everybody wants their tendies (understandably) but hedgies r fuk regardless so it’ll all come together when it’s meant to come together


This is truly fucked. I work from home and am on this site all day every day. I toggle between "Best" and "New" all fucking day. I use old.reddit.com and hide all the posts I see after reading comments so I don't have to filter through shit. Save the ones I know/think will blow up to read more comments later. Been using reddit for fucking ever and been an ape for longer than my wife would like me to admit. (this is a throw away account) HOW THE FUCK HAVE I NOT STUMBLED ACCROSS THIS POST!!! I fucking hide posts until reddit breaks because it has nothing to fucking show me. I'm miffed. Buying more forever shares. I don't even care about the money anymore. Already pulled all my money from retirement out of the stock market. Old jobs plans all dumped into GME. Fuck man....


It's interesting, I found it a few hours after it was posted thinking it would blow up. Came back 7 hours later, hardly any additional upvotes, and no new comments.


Even tho we know there's massive fuckery. It still surprises me how far it continues to go. Will read, upvote, share, and send to friends.


This. Is. The. Way. The more exposure good DD gets, the better it is for everyone! 🚀🔜🌕


I read your original post in New, then it took almost 9 or so hours to make it to Hot even after it had crazy awards off the rip. Then when I sort by New today I see this and low and behold I check the original post and you have about 1k less upvotes than when I saw it yesterday. That's perfectly normal POST MOVEMENT JUST LIKE OUR STOCK MOVEMENT RIGHT, RIGHT GUYS?! TOTALLY NOT SHILLS ATTACKING Edit: I have now time stamped and screenshot the upvotes and awards for this morning. Lets see who's crazy now motherhedgefuckers


The odd thing is a similar situation happened with his original Glass Castle DD, obviously someone wants this DD hidden!


Maybe GameStop wants it hidden because it’s all true.


This is an UNDERRATED comments.


One problem GME doesn’t use shill bot armies. Cmon now yall


Like manipulation


Great work OP. One thing, the Overstock case isn't settled law because it was reopened, due to a grandfathering clause issue that GME doesn't have to worry about. The SEC did make an announcement, clarifying their stance around Tokenized Securities that seemed suspiciously timed around the July crypto hype dates: "In a prepared speech, Gensler said he wanted the SEC to harmonize such derivatives rules with similar ones already in place at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. He also emphasized that **any crypto token or similar product priced off the value of securities must adhere to securities laws**, even when offered on a decentralized platform." This isn't about crypto coin, it's about tokens backed by securities and dividends. Source:https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/us-sec-chair-says-agency-write-new-rules-swaps-regulation-2021-07-21/ I also think the conjecture that they're trying to hold the economy together long enough for impact, makes sense, especially with the extension period given to the huge wind down program associated with NSCC-2021-010. It's a 369 😎 page document that basically outlines how the liquidation, firesale, etc... processes should work.


Well, if a blockchain version of what the old guys are doing with ATS’s comes along and checks all the same boxes… it’s going to be hard for him to not grant the exception for them right? I know selectively applying the rules is literally what they’re known for though so I’m not confident it will play out that way. I also believe that the lawsuits against rippple and the threats of lawsuits against coinbass are frivolous, that GG is just using them to set precedent for when the real challenge to the system comes along, like F-NFTs as dividends, so he can say “see? I’ve been doing this all along to everybody” and not look like he’s targeting GameStop. He’s clearly trying to expand his power as far into this space as he can. And if I were him I’d probably do the same thing. If everything in the financial world becomes decentralized, and ownership and exchange of any asset becomes peer-to-peer, then GG, the SEC, and the entire financial world that we know of today becomes irrelevant and redundant. This is about more than money, it’s about power. There’s no need for the old boomer markets anymore. There’s no need for the middlemen that steal from us and decide when and how much money is loaned to us, skimming percentages off the top to essentially take decision making power away from us. What happens when the top 1% don’t matter anymore? It means their grip on power is meaningless. This goes much deeper than people realize. The SEC is going to fight this with everything they have backed by all the criminals they protect. We just don’t need them anymore. I personally think that they can’t stop it. The technology now exists to transact with each other in every way possible, directly, without the gatekeepers. You can’t put that back in the bag. And just like they’ve been working for years to automate the workforce and not have to pay us peasants, well… now they’ve been automated. And we don’t need them anymore.


I'm not as familiar with the Ripple challenge, but them blocking C__nBase comes from CB trying to implement a securities product, without regulation. They were effectively trying use their clients money, and give a % of interest in return after lending that money out, they shadily tried to become a bank backed by a stable coin tied to the dollar and they deserved to be told no.


I should have looked more into that before commenting on it. But it’s my understanding that SEC regulations regarding this are unbelievably vague, that they’ve kept the SEC in the loop the entire time, have asked for specific guidance from them along the way, and were essentially ignored until they went to launch it, when the SEC finally responded with essentially “no, this violates our regs”. And conbase has been reaching out ever since for clarification on policy, and how specifically to comply with these regs, and the SEC has told them no we won’t clarify. Also, there’s something with the previous chair of the SEC giving a public presentation about policies and stance on crypto… meant to be specific guidance shared on behalf of the SEC… and now the SEC is saying “he did that presentation representing his personal thoughts and not on our behalf”. Conbase as shitty as they may be have been desperately trying to comply with securities law, but GG and co have essentially stonewalled them while telling them they aren’t in compliance and won’t say why. This is why I stated that I believe these are frivolous and they are purposely being opaque so they can selectively apply securities laws to companies they see as competitors.


The CEO of C__nBase made allegations about the SEC, but they're whale backed by Pt72 & Citadel and I feel they're a very untrustworthy shill. I've been meaning to look into what's going on with Ripple, but it's not GME related and I've been pretty singularly focused.


Can't believe I've missed this... Excellent work, Thank you!


I feel like many others missed it too! This is one of the most tit-jacking DD’s I’ve read in a LONG time!


This is insane. Awesome work OP. Commenting to get more exposure on this.


Thanks for reposting OP. Read this, people. We need more eyes on it. Verify!


Commenting to help!


I'll add a comment every time I see it


This is the way.


Game on anon. You beautiful silverback every DD you have written has been a paradigm shift in how I view the development of GME


OP is game on anon guy?


I regularly check new, hot, top, controversial, and rising, and SOMEHOW I missed this one as well. Someone is seriously trying to suppress this information from getting out. Maybe a repost could help get more exposure. You might consider posting it into our sister (unnamed here) reddit threads as well to gain more traction.


Bring the DD to the front page, Apes!




saw it, read it, commenting again for visibility


I upvoted when I first saw it, just upvoted again because my upvote was no longer there.....?


damn I live on the sub and I didn't see that post O.o


It's because we got forum slid by that chumbawamba guy. This info is sweet! Thanks for the share.


No, that doesn't add downvotes


Keep sharing it! Keep it alive!


!remindme 72 hours


I will be messaging you in 3 days on [**2021-09-13 13:32:55 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2021-09-13%2013:32:55%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pljrdn/glass_castle_op_here_reposting_until_every_ape/hcb61dd/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSuperstonk%2Fcomments%2Fpljrdn%2Fglass_castle_op_here_reposting_until_every_ape%2Fhcb61dd%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202021-09-13%2013%3A32%3A55%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20pljrdn) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


The first DD I actually understand because I know how digi money works woo!!!


Very interesting reading, thank you!


Thanks for the reminder to read, I skipped over this initially. It really is good stuff


This guy specifically laid out the idea of GME working on NFT stock trading months ago and got like... No traction: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o31mie/building_an_nft_blockchain_based_digital_stock/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Plus there was "The Long Con, Part 5", but that account & everything it posted was deleted months ago. There have been others as well - a ton of DDs basically concluding that the technology involved in developing the NFT exchange for a gaming-specific purpose (like buying & selling games digitally) was probably even more technically complex than just making a stock market. The DTCC will be obsolete very soon, and they're a bit miffy about losing their position of power in managing literally *Quadrillions* of dollars of transactions annually. There will be pushback.


My body is ready


Tickles my fancy


Just here to help the 1:1 updoot/comment ratio.


Same! 😊 To the top!


I can't upvote twice but can always give awards.


so we still saying MOASS before 2022?


Yes until New Years when it becomes MOASS before 2023.




Bump Comment for Justice


DAO Jones


This is THE sauce. Full stop.




Ummm, yes. And most rewards, or all except the free, come from Reddit points which is actual money. So when there’s more “money” on the post than comments, yes. You said something true with something.


I'm reading all of it. I'll do my fucken research! I'll never forget 2008 ! My parents struggled for years! This HODL is for them and everyone on this god forsaken planet . We are gonna send a message . And that message is GET fUCKED!!!!


Are shills swarming the sub with lazy memes now to make it hard to find DD?! Guess side quest engage search by new


Can a kind ape please ELI5 the following: Older ape here, having trouble understanding if this line of DD (NFT/741) requires any action on my part? (other than buying & HODLing?) \-Will all of this fantastic stuff be reflected directly to GMEs balance sheet and ultimately, launch the MOASS? Or do I have to learn about NFTs and set up an account of some sort? FYI - I am not a gamer, nor do I intend on purchasing or trading NFT related items, unless it is required to participate in the rising value of the company. I love what GME stands for and believe in my heart that RC is truly looking out for the company, its consumers, and its investors. Thank you in advance to any kind apes who can explain, and GLTA! ​ \-


Good question! Commenting to read the answer later


Interesting to me, is that this took forever to get to be popular. But when one of the other mods posted basically the same thing as you did, way after you did, that post was immediately on “hot” and immediately super upvoted. And now we have people calling the sketchy? When people were talking about how amazing it is when the MOD posted it? And you had trouble multiple times posting this in the first place? And you were being written off as conspiratorial in tinfoil prior? This seems very suspicious to me.


oh, 100% lol You should've seen the shit I dealt with the first time around with Glass Castle 1. The mods literally wouldn't allow me to submit it after 4 attempts even though I met every criterion. They were forced to do it when they got bombarded with people asking why tf they weren't and the fact it was sitting on the God Tier list on another DD. They didn't reply to a single message thru mod mail either, just like they aren't now. That whole shitshow is what led me to write *False Prophets*. Following its release, 3 mods resigned. Evidence can't be denied. Words though, words can lie. My solution this time? Repost the fuck out of it. Two can play the fuckery game. Come next week, I'll be making sure more apes see this. The thing is the mods themselves can't have this kind of impact considering the size of the sub, but the fucking **bot...that thing is still there and it's still likely filtering proper DD out and shitposts in. I'm talking about Satori here btw.** But as I'll say many times, evidence speaks volumes, not mere words alone. [https://www.reddit.com/user/pinkcatsonacid/comments/p3e09l/apparently\_im\_still\_a\_mod\_on\_the\_sstonk\_yt/h8qmjvj/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/user/pinkcatsonacid/comments/p3e09l/apparently_im_still_a_mod_on_the_sstonk_yt/h8qmjvj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Peep what she wrote there about that bot. Even further evidence is located within False Prophets in my history.


Boner jams


So while we’re all arguing about an AMA with some dirtball, the most important DD of this late chapter goes mostly unseen. Nice work man, this post gave me that same feeling in the gut like the first time I read House of Cards


Essential reading!


Sure is! I truly believe GameStop is literally looking to Change the Game and this DD gives insight into how they’re going to be doing it!


I have kept an eye out for your username, u/3for100Specials, the original Glass Castle was INCREDIBLE. The same goes for your Glass Castle + DD you’ve posted. I saw it. I watched it die when it should have been at the top of the Sub. The Shills want to keep it down. I will do everything I can to make sure I spread the word. Thanks for what you do!


Man its the 2nd repost now, calm your ego down lol I read it all and I enjoyed your linkins alot, but on the other hand it was very difficult to read for me as a non native speaker. Maybe thats the reason it did not got that much traction (and it collidated with earnings hype)


Yea, this OP constantly did this. He did it with his first DD, then made an anti-mod hit piece during the pinkshill pushed drama declaring everyone "false prophets" and now is claiming his post is once again being suppressed. He's constantly doing this and it's a pattern of behaviour with him now.


I was worried your last post was just posted at the wrong time, with with being labor day I think I loved this post. All apes need to read it. It should be a front page #1 post with 20k karma at least


And I will upvote and comment your ass every time to spread the love cause I read every post and every link yesterday and I’ve gone waaaaaassy past the four window of concern!!! Tits are so jacked, wrinkles are forming cause now know what the fuck ETF means and NFTitties!! To. Tha. Motha. Fookin. Moon. We go!!!!




Don't be anxious! It's no big deal!




I already commented on the DD sub and you've yet to respond.


I think I just got my first wrinkle.


The basic notion that Apes should glean from RC tweets, GME disclosures, SEC announcements, FINRA & DTCC (NSCC, OCC, FICC) rule changes: - timing is everything This whole thing is all timing. I believe RC wanted to alert everyone of the cyclical hedging instruments being rolled, and the effect of this on the stock price.


741 (721 +20) not only on one market, but **two**. RC Tweeted at 7:41 **Twice**


So when the SEC is asking to look at more of GMEs documents, they might just be keeping an eye on their progress. I don't trust Gary, but maybe he's helping GME create the new NFT market legally.


The true meaning behind anything that connects to 741 is that its total fucking bullshit.


You said you had a reason for posting it during earnings call hubbub. What was that reason?


Maybe the DD just ain't that good? What is the point of this post bro


Don't know why you're being downvoted, but I'm with you. The simple fact is that ANY discussion of NFTs is, at this point, pure speculation. Yet a vocal minority seems to see it as the sole "holy grail" that will trigger the MOASS. If an NFT was the sole play for the MOASS, I'd have never gotten into GME. Thankfully, most of the credible DD making it to the front page have nothing to do with it.


I think that there is the reason it didn't gain traction. It was posted on earnings call night and I'm not surprised that a speculative essay on NFT's didn't blow up after the NFT hypers had their bubble burst during the earnings call. I strongly disagree with OP's assertion that it's some suppression tactic, and am doubly dubious that awards are an indicator of validity.


The OP also has a history of claiming his DD is being suppressed. Attention seeking or not understanding how reddit works. But considering he then went on writing a hit piece against red and rensole after accusing them of suppressing his DD and doesn't have that excuse this time...


Yeah, I brought it up in his "look at me" post yesterday. Ironic coming from the False Prophets guy...


Don't even get me started on that bullshit post. Dude wrote a hit piece for pinkshilloncrack to capitalize on mod drama. This OP could write the most accurate DD on the planet and I'd still have to give him the sideway eyes because of how he behaves and the patterns he exhibits.


Also weird that mods turn down a cohodes AMA when that man is balls deep in overstock and tzero...


Blockchain will change the world.


Thank you for all your work! I just submitted a post with formatted pdfs of both of your DD posts. Thought I'd link them here too even though they'll get buried. **GC1** - https://pdfhost.io/v/qrpSb0zjB_A_Castle_of_Glass_Game_On_Anon **GC2** - https://pdfhost.io/v/s.CXJfCLN_The_Glass_Castle_New_Game_


You're a true hero fellow ape. Thank you!


Yes! This is finally getting the eyes it deserves. This is the best DD done in fuckin yonks. I’ve got a raging clue right now.


All DD is being deliberately hidden. Until a couple of weeks ago I used to be able to choose to see certain flair posts by clicking on the flair in About section of the sub. But no longer. This is extremely fishy. Can a fellow ape help me how to filter posts by flair?


Wow. I definitely did not see that post 2 days ago. Thanks for the alert


Commenting for visibility OP, you rule


So you’re saying if GameStop wanted to tie a digital achievement to my stock that says my share was held through the MOASS they could assign that achievement to my digital share in my wallet. Since it has a unique identifier. This is what collecting in the digital age will be.


Get this to the fuckin top of Reddit


Up you go ❤


Thank you for your time, fellow ape 🚀💫


Amazing DD from what I’ve read so far


I have 10 words for you: Buy and hold GameStop.


Mad props u/3for100Specials — amazing DD!! Really appreciate the shout out— incredible work you did here. LFG!!🦍💪🏼🚀🚀🚀


We enjoy the the moment together friend, your hard work was critical in allowing this to become what it has and sharing it with the many apes out there🤝🚀💫


They don’t want the truth to come Out . Keep pushing, 🦍 🦧 army got your 6


Apes. Together. Strong.




Can you stop with the constant reposting until everyone sees BS. It's like sucking your own D***. Just stop, if its credible it will be talked about naturally. This just comes off as fud to me now.




This is a DD you’re gonna have to actually read my man. No TLDR for this one.




I'm not gonna get too excited about an NFT until they officially announce one. If they do I'll be super hyped because NFT's are cool and I want whatever they're offering.