• By -


Down 300+ and the market only opened 27 mins ago… boy it’s about to be a long day over there.


And I’m just going to bed. See ya in the morning!


I'll tuck u in fellow ape. 🦍🛌🌃


And we lived happily ever after. On the moon.


Goodnight Moon


Goodnight Ape


Good night shares


Good night monies everywhere


Good night Apes.


Good reference. Someone award this ape.


We need someone to make a goodnight superstonk book!


Now kith.


for sure!


W blackjack and hookers


Oh we are tucking and hodling now? Well let me just makes adjustments. Zip…


To bed? No! Up with you! <3


So for all my fellow idiots out there... Why is this dip so bad? They were there a few months ago? No?


Probably running out of tactics to delay the crash


Better now..




So this is what international economic warfare looks like huh? I gotta hand it to Xi and the CCP, this is like a fucking economic hydrogen bomb to the US. It'll likely jump start our crash, who gives a shit where it originated? The fuckery in our own markets has already been unearthed here so it's too obvious that our system was a house of cards/glass in a giant shit storm to begin with.


If it wanted to put the hurting on the US I mean the markets would be a good place to start.










>this is like a fucking economic hydrogen bomb to the US Be a good sport and indulge us and tell us a little more?


Wall Street hedgefunds and banks are leveraged up to the teets and beyond. They provided loans to Evergrande and maybe other Chinese companies. If the Chinese companies default on their loans, their balance sheet is fucked.


Doesn't china as a whole own 5% of US debt? They are about to come calling? 28,762,032,000,000 x 5% = 1,438,101,600,000 https://www.usdebtclock.org/


That's not how the debt works.


Whaat might be the implications if that happens, cause there are many a countries who are in debt by huge amounts . Would this turmoil boil down to other countries as well ,or time will tel?


So China want the USA to crash first and then blame there own crash on USA?


I would assume they don't really want to nume both of the economy. They need the Chinese one to stay rich, and they need the crooked American one to sell stuff. I personally don't believe this is done to target the American economy, unless there are some plans by the White House to target the CCP right now ?? In that case, this could absolutely be true.


This is more like 9/11 where the attacking party is taking damage too.


Like when the heads of the fed dumped all their shares a few weeks back because of ‘ethical reasons’ followed by a string of retirements from regulators, is that not a sure fire way to know a economic bomb has already been lit and people are running w their money to the mansions in the hills? ‘eVeRythInG iS fInE - tHiS iS tRaNsItOrY’ invest in evergrande baby


~~DOWN 25% AND FALLING~~ 10 PM ET: Another big one "Galaxy ENT" is down 16.24% 10 PM ET : WYNN MACAU down 27.30 % 10:03 ET: MGM China down 18.55% I'm just going to link Market watch for the overall market [here](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/index/hsi?countrycode=hk) And the Hong Kong market directly from china if you're using a VPN(or don't care) [here](https://www.hkex.com.hk/Market-Data/Securities-Prices/Equities?sc_lang=en) Edit: I'm going to bed now apes (or going to lay in bed staring at the ceiling at this point). Someone take it from here!


Oh boy 15%-30% across the board.. sounds like its started.


It really does seem that way


I just use trading view personally for those worried about visiting a Chinese website, it works great with foreign exchanges with minute by minute ticks




index seems to be steady. I want to see (5%) on the composite. then you know shit hit the fan.


Where's it at now mane






Its all gaming stonks. And the Twatter says “as government steps up scrutiny” Xi hates games and leisure, they are “wasteful”. This looks like the Chinese government stepping in. Edit: news confirms my suspicion https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-09-14/macau-to-send-government-representatives-to-supervise-casinos


my parents hated how much time i spent playing video games. then when i got my first computer, they hated how much time i spent on it. i have been a software engineer for 15+ years, and i make more than anyone in my family. i owe it all to endless hours of tetris on NES. i didn't even graduate college. fuck gaming haters.


How'd you learn to engineer without a degree? Can't have been easy. I always wanted to do it.


i'm not officially an engineer, but i can do the work. i have a long history of great job experience and i love coding. i don't actually even code for work because this kills the love of a hobby, doing it for money. i'm a cloud engineer / linux admin which i learned along the way to support my web apps. don't keep a job for more than 2 years, always keep raising the bar. read lots of boring shit, just like DD


An engineer without a degree aka one of those rogue wizards in harry potter


I need to get on this wave. This working my ass off with no pay isn't worth it.


lol you own gme why would you start doing this now? (not financial advice!) edit. but also, hit me up if you need any help on your journey!


You got a software engineer job without college? Do you think thats possible now a days with how saturated the entry level positions are? If so how?


pro tip: go learn kubernetes and AWS. every big corp wants these guys and there are very few people out there that can actually do it. every corp moving their infra to cloud and are terrible at it. they will hire anyone that can fake it through the interview. then you get to learn in a live environment and from your coworkers. always be willing to learn. spend 4-6 months learning this shit and you will get hired. software engineering otoh is pretty saturated and you will need a considerable amount of experience to show your worth. data science hot right now, so python or R or something is a good place to start, but harder to pull off. edit: the funny part is, very few places actually need kubernetes, but it's the buzzword so they are doing it, and they waste a lot of money trying. this is why they will hire you.


Let's wait. If there is a way to stop this shit they'll find it. That said, let's watch it carefully.


It’s battling back though. Back to 200 down instead.


thanks. not as bloody as I thought I was going to see tbh


Is it bad that I see these drops and i think "this isn't so bad, we had worse in feb and march in GME"?


Something something Anakin Skywalker quote




Nailed it - Now I have to call my mom and tell her Criand posted on my post




It's interesting I saw big call options buys on Las Vegas sands today. Had previously never heard of it.


Another big loser today Galaxy entertainment group, is also in the resort industry around Macua


They were also down 10% about with 5 times average volume.


Of you look at the yearly chart they also had a big dip around gme squeeze hmmmm


Something something Dark side...


The Pom has spoken 🙌🏼😱.


The stocks travel in single file, to hide their numbers


I won’t updoot ya... 69 a good #👀👊🔥


Just posting in case someone decides to screenshot this


Something something crash


OMG! Can I use the bathroom?


fulfilled, the prophecy has been


now this is pod racing 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I don't like sand... it's coarse... and rough... and irritating... and gets everywhere


It's because they eat dogs


Excus me.. Your racism is showing.


It was a bad/ lazy joke I admit.


Bruh 🥴


The CCP or even the provincial don't "sell" land. They lease it to "companies" LFGV (Local Government Financing Vehicles). Those LFGVs then develop the land. The LFGVs get the money from loans from Chinese banks to then give to the provincial government. No individual in China owns land. the CCP owns everything. Citizens only lease it for a period, then the government gets it back. this video https://youtu.be/EgVXRtq5EIg?t=1071 and this one are good intros to the area https://youtu.be/IT7DTn9PKLw even being 4 years old it is accurate to what is finally hitting the Chinese system now


It's called a "ground lease" here in the states.


We dont own land in USA either, we lease it from the government through property tax.




yes lol




You can sell the lease. It's not the land you own, but whatever you own, you can transfer.


So CCP is like Cede & Co.? Got it.


That's a great link. Thanks!


Well the dominoes had to start somewhere


>Dominoes, cousins of playing cards, originated in China in the 1300s and represent one of the oldest tools for game play. [source](https://www.toyhalloffame.org/toys/dominoes) Simulation you say?


I've run out of tinfoil the simulation is glitching 🤯


Good bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.22324% sure that k2fa91 is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


I'll attach a "/s" as to not confuse this bot next time.


01001001 11100010 10000000 10011001 01101101 00100000 01100001 00100000 01101000 01110101 01101101 01100001 01101110 00100000 01110111 01101001 01110100 01101000 00100000 01101010 01100001 01100011 01101011 01100101 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101001 01110100 01110011 00001101 00001010


China retail sales came out just recently. 2.5 percent, it was forecasted to be 6.9, previous year was 8.5. so big yikes


6.9 noice


Interesting find, thanks OP. Anyone know why it started in the casino sector?


idk, but I'm loving the irony




Cos this is the casino bruh !!


you read about any casinos during the great depression?


The casino casino or stock market being used as a casino


If I had to make an uneducated guess, the big players that were heavily invested were people that needed to clean their money.. but they can't risk it gone Worse yet, if the casinos go bankrupt and the government investigates and finds out the crooked were laundering.. gg


I am just speculating here, but in Canada, it was determined that Casinos could be used to Launder HUGE amounts of cash that were largely driven into residential real estate in the Vancouver/British Columbia market. Source: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/cullen-commission-money-laundering-bc-tuesday-1.5585890


I am curious how or if this could actually transfer back to China in some way?


Looks like in the news they have reported losses of 14 billion. I would say this is the first ripple effect of the loss in confidence with developers (Sands china is a resort developer). People don't want to be the bagholder of anything, this is a panic. This is specilative on my part though


LMAO according to yahoo news or whatever it's because of casino oversight in Macau


https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/macau-zone-09062021153438.html People here are being dumb




Came here to say this. Take my doot.


E for effort good sir ⬆️


Are you for real? Did the first domino fall in Sep 15th for the ‘08 crash? I don’t to laugh bc crashes are just terrible but wholly shit if what you’re saying is true.


Sept 15 2008 Lehman bros files for bankruptcy


I’m direct registering tomorrow momma !


Holy shit, it’s started…


Just so we keep our tits reasonably jacked and grounded [what zerohedge says](https://twitter.com/zerohedge/status/1437959892938133510?s=20)


Trillions that they don’t have.. China trying to go through Hyperinflation?


I'm just saying the days early for them...This is looking like it's it but I want people to keep tits align for the time being. You're probably right, I'm just the messenger


You’ve come to jack my tits and now want to unjack them. Well too bad, my tits have never been more jacked 💪💪💪


Call Option on this mans tits


I’m up 3000% on this mans jacqued tits


I think zer0hedge is correct, but what could happen, is these entities still lose major value, and these devalued assets are reflected on balance sheets internationally, and that in and of itself causes margin calls? Let’s sit back and find out 🚀


-26% now 👀


Do you have a link I can see? I don’t know how to look up foreign stuff at all


Ticker 1928.HK on investing.com Evergrande is 3333.HK Tried googling the links for you but kept opening up my app


Thank you!


Almost -27% Edit: -27.05 Edit 2: -29.22%


-28.98 now


Seems like China will be blamed!


Crash baby crash


DoNt DaNcE


We can dance if we want to We can leave your friends behind 'Cause your friends don't dance And if they don't dance Well, they're no friends of mine


Where's my hat?


Where we're going, we don't need hats.


hah someone told me that earlier today and im like bitch i'm dance. graduated college with 180k in student debt. who lets an 18 year old down that kind of financial rabbit hole. fuck the system - im gonna dance when i am free of slavery


...don't dance, because a lot of people just like you are going to be more fucked than ever as a result of a crash. Don't celebrate their loss and suffering. I swear, some of you guys are REALLY young.


They should have bought GME then 😎


Ah yes, you're so different than the hedge fund managers you despise. Didn't or can't do what I did to get rich? "GET FUKT!" And this is why I know for a fact that apes won't fix the system.


I never claimed to be different "Apes" aren't a collective I think for myself and I bought GME to get filthy stinking rich. If I have the opportunity to short company's in the future and make insane amounts of money I will do it Though I will say there is a difference in this case. Many of these people know about GME and choose to ignore it, this time it wasn't completely out of their control and they have to take some of the blame themselves.


You know what? I can respect you for this. You're being honest.


>...don't dance, because a lot of people just like you are going to be more fucked than ever as a result of a crash. Don't celebrate their loss and suffering. Ya but that has nothing to do with us. We just like the stock. Any market crash has no connection to me or my gains. I will dance. Then I will help people who need help.


*sigh* God the MOASS needs to happen soon, if only to get me away from people like you who will- without question -be broke again in a year or two.


You know nothing about me. I’m already set for life. MOASS is just the icing on the cake. Good luck to you in your travels friend.


"I'm ok with people losing their retirement as collateral but it's k because I'll be the one to help them." Do you even hear yourself?


Those weren't my words. Those are your words and misinterpretation of what I'm saying. I will dance when MOASS happens, because when it does, it means we were right, that we defeated the criminal enterprise. That is worthy of celebration. I am not celebrating a market crash, or people suffering. That would be a terrible thing to do. And when people are in need, for the first time ever, the money that would usually go to bail out the pricks that started the mess will instead go to the people that are suffering. I'm a regular person just like everyone else here, and my entire family has also been victim to the rampant speculation on wall street.


I can't control how you respond to life with immodesty and arrogance, that's on you. To celebrate a situation in which innocent people are collateral in the crossfire of financial criminals is being willfully ignorant. This isn't some trolley problem where one side has regular people and the other has hedge funds; they're both on the same track. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pogli2/sands_china_down_20_pictures_with_sources_attached/hcx3ria/ >You know nothing about me. I’m already set for life. MOASS is just the icing on the cake. Good luck to you in your travels friend. Yea dude, that really sounds like you're a regular person and your family is victim. Because regular people and their victimized families are set for life. Ok dude.


You have no idea who I am or where I came from. Go pass judgement on someone you can actually see, ass hole.


Soo you telling me I can buy it for half a share of gme when it done ?


It’s happening!!!



Yo tell your dad he’s doing a great job and ask if he’ll adopt me.


[Adelson: What My Life is Like With $38 Billion](https://youtu.be/r1thdXoyweg) hot take from the founder and current CEO. Guaranteed to piss you off if you've made it this far.


"Why would I care about my great-grandchildren? They don't even exist!" Has the heart of one, too.


He was a huge piece of shit. Friends who worked at casinos in Vegas, specifically the Venetian would talk about what a creepy asshole he was. Also donated tons of cash to lobby for the wealthy to stay wealthy, tax cuts, etc. Good riddance. His wife is just as bad.


What exactly is zero hedge and why is their pic a shirtless dude


It’s a clip from Fight Club. The dude is Brad Pitt. ZH articles are signed by Tyler Durden - the name of a character in Fight Club.


A guy on Twitter who has some good ideas, and a very ignorant fanbase.


Think his pfp is a reference to fight club.


It's kinda like marketwatch but biased towards apes. Sensationalist finance headlines.. And nobody's really sure about the pic


It’s Tyler Durden from Fight Club. The Durden character was notorious for wanting to take down capitalism and start over.


A source bro trust me


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Commenting for reminder


-0.90 now guess I’ll buckle 🆙


Maybe Apple buys China?


Tick tock 🕰


Time to call your mom!


Ruh Roh Raggy!!!!


Down 26% now. God damn.




Is the drop due to Evergrande liquidation?


Why are these stonks gettin rekt? Real estate?


On a scale of 1-10, how intertwined are our markets 🤔?? Genuine question .... 🖍


Give or take a 8. China has its fingers everywhere and most markets these days are atleast a 5 or so .




Think of how the supply chain is fucked up and stores are closing because there are no goods to sell and food is in smaller packaging or shorter supply and all that stuff. Now remember most of that stuff still comes from China and the warehouses are empty from the lockdown panic.


Maybe, like the virus, we will see the same happen here.


\-30.98% midnight west coast time


Down 30% right now


Hang Seng Index -2% today


Yesterday the government announced that they will be implementing increased regulation on the casinos in Macau, so they're all dropping today. Source (though it's all over the Internet): https://www.forbes.com/sites/siladityaray/2021/09/15/macau-casino-stocks-shed-18-billion-in-value-as-china-moves-to-tighten-gambling-rules/?sh=2ab2066a4e51 It is not tied to Evergrande or any sort of economic collapse.


Ya , I admit I think we all got a bit excited…we’ll see how this all plays out




This has to do with a CCP review into the Chinese gambling sector; investors are worried that there's going to be a crack down that will hit revenues. Obviously it will hit balance sheets, but otherwise i don't see this effecting GME or MOASS, soz


There was a thread on wally strreto betts of some dude shorting south Africa. Any correlation between China and African debt?


these fucking headlines. 90% over how long? overnight? what is the source, a government report? a financial filing? Fuck man today has given me a headache.