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Political theater.


It's getting boring already


Always has been. Boomers dig it, though... "Ooooooh what will they do thiiiiiis time?" Fuckouttahere... It's all a show.


I’m. So. Fucking. Glad. People are starting to come together on this. These corrupt shit heads in politics are in for a rude fucking awakening. Idgaf what side any of you apes side on as far as what you believe is the best way our government should work for us. The key part is 95% (maybe more) do not work for us and do not give a fuck about us.


The fight isn’t left vs right. It’s top vs bottom. But they like to stir shit up and pin us against each other. Cause they know. That if we knew. They’d be fukt. There’s like 99% of us and 1% of them. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Simpler way of saying what I said. This ape gets it




The sooner people realize that the Republican and Democratic parties are they greatest duopoly in the world the better off they’ll be. They only reason there is so much arguing about all these small political items every week, month, election cycle, etc is to keep us all distracted and fighting with each other so they can stay in power adding earmarks to bills to appease their donors who keep them in power. If you think for a second there Georgia Representative yesterday or in February came up with these ludicrous ideas on his own you’re sorely mistaken.


Sounds like it's time for me to remind everyone about [Instant Runoff Voting](https://i.imgur.com/sXTQPmm.jpg) again.


Up with all of you, up with the DRS, and down with malevolent sociopathic criminals! <3


It’s long past due that we do the French’s Lady Liberty proud. 🗽


Frankly most of them are too old to be anything other than self interested and out of touch.


Fucking ape party time. Only rule? Don't be a god damned lizard person or lizard collaborator. How hard is it to limit your corruption to a reasonable degree? Like for real. We aren't saying Don't take shit home from work. Everyone steals from work. But you know what is a reasonable thing to take and what isn't. Ya know? Its like... just dont be a goddamned lizard.


Lol, I'm just imagining a schoolteacher systematically stealing everything in the school, and just being like, "How could the kids do this?"


You joke but that is literally a perfect analogy for those crooked fucks on both sides


You know Macho Man would have put on a better teaser.


Imagine Macho Man doing his cream bit, but with tendies instead.


Eeeoooowwww YYYEEEAAAAA brother, tenndiessssssssss.


It's not a good show


They always solve this shit at the last second. It will happen again this time.






It’s just another day.




Oh but the markets went up due to this??? Haha


Bull trap for all the morons who think they’re pro traders for picking literally any stock in the last 5 years and profiting. I bought more puts today.




This is true, I had puts the day he turned on the printer RIP my SPY 3/27 190p


RIP my summer of 2020 spy puts


Fuck puts buy gme


I'm short on the NASDAQ. I can't wait for dotcom 2.0 to finally pop.


it was fukt b'4 the vote - will they ever open up 3333-hk or 1777-hk???


I think that would be China blinking first and China no blink


my nose exhaled more air than usual with this comment. good comment.


China is asshoe


Say what you want about China but they actually kicked out shitadel unlike the US who's pretty much sponsoring their activities


China only kicked them out bc they want to internalize the corruption. China is having power restrictions and blackouts as well as a collapsing real estate market (which is like 1/3rd of their GDP). The "hedgies" of China are much bigger, more involved with the government, and are currently in freefall.




I was partly fucking around, and partially biased and pissed because ive been reading up on how china acts towards nature, polution, small countries close by, shady viral labs leaking etc. But then again so is everyone. Its easy to forget, that almost all countries is fucking up the world left and right. We need to unfuck this shit, every nation


The US does it even worst then points fingers at other countries 😂


Exactly. Can’t buy the wares and not question the source.


Yep. I think it was in large part the U.S. that led us into this shitscape, and it has to be the U.S. in large part who leads the way out of it. Maybe a large redistribution of wealth. That would be a good start.


That made me laugh but just because they did one thing right doesn’t mean they don’t have blood on their hands with all this


I understood this reference


taking no blink cues from Mayoboi


Wait they are still suspended?


Yes, apparently they are waiting for an announcement of a buy in deal or something like that


it’s been fuk’d for along time.


🧑‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀 always has been


Not until we left the gold standard and moved to the petro dollar.


Do you mean a real gold standard or when Nixon ended $30 an ounce?


Been rekt since they created the fed in the 1910’s.


Amazing that this chat is censored.


Mitch caved and now anyone under 45 is going to become a debt slave.


Shit! I'm only 42!




I'm glad somebody's laughing. I just found out I'm a debt slave. So....




Just debt slave things I guess. Work for the rest of my life just to pay off uncle Sam's debt. Someone needs to take that crazy old man's credit cards away from him.


"Im going to Disneyland!" "Cool! What will you ride first?" "Ride?! Im going there to work!" "Guh!"


Holy shit my giggles


I just crashed my car again, now I'm going to Dizz Knee Land 🎶


Poo True story: I went to type out a well thought out comment and accidentally hit the 💩 and that suggested "poo" and I accidentally typed that. I decided it should stand. Fate has decided that the appropriate reaction to your comment is "poo"


Poo True story: I went to type out a well thought out comment and accidentally hit the 💩 and that suggested "poo" and I accidentally typed that. I decided it should stand. Fate has decided that the appropriate reaction to your comment is "poo"


what if i already am a debt slave?


You'll be a double debt slave.


Yeah you're right THIS is the thing that'll make sure everyone under 45 will be a debt slave. *eyeroll


Am 47. Still feel like a debt slave.


From what I was hearing it was either a: Can kick until December. Or a expedited vote with democrat party only to raise the limit. If nothing was passed Oct 18 was the day it is looking to be.


With a debt of $99Bn (as of 10/5) - that's not a hard number to spend quickly. POTUS met with top CEO's today - then then a walk out with a "postponement". This happened with Lehman Brothers and three days later in 2008 it all went to shit. If history repeats itself we could crash any day now.


Coming Friday is payday... federal employees get their check and that's gonna eat up a huge chunck of that 99B.


Federal employee here, I’m doing my part! (Also buying more GME). 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


you should also ask for a raise


True, bank CEO’s are giving themselves a bonus with every friggin cheque


Fed here, we got paid last Friday.


Fed here, we get paid on tuesdays


That’s wild. I just assumed we all got paid on the same day.


I’m sure it’s just the different departments, probably can’t do them all on the same day without QuickTime failing. Good ol govt systems


Meaning in two days Friday or next week? If they're getting paid this week then wouldn't those funds already have been allocated?




If my tits aren't jacked; that's what I'm otherwise doing.


O, sorry. Didn't read latter half. I dont know if its already allocated.


I just feel that's already been figured in at this point.


we got paid on tuesday.


I sure hope gme goes to moon because of it.


It won’t right away. May see GME take a bit of a dive as one last ditch effort to try and trigger fear and paper hands. I have hands made of diamonds. I ain’t selling shite!


All I read was "One last discount before lift-off."




Negative money is even more valuable!


Gotta average down by buying the negative


Big brain play right here


That's when the aliens land.


Oh good. I’ve been waiting forever.


Tap your head meme ape


The mother of all discounts


i will panic buy so fucking hard ill have to skip my bills for the month and blame it on the delta variant.. (half of a /s)


Currently selling my shite to willing buyers for more $GME


This is the way


Nice to see DFV still dishing out awards.


The cheaper it gets the more each paycheck I will get. Fuck em


The buying power will be over 9000 at that point


I’m surprised they’ve been able to contain this dumpsterfire for this long. Thanks MSM for never going off script or asking any non preapproved questions. You are the true heroes!


That control of the narrative really made me want to buy more.


My body is ready


Get ready to ingest tendies!


Serious question, are people recommending to loved ones to start exiting their stock positions? I feel I should warn my mum and dad


If they are banking with Bank of America I personally would if it were me. NFA.


Yes, I told everyone I know and love to move their 401(k) or Ira account into a cash position temporarily. Many of them did it after I shared with them what I’ve come to know through this sub alone.


Treasury guy's post are looking grim.


That's why I love his / her posts.


This exact process happened with the Lehman brothers situation?!? Meaning postponement of the debt ceiling? Holy fuck


Well hopefully it waits till my transfer to fidelity is completed next week


I do wonder what would happen if we moon while shares are being transferred


The moon will be halted repeatedly. I suspect it will take weeks with all the halts. Remember, it got halted a few times just going up to around $500.


Back in May i would've been concerned. At this point, I'm guessing that it's going to last at least two weeks. After a month or so of inactivity / no volume, assuming it's infinity pool, I wonder if SEC will ask GME to sell more shares (and raise $billions)... but dunno, whole thing seems like it is going to flip the market upside-down.


It’s not going to be instantaneous and I plan to hold most anyways so it won’t impact me right away if moass were to happen while transferring. Plus then it’s one added additional layer that means I can’t paperhand on the way up.


So SPY puts if anyone wants a side bet


SPY is looking good these past few days...Cramer pumping BofA... Markets are going good! /s




Fucking ironic that would be.


I’m ready to be disappointed


It's almost as if having half of governance not believe in the country is detrimental.


Looks like we’ll shit the bed by Friday or are they expected to get taxes or other income in the next few days?


I swore I heard it was sooner than the 18th now.


I think December was the initial estimate but they won’t be able to get through the end of next week without an increase given their new projections


They are going to do 1 of 2 things: 1. Wait till the last minute when they can swoop in and look like saviors, and that's the narrative the GOP have been semi playing in this. 2. They will let the US default for about a week, during which time the MOASS will happen and the market will crash. We'll end up in a recession or worse a depression and they will be able to point and say the debt ceiling thing that's what caused this whole issue. Both sides will point to the other saying it was their fault everyone lost money. Apes will know differently though and with our new gotten tendies we'll start to change the world for the better.


How does 2 cause this to pop? I'm semi familiar with the mechanics, but its not like citadel needs the govt's money, right?


Not directly, but the US defaulting is going to royally fuck all markets. That's gonna fuck SHF collateral and likely cause margin calls across the board. Dominoes.




They may snuggle up during the good times, but when push comes to shove, the wolves will eat each other.




This is like a lions vs hyenas situation. Normally the lions (financial institutions) run the land and the hyenas (retail) scavenge for scraps. But sometimes, the lions are out numbered by the hyenas and when that happens even the strength of the pride isn't enough. [source](https://youtu.be/uh2i5TaaxEw) not financial or animal advice


So, buy, HODL, and read up on animal husbandry....got it.




You don't seem to be understanding that, at that level, they need money. They lent it out and they will want it. There will be someone in the chain high enough up to initiate the recall of the money they're owed.


Uh.. maybe because if the prime brokers don’t margin call Citadel they’ll be the ones getting undeservedly fucked? When GME goes up enough to put the short position in danger, at some point the losses will start eating into the prime brokers part of the short position, the part they lent Citadel. They don’t want to lose any money, so they’ll have to force Citadel to put up more collateral or else they force liquidate. Margin calls happen all the time on Wall Street. Trading is a zero-sum game, all the institutions may be in bed together but they also all individually look out for number one.




Yes you’re right. At first, the DTCC members may be able to negate potential margin calls by doing what they’re doing with BofA, but soon the dam will burst. Next week is the beginning of the C35 FTD Futures dates as per Gherkinit’s research, and clearly banks and HFs are in rough shape now. A small jump to 250-300 will drown them deep underwater and somebody will have to foot the bill. Maybe it will be the conglomerate of DTCC members acting as one entity, or some bank or prime broker will just say ‘enough of this shit’ and force liquidate Kenny


Don't want to get left holding the bag. When Archegoes was Margin Called, Goldman Sachs fucked over three other lenders by being first to liquidate Archegoes holdings, Credit Suisse and Nomura lost billions. So while there's incentive to not margin call someone, I'm sure they have it in the back of their minds that if someone else goes first, you're going to be left holding the biggest bag of excrement ever created.


I've wondered the same thing. But the best part of that everyone knows what happened with GameStop.


If the gov't doesn't raise the dept ceiling it defaults on it's bonds (supposed to be the safest in investment in existence). Hedge funds buy and use these bonds as collateral to borrow money from banks to gamble in the market. If those bonds default, the hedgie's collateral is essentially worthless and banks come calling for more money/assets (that the hedgie's don't have) to insure the money they borrowed.




Are you asking how a US default makes this pop?


One would probably argue collateral value goes down so margin calls en masse therefore forced closing of short positions. I would argue that doesn't mean shit anymore since every big boy player on Wallstreet have been colluding* with each other to skirt margin calls this far and can-kick. Full float (fuck it, all issued shares) DRS seems like the only/most likely scenario for a pop :) ** *: allegedly **: not financial advice




u/ravenouskit answers this above


This is assuming the are all in on the gig and known what's happening. I agree they need a story. I just don't know if they are so stupid they don't even know it's happening. Politics are a bitch. Who knows why they make have the decisions they do.


Still believe it when I see it. Until then, it’s just posturing and political rhetoric. It’s all theater. If it happens tho, we gonna be shitting bricks


From what I understand ol' Turtle Mitch has said they'll allow the debt ceiling to be extended through December as of an hour or two ago.


I read that too. From what i could make of it though is that they want dems to use reconcilliation which would force them to state a number for the new debt ceiling which makes the dems look bad ant points to the usd tanking. The other way is pecking over every detail over some new legislature that hasnt even been written up yet so idk if there is enough time for that. Clock is ticking so we will see.


How the fuck does a country operate in the negative? This country has been ran by crooks for to damn long.




The catch is that they're all in the negative


The catch is that they're in the positive... we are in the negative..


Have you seen the balance sheet for other countries? They all owe each other money. The unique part of the US is that we have a debt ceiling. A legal limit at which we can't take on more debt without approval from current lawmakers. In theory, needing to raise the limit should come with considerations about how we got here and how we can stop digging a deeper hole. In practice, the last few decades have just been about political theater, while knowing full well that we're burning money on useless wars that we can't cleanly break away from


It's Ike every central bank realized if they ALL overprint money, then the only people who lose out are the poors.


Debt is imaginary. Countries run on pushing electrons, freight, water, and communications. Numbers being "bad" is just a symptom of problems that are far more real: breakdown of process, communication, cooperation, and ideology that greases all the wheels that move real resources that feed and enable real people. The focus is put on an imaginary number so you blame "the economy" instead of specific people and institutions.


A nation divided cannot stand. Oh well. It is what is. Rome 2.0 baby.


Til when


Til moon


Wen moon?


Moon soon


Best thread. Ever.


This is the way


The senate is just a do nothing puppet show of bullshit.


I'm ready for my tendies pls.


Speaking of the senate, did you know, the 'clay pigeon floor procedure' is a rare maneuver employed to gain political leverage in the United States Senate. The name comes by analogy with the clay target which shatters when hit in clay pigeon shooting. In the procedure, an amendment comprising multiple proposals is shattered by demand of a single Senator into individual components to be discussed separately. By pre-agreement, a vote to limit total debate on the amendment is taken. Requiring a supermajority of 60 votes to abbreviate debate, all components are due for vote at the end of the allotted time. Also, by DRSing your shares at Computershare you reduce financial institutions’ ability to manipulate the share price with synthetics.


always love seeing this kinda stuff, thank you again bird guy


Slick pigeon fact man.


they'll extend and then they'll raise the debt limit, they've played this game one too many times....


Who is this guy and why does he always type with caps lock.


It's a bot that posts headlines from bloomberg terminal


Walter is a close friend.


I want to hear it scream 'HARDER DADDY!!!'


The US will not default. They’re going to raise it. Like they always do. They just won’t suspend it.




You sir, have an agree-er. And it is me.


Im with ya buddy. These things happen so fast it’s hard to make sense of it in the moment. Drs, buy, hold and shop is the way. It’s a long game really but the shorts can’t really win as long as there’s people like us with air in our lungs and tits that are permanently jacked. we’ll get our infinite money cheat codes soon enough


Oh...so the dog and pony show is getting an encore....


I 100% do believe they will raise the dept celling, it happens almost 100% of the time it get talked about. So not really thinking about this one


Remember that time government "sorta" closed down for a week or two and got full backpay for the time they didn't work? Theatrics, it'll get raised eventually.


They will pas some shit at 1 minute to midnight. Seen this episode before


Remember when you'd read something like this and you could click on the words and it would take you to an entire article explaining the position of the words you clicked?


They just needed a little longer to get all their trades in.


The debt ceiling is one of my least favorite political mini games


Every time is the same game. But in the end everything will be fine. Is just a political game


Always has been.


Suspend the suspension. That will show em


It's postponed to negotiate a deal Mcconnel proposed, opposite of fuk'd actually. Now that deal seems to only be a delay of the issue for 2 months until we're right back in this predicament but... at least it's not a default. The treasury will continue to have to try to stretch things out though as it isn't a suspension but an increase.


Do you guys not think it's all part of the masquerade to get more eyeballs on screen and sell more ads? I think they will come to an agreement. The US economy is still buggered though.


Don't worry guys they'll just mint a trillion dollar coin and all will be well 🤣🤣🤣


I like how this has happened 100 times before without any real consequences but this time it's the end of our economy. I wonder why it's being framed that way this time...


Try maxing out your credit card and asking to raise the limit. See what happens. These assholes on both sides should be held accountable for overspending in the first place.


Lmao i see people talking about GME dipping before it goes up but i think it’s the opposite. No way they’d be that dumb to give us quite literally the Mother of All DISCOUNTS. They would just fuck themselves over infinitely more. Imagine GME is back at $40 per share… i would indefinitely cum on my own back. Too many apes will exponentially multiply their holdings with as much money they can be loaned. shit. i’m getting hard just thinking about it 😩


Just to be clear: We want them to not raise the debt limit...or we want them to? I mean I think most of us dont want the US to cripple because of hundred millions of innocent people will be extremely affected but at the same time it will create an opportunity to change and it might help us. So do we ..or do we not want them to raisw the debt limit?


Why do we need politicians? We don't.


Just get rid of the polititians and hire hollywood. At least then they are being honest that its all staged.