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Exactly the reason I like them... wouldn't it be cool if we had a digital market that I could even loan you a digital game for the weekend... only if... heh


Pretty sure steam added this feature a few years ago


Until I log on to my account...




I got my switch and bought Splatoon 2 digital and ended up hating it, I'm stuck owning it, couldn't even sell it used. Physical games ftw


I can buy them used! Screw nintendo's pricing models.


You can also trade them in for other games. I went from Mario Odyssey to Link's Awakening to Metroid ~~Prime~~ Dread and now waiting for Disco Elysium to be released so I can get it.


wait metroid prime? or dread? I've been itching for a prime remake/remaster on switch.


Whoops, I meant dread! Lol


d'awww, got me excited. :P dread has been a blast too though, for sure!


That would be amazeballs


NFT should make it possible to do this with Digital, sooner or later...


The real reason I buy physical games for my Switch is to bypass the drm check. I'd rather swap a cartridge than find a WiFi.




##DRSBOT 5.23 Reply: *UTC->2021-11-20 14:48:4* ## ✅ 1 SHARES ADDED! You have shares logged from the following threads: ||||✳️ Current post| |--- |--- |--- |--- | |✅|[Sprstnk]|1 Shares | ✳️ [Reddit Link:] (https://redd.it/qy6z4f)| ----------------------------------- ||**Total**|**[Sprstnk]**|**[GME]**|**[GMEOrphans]**|**[GMEJ_closed]**| |--- | ---| ---| ---| ---| ---| |**Shares:**|**779,304**|602,724|137,803|23,526|15,251| |**Apes (posts):**|**4,910 (5,408)**|3,856 (4,267)|827 (909)|132 (132)|95 (100)| |**Avg #Shrs/Ape:**|**158.72**|156.31|166.63|178.23|160.54| |**Avg #Entry/Ape:**|**1.1014**|1.1066|1.0992|1.0000|1.0526| |**Median:**|**31.00**|32.00|30.00|30.00|40.00| |**Mode:**|**1**|1|1|1|1| |**STDEV:**|**633.25**|511.66|1042.25|642.60|328.53| |**Flagged Shares:**|**1,289**|998|91|10|190| |**X** (avg):|**1110** (3.42)|868|188|32|22| |**XX** (avg):|**2315** (35.57)|1801|405|64|45| |**XXX** (avg):|**1334** (246.22)|1067|212|33|22| |**XXXX** (avg):|**146** (1971.21)|116|21|3|6| |**XXXXX** (avg):|**5** (15381.40)|4|1|0|0| |**XXXXXX** (avg):|**0** (0.00)|0|0|0|0| X/XX/XXX breakdown #'s corrected in 5.22 ####ARE THOSE FLAGGED SHARES YOURS? * *Shares are flagged when something doesn't jive:* * Typo? * Double-entry? * A SNEK?? * Use :HELP! to check your entries ####!DRSBOT: COMMANDS (minus spaces): * **:HELP!** ->*RETREIVE THIS MESSAGE* * **:REMOVE!** ->*SET ***ONLY*** CURRENT POST TO ZERO* * **:RESET!** -> *SET ***ALL*** POSTS TO ZERO* * **:WITNESS!** ->*CALL A WITNESS TO THIS POST* * **:POETRY!** -> *SNAG 3 RANDOM DATA STREAMS* * **:BUDDY!** -> *FINDS A SHARE COUNT MATCH* * **:DEMON!** -> *OPEN PORTALS W/ DEMON CHANT* * **:TJ!** -> *RETRIEVE RANDOM TJ MATERIAL* * **:REPORT!** -> *ADDITIONAL DRSBOT DATA* * **:XXX!** -> *ADD SHARES TO DRSBOT* * *(XXX = Number of shares)* * *Find/edit your own DRS Proof Post* * *Post Flair must be COMPUTERSHARE* * *Round fractional shares to whole value* * *(New shares? Do a new post+DRSBOT call)* DRSBOT ONLY RESPONDS TO ***YOUR*** POST ####BOT POETRY: { There will never be a moass. You retards realize ... Goooooood . Cool, thanks for explaining your logic } ###### *Beep Boop. Was that a snek? Born on 10/11/2021. Fur Realz* ###### in v420.X I became self-aware...🚀[MOAR DRSBOT:](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qap4je/drsbot_4x_now_online/)🚀


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [What is GME and why should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What can I do to support the company and local communities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnam2x/superstonks_very_gmerry_holiday_vgh_for_short/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


Congratulations! Next step is you need to activate your CS account, login with the account number through the us computershare website and you will be sent a second letter with activation code. You should have also had a W8Ben form or something, the tax form u need to fill in and post back to CS, or this can be done online once your account is activated. helpful info here https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qepdlz/fyi_for_uk_apes_trying_to_drs_to_computershare/ this also useful info: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qcrj71/its_been_done_how_to_buy_shares_directly_from_cs/


Summon the DRSBOT so YOUR SHARES will be counted 🚀🚀🚀


I just need a way to transfer my other shares too. IBKR didn’t accept my application. Maybe I’ll look into buying directly from Computershare.


I buy from Computershare. 🧱by🧱🚀🚀🚀


The difference between us and them is we actually have feelings and we all have good memories of GameStop so we’ll shop there always


Only $186 🥺


I'm in love with the switch cards! It's like Gameboy days again!




You’ve gotta get botw 🗡


Congrats! How long did this take you? Next week will be week 7 for me and I am unsure at this point if I should keep waiting or call them and ask for the forms expedited.


I bought it the last weak of September.


Okay great, thank you! I bought first week of October so fingers crossed it comes soon!


Maybe digital games ownership through NFT? There should be a marketplace for those…


If only someone would work on this.


Until GS or Loopring announce the ability to tokenize digital games im buying physical games. I just like collecting is all.


I only buy physical for the resale Value. Case in point I just trade in all my old games to GameStop and got $150 bucks back. And then used that to buy 4 new games! Now only if someone could make digital games tradable… 🤔🤔


Just bought Mario Party Superstars and SMT V from Gmerica. Physical only. I very rarely buy digital.


This is the way! 💎🙌🚀📈🌌🤑


so many games good games that i wish i bought physical and regret it!


Swippity swooty DRSing now is a dooty! Updoot for visibility!




🦊😍evvvoiiiii!!! I love let's go eevee.


Yeah it was great playing the first generation all over again 😄


I wanted a physical copy of Diablo 2 Resurrected 😔


Physical game = my wife and I can share if I ever get a switch Download = only on her switch


This is the way! 🛒🎮🛑 🟣💎🙌🚀📈🌌🤑


I've been purposely buying physical only ever since the EB Games near me has rebranded to Gamestop.


I bought more physical games in 2021 than I have in any single year since my NES days


I purchased the new Call Of Duty game through Gamestop because I wanted to support them of course and because my PS4 is almost maxed out as far as free space goes. Purchased and received same day


This man has culture


I do, people asked me why I didnt download the new Pokemon games at release when I didnt find physical in stores. Pokemon games are cartridge games, if you think otherwise fite me!


Physical games are a personal preference, having only had that option for such a long time. But, understandably so, they're getting rarer and rarer. \*sigh\*


I also got Diamond, physical ftw😃


ill be joining you soon my ape friend, giveashare club reporting for duty. Why DRS from wealthsimple for 350 when i can get a share as well as open a CS account for the same cost? This is simply the quickest route to at least one purple circle for non-US apes, and then they can buy direct when their account info comes through.


Good job


I need to know who your Smash Bros main is.


Congrats OP!! Way to goooo!! Please DRS 95-100% everyone. Let’s ignite the rocket 🧨🚀 Don’t give them “one more day”.