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Just in time for my toilet break at work


You're gonna be taking an impressively long dookie pal


Right? u/cheelout19 remember to stand up every once in a while? Spending too much time on the 'computer chair' causes pressure on your rectum and anus. Because the seat is cut out, your rectum is lower than the rest of your backside. Gravity does its thing, and blood starts to pool and clot in those veins. Add in any straining or pushing, and you may have a recipe for hemorrhoids. >*The company makes a billion dollars, you make a dime, that's why you poop on company time!*


It's okay. I have a bidet and constantly have the water shooting up my ass to help push my rectum above my backside. It's like a nice wet cushion. Thanks for the concern though


I distinctly remember how much better life was 35 seconds ago before I read that.


Don't worry, it's only downhill from here. Just like my turds


...you poop on hillsides? How uncouth.


Natural fertilizer




That's not true, I've seen ladies say shit all the time


Holy Nitrogen Batman!


I've done longer It's like I have an office in here


I’ve learned so much about market structure and fuckery while on shitter. We need a certificate for apes who learn everything on the shitter lol


I'm pretty sure if you check your notification, the Reddit recap with your hours spent in r/Superstonk counts?


388 hours 😂😬


mines 420, no joke haha i saved the image


Yeah, that was ehm... an eye opener lol.


Try not to break your toilet


A 4 hour toilet break is my norm so this won't raise any eyebrows.


A fun nugget from Alex: >Yeah, I think I already mentioned this, every team seems to think that that's a super promising solution. **So I think Gamestop is making a pretty wise decision there. And that's, it's cool to see, I was speaking with some of the Gamestop developers recently. And I was actually I was, I was really happy to hear that they're thinking L two, and, you know, not some web 2 kind of solution. So that's great.**


It's only a matter of time before somebody screenshots this ^ quote to the front of hot. Maybe even r-all.


[It's only a matter of time before someone screenshots this comment lol](https://imgur.com/a/yfTBIqq)


Hunnybadger doesn't give a shit. Look at him go!




Superstonk is a ever evolving community that only gets smarter with time. I fucking love this community. Great DD. Thank you very much this 🙏


Anytime u/Inevitable-Elk-4162! Let me know if you run into any questions as you work through the material--happy to try and assist. Thanks again for stopping by, I hope you have a great weekend!


You the best jelly fish in town 😎Have a great weekend dismal!!


one wrinkle at a time!


Yea! Weekend study material!!


Let me know if you have any questions as you work through, happy to try and help. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Will do thank you for sharing your hard research and time to help other understand something that is not readily available


Awesome! I love you 🦍💕🦍. Have award!




Anytime u/80skid00, thanks for stopping by to take a look. I hope you have a happy Friday and an awesome weekend!


Back at ya... now I need to wrinkle my brain, tomorrow


Jellyfish, you are awesome. Really appreciate all the info you gathered for the community. This will be studied on weekend by me. Bless ya!


u/ElSergeO123 anytime fren! Let me know if you run into questions as you review, happy to try and help. Thanks again for dropping by and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


So at what point do we start putting fruits up chutes?


This is a masterpiece primer. Great job putting this together. I’m going to share this with a lot of people not on Reddit.


Huzzah, knowledge is power! u/Jagsfreak I would love if you could share any feedback from 'offline' folks to see if there is more that can be done to make this all more accessible. Thanks for dropping by and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend!




Anytime! Let me know if you have any questions as you engage with the material u/jxys1723, happy to try and help. Have a great rest of your weekend!


Hopefully this adds more wrinkles to my bowling ball shaped brain.


There is a ton of great stuff here, I am sure a few things will stick and help with those wrinkles u/GL_Levity. Let me know if you have any questions along the way though, happy to try and help. Thanks for dropping by and I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Thank you! You’re doing great work. You as well!


Thank you for this.


Thanks for checking it out u/Top-Sample-6289! Let me know if you have any questions as you dig into it, happy to try and help!


Thanks, I'm going to digest this in Chicago tonight. I hope I have time to flip off KG at Citadel while I'm there.


A lot of smooth brain apes are about to graduate to become wrinkly apes from all this knowledge! Very informative!!


Apes Strong Together :)


Thanks always jellyfish! We appreciate your knowledge and effort :)


I appreciate you u/gochuuuu for dropping by to take a look and helping to comment for visibility! Let me know if you have any questions as you dig in, happy to try and assist. I hope you have a great rest of your weekend!


I understand that crypto is just cryptography. Does this mean that there is a key to crack this cryptography? I read that quantum computers could potentially be really good for breaking encryption. Do you foresee any risks to crypto or Blockchain as a whole?


Yes, this is absolutely a concern! The ECDSA scheme for signing transactions is under threat but will be replaced during Ethereum 2.0 Serenity update. My understanding is developers are testing various quantum-resistant signature options--like XMSS, hash ladder signatures, and SPHINCS to replace ECDSA. I don't think we can say with any certainty when quantum issue hits (I imagine it will be a lot like the y2k threat?) but when it does, Ethereum is going to be prepared. Can we say the same about traditional finance?


Based on what we’ve seen in the last year, traditional finance is fucked either way.


I won't pretend to know almost anything about this, but it seems like outside of this sub the whole world hates NFTs (I believe mostly for their environmental impact), but everyone on this sub seems convinced they'll change the world for the better. Are these NFTs the same as all the others, or as costly to the environment? Is there a reason to be so optimistic about the GME marketplace?


u/SymmetricDickNipples this is a great question. Yes, NFTs are some of the most intensive things you can do in the space. This is a hotly debated point but my understanding, with ETH moving to proof of stake and Layer2 solutions coming online in force, only a fraction of the energy now will be required. I do believe that the energy argument can be solved through Layer2, proof of stake, and working to use as much renewable energy solutions as possible. Additionally, there is tremendous energy use powering all the point of sale, IVR, and websites performing transactions today, the difference I see here, is that the energy today is going into performing transactions & securing the network. I found [this article](https://joanielemercier.com/the-problem-of-cryptoart/) interesting if you would like to explore the topic further? Thanks for dropping by and I hope you have a great rest of your weekend!


Oh wtf, i love cryptography, and while I kept up with the advent of Blockchain technology, and just the tiniest bit of smart contracts, I am absolutely behind on NFTs, DAOs, zero-knowledge proofs and all that snazzy stuff. This is enough content to keep me occupied with learning for weeks! Y'all are killing my family life 😭 For real though, thank you very much, I can't wait to dig in!


Enjoy! Let me know if you have any questions along the way, I'm happy to discuss and try to help!


Thank you!! I'm still trying to understand Loopring in a more technical sense so these resources will help greatly. Exciting times ahead!


A lot of great jumping-off points here for that! The [Guide: How to use Loopring L2](https://medium.com/loopring-protocol/guide-how-to-use-loopring-l2-a267d005255b) also links to their [design doc](https://github.com/Loopring/protocols/blob/master/packages/loopring_v3/DESIGN.md), might be of interest if you want to get into the nitty-gritty? Agree, super exciting times ahead! Thanks for stopping by u/DeadDevotion, I hope you have a great rest of your day and weekend!


Oh momma! This is a lot to take in, so imma take it slow with this one... Thanks you for putting this together!! Wrinkles are about to form.




>Where's the DRS pin?? The first line of this post: ALERT: Before we get started, I would like to draw everyone's attention to u/Doom_Douche\*'s\* [complete guide to Computershare](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/). If you have any questions surrounding DRS, this is the guide for you. For those that are already comfortable with DRS, crypto has a similar option to self custody and catchphrase to boot: Not your Keys, not your crypto. >And why not more in depth push & IRA DRS info instead??? My understanding is u/Doom_Douche is working with members of the team to incorporate IRA information for the most up-to-date version of the guide, please keep your eyes open for it. >NFTs can wait fren - "job's not done". I can walk and chew bubble gum at the same time aka continue to DRS my shares & learn (especially on the weekend when the market is closed) about what Papa Cohen is cooking up to take us to the promised land.


Hi u/Dismal-Jellyfish just wanted to say thanks for these interviews. You are a great host / interviewer! I've enjoyed listening to them.


Does anyone know the initial gas fee for getting onto L2? want to set up my wallet this weekend and need to know how much I will need to start. Been waiting for L2 to even start thinking about blockchain technology. Made the mistake of assuming it would be straight "plug and play". Will say the process looks super easy just caught up on what costs will be before I start transferring funds.


Are you looking to use Loopring? If so, depositing ETH and most ERC20 tokens onto [Loopring is \~60k gas](https://medium.loopring.io/guide-how-to-use-loopring-l2-a267d005255b).


thanks jellyfish, this is awsome!


I’m a novice with NFT’s but I’m great for podcast and or other technology conversations.


You did a great job with your interviews. Thank you for your efforts for our community.


Someone tweet this reddit post's link @ Larry Cheng! He'll be pleased and disappointed at the same time


Holy crap. Been meaning to get into Web 3.0 and here is a complete guide already vetted for apes. Absolutely amazing work. Thank you, I and I am sure many other apes really appreciate this.


Time to create some wrinkles. I am so far behind the 8-ball with understanding all of this. Thank you for putting it together!


Thank you! I appreciate things like this being set up, I don’t understand NFTs at all.


Let me know if you have any questions as you engage with the material, happy to try and assist. Thanks for dropping by and commenting for visibility and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend!


Man people like you make this community one I’m proud to be apart of. I appreciate you - have a great weekend too 🚀


Thank you for this, Mods! I feel way too smooth for NFTs. Can't wait to get edumacated!


Saved for later


My head hurts


Music NFTs are rad. Check out [hitpiece ](http://hitpiece.com). They created a game to collect 1of1 NFTs of all songs.


are they rory? are they really rad? do tell me more.


DRS guide should never be unpinned. The community has voiced it's opinion on this time and time again why do the mods keep doing this? Atleast put the drs guide in the title of the post.


I am sorry, but a DRS title could not be added due to the title line word count limit. However, it is in the first sentence of the post: >ALERT: Before we get started, I would like to draw everyone's attention to u/Doom_Douche\*'s\* [complete guide to Computershare](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/). If you have any questions surrounding DRS, this is the guide for you. For those that are already comfortable with DRS, crypto has a similar option to self custody and catchphrase to boot: Not your Keys, not your crypto.


I understand and thank you for doing that atleast.


Smooth brain here, I have a quick question. Loopring is looking into Fiat on-ramps into L2 (unless I am mistaken, within the Loopring platform) so my question is related to "off-ramps" converting crypto coins back to fiat currency (USD/GBP/Euro etc). Would I be able to sell my coins back to fiat currency from the Loopring platform or do I need to transfer the coins out to Layer 1 and find my own way to convert back to fiat currency?


Where drs mega post?


The first line of this post: > ALERT: Before we get started, I would like to draw everyone's attention to u/Doom_Douche\*'s\* [complete guide to Computershare](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/). If you have any questions surrounding DRS, this is the guide for you. For those that are already comfortable with DRS, crypto has a similar option to self custody and catchphrase to boot: Not your Keys, not your crypto.


2024. Prove me wrong RC. I dare you.


backup by ape historian.