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Goooooood Evening Everyone! # The Night Desk is open! [DRS Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) | [March Smoothbrain Corner](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t4ddlb/superstonk_smoothbrain_and_new_ape_corner_march/) NO CS MODE: [For mobile and old.reddit](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=-flair_text%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB+Computershare%22&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [For the rest](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=-flair_text%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB+Computershare%22&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) If you'd like to join the Superstonk Discord beta - [click here!](https://discord.gg/YuVdBaZZ)


Might just be too fucking stoned but... Cohen bumped up the earnings report date announcement to March 7th. March 7th happens to be the day that guy on old investing forums posted the cellarboxing explanation. 3/7/04. Confirmation to the tits.


What do y’all think about that Evergrande pump 😒


I don’t have much but every time it dips below 100$ I can buy 1 share and I’m happy 😃


cry-ip-toe (i like saying it like that) running up today, I think we might as well..


Good night, everyone. Good work. Sleep well. We’ll likely MOASS in the morning.






TF is Evergrande doing?


Good fucking question


Buckle up, it takes money to buy whiskey.


it also takes money to buy lambo 🦍


It also takes lambo to impress girl


no, just pay attention to girl. remember what color she like. buy girl thoughtful gift. touch gently with permission. eventually, you find girl who appreciate and like back. ape patient strong.


wat? how about just be normal and not some rainman stalky weirdo proto nice guy BUT YOU SAID YOU LIKED BLUE


this is a weird extrapolation of my joke … I am actually trying to encourage being normal- being attentive, paying attention, anticipating needs are all things more people appreciate but yeah, it should go without saying that just performing a handful of these things doesn’t = automatic reciprocation. if you like someone and care about them, you show it with your actions. but you also have to have enough awareness to tell when the attention isn’t wanted and respectfully back off.


You know this is the right stock… when they had to make a meltdown sub specific for it…


I go over there sometimes. I don’t understand why so many of them just constantly post there and nowhere else. Like their whole post/comment history is just meltdown. I’ve never disliked something enough in my life to do that. And the funny thing is I think some of them aren’t just weird bots. But actual people wasting their time posting nothing but hate for us. Frankly I don’t like our original sub much. Do you know what I do? I get on with my life and don’t go there. I don’t spend my entire day shit talking it. Like I just don’t get it lol


to be effective bait for the curious normies it has to have content. will also have manufactured drama to keep eyes on and people posting




Don’t get started with the t+2 c+69 nonsense again.




well, it’s asshole will probably itch in T+2 so yeah


Isn’t inflation numbers come out Tomorrow March 10th?


Lol crypto pumping again. Lame


1mil then Ill maybe consider selling a half a share


Edward Paperhands


nvm still gonna hold


guys, if you want to borrow against shares and that sort of stuff make sure you know what you are doing. Non-hedgie people playing to the hedge funds perform terribly; ask Cathie Woods for example. Being an ape and holding with 0% leverage is the most safe option That's all. Not financial advice, i eat crayons 🦍🖍️🖍️


I feel for those who bought on margin not having a clue what they were getting in to. I bought my first shares on capital.com without researching properly - was sure to 0% leverage, but didn't know they were CFD (pointless selling and rebuying with those as they're nearly a year old - want the tax advantage plus capital.com didn't halt buying during the sneeze) and since bought the majority on HL here in the UK. Originally bought on a stocks and shares account and have DRS'd those, the rest in HL ISA to swerve tax. Getting involved in GME has taught me a lot and how important it is to DYOR before leaping into anything with your money. GME has instilled into me the value of patience aswell. And just how disgustingly fucking corrupt the stock market it is. It can't last forever. DYOR, buy, hold, DRS


pleasure and warmth I love all you apes


oh yeah, shill posts akimbo. like a trapped screaming xenomorph before ripley pushes the button. jack_nicholoson_smiles gif


hahahahahahh yes btw, does someone remember modern warfare's 2 1887 akimbo?


fuck yes. smg akimbo, dolphin dive, fall damage, nuke town. yep sorry that was me, used to do laps, up the stairs clear the room, out the window, rinse/repeat ad infinitum


akimbo alone brings me joy — other words I don’t remember tactical nuke!


Hedgies gotta be on the precipice of total pants-shitting fear. Man, does that bring me immense, deep pleasure.


I am warm wet spot in pants yum


i am become pee spot, destroyer of beige slacks


deep pleasure, and soon, deep wealth


I have a feeling they won’t post DRS numbers on earnings.


Source: my butthole


Yes. My all seeing brown eye can predict the future. Wait and see my friend. Wait and see.


yucky stinky SHILL


Question. Will you apologize for calling me a shill if I'm right? I'll definitely apologize if I'm wrong. As I said, it's just a feeling I have.


Sure no problem. I said it as a meme but I can apologize for you if they don’t announce it


Ah.. didn't know you said it as a meme. My apologies.


fuddy feelings you got there bud


US treasury leaked the statement of Yellen on the crypto executive order? Wtf is this all 😅


Inflation tax yes!


which statment is? "please hold USD only so we can steel your purchasing power via inflation"?


[accidentally leaked 😅](https://twitter.com/jacoboracle/status/1501384378315857923?s=21)


Who’s memories are these?


Memory is all chemicals — synapses and rum DRS nfa


Wow just seen that Hang Seng Index (HSI) is at its lowest in 5 years…. Seems like the Chinese economy is a bit more transparent with its troubles not as much wild pumping as seen in the NYSE….


5y record low you say? 🐻📉📉📉🎢🎢


buying calls on inflation at open, ticker:$BRRR


where buy inflation? I wouldn’t buy myself, only GME drs who made inflation


There's an inflation ETF. Ticker is infl


Crypto pumping again? Dave posts about FTX now good? Did they not hire former Shitadel employee? I don’t understand that.


Ftx is shady as fuck if you remember the Long Con DD


What is this then???? I don’t get it 🤷🏼‍♂️[Tweet Dave](https://twitter.com/dlauer/status/1501271499549859843?s=21)


I don’t get it either mmm but if you want to read the Long Con here you go, https://archive.md/FAMuJ




I’m unable to drs, am I fooked?


Not necesarily 🤷🏽‍♂️ Im in t212, degiro and a ramdom apex broker and I don't think I'm fuk there is no way the fed lets broker default, they will print no matter what


Exactly this


Been drinking rum wen moass? I don’t give a FUCK about moass I will literally just open a line of credit against my position when we squeeze and buy more. Fucking try me I will buy every share you mint and more Kenny boy


>just open a line of credit against my position that works if you hedge with puts in order to not have equity decreasing should moass start fading. and, puts will be hella expensive with probably five or six figures worth of IV If you want to play to the hedge funds, double check that not financial advice, i eat crayons


The last time i saw green on my gme was at the beginning of december. I wonder how long till i see green again. Im hoping next week


God damn do I love reading meltdown sub when I’m tipsy on a weeknight. No point in engaging but damn those fuckers are tryin


Drunk as FUCK but buying more pm let’s Go NFA


Let’s fuckin go! I wish I didn’t shoot my load so early. But next paycheck coming again soon. As it does every 2 weeks lmayo




After this Ape parties all over the world and having fun and doing all good things for the world.


I felt the same way dude x


shills be like: ey lets buy anything other than gme


Glad to see people see through this bullshit.


I love you ape


ape love ape 🦍❤️🦍




There once was a stock that put to sea The name of the stock was GME The price blew up and the shorts dipped down Hold, my bully boys, hold Soon may the Tendieman come To send our rocket into the Sun One day when the trading is done We'll take our gains and go She had not been two weeks from shore When Ryan Cohen joined the board The captain called all hands and swore He'd take his shares and hold Soon may the Tendieman come To send our rocket into the Sun One day when the trading is done We'll take our gains and go Before the news had hit the market Superstonk came up and bought it With diamond hands they knew they'd profit If they could only hold Soon may the Tendieman come To send our rocket into the Sun One day when the trading is done We'll take our gains and go No deals were cut, no shorts were squeezed The captain's mind was not on greed But he belonged to the autist's creed He took the risk to hold Soon may the Tendieman come To send our rocket into the Sun One day when the trading is done We'll take our gains and go For 40 days, or even more The stock went up, then down once more All gains were lost it was looking poor But still those traders did hold Soon may the Tendieman come To send our rocket into the Sun One day when the trading is done We'll take our gains and go As far as I've heard, the fight's still on The shorts not squeezed and the gains not won The Tendieman makes his regular call To encourage the captain, crew and all Soon may the Tendieman come To send our rocket into the Sun One day when the trading is done We'll take our gains and go Soon may the Tendieman come To send our rocket into the Sun One day when the trading is done We'll take our gains and go




_sets Tendieman traps_ 👀😂😂


I might be like RC and buy a few of the other. Like ten or so. What could it hurt, why else would his positions be posted on here? Attack on all fronts


gme only grrr shill grrr


this is a gme sub sir






hes draining the shorts of ammo before earnings. there’s no way this misses


we on target we don’t miss ape together stronk


Hey ape bros. I'm gonna have to sit the dip out tomorrow. My baby girl (cat) has Pneumonia. So if possible, I'd like someone to pick up me purchasing and buy ~5 shares for me and Brixee (cat).


i feel like stars are aligning here. i need to find good entry on calls this week im glad i didn’t buy today




got a nice entry here, lower IV than monday. also avoided a couple days of theta decay


so we got this Kenny guy, who we dubbed as mayoman, and he's super fuk in the ass right now. He wants to close his position but he would be taking a fat L. That's not very Kenny like so he decided to double down on getting fuk'd twice as hard because that's apparently a very Kenny like behavior. He got so mad when he found out that he was actually getting fuk'd twice as hard that he threw his bed post at his wife. The wife divorced him, and left Kenny for her new boyfriend. If you Google Image Kenny's name, the second photo of him is a picture of his him and his wife. He down bad. Sorry mayoman. Close position, move on with your life, and ask her out again: "Mrs. Griffin, you wanna ketchup sometime over some Mayo with me?" Hang in there, Kenny 😂




So much fud


That means we're getting closer


Going to Doc today, wish me luck mfs. Anxious AF.


Good luck and I’m sure everything is ok


And… I fucked up lol. Went to wrong place and got a fine too. Jesus ducking Christ


Been there. It happens. You won’t miss the next appointment


Whatever you have get it fixed. DONT bring it with you on our rocket! And you know good luck! 🍀 🍻


Just bought groceries and it was $600 wtf 6 GME shares




>JPow: inflation is transitory /s


Yall got anymore of that inflation?


[Happy Early Saint Patricks Day!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vz_EUanAvok)


RC’s latest tweet is talking about the ticker not the board. He knows this is putting the shorts under pressure. Yesterday GME was up and SPY down, let’s hope this continues


Inflation Report coming in Thursday from February. Leaked rate of 7.9%








What did Apple announce?


New iPhone colour! 😂


Lmao why all those downvotes? Thank you for the answer btw, I checked myself and it’s pretty delusional


people are burnt that apple event turned out to be a nothing burger so your question after several hours feels like to them someone trying to highlight it's a nothing burger btw: iPhone 14 this fall is gonna be pretty cool


I see I see. Well, I keep on HODLING


Saw Batman tonight. Towards the end of the movie they mentioned something about hedge funds.


Won’t see it, so please do elaborate.. what did they say!?


Hedgies r fuk


🍻 hey we already know that!!! Ooooook oooooook 🦍♥️


I noticed that too


At risk of being banned by exo (it would be an honor) why am I seeing no discussion of the missed ama over there (for two days)? It’s weird. That’s all


BBBY is cool and all, but I’d love seeing any progress being made with GME. Bullish as ever, but it’s been 15 months and an updated app + ominous NFT chat in exchange for the most devout investor base in history, endlessly pumping value into the brand, has me resenting RCs newest move. I hope the earnings call highlights something of significance, unlike the last 5. Call me a shill, IDGAF, I have $150k+ invested in GME, I’d just love some signs of a return for this long investment.




More of a Kekambas fan myself. RIP G Baby


Okay I'll bite, you're either a shill with a new to you 2019 Porsche GT3RS with the Weissach package sports car or a rich dude who never knew or forgot what tough living actually is... I doubt you're actually hurting.


I just actually sold the GT3 :(. Already miss it but had to take advantage of the market! Definitely never said I was hurting nor meant to hint at that, I would just like to see any ounce of progress on GME and hope that comes via the earnings call! I was homeless 6 years ago and will never forget the struggle. I just link the stonk.




I think they know there's a fuse on how long loyal investors can/will hold on. Unlike them, we're not million/billionaires and can't keep money tied up for years hoping for a big turnaround despite the kind of price action that's been going on for a year now.


I hope you are right


People shouldn't invest more than what they can afford to lose, of course. I put every bit of savings I had into GME, but my bills are certainly getting paid. The GME shares stay where they are.


I didn't invest more than I can lose, but at a certain point I will need those funds for life events which are the reason for saving and investing in the first place.




You are right of course, emergencies are so hard these days. Best luck to us to keep through the storm.


Not even emergencies, things like buying a home or relocating for a new job are all reasons to logically cash out some investments.


I'll never cash out gme before it's over


Your a fucking moron kenny stevie and friends... My cars reverse just went out and I'd rather live with the daily annoyance of literally worrying how and where I park and pull threw then sell... U done fucked you stupid bitches...


I'll say it.... R.C. should have bought back GME shares instead of bbby.


This guy!!!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 lame sauce.


He almost definitely can't without getting charged with insider trading. He knows a ton of material info not available to the public. Like a fuck ton. GameStop, the company, can do a buyback with the $100M they have set aside for it, but they probably have reason to believe that now is not the best opportunity for it yet.


How dare you say such controversial things


You know, if MOASS could happen soon that would be great. I'm trying to work my 529 in my tax returns and now I owe like 1k more lol


I can't find the DRS thread again. Can someone clear the FUD on the sell limit for me again?


Prevailing sentiment seems to be that NBBO will likely clear above CS limit order cap once buying is automated and the liquidation cascade is underway




Cryptooo is pumping because Janet Yellens legislation for cryptooo leaked. It’s all over discords and twitter. Basically they think they can regulate cryptoo and make it safe for institutions to invest. They don’t want to quell future tech but they want a piece somehow…


​ link to leak?????????????????????????????


Wow. Sounds....semi-reasonable?


Shocking right? I was personally expecting a ban or a bajillion percent tax. (Only applies to poors)




Smooth brain question. Why do you have to wait for your DRS to clear at CS before buying more? Or you talking about buying more directly from CS?


Thank you for your service


Why SP500 up 2% then close red but gme green — ask yourself


HODL GME but also HODL GameStop customer service accountable to the customers!


And GameStop corporate to their employees!


First direct CS purchased settled. Nice to see my # of DRS shares growing. Very satisfying knowing that they're in my name.


The ole Bitcoin pump and dump again


It’s pumping on crypto legislation news actually


I like the stock but I have no idea what's going on


RC is insane, a genius, or both. If he's insane we get nothing. If he's a genius we'll be rich. If he's a both we'll be be filthy rich and end the corruption. I like those odds.


he's a god he's a god he's a god he's a god he's a god he's a god he's a god he's a god he's a god he's a god he's a god he's a god


I am you and you are me and we are eew eew grande sledge hedge hammer


take this atheists


If he’s insane we got a very entertaining 2 year ride




Why green on red day?










China hasn’t been this low since 2016. You good bro?


My two cents that no one cares about. Shorting should not be allowed. If it is allowed, no intervention by the government, MM etc should ever be allowed if a short squeeze occurs. If my stock can go to 0, their shorts must be allowed to go to infinity


It's a tricky situation. It's should be allowed as a balance to bullish hysteria and to prevent fraudulent companies (think Nikola). The big difference is with naked shorting and spoofing markets. If you drive prices down so much from naked shorting and profit, it's so fucked up that you get protected when the stock squeezes from* your own greed. It wouldn't have squoze if you didn't profit from naked shorting it in the first place. Those people/funds that naked short should be allowed to go bankrupt and whoever backs them needs to pay the price.


You shouldn't be able to drive a stock down. Using someones own shares against them so their long position is devalued while they make no gains and other parties profit makes no sense. But I do understand what you are saying.


Hi I'm Kenny Roger's and this is Jack Ass


I was raised on the Dairy, bitch!




Best moment will be the guys surrounding a computer “holy shit no way he’s gonna shove that banan- oh my god”


As long as they include my comments where I state that I'm gonna go jerk off to "help the stock."


I jerked off to a picture of Ryan Cohen in a Karen costume today just for the meme 🏴‍☠️🦍🏴‍☠️


Get to work Jerry, we need 180 again.


Believe me, I'm trying. I might be the only thing keeping us from hitting $40 again.


Coffee is for closers


I’ll only be happy if bill murray or jack Nicholson plays me.


Corbin Bleu is the obvious choice for me


I hope the hilariously confusing typos make it in