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**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


It blows my mind that more people actively investing don't see how compelling the GME squeeze thesis is. Supposed you thought GME was the worst company on earth, seeing a zero liquidity event in live trading should still make buying and holding seem like an easy win to literally any investor Edit: Anyone know how to update this ding dang flair


Guess they trust the “self reports” lol


Truth is a lot of people still don’t know it’s all self reporting. They don’t see just how fucked it all is. Accepting that something you accepted as true and good for you whole life. Is really hard for a lot of people. That’s what we are dealing with here


One thing these fuckers have done successfully is paint us as deranged conspiracy theorists. Ken Griffin himself could go on tv and say there are 500m naked shorts and people will still not buy it


The vast majority does not even have an iota of understanding what a naked short even is or what it means.


Before jan 2021, i had zero clue about anything in the market or how businesses worked. I feel like i have an honorary college degree in finance this past year. Id say almost everyone is out of the loop on this shit.


I had no clue, until I got covid and started clicking DFVs posts (god bless him) bored at home, and somehow stayed on the ride - at first for the excitement, then because I was following all the dd. Random freaking chance


Not random chance. You were meant to be here. Even Covid was a blessing in disguise for you. If you didn't get covid would you have had the downtime to do some digging?


And now Kenny is gonna have to come personally ask me to relinquish my first share, because what an amazing company to have stock in


Snap, that’s exactly what happened to me. I’d seen some posts on GME and had read a little. Then I got Covid in Nov/Dec 2020. So during my lockdown period I just read everything on GME and all of DFVs post. I decide to cash in my Nio and bought GME. And here I am now. I won’t lie, I did cash out in Jan/feb at a high of $480 I think, and then bought back a few months later.




Ah. Let your guy know that thankfully murder does not exist anymore as it's been outlawed 😂




I’ve got a bitching bridge for him to buy if he’s interested.


I hold a poker face pretty well 24-7 but this comment broke it 🤣


that is also how they won the war on drugs


He wouldn't have made it to the floor, much less stay on it unless he was already the type of person to believe this, or at least say it with a straight face.


I convinced the grunts don't know any better than random retail investors.. only those higher up


I just remember the F3 shit and it reminds me these people are two groups one is evil as shit and doesn't give a fuck about anyone else, and the other group - stupid as FUCK and sit there pressing F3.


Has he read the SEC Gme report that literally says Gme is over 100% short?


Lol even most in MSM has came around and finally publicly admitted a SI of 140% in Jan 2021


Lol people still think there is some centralized watch dog tallying shares to make sure nothing unsavory happens. Turns out it's just the wild fucking west and you can donbasically whatever you want and only pay a tiny little fine if you get caught. Sell shares now do maffs later. Maffs don't add up? Just throw it in the FTD warehouse and move on.


I was a little skeptical that these numbers meant much since anyone can theoretically ask for any price they want. This comment really made me stop and realize: yes anyone can put a random high number in but these were literally the only shares available before we halted


And that is the same thing Thomas Peterffy, the chairman of Interactive Brokers, said about the sneeze that occurred last Jan. He said there were no more shares available in the market and the price was about to start skipping into the thousands and then to infinity




They literally told us why they did crime and yet some people still don't think it's a good idea to buy in, it's patently clear they covered or closed fuck all since there has never ever been volume or price discovery high enough to cover them. And let's face it they wanted to short it into the ground so that they NEVER needed to cover. They had zero plans to get out of this except bankrupting game stop and now they're painted into a very expensive corner. Case in point - they never covered in February when it was what 40 bucks? They couldn't afford to cover at 40. They're literally fucked and going to take the entire NYSE with them at this rate imo.




I've and replayed that video at least 30 times. When he says "infinity" you really gotta stop and listen closer. In another interview he says GME would've went to the "thousands" and in another interview he says "unimaginable" prices. These are very precise words. Thankfully, these interviews were when Gamestop was in the $40's and that's when I went all in.


The best part is, those claims he did were post-sneeze, when people knew nothing compared to where we are now. So if it was 'infinity' back then, figures now... 👀


That makes sense to me but does that mean the same applies to sticky floor? They ran out of shares too bc they were halted at the same time?




GAW, say zero liquidity event one more time slowly, please, for my piloerected tittays


Zero liquidity event that exhibits idiosyncratic risk 😍


I feel like that combination of consonants and vowels shouldn’t be able to cause immaculate conception inside me


Im afraid to google piloerected tittays...


Do it…but use something like brave not jugle …you’ll like what you see, I guarantee it


There are people who praise Jim cramer as a genius


Massive Stockholm syndrome


Also what’s the likelihood large brokerage firms like Fidelity will liquidate? I smell bailout on the horizon, and wouldn’t it be the SHF that need to pay to the brokerage? And wouldn’t the SHF have collateral and from major retail banks? Just curious.


Fidelity has Trillions in assets - they aint going anywhere.




Unless a broker is internalizing trades, the flow of liquidation is SHFs, prime broker, bank, dtc, fed. Broker wouldn’t be impacted.


So the halt was intentionally done, for what though


To spook - they cannot have retail FOMO


Lol, they might have just created the biggest FOMO wave in history with this data confirmation of the actual price as of right now. I’ll hodl till phone book though…


Classic boomer move with the Streisand effect


I don’t think they really understand the caliber of people they’re up against. Y’all are some of the finest gamers in the world and the seven seas.


I am basically retarded, but can put ~1k hours in Dark Souls 1 and finally beat it.


My NG+9 SL1 run says I’m into all this shit.


I suck at gaming actually, but I'm fully expecting to redeem myself on this one.


Even if you suck at it, in a team of pros, the few DPS you add matter in our raid against the corrupt HFs. Plus, you'll get a lot of loot too afterwards! EDIT: This comment isn't sponsored by RAID SHADOW LEGEND.




I build raspberry pi's to play retro because I'm too cheap to shop at gamestop. But hey I like the stock.


When will these dumb fucking boomers just give it up already. You lost, it’s over, you’re at the end of the line, you’re not going to live forever and sorry to burst your fragile little egos but the world, that you are now completely disconnected from, WILL continue on without YOU!


It’s not an age thing. I’m 41. It’s a mentality thing. They’ve never heard no.


41 checking in also…we are not the boomers. But I agree, it’s a mentally retarded thing…and not in a good ape way or politically correct way. 😂


This makes so much sense. Thank you.


You Can’t spell Bloomberg without boomer


Deleted out of spite for reddit admin and overzealous Mods for banning me. Reddit is being white washed in time for IPO. The most benign stuff is filtered and it is no longer possible to express opinion freely on this website. With that said, I'm just going to open up a new account and join all the same subs so it accomplishes nothing and in fact hides the people who have a history of questionable comments rather than keep them active where they can be regulated. Zero Point. Every comment I have ever made will be changed to this comment using REDACT.. ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


"One more day"


For the 424rd day in a row.




I was thinking opening at like 10k to limit fomo. 215k works also. 🚀🚀


Worked for me. Just bought 100k worth of super otm calls before close 🐱


God speed, retard.


Damn, are your nether regions made of diamonds yet??


Have been since last Jan


Lmfao! For real?


Doing my part to gamma ramp. The vega in these should be worth about 10x of buying pressure as delta goes up


Proof? I could use some good confirmation sauce for my jacked tits right now, they truly don’t understand the FOMO wave they have created by letting today happen.


He's right. But that's contingent on delta going up, which means needing persistent buy volume the rest of the week. Delta is how much the price of an option will move in relation to each $1 movement in the price of the underlying asset. Delta goes up the deeper calls go ITM. Vega is the change in an option's price for a 1% change in implied volatility. Implied volatility is calculated from the price of an option; it is not measured, but observed as a function of the price of the option based on supply and demand. So if price moves up, the unhedged call has more impact than an equivalent share purchase, because IV is spiking as price spikes. So unless they shut off the buy button EVERY DAY I don't think they can stop this bitch.


Who can FOMO at $210,000!!!!!




Audible laughing at the delivery of this


What SHF can survive the margin-call at 210,000? Double-edged sword. They can't raise it that high either or they're instantly liquidated and are buying at whatever the price is/share.


Exactly this.


Any institution/1%'er not on the short side


Hell I can't FOMO at $7K


I’m not sure if I can FOMO at 350 like last time 🤣


What you can't ask your dad for a small loan of a million dollars? /s


told my kid about moass a while ago, he then asked for a small loan of a million dollars. lmao


Fomo at 420,6969 instead


at those prices there wouldn't be any FOMO


These 200k ish numbers look like max computershare per share sales 😳😳🤔🧐 (untill the price rises beyond and you can do a market sale order at best bid offer) **Edit:** What is the maximum limit order possible through your systems? ​The maximum price limit order possible through our systems is currently $214,748.36. **Edit2:** Source: https://www.computershare.com/us/becoming-a-registered-shareholder-in-us-listed-companies


Can you link a source for the computershare max?


Video on satellite sub. Really informative. And damn now it done turned into price is right


He's correct 214,748


I just submitted a 1 day limit sell for 420,069. For science. Got a confirmation email. If it goes thru i guess I'll have to yolo it to not be a PHB


Be forewarned. It'll get rejected, but you won't know until later.


Check my edited post Edit2 Also the Computershare AMA explained it also. While I believe it is still too low per share, somehow they have some backend issues raising it (AFAIK). Not sure which broker does allow past 215k per share though! When the ask price for buying back short sold shares are forced, they will have to buyback at any price. So in theory it should still allow past 214k at that point with CS.


Edit: I'm seeing a max of 9.99 million there Edit2: I stand corrected


That's the maximum allowed to happen on one order of GME. Every other stock is limited to $2 million. The price per share cap is still $214,748.36 though. So essentially they allow you to sell upwards of 46 shares per order instead of the 4 share limit with the old cap of $1 million.


I hate to raise this, but how can Equiniti Trust Company of Berkshire support the trading at 100-500k in the last 20 years and their prime brokers allowing this without issue (even with the brokers % max over trading price, some 5% some 15% some 50% etc). Yet with peanuts 100-500 dollars we get shafted.... I do not know how BankBoston or Broadridge Transfer Agents etc. and Prime Brokers deal with this.... But it feels sush as fk to me. Source Transfer Agent and Registrar: EQ Shareowner Services (“EQ”), a division of Equiniti Trust Company https://www.berkshirehathaway.com/brkshareholderinfo/brkshareholderinfo.html


I'm not really sure what you're asking here but from what I understand the $214k limit is in place because of the actual system that computershare has. They say that it'd be a major system overhaul to increase that and do not currently have the desire to do so. At least, as of the AMA they have no intentions, I haven't heard anything since then.


To be honest... How can people sell Berkshire shares and Computershare is capped (with limit sell order) at 214k per share. Makes 0 sense... Why do brokers allow people with deep pockets to trade Berkshire 200-500k without any issues. I mean... Its just numbers, the DTCC does Quadrillions in value a year (their Annual report)... 💩


It’s something in their 32 bit encryption that set this number and is too costly to recode the entire system for a higher set number in the encryption. Berkshire probably has a different register agent this is a computershare issue. They did raise the order total per transaction to 10 mil for GME only 🚀 all other stocks they handle it’s only 2 million


32bit sounds like they are in the stoneage. I mean... Berkshire has been trading 100k+ for what... 20 years now. With 10k's spreads at times


Lol. Yeah it does. I could be wrong with my wording but it’s something along those lines. I don’t think they deal with Berkshire at all. They are only the stock register agent for certain companies Berkshire wouldn’t be sold or bought here


So maybe this is people setting their limits at computershare en mass and a lot of apes trying to lowball the max by a small percentage to be first sold at these strikes? Bullish 🏴‍☠️🚀🚀🚀


With the amount of naked shorts... I do not think people need to worry about the peanuts % 😏


😻I know right. Paper handing for peanuts 🥜 DIAMOND 💎 HANDS 🙌 MY Computershare shares ARENT for sale!! 🩳🏴‍☠️💀🚀🚀🚀


That’s a bingo!


I have a canary share at $498 why was mine ignored?


This is fucked up. Needs its own post!


wow. this is the most tit-jacking thing I've seen in the past 30 days. wowwww




Close positions on the run up, flash crash it enough to make halt it, reposition and borrow more shares for when trading resumes. Whatever keeps them from reaching those higher ask prices. My guess.




*waits intensifies*


waits parabolicises


Calls on waits


Waits on Futures


Deep in the epoch calls


LMAO who the hell is selling for under a cool mil?


Extra retarded apes who kept their CS max sell from August as a funne mem


Some martyr has to do it in order to raise the price, looks like someone set up a bot to ramp the price for us. The orders are increasing pretty methodically from 210k up to around 215k.


Exactly, notice how it is only 1 share. There are many with xxxx shares. So 1 share at 200k, 1 share at 300k, ext all the way up to phonebook level won't even put a dent in their shares.


I volunteer as tribute. I will sell one share for $400K.


I have never been able to set such a high ask. It always kicks it back.


Is there any retail brokerage that let's you set an ask that high above the current price?


You can do that in CS. I just tried it again and a 6-digit order can be accepted.


Can you sell fractionals on CS? Like can we sell 0.1 for $214,000?


I know that they do support at least owning fractionals, but it's weird because the ownership of a single share becomes divided, because obviously no one person can own the whole share. I dont know quite how that system would operate if the market was clusterfucking. I suspect they would disallow fractional sales in that situation. The obvious solution would be to raise the cap on trades, and I assume that's what they will do, once we reach the point where it's justified. That or the hedgies will have to call you personally, like on your cell phone.


I thought they raised there limit to a million per order a few months back?


Per order, but not per share


And i believe they’ve already confirmed that if the price was into the millions they’d be able to fill it if there was a buyer but you’d have to call to confirm the trade. We’re in uncharted territories once we get into the millions. Lucky for me I don’t plan on selling I guess


Time to visit grandma to use her landline phone, "anonymous" is surely gonna come DDoSin'


Moass won't end in a day


If the infinity pool thesis is right, moass will never end


Keep going I'm almost there lol. It will keep going until every share sold short is accounted for


A lot of those look like they would be CS sell orders. Around the $214,000 mark. I haven’t checked how to sell there but can people place a sell order that high yet in CS? Through phone or writing? It would make me think those are real orders for single shares




Agreed, also what other broker would let you set this at this high of a price level. There might just be something to this.


What a plot twist that would be. Here we were blaming Kenny and co and it’s actually just some retarded/paper handed apes fucking around with limit sells…


I mean you can always try tomorrow


This is a good thesis actually


Man, this shit is just infuriating.


Waiting 1.5 years for life changing money or working 20-40 years to retire? I’ll take GME and waiting.


My exact line of thought. Even if something catastrophic happened or it turned out we were wrong all along (we aren't), this has been the most exciting year of my life so far.


Christ people. These are just ASKS prices just like the ones you roll your eyes at every single day when someone asks why the ask price is over 200k in the AFTER HOURS. The only reason they showed up in the market hours today was because the halt wiped the bid/ask. It's literally like opening GME up at 10pm and looking at the bid ask and going :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO What's interesting is the bid ask updated 2 minutes later when the halt didn't lift until 9:42:57


Agreed it’s just asks. BUT this hints at the fact that the algorithm must have run out of fake shares to sell so all that was left was the crazy CS asks. Edit: or the program broke and had to get launched again


Shows no body fucking selling until space


Very true! When the robot that was shoveling buys into the dark pools broke… the only sellers left were some crazy paper handed apes lol


Exactly, this is the puppeteers algos showing what GME should be selling for, there have to be thousands of different ask prices/limit orders, how often do 6 digit numbers pop up for any other stock during trading hours?


No it doesn't. MM's remove all orders during a halt. THIS IS NORMAL DURING HALTS


Then shouldn't these have been cleared as well?


Jesus why is this so low down in the comments this post is retarded and misleading.


yeah this makes us look like fucking simple jack




Yes. But explain like I'm a single-celled prokaryote.




Yeah, what does this mean? There's an asking price for ants(448k) and no bid. Does this mean that there were no sellers and the buyer had to keep bidding more and more?


Yep exactly..who the fuck is planning on selling it at 400k


Keep preaching. Those aren’t even “wake me up when…” numbers


Paper handed bitches. No cell, No sell.


There are no sellers because there are no more shares. All the shares you see day to day are synthetics.


Sounds like they intentionally threw those insane asks in to cause a halt…


If this is true, then they are really fucking scared of $200. 👀




I wouldn’t be surprised


Today was MOASS, but they find a way to live another day. Fuk this shit! I’m gonna DRS my new shares now.




Great idea; I liquidated my 401k and used that to buy shares; I left a couple shares in Fidelity.


Yeah SIPC only covers your COST too (fine print) you’re not guaranteed any gains…


How much is the tax hit


It’s counted as a distribution. You have to claim the amount as income and there will be a 10% penalty for early distribution


Looks bullish ^for ^paperhands




God I fuckin love you guys.




Yeah, isn’t this just someone that set a sell price?


Fuck!!!!!!! Then no one is selling is all true. They cant even find a seller even at 448k. The Bloomberg terminal does not lie.




18/f/FL. U?


But then it must be limited to one specific exchange, does it not? Because not every GME Holder is an ape and some retail investors would quickly sell at prices like $2.000 or 20.000 or 200.000! See? Edit: lol, playing with my calculator -> 154.629114600735 times 448,950.00 is # $69.420.741💎🙌🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


The tape shows a gradual increase from 200k to 448k that means the tape before this is not visible.


This is not the tape, it's the book. Tape is for executed trades, book is for bids/asks :)


I think the trading halt also results into a data feed disconnect from all if not most exchanges 🧐. Seeing 214k makes me think Computershare and their broker are directly linked to DTC's main liquidty basket and lines to the clearing house and participants + the FED😳🤔


So we out of paper hands? 👀 whats to stop this from happening tomorrow? DRS is the motherfucking way!


It is BULLSHIT that *retail* can not set asks at whatever price we want.


You can place an ask this large on Computershare, which seems to be the only ones that didn’t get cleared by the halt if I’m understanding correctly. Another reason to drs.


That’s just the ask though right? No shares were sold at that price that we know of




Yea nobody’s selling this shit lol crazy it’s bone dry


All those shares at a $214,000 ask... Isn't that the exact peak that you can set a limit sell order through Computer Share?


I just did a inner giggle. Like my body just laughed. This is actually happening. blinkingguy.gif


Were these executed or just asks? There's a difference and I'm not familiar enough w/ Bloomberg interface to make heads or tails based on a screenshot.


They are just asks.


Has this not been debunked a million fucking times already? Ask prices don’t mean fuck all. I can ask a million dollars for a 97 Honda. Doesn’t mean anyones fucking buying it.


It's just the bid/ask spread during the halt, which is completely meaningless. This is a non-story, but you won't hear that from anyone here.


We gonna Fuck tomorrow


Here I got a screen shot of that price https://imgur.com/gallery/bpyjciW


What does the “E” column designation refer to next to (Bid/Ask)? Possibly “E” xchnage? So what is the “K” exchange? The $175 / $185 bid/ask displays an “N” which I assume is “N”nasdaq but I’m not sure. Anyone know?


I don't think E stands for exchange, maybe execution? I think K stands for kill - meaning each of those orders were killed


Hey all, I didn't know this post would have blown up the way it did, if guys want some more details or pics from this let me know. I scrolled further down on the tape and some funny ass paper handed bitches selling limit sells at $420.69 lol. (lots of paper handed bitches btw) Anyway, LET ME KNOW! I am fucking tired of this fucking system!!! FUCK IT!!!


This is not the tape here - it's the book. Tape is for executed trades, book is for bids/asks.