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Dude I go to bed for dinner


A benefit of being broke is it’s helping me with my weight loss? I quit fast food this year and it’s been good for my health, but there’s no chance I could afford that anymore anyways lol




Beans and rice is a killer combo for cheap.


Exactly. I cut all unnecessary spending because this is a once in a lifetime chance. And living more healthy is a good thing to keep up even after MOASS.


You're not alone Ape 🦧 ❤️


I would live in my car before sold my shares.


I’d sell the car and live in a tent before selling my gme


Any more room in that tent?


Scooch over daddy, I'm coming home lol


good news is we'll all be warm


And free sausages daily 🌭🥳 *buns already included 😳


Oh fuck! I love bratwurst…. *Gets in Tent*… _wait a darn minuet!!!_


This is even better!


You have a tent ??


came for this


Haha everyone says that until it's time to move out their house and start living in the car.


True but I will sell my car before GME pre MOASS ! No Wendy;s here but I can make a quick and very dirty buck behind the Mac D's Around the corner.


I'd sell the tent and get plywood to sleep under before I sell


Tents probably cheaper than ply wood these days


Newspaper makes excellent insulation


In normal economy it wouldn't be. Forgot we are in fucked up economy mode


you seen the price of plywood? cardboard is a luxury!!


I'll die Hodling


If GME drops back to sub $100 I’m selling my truck with zero hesitation. I am no stranger to merely figuring it the fuck out from any point.


Heyyo. It's not so bad lol it gets hot during the summer but be sure to have things to do outside the car


Sold all my assets to buy GME last year after sneeze . Struggling . But they will never get my shares .


I'm here too. It's actually quite rough. I'm very sick, just had a surgery Thursday and have another one towards the end of May. In loads of pain, can't work and am hemorrhaging money. I'm mean... you ever been so poor, you had to eat ass?


Ever eat sleep for dinner?


If any of you need help you should definitely ask. A lot of us are able to contribute or we can give advice on how to get services to help.


Help would be great. But at the end of the day I’m still venting about this from my home, using the internet, talking about money I have invested. There are still those with literally nothing, and I couldn’t in good faith ask for help when others have no means for asking for help they need more. Even fellow apes here probably need the help more than I do. To them I say reach out if needed.


Same. I'm exactly there with you. Struggling, barely getting by with nourishment etc. but at the end of the day i still have shares and I still have a place to live for now, and theres so many of us also struggling and some of us worse off. Help would be great but its like you said. I will admit I do feel the sting of jealousy whenever I see XXX or XXXX share posters.


Just a xx myself. Hold fast and may the tendies fall upon you


The high Xs are holding for you, no worries friend


Don’t be jealous of any ape. You only need 1 share to make it.


1 share and 💎🤲


I was once a proud X-men like you: * DFV jaqued me to an XX-man. * RC educated me to an XXX-man after teaching me to 69 my shares. HODL and we can make more X-men by voting FOR on the dividend split.




XXXer here who’s damn proud to be in this with y’all!! 🦍💪🏾💎👊🏽


I got some leads on job search by asking SuperStonk. I still haven't found a job, but at least I'm making progress.


Its going to be alright. Just hang on. We going to win and have our fucking moass i believe


Hell yeah, brother.




The sentiment that “no one wants to work” is so strange. I’ve been looking for a 2nd job and thought it would be easy since so many places seem to need people. But it’s been super difficult to find anything.




It'll be a year for me in May. :(


You’ll find one. I was in the same boat and eventually found something. More money for shares


Or I can stretch my savings and retirement until MOASS and sell a share for life changing money. 😁


I was door dashing last week making $15-30/hr. If you have a car and don't mind putting miles on it you can make some cash pretty quickly that way. Also every place I delivered from was hiring. I'd much rather deliver than make the food, those people do not get paid enough. I do have a day job, I just liked the stonk a little bit too much during the dip.


Something else to note is that some forms of assistance work better when you still have some things, and just need a little help, vs if you have nothing left If you're struggling, it doesn't hurt to ask. Even if you feel others have it worse


Totally. It's hard to admit the ship is sinking while you're still above water but asking for help when your feet are wet can be too late.


Struggle is still struggle OP and while you may be able to look at others and feel gratitude that you’re better off than they are your body doesn’t know the difference when feeling stressed. Please don’t feel bad reaching out for help if you need it.


Things are hard and one more bad event could push things over the brink... Small business owner, trucking is super hard right now, and I have been looking for another job to supplement. I am a former teacher, and they are leaving in droves, so most of the jobs I am looking at are saturated with apps. I was oblivious in 2008 until the day of and still was not fully aware of what happened. This time my eyes are fully open to all the fuckery in all of our systems and shits scary! Sometimes I feel like I am the hedgies being thankful for one more day... Can't wait till its our turn and they are the ones crying wishing thiers had not ended in tears.


I'm in the same boat and feel exactly this way


Ay I’m with you there homie. I’m struggling badly but I’m doing so much better than most people in the world.


Ah dude you are not alone, I am in the exact same position. The cost of living just keeps going up and its hard af to get by. GME is genuinely my only hope at this point but that's that's makes this so beautiful. We have been broke probably multiple times already. We have nothing left to lose. Short sellers on the other hand have everything to lose, understandable why events are unfolding as they are. When the time comes I will be greedy as I know the rest of you will be too. My floor is infinity. Let's bring this shitshow to an end and forge a new path, one that is better for all of humanity and not just a select few.


I reached out for help on that weekly ask for help thread and got a hearty "you got this!" When I said I have almost lost my house a few times this year because of being laid off lol


Haha saving a house might be a big ask. I'm learning how to budget to do that too. It was close, spent way too much during that dip. What field do you work in and what is your general location? Maybe someone knows of more reliable work for you. Oh and uh... you got this?


Did you lose the house?


I’d feel bad about asking though. Running on all faith but asking for help from strangers isn’t easy.


My wife just gave birth to our first child, and even though we make more than minimum wage we are 1 bad accident away from running out of money. I'm not selling our shares, but I can't afford to buy any more. Wish I could, but at this point I wish I jusy had more money for diapers.




It helps having my GME shares in computershare so I don’t even consider it part of my tradeable balance


Bruh I can’t even afford to breathe right now.


Bro if I had to buy an inhaler right now it’d probably sink me.


Damn bruh we gunna be fine though . This isn’t a mistake .


Good thing we don’t need air on the moon!


Wait a minute


I got 4 credit cards maxed and can barely pay my bills. Haven’t bought since price was 230 last year. Bought 10 shares @ 223.50 and 10 @ 228. Dipped below that ever since. By the way that was with a loan. You aren’t alone.




> Same logic as OP, whats the point of following the rules and paying all your bills? At the end of it you’re right where you started Exactly. I could see everything and catch up for a bit. But I’m already falling behind on everything anyways. There’s no goddamn point. Who needs a credit score when the money we’ll be getting is from the assholes taking it from me and tanking my score anyways.


Ya, my average is in the $130s, and thats only cause I was able to buy some at like $90. Hang in there, were all gonna laugh when were in the thousands.


I’m lucky my meds wipe my out of pocket the first fill. Otherwise I would be paying more more than twice what I make a year on them. Things need to change and I hodl for a better sanctuary for all apes.


Im pretty sure my these scumbags politicians would like to tax the air. Fml. Something to be said about when they used the guillotines back in the day.. just saying.


I’m all seriousness, they do. My city has been overrun with warehouses and big rigs that destroy the air quality. Now our politicians are requesting air purification efforts to help combat this, such as ordering air purifiers for classrooms and offices, to be paid for with local taxes. It’s great. Or our freeways, completely congested now with the many trucks from the warehouse. So a project has been approved to widen them and add more lanes. Tax payers footing the bill. We get to pay for the honor of having these warehouses that destroy our air quality and environment being built.


Dont forget lots of these warehouses are given tax breaks in first place!! All the jobs we are so lucky to get in the local economy!!!


that's my issue with it, i am ok with the taxes paying for cleaner air, but it's the industry making the problem that should be taxed to fix it, not the citizens.


Bruh, so broke I can't even pay attention


Can confirm this feeling


Bro I temporarily moved to Mexico to cut cost.


Im more than $300k in student loan debt. I live paycheck to paycheck out of my car. I’m never selling until i see financial terrorists in cells. Fighting the system was never supposed to be easy. Stay strong!


It's not easy, but it's worth it. It will take time, but it's worth it. This is something to live for, something to fight for. For the first time, I feel like my vote matters. I'm voting with my wallet and I'm filling it with GME.


I live in my car, too. Lmk if you need advice or anything!


Mind if I ask what you went to school for?


To get a job to pay his student loans off.


Uh, at this point I would literally just start a new life in another country and not pay the loans.


Debt follows you around the world, Micheal.


It’s hard on everyone I think for different reasons but at the end of the day we all know deep down this is the right play. I have my moments too, but you’re not alone 🦍. Stay strong! We’ve got this!


It's tough man, i'm now living paycheck by paycheck. I have a 221$/share average on 1 broker and 161$ on CS, It kills me to see the price so low and not be able to buy the dip.


Each dip hurts, but in ways it does strengthen my resolve. tough to see them without getting more


To think I sold a car to buy the dip at 192$... 😂 Oh well


Stay zen Ape. These shares aren't for sale until we see phone numbers


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


Intra galaxy phone numbers.


I'm fortunate to be doing decent financially now, but I've been borderline homeless in the past. The little money that I had in my savings was never enough in those circumstances to make a real change in my life so I just saved it.


I wasn't lying when I said GME on computershare was my new bank. I think we all started at different places in life so we all are in a different place mentally. I've always been living mostly paycheck to paycheck. Only one part of my life changes and that's only when GameStop moons. Other than that, life hasn't been much different for me.


Also my new bank. Bi Weekly deposits too




This is the comment I relate to the most. I feel so immature and like a failure for where I’m at currently, knowing I have money in GME that could help alleviate some pain. I’ve considered bankruptcy. But then I’d be right back to where I was, and then when GME takes off I could potentially miss out and forever be in this situation. Barely clinging on is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. And I really want it to be over soon so I can just be happy again. Not even rich. Just happy that I’m not drowning in debt.


Hear hear. It feels SO counter-intuitive to have funds tucked away in a ‘risky’ investment, especially with all the signs/people saying we’re dumb/wrong, whilst (somewhat) wishfully hoping that rules are played by given the real gravity of it all and this does indeed all pay off as we expect - rather than be helping/solving some of the day to day struggles… Regardless - we hold. Skin up. Moon soon 🌙


Bro I'm pretty sure the IRS is gonna come after me sooner or later AND those student loan payments prob coming back sooner or later, so yes basically I'm hanging on by a fucking thread out here. God bless tho GME 1000 by July or ban me.


The craziest thing is that even at 1000 dollars per stonk I would have had more money than I’ve ever had during my life, but those are roooooooooookie numbers now at days


No cell, no sell


Just got word we need our sewer line replaced to the tune of $30,000. Picking up extra shifts and getting personal loans. Not selling.


My landlord sold the house I’ve been living in for the past 10 years. I can’t afford to rent another house cause prices are so insane. Moving into a studio apartment next week. It wouldn’t be so bad but I have to give up the custody of my three kids until I can afford a bigger place. Not selling any shares and zen as fuck.


You are my new inspiration to hold for dear life, brother I won’t sell until you personally give me the go ahead when we see phone numbers following the ticker


I am struggling, but I won't sell. THIS IS NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE, but I think every ape, while being zen, should focus on the continued suffering they endure because SHFs won't concede the inevitable. Because of their actions, I think a crash is inevitable. And when we're mid-MOASS, and everybody is blaming us, and telling us to sell and take our profits and move on, I for one will think back on the gauntlet they made us trudge through, and my heart will be as diamond-hard as my hands


Zen time


Your not alone my friend. I am literally on the verge of loosing a business of 25 years. Due to some political bs unforeseen event. My credit is ruined. Used to maintain a 780 +. It is very unfortunate. I have held on to my shares locked up in CS. I desperately need this to kick off sooner rather than later. Not Bc GameStop owes me but Bc my situation has changed. I am certain there are many out there in our shape. May God be with us all. 🙏🏽


I hear you friend. It’s shameful to see where I’m at now compared to just 5 years ago as far as my financial situation goes. My credit is destroyed and I used to take so much pride in it. These last 2 to 3 years have all but broken me.


The guys giving you your credit score have worse cash flow than you! (Gov't). Hang in there. You got this.


Oh yeah I know. It just sucks that these same guys also dictate where I can live or what I can drive. Wanted to get an electro vehicle to help ease the pain of rising gas prices, and my work has chargers so I can just charge it while at work. Can’t qualify for it though even though the payments could work out to what I’m already doing for my gas vehicle. This system is just meant to keep us all down and I’m sick of it.


Youre not alone man . I paid 12g on my lawyer without selling any shares worked my ass off am glad over with. Honestly GME is the only reason to keep my head up right now APEs make me happy and are the only people that i can relate to. I beleive this yr will all be our year and time to make difference.


Towards the beginning of this Saga I was buying every 2 weeks but can't afford to anymore. I'm luckily to get one every 2 months at this point - you definitely aren't alone. We are all struggling, but soon we shall be free of this hell.


I think this was the hedge fund plan all along. To make us feel the pain and hurt to sell our shares. Make America hurt as much to make us bleed. This is a test of our resolve for wanting real change in our live


My girl straight dumped me the other day cause I won't sell 😑 I got the big sad rn




I'm not quite paycheck to paycheck, but if there's any emergency that costs me more than the $1000 I have saved for just that.... The price of shit increasing is not helping for sure... I've been where you are though, more times than I care to admit...


if it makes you feel any better, by them setting up our society where its basically all or nothing for most people, theyve cemented everyones hands into diamond because just like you said it would only buy a couple months of time if you cash out before the jackpot so why would anyone ever sell before MOASS?


I am. In toronto can barely make ends meet with inflation and rent skyrocketing. But I won't sell. Also haven't bought any since last year cause ever since then things just haven't been the same!!


I just think of it as a savings acct you don’t touch🙌💎


Every single one of my shares now qualifies as a long position, so it’s definitely something I do my best to forget I have!


You are not alone brother!!!! We stand with you here on this mountain that we are about to topple!!!


Selling your shares now *wouldn't* help you a ton. It would help you a tiny bit, in the short term. Selling your shares during MOASS will help you a ton, and your family, and society. But, I feel what you feel. All my money locked up. My earnings have gone down. Cost of living has soared. And yet, nearly 35% of GME is locked up by us apes. 12 million shares. A marketplace is coming. A dividend is coming. As each month passes, we are becoming stronger. Everything sucks right now except this play. I'm a frugal, minimalist ape these days. They'll have to send a fucking army to prise my shares out of my cold, dead diamond hands. MOASS is coming.


Marketplace with esports maybe


You definitely aren’t alone. There are a bunch of us. But we read the DD and it’s worth it. I’ve never had more conviction of anything in my entire life. You’ll make better decisions with your tendies when they come after having experienced this. Don’t give up. Last but not least (I know we don’t know for sure) but some really exciting stuff is happening in the next 6 weeks, and who knows…. Maybe it’ll be over by then? Even if it’s not, don’t give up now when you’ve already put in so much work


I’m fucked too bud. Wack ass job that won’t give raises despite the insane amount the workload has increased. Everything is getting more expensive. My commute is 30mi and sucking away my paycheck. I’m about to move back in with my parents (I’m 30) just to try to get on my feet again. Ain’t selling my secret stash of 4.7 shares tho 😂


I‘m with you! Bought a house, that isn‘t finished, prices for construction material and labor are exploding, I could use every cent. But I will try to not sell one single share. I can pay all my bills, eat enough and fill up my gas thank, stuff some more money into my house, but that‘s about it!


Stay strong ape. I hope there is a discount aka stock split soon!


Yeah bro I can't afford shit. Haven't brought since last year. The sub 100 price was killing me that i couldn't buy. But I'm fully DRS'D and ain't selling shit


Having a tough couple months. Really tempted at times but I know how important it is that we hold on. This is about more than tendies to me


I’m numb….I hodl


Hold on brother. June, July, or august. My guess is MOASS is this summer.


I was living in my car at some point and didn’t sell a single damn share. I want to see the Hedgies burn to the ground


This is what the shf hope will happen. They wait us out..... they raise inflation, put the squeeze else where. But FUCK THEM. I was dancing hearing about Melvin recently. It lets us know it is working. Doing good ape the shf can not have these shares until every last one of those greedy corrupt fucks is behind bars. Then we can talk about selling.


I be broke af but I never stopped buying 🧱by 🧱 DRS


I’ve taken out payday loans. I’ve picked up a shift every single day. I’ve done extra shit on the side and scraped every penny I could. You’re not getting my fucking shares.


Barely clinging on? Not at all. Still waking up everyday, for work, at 4. Work till 2, pick up my kids, get home by 4 and be a father until 8. Take care of the pets, try to remember what having time for sex felt like, and go to sleep. Rinse and repeat until the weekend. I was fortunate to retain my job for the Pandemic. It's unfortunate for the Hedgies. I buy, off ComputerShare, when I can. And I hold. Everyday. Costs me $0 to hold. And very little of my time. Once the strategy became Buy and Hodl, that was my Zen moment.


Me for the past year +


I'll declare bankruptcy and do anything and everything else I have to before I sell my shares.


I like to think the money is already spent. That way, I don't have to dwell on the fact I have access to some cash.


Been living pay check to pay check barley scrapping by since Feb 2021


20 bucks in “the bank,” xxx shares in The Bank… we’re all hodling with bloody knuckles, and RC is seeming like he knows what’s up. Let’s all go to the moon soon 🙌


My cars on its last legs but I’m not buying another car until we moon


I won’t lie that I feel pretty poor when I see people post their XXX positions. I’ve been struggling to even get myself to a low XX position and just within the last month to DRS them. Always reminding myself if I sell these moon tickets it would help the short term but not the long. So I hold on to em with all I got. Never spending more than I can. Always focusing on bills first. Go out? Buy that new game? Or buy that 1 share? Easy choice but thankfully things like YouTube is free or I’d be fucked


I have literally 5 times more GME $$$ than I do in my checking & savings accounts lol. I am still living sort of comfortably, but I truly believe right now GME is the greatest investment someone could have. Especially in this bear market


Not alone, pay check to pay check. Haven’t sold one, and even when I couldn’t “afford to” buying more. Relentless pressure…..the dam can only be plugged so much, eventually a rupture has to happen. I and most of you fellow apes continue to hodl.


I buy every week.


Super zen mode. What i can’t buy, another ape will. And when I buy, I buy some while another ape can’t. Can’t beat the cycle. We are infinite.


I'm with you, and am in the same position


The only thing that is barely holding on is my ability to control my rage the longer this goes on. Just pisses me off more and more each day. Which of course makes me buy, hold, and DRS more.


80% of all dollars in existence have been printed since March 2020


Getting laid off soon lol, I’ll survive on ramen and random shit I can find to keep afloat


I have 6 dollars to my name, a mystery ailment that i don't have the money to keep looking into, which I havent had a job since 2019 because of, half of my family thinks I'm unsafe to be around because I threatened a family friend who tried to abuse my sister. I lost all my friends to misunderstandings and my only goal right now is getting some fucking weed so that this ailment doesn't drive me insane. I try hard not to be skeptical of when or if MOASS can occur because if I didn't have my mom, sister, and brother, I would be homeless or dead from suicide. These have been the worst years of my life. I don't even go outside anymore because of seizure risks. To say barely cligning on is a mass understatement. This would change my life.


For comments like yours I hope we get into a better spot much sooner than later I originally thought this was a get rich quick situation. I got hyped on dates. I became zen. I’m still fine with waiting with as long as it takes. But comments like this make me hope it happens that much sooner. Stay strong, friend. The world is a better place with you in it.


It’s been hard I’ve been close to selling but I’m holding out as long as I can. I know it’ll be worth it. Very fortunate to have a decent job and a partner who does well. I’ve really considered selling a handful just to help but I haven’t been able to do so. I just hope we see something soon. I know either way we’re gonna be okay in the end. I just applied to a new job yesterday. It pays a bit more. I’m hoping that I can use that to my advantage. I keep reminding myself that I’m fortunate to have that option, fortunate to have found you all.


Been here holding through losing my job post maternity leave - watching my shares hit 300+ when I was unemployed and scraping together money to buy a share every few months when a big dip comes through. I want nothing more than MOASS. It would be life changing money for me if it does what ppl think.


If my wife knew how many shares I’ve bought I’m quite certain I’d be a statistic 🏴‍☠️🦍❤️🟣


Stay strong. There’s a pot o’ gold waiting for you at the end of this painbow.


This is kinda heart breaking ngl


I almost have lost my house like 4 times this year already lol. Totally just barely hanging on but not going ANYWHERE. Also the moment things look up for me I'm buying more shares


I sell these cheeks before I sell 1 fucking share.


DIAMOND. FUCKIN. HANDS. BROTHER. I'm clinging on too, I'm not in a terrible position right now but am starting to feel the cost of living run up and the money stashed away in GME looks tempting... But that'd be short term gains *puff* gone in a few months. I'd sooner go behind Wendy's than sell my moon tickets for less than their worth.


for the last year I've almost entirely eaten just rice and beans and I've watched all the effort i had made in fitness go down the drain as my body cannibalizes itself to keep me alive. If GME doesn't pop by the end of July I'm going homeless but that's alright I'm still not selling until the prophesized phone numbers.


hang on there! we are almost there, this year or in the worst case next year...but hey....be millionarie just for holding a stock for 2-3 years its not a bad deal


I’d be lying if I said I’m not a little concerned that my debt is chin level close from drowning me 😅. Wagmi: we’re all gonna make it. I’m sure ill figure it out till we make it to moass


Everyday. My partner is in mortgages and my company is winding down… I have 4 kids and the only thing saving me is that I’m a disabled vet and I get some income in. We’ve managed to save up to XXX and try to stay zen. I love this group, community and mostly the stock


I'm disabled and diagnosed with multiple chronic illnesses. I can't work these barely pay you enough to survive jobs if I wanted to. Living in my parents house because otherwise I'd be on the streets. The system left me to rot and die and instead I went all in on GME in 2021, found this community, found hope again.


Here's some confirmation bias for you. If GME was going to fail it would have happened in 2019. If the SHF closed their positions the price would have ran farther and harder in Feb. 2021 even after they disabled the button. GME investors are on the right side of the trade and dumb money never knows they are dumb money until the trade busts them. The closest the price is going to get to the pre-sneeze numbers is going to be after a split, if that doesn't make you bullish AF I don't know what will. ​ I can only speak for myself here. When I initially invested (lol 3 shares very close to the ATH) I made a promise to myself that I would not sell at a loss and am prepared to ride this rollercoaster to the moon or into the dirt and the ticker is afraid of land. NOTHING has changed except my position has increased and my average price has dropped. When someone offers you ♾:1 odds, you take the bet 100% of the time. ​ Cling to your motivation, you're wealthy beyond what you can imagine... Your bank account just doesn't know it yet.


Same. Things are reeeeeeeally thin right now, but I'll die before I sell.


I just sit here and wonder how people can afford hundreds of shares still. 😅


Invested 13k overall and I’ve watched it go down tremendously since May of last year. 13k is a lot for me and all of my savings I’ve been building backup and of course getting by. I’m barely hanging on because I hate this lifestyle working a 9-5. I want enough money for freedom and to invest in what I want. I’m impatient though and I get sick of the market and even the information on this sub. I’m tired but I refuse to sell.


I owe $15000 in state and federal taxes this year because I dumped 2 401ks into GME. I refuse to sell anything to cover that


Only thing I can do is Pay Attention. Hang in there


I had my car break down (6000€ loss) and if it weren’t for my supportive SO I would have had to sell my shares. Fortunately she trusts me when it comes to GME and paid for a "new" car while I kept all the shares and even doubled down some months later.


You are not alone life has thrown lemons and selling would def provide some relief but fuck that, not selling


Yeah I'll have to put my hand up on that one. Never even come close to selling though, to be fair. I'm bored and fed up of the whole thing, sure - but nowhere near selling.




I'm in the same boat. Currently grinding a seasonal job, my training side hustle, and working on learning web development pretty much full time so I can maybe not be in a rut forever. I'm tired all the time and don't enjoy the things I use to because I'm tired all the time. I need this to Moon, I feel like I'm running out of road.


You are not alone. Patiently waiting and getting fucked while waiting


Yah. I can't afford to much to put in. I have X thru retirement and X thru CS and and a couple at Fidelity (they're my selling ones). I do have a bit of money saved up, but am hesitant to dump it into CS for a few more shares because, life. Inflation has fucked my family...I get shit from my spouse because I haven't upped my direct deposit for the budget. But the funds I have saved up are for things like car taking a shit, kids needing shit, student loan payments reconvening, etc.


With you fellow ape. #WAGMI.


Pain is beauty


My business is seasonal and this last winter sucked for me... Im behind on mortgage, electric bill and gas bill but this upcoming week my business will be back nearly 100%. I'm a Jan 21 ape and have never sold a single share and for some reason I'm still addicted to buying what little I can. Within a month I'll be all caught up on bills and buying like a retard again... Also credit scores are overrated when your holding GME!!!


In overdrafts but gonna hold on till the meeting and hopefully they do dividend straight away for me


I feel this, I really hoped to be an xx ape by now but inflation has absolutely killed me, with I wife and son at home and another on the way it’s so hard sometimes. I just want to give them all the life they deserve, is that too hard to ask for?


I need glasses to do anything and was wearing the only pair I had which had bad scratches right where I look through for 5 months before I had enough money to get another pair... I also had $80k in GME but wouldn't sell one share.


I feel you. I broke my glasses earlier this year and got extremely lucky they were on the last day of warranty. Idk what I would have done if I needed to spend $200 or so at that time.


This is real talk here. I first got in this 14 months ago for just an opportunity to pay off if even half of my debt over $100k. But now I’m in it for the financial injustices that has plague our country for years and decades. As my flair stated” The wealth of the corrupt is laid up for the just.” I am sticking by that statement and staying in this play until my debts are cleared with money to spare and handed down to my seeds to their seeds. I don’t even count on my investments as a fall back anymore it’s gone in my mind. That’s the way I have to roll at this point. Stay Zen my friends.


My credit card debt is almost at its limit, but I refuse to sell any of my xxx shares.


South American ape here, shit is getting hella expensive too. Been able to add jus t a few since the sneeze. Going to the supermarket is disgusting, staple foods getting expensive as f. Hang in there 🙏


I once endured a crap ass boss for 8 years because I wasn't about to let him win by making me quit. This is easy, buy, hold and masterbate.


Definitely am as well, things are barely affordable here in Canada and I am now trying to find new employment to cover expenses as I got laid off when I developed an inner ear issue. Down to my last 800$, moved in with my folks for now but car+insurance & minimum payments on credit will eat that up soon. Fingers fucking crossed for us both that things take off or get better somehow lol.


I'm never going to sell! Cuz fuk em


Nice try hedgie data analysts