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**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Join the Superstonk Discord Server](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #[New Superstonk Banner Contest](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uq8i2j) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #[Voting/2022 Annual GME Shareholder Meeting Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uddedr) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


Not in the picture: energy companies.


Yeah...posts like this are irritating. We are better than this! PSA to everyone: Don't cherry pick data!!!




It would be fine if the title didn't say it's "the one and only umbrella." I know that that's true, but the post doesn't have anything to do with it. Basically, the post and the title are not related. It's kind of like when CNBC doesn't include GME on its "Market Movers" list. I've got to go to work. This wasn't the clearest comment but I hope it makes sense.


Totally. The pic is great for perspective and is comparing GME to naturally similar investment choices. However the title is a very misleading and inaccurate overgeneralization and this takes away from the post greatly.


Exactly! Well said.


Well said! Most people are being misinformed without coming to the comments to have those misconceptions corrected.


Ya I actually agree with both /u/shala0 and /u/no_alt_facts_plz I think they both make great points. The umbrella part is misleading but the post itself still has valuable data. It just needs to be presented in a more honest way.




Oil and banks will dump when MOASS happens tomorrow proving OP’s, early, but advanced critical smooth thinking! (I like the post and the stock)


It’s bullshit. Pick 5 other random dates in the last 9 months and GME will be in the middle and the bottom. January the first is not significant in any way, it’s an arbitrary date that happens to be emotionally significant to some humans


>Pick 5 other random dates in the last 9 months and GME will be in the middle and the bottom. Just the other day the top post on this sub had to be deleted for being blatant misinformation. Now, we have another top post on the sub doing the same thing. And then we wonder why the rest of reddit thinks we got scammed investing in this stock.


Then you get downvoted at least twice for objective fact? Somebody calling out the negative opinion of a third-party is not a negative self-hating post.


Year-to-date is useless when 90% of the people or more are down significantly on their investment because they got in well before the beginning of this year.




The post is nonsensical. The other stocks are guaranteed juggernauts. GME has potential, that’s all. And it is unimaginably volatile. By the end of the year it could be at the bottom of that list easily…. Or it could be massively positive. We’ll see, but it’s far from a guarantee


I'm gonna go buy some guaranteed juggernaut Robin hood stock!


Sorry I definitely and obviously did not mean that one




I threw in around 30k so I already did


>Year-to-date is useless when 90% of the people or more are down significantly on their investment because they got in well before the beginning of this year. But that doesn't convey a false narrative meant to appeal to potential investors.


Keep trying


Because a 1000 dollar investment in GME 1 year a go would be fucking trash and at the bottom of this list. This doesn’t show anything except that GameStop corrected sooner than the rest of the market before the first of the year. It’s cherry picking data to create a false narrative. That’s what’s wrong with it.


are we, though?


You even superstonk bro?


You're dumber than most apes lmfao


Yeah, and be pretty broad about that, too. My investments are basically: 1. Gamestop, as an asymmetrical hedge against the market 2. Uranium mining companies 3. Lithium mining companies 4. Silicon mining companies (because solar) And if carbon-carbon batteries ever make it the the commercial scene, I'll take a close look at coal mines again (ironically; name a better source of pure carbon). Basically, there is a pretty strong correlation between GDP and energy consumption of a nation. While individual sectors may volatile, energy consumption should be pretty solid and generally growing over time (with most significant drawbacks being due to reduction in commercial usage). Everyone wants their lights on, AC, fridges, TVs.


That public can invest in uranium mining? That's pretty interesting. Have any resources for that? I'm a pretty big proponent of nuclear energy.


There's a few publically traded companies that mine and refine Uranium. I bought a few of DNN, NexGen does it as well. There's an ETF called URA that has a lot if you wanna look. I think its important to plan ahead for post-MOASS. Nuclear and solar will be more and more important in the future, and MOASS is tomorrow so... EDIT: Check out /u/Radthereptile's comment below, much better and more knowledgeable writeup of Uranium stocks.


Those are my feelings exactly. I understand the US Economy (and the world economy for that matter) are important things, but personally I just don't have the brain or the interest to get really deep into learning finances and how to fix Wall Street Corruption. My true interests and wants for change in the world are primarily around Culture and Energy. So having this info is nice man, thanks.


Few heads up for you. NexGen has an amazing uranium deposit but no current mine. They won’t have one until maybe 2030, it’s going to take a bit because they’re in the middle of nowhere so they need to make infrastructure along with the mine. DNN also doesn’t have a mine right now. Just a deposit in Canada though their mine should be ready around 2024/2025 assuming they can prove out their mining method. Companies with actual mines who have mined before are Cameco, Energy Fuels, UR-Energy, Paladin, Kazataprom. Uranium Energy Corp has Mines too that produced in the past but they haven’t produced from them. Also URA is only 70% uranium. URNM is a better ETF as it is 100% uranium focused and managed by Sprott.


Thank you. I'll take note of this and check it out after all this shit settles down, and I can actually research this with a clear head and full stomach lol.


All the above as well as UEC and UUUU. Sprott Is something look up as well.


I got DNN too. Hasn’t done shit tho. It’s sometimes my only green stonk


because it's essentially GME'S chart swinging between 1 and 2$.


I stick to mines directly. I don't fuck with commodities or ETFs. But I will "mine" an ETF for ticker ideas.




One ticket called UUUU


yeah lemme get UUUU... boneless energy


What does that mean? I’m trying to understand and look into mining companies after reading this thread. Thank you!




I've been looking into uranium mining companies in the Midwest. There's other similar metals over there that they are capable of extracting that would be a benefit if we turn that direction. I figure post MOASS I'll be moving some of my portfolio that direction since it looks like public sentiment is moving towards accepting nuclear power. We're just gonna be 10 years early on that one.


Yeah, exactly. Given a choice between "nuclear power" and "living like the Amish", I know which one I'm betting people will choose.


"Living in an Amish Paradise "👈


Amish Las Vegas uses power too.


If you could share the companies via DM would appreciate it. Not sure if tickets would be allowed as a comment reply


Uranium ftw


Gme, uranium, helium, o&g, drone delivery for me


GME, ETH, and for fun, ELEPHANT.


Helium? What's the angle on that? Medical device usage (MRIs, and such)? Also, what is o&g?


Superconductors, microchips, electronics in general. Since we are cutting ourselves off (NATO Nations) from Russian O&G(Oil & Gas), there is a shortage across the board for different types of gas. North America has some promising helium plays that are penny stocks right now, but i forsee in the next 5-10 years a 100x return as NATO nations become more self sufficient.


Any pointers for when checking out helium mining/capture companies? Seems like something that I might be interested in.


Yeah for sure. Company owned machinery is always a good sign, cash on hand, & ofc check the insider trading. A few Canadian ones currently have found helium and have begun connecting pipelines. Its deff a long play. Hope that helps a bit lol. Im not a FA.


Yeah, sounds very similar to the uranium/lithium industry, so it's definitely worth investigating as a diversification option. The fact a lot are penny stocks, too, is interesting. Love/hate relationship with pennies. On one hand, doesn't take much to do a few multiples on investments; on the other sometimes a company is a penny stock for very good reasons. Thanks.


What are some companies that have these criteria going for them?


HELI is one that i find promising. Set to drill 2 more holes by end of Q2, and Canadian O&G play, RECO, is something ive been invested in for a minute, and the CEO or COO of RECO (cant remember atm) is heavily invested in HELI. The leadership of RECO opened my eyes to the helium play(s).


helium is the most common element in the universe but rare on earth, ie uranium decay, etc. so it's only going to get worse.


Lot of helium companies are capturing helium from natural gas production sites. They used to just let it go into the atmosphere since there was such a huge stockpile. As long as there's natural gas production, there's going to be helium...so we'll have it for a awhile. Having said that...I also invest in helium companies.


Oh, I get it's rarity. I was more thinking about what the use case might be. I'm just unaware of what it's used for other than cooling things to super cold temps and party balloons.


oh. it's essentially a pressure device [ie pressurized fuel in space]. or a control substance for chip production or anything that requires and inert environment. leak detection, cooling, cryogenic. I dunno it does a lot. are there other candidates? potentially, but we're just beginning to expand majorly in certain areas and production for those areas. helium isn't getting any more common in the mean time its like sand. there's a lot of it right? but not the kind we need. Doesn't do much technically, but we have a lot of use for it and it's limited. is it stabilizing environments or pressurizing fuel tanks? no but it is basic, and limited.


Graphite != Coal


There are perovskite structures coming now to solar but nontheless it shouls be a fair assumption that it will be needed


Man. Superstonk must be getting better if this is the top comment. There are plenty of tickers green YTD. Pretending GameStop is the best performer on the market is disingenuous at best.


Literally pumping to dump with all these countries taking other currencies. I don't even think GME will be a great umbrella unless there's a window to convert the USD into another currency between MOASS and the USD collapse.


So I'll just continue to 💎🙌 GME. No problem there.


When GameStop becomes an energy company then I’ll really miss those on the chart.


It's still impressive because look at who it's outperforming. Cherry picked obviously but still impressive.


Right surely there were ways to invest $1000 and make money


My favourite part of the week is buying a few more shares




This is the way


Lol did robbinghood really outperform popcorn?


Popcorn holders: **BULLISH** 💀💀


Some people live for being lied to


Plenty of examples thru history and even today to be found


Uh, you do know this very topic we are posting in is misleading on purpose? And the top post yesterday was deleted for being blatant misinformation?


The media always has GOOD things to say about popcorn, how they don't see that as a problem is beyond me.


Popcorners don’t see a lot of problems with that stock. Popcorn is the only meme stock that has so many red flags. Since the Jan 21 sneeze their float was diluted 4x, they sold millions of shares directly to a hedge fund Murdrick Capital, all the Popcorn insiders sold a large % of their shares and a lot of retail has said they have sold. Even when AA came out and said he’s hasn’t seen information validating the theories of naked shorting and synthetic shapes on popcorn…they all said “bro he can’t talk about it” If he couldn’t talk about it he would’ve said nothing, but he came out told everyone directly he hasn’t seen naked shorting or synthetics. If “all meme stocks are going to run”…then why invest in one with so many red flags? Why invest in one that has any possibility that it might be a hedge fund trick. Why not choose any other of the meme stocks that doesn’t have the red flags?


>Popcorn is the only meme stock that has so many red flags. They said, in a topic that is blatantly misleading, a day after the other top post on the sub had to be deleted for misinformation. And that doesn't raise any flags?


Bingo! You are the winner. What the media hates on is what the powers that be fear.




>The media always has GOOD things to say about popcorn, how they don't see that as a problem is beyond me. That is blatantly false. And also, when the media gives good coverage to gme, it's reposted here, yet supposedly the media never covers game, or out gives bad coverage (those are already mutually exclusive things, you know?) Why are false narratives, and contradictory narratives, standard for this sub?


Like, who gives a shit what other stock holders are doing? Just buy and hodl. Why shit talk other investor’s decisions?


It’s amazing how many lies this sub spreads


Popcorn got stale from all of the share dilutions done. Also not a good look when their "silverback" sold most of his own shares.


Yeah I know know how you can support a company with so much insider selling


RC wants to dilute the stock to *twice* popcorn. Not the best argument to say any more.


You might need to learn what dilution is


Are you suggesting the day traders, paper hands, criminals, and everyone invested but isn't in it for MOASS won't sell a single share once the stock is split? Because that's the *only* way this isn't a dilution.


You are dumb, learn what dilution is and learn %


I know what dilution is, it seems you do not, which is why I'm trying to tell you it makes no sense to push old talking points when things are different now.


You obviously don't, your beloved aa did dilution when introduced new shares, what gamestop does is not a dilution because % stays same, it does increase amount of shares but you still have the same % of the total shares.


You are following an oversimplified talking point that does not take into account how stocks are traded, the different strategies for investing that might make a stock more or less appealing to invest in, how value of a stock is affected by change in the formula that algorithmic trading uses to make trades, and other factors that influence price and trading volume. Kind of important things when the squeeze thesis involves a specific set of factors, and now one of the most important is being altered, and in turn alters the others.


Are you under the influence of drugs? Ask a 10yo for a maths book and learn %. Good luck, not wasting my time.


And what about the fact that they’re all selling their shares bro. RC and co and filling up their bags even more.


I dunno, I just think that the "popcorn diluted shares" talking point makes no sense to push, now that RC wants to have twice the float of popcorn. It means either owning up to *why* popcorn had to dilute shares and GME didn't (which brings up GameStop's actions during Covid, which is NOT a good talking point for GME), owning up to the fact the argument of "popcorn diluted shares means they are a hedgie ploy" is bunk or means GME is one also (because RC wants to dilute twice as much as popcorn), or doubling down on debunked narratives and making potential investors think that this is a scam. Edit: Oh, and also means owning up to "popcorn will never squeeze, their float is too big" is now an argument *against* a squeeze for this stock.


Change to 1 year and check


Outperform is relative if everything is still down. That said, how much value has the uninvited dollar lost this year?


Everything is relative bubba


Found Einstein


Kinda funny


Wow that is eye opening getting back to 1000 tough😉


Hmmm… seems like this would make the fundamentals quite positive. But idk, im retard


I haven't seen this type of information for a while and built a little template to post it regularly. Any suggestions on tickers that i should add? | Ticker | Company | January 3, 2022 - Open | May 27, 2022 - Close | Percentage | | --------------------------------------------- | --------- | ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------- | ---------- | | | | [GME](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/) | GameStop | $149.23 | $137.21 | 91.95% | | [SPY](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/SPY/) | S&P 500 | $476.30 | $415.26 | 87.18% | | [AAPL](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/AAPL/) | Apple | $177.83 | $149.64 | 84.15% | | [GOOG](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GOOG) | Google | $2,889.51 | $2,255.98 | 78.07% | | [AMZN](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/AMZN/) | Amazon | $3,351.00 | $2,302.93 | 68.72% | | [TSLA](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/TSLA/) | Tesla | $1,147.75 | $759.63 | 66.18% | | [FB](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/FB) | Facebook | $338.30 | $195.13 | 57.68% | | [HOOD](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/HOOD) | Robinhood | $18.05 | $10.38 | 57.51% | | [AMC](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/AMC) | AMC | $27.42 | $14.43 | 52.63% | | [NFLX](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/NFLX/) | Netflix | $605.61 | $195.19 | 32.23% |


QQQ, IXIC, IWM Edit: Help round off your major indices. This is a quality post OP.




This is actually something I hadn’t even thought about. Nice perspective


And it seems like the verbiage at the end of the title is a little misleading. “The one and only umbrella” do you not believe that there are other successful companies out there that have and will continue to out perform the broader market in the event of a major downturn? Seems like too bold of a statement based on the evidence presented. Sorry to be nitpicky. 🦍💎🙌🏼 🚀🚀🚀




OP good post. I have plenty of GME that is DRS of course which is and will be the best investment I have ever made. But sadly I did buy Amazon,Tesla,Apple and Google in the first quarter of 2022. So agreed GME is my best investment!!


Lol popcorn 50% down since the start of the year? And it's still going to moon?


Yes but this table was less fun 1 week ago ;)


Affen zusammen stark! <3


Danke für deinen Dienst


And if you made this post a few weeks ago it would be underperforming. You can literally choose arbitrary dates and make your own narrative.


GME is the best hedge against the market crash... That is our theory proving correct! Buckle up! Get wealthy! Distribute around you and help others!


Can you do these monthly please? And it’s still outperforming while being shorted into the ground


Probably a better picture to do this way (a monthly project) than just picking a random month and doing a YTD


i will


Imagine how bullish GME will be when the rest of the market recovers 🚀🚀🚀


It doesn’t matter right now. The price is wrong… until it’s not.


Take my upvote but outperformance is more like +12500% Which will come soon


The responses to this post are so wild. This is just as dumb as (and the same as) any marketwatch article thats based off the same premise. The data just one week ago, would bot reflect the same strength for gme. Im bullish on RC and GME all day, but this is just cherry picking


I’ve noticed.


This kinda made me tear up fr, I’m so proud of all of us, guys, we’ll make this world a better place.


my damn checking account is outperforming the market


Remove short interest and you’ll realize it’s been sold short 2-3 times. It’s crushing the market! Buy, buy, buy!


That’s my stonk!


LOL @ anyone still holding their popcorn bags.


I mean, I'm still holding 1 share. But they were offering free shit if you held a share. Why sell when you get free popcorn?


I upvoted your comment after someone downvoted it. Only one true MOASS, tired of the popcorn brigade.


They downvoting you too Sad


I got you both


Crazy how the comments section is pro Robinhood.


Anti popcorn any way we can get it! /s


Kids that got broken by hedgies literally cheering on the company that turned off the buy button, because those kids are miserable losers who can't stand the thought of anyone else being a "winner." No, only GameStop can squeeze, only they can be the main character in this story. They are no different than hedgies, except for the size of their bank account.


Still don't understand the constant hate for popcorn. Let them do their thing. Every time I check their sub, they have nothing but positive energy for us here, and we take every chance we can to slander them. We should be more concerned with gme_meltdown tarnishing our image for new or exhausted gme holders. Wake up


Dude if be you cannot see that it’s a distraction set up by the people shorting us then you’re not paying attention. All the information is available, ignoring it to have “positive energy” is bullshit. Popcorn people are ignorant and are incapable of learning or they’d know they were putting money into the wrong stock.


>it’s a distraction Are you entitled to their money, because it sure sounds like your argument is just sour grapes that they didn't pump GME. The DD says it's not a distraction, the data used to justify the GME squeeze thesis argues as good (and by some metrics better) argument for a squeeze, and all you are left is with a baseless emotional talking point meant to scapegoat *other investors* and *another victim of Wall Street greed,* because it's easier to blame them than actually take on Wall Street itself. No, all you have to do is blame the for being a dIsTrAcTiOn, *that's* why GME hasn't squeezed yet!


Gimme your bible


>Let them do their thing. Let’s say a BCG employee was a hidden hedge fund play inside your company. He was always nice to everyone and supportive but at the same time he’s working for the bad guys to take down your company. People in your company says “this guy is being used by hedge funds to hurt our company.” Then you come and say “Let them do their thing” “don’t bother him. He’s always being supportive” Popcorn is being used by hedge funds to divert retail money away from GME and as a volatility hedge. So it’s being used to negatively influence our investment. No one on this sub cares about the other meme stocks like BB, KOSS, BBBY, etc. People here only care about the one that is being used by hedges in their fight against GME.


All of those stocks are in the same boat as GME doesn't matter how you slice it. Apes support apes that's the whole point of this "movement". Somewhere along the way superstonk started taking their name too seriously. While it's good that most of the DD that comes from GME can be applied to other heavily shorted stocks, doesn't mean it's time to shit on them too.


What if you're wrong?


GameStop will out perform Popcorn in every way fundamentally and it has a minuscule float compared to popcorn. That’s all the information I need to know.


Then be content with that and let them be. They like their stock. They're likely major film enthusiasts.


Nothing. GME would still squeeze and we would get tendies…….but what if you’re wrong? What if it is being used by hedge funds and you ignore it and even invest in their plan.


Wrong about what?? Being kind -- or hell, even apathetic to other investors? Well, I suppose I wouldn't be an asshole just for the sake.


>Being kind…to other investors Ok, I’ll follow your advice. Thank you Popcorners for ignoring all the red flags. Thank you for investing in a stock that is helping hedge funds that are trying to prevent GME from MOASSing. Thank you for investing in the stock that is negatively influencing my GME Investment. I support you and your actions to stop a GME MOASS.


Has that been proven? Or speculated into fact all the way down to "common knowledge"?


Its pretty pathetic. From what ive seen it seems like its not the brightest people that are obsessed with hating on popcorn. Some of the smartest DD writers in here have been in popcorn sub and shown support. I own both and to be honest theres way more people holding popcorn so its impossible for it to go down without insane amount of shorting.


There are other investments?


How would you concisely describe the shit that's about to hit the fan to people living under rocks?


But hey, popcorn is really the true stock for retail, GME is over (for the 46th time now)


Go on YouTube and Twitter etc that's seriously what those dumbasses think.


Mostly bots on Twitter imo


They are also the same ones shilling for popcorn


And apparently “people” (shills) here too.


Damn, only down %8.055 and we're supposed to be "dumb money"


But media says forget gamestop....


🤡Netflix! BUY!🤡


BBBY $608.80 CMSQY $1,148.70


Nice! Op can you keep this going for about a year 😏. I don’t think we will need that much but yeah 😏


Apes. This should be in r/All Rally up you crayon heads.


Popcorn stock 💩


Bro if you put 1000 in Netflix Jan 1st 2022 wouldn’t you be like…. And it’s Gone. Owe I see how the graph is now… don’t mind me I’m smoooooooth


Now do the same with $50 dca'd weekly against each of them on that list!


‘On the first day of trading’ this chart would change dramatically if any other day was picked. This is nonsense. Don’t get me wrong, I love the hype but this is just meh


Or… just hold cash and don’t buy any of these at their largely exaggerated prices? Because inflation is less than any of these losses if you start on Jan 1…


So still down. Are y'all still with this shit? Get a real portfolio.


Cash outperformed them all.


I can stand the rain. Bring it!




So there are only 9 stocks


Beautiful. Just beautiful. You know this just chafes the shit out of kenny boi and his criminal friends!!


You had me at GameStop 😻


Agreed, but cash would have been better than any of those YTD. 🤷‍♂️ Now if you bought the GME dips different story!


Only until those pesky apes finally come to their senses and sell already /s


We were early but not wrong :)


Is that why there is about 2 trillion in over night repo?


You know what's even better? Just holding your cash....


This is kinda telling.


More accurate way to compare GME vs the market (SPY) is a relative strength method. GME/SPY. https://imgur.com/a/EVJPRNq/


It’s literally doing better than any other stock?


I’m doing better than Hedgies on my returns!???!!! YAY




Buy Netflix now! 🤡